Read Genesis Page 32


  Can't You See

  I was thankful for the warm weather that continued to pervade coastal Georgia, even after sunset, allowing me to retreat to my sanctuary with Axl. I needed a few minutes to clear my head before calling Ty.

  I spread my blanket on the roof, positioned my pillow, laid back and gazed at the stars. Contemplating the vastness of the universe, my problems seemed insignificant and manageable. I can do this.

  When I turned my phone on, I saw that I had six missed calls from Ty. I also had six texts that became increasingly unhinged as the hour progressed.

  "I thought we were going to the movies. Call me ASAP."

  "He probably made his mother ask you."

  "How long does dinner take? Call me."


  "I'm going to kill him."

  "If I don't hear from you soon, I'm coming to get you. CALL ME!"

  "Wow," I said out loud. "Maybe I can't do this."

  I took a deep breath and called. Before it rang twice, Ty answered.

  "Where are you?" he demanded.

  "On my roof. Nice texts. What's your problem?"

  "What's my problem? You know how I feel about Powers and you went to his house for dinner again without even discussing it with me?"

  "I'm sorry, Dad. I didn't realize I was required to discuss my social calendar with you."

  "You are when it comes to him."

  "Can you calm down, please, so I can tell you what happened?"

  He was silent.

  I took another deep breath before I began. "Don't freak out, but I spent the whole day there."


  "I said don't freak out. Listen. I went to work this morning, same as any other day. When I got there, Michael asked me to take a ride with him. I thought he needed help getting something for the nursery, only we ended up at his house. Long story short, he planned the day as his birthday present for me."

  "I don't want 'long story short'. I want details."

  "We hung out in the garden, had a picnic, and went horseback riding. When we were through riding, Angie was at the stable and asked if I'd stay for dinner. She's so sweet, Ty, and I would've felt bad saying no. But then dinner turned into a birthday party with cake and I guess time just got away from me. It wasn't planned. Don't be mad."

  "Maybe it wasn't planned by you, but it was obviously planned by Mike. I'm going to kill him."

  "You're not going to kill anyone, so please stop saying that. It's upsetting."

  "He knows you're with me and yet he does everything he can to insert himself into your life. That's upsetting to me! Why would you stay there once you knew what he had planned?"

  "I couldn't just leave."

  "You could have called me to pick you up."

  "All right, I didn't want to leave. They have this secret English garden and it was peaceful and beautiful and relaxing and I've been so busy lately and I was getting paid to not work and the weather was perfect and..."

  I rambled when I was nervous.

  "Enough," he interrupted. "I can't hear any more of this. I've got to go before I say anything else. Before you say anything else."

  "Wait, Ty. Don't..."

  "I'll call you when I can. Goodbye, Essie."

  Before I could say goodbye, he had hung up. I exhaled loudly and stared at the stars.

  "What am I going to do, Axl?" He tilted his head. "You're right. I should call Jane."

  I picked up the phone again.

  "Hey, Janie. Got a minute?"

  "What's up?"

  I recounted the day's events, replete with all the details I left out when talking to Ty.


  "Well? Comments? Suggestions?"

  "Oh, I have a lot of comments. Do you really want to hear them?"

  "I really do. I don't know what to do any more."

  "Fine. I'm going to be brutally honest, Ess. Ty is leading you down the wrong path and you seem to be willing to follow. You just told me about the amazing day you had with Michael and how you feel when you're with him; then Ty threatens to kill him, hangs up on you, and you're confused as to what to do? I'm confused as to your confusion. You can't possibly want to be with a demon - yes, I said it; I believe he's a demon. I've been doing a little research of my own and I'm convinced of it. Everything he says and does is contrived to manipulate you but you're too enamored of his wealth and power to see it.

  "We've been friends for a long time, Ess, and I don't want to hurt you. I want to be here for you. I want you to confide in me. I'm not saying you belong with Michael, I don't even know him. But..."

  "You're right, Jane. You don't know him. And you don't know Ty either. But thank you for being honest. I wish you could come down here and meet him. I think you'd change your mind."

  "I'd love to see you, Ess. Maybe over Christmas break?"

  "That would be awesome!"

  "Can I just say one more thing?"


  "Have you ever thought about the fact that, for the most part, Michael's abilities are used for good and Ty's are used for evil?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "Think about it. What are Michael's abilities? There's strength, speed, invulnerability, and teleportation, all fairly innocuous. He's also an empath and a healer, both benevolent. Ty's abilities are pushing, which is mind control, and which, by the way, will get stronger in about six months from now, telekinesis, which he uses to hurt people, and shape-shifting, all of which are malevolent."

  "You're right. I've never thought about it like that. But that's because I don't see it that way."

  "Of course you don't," she said derisively.

  "Don't be sarcastic. I'm just saying that I disagree that Ty's abilities are malevolent. He uses pushing to get his way, not to control people's minds; he doesn't actually hurt people with the telekinesis, maybe just embarrass them; and I don't know what he'll do when he's able to shape-shift since he doesn't currently have that ability. At most, his abilities make him a brat, not evil."

  "Whatever you say. I'm not here to argue with you, I'm here to be supportive of my best friend. I said what I had to say and we can leave it at that."

  "Thanks, Janie."

  "So, do you know what Ty has planned for your birthday?"

  "No clue, but I'm sure it will be something fabulous."

  "I'm sure," she agreed. "Still, I'll bet it won't be as romantic as your day with Michael."


  "Why not?"

  "I don't want to think about that."

  "Yeah, a tall, dark and handsome angel with Superman's abilities, and, oh, yeah, he's in love with you. Not much to think about there."

  "I'm with Ty."

  "Does Ty know you dream about Michael every night?"

  "It's not every night."


  "I have no control over my dreams."

  "But you're obviously having them for a reason."

  "And I have no idea what that reason is."

  "In denial much?"

  "What do you have against Ty?"

  "Avoid much?"

  "Stop that."

  "Hey, you called me."

  "Because you're supposed to be my best friend. You're supposed to be on my side," I whined.

  "I'm always on your side, Essie. That's why I'm being honest. That's what friends are for."

  "Why do I get the feeling you're going to break into song?"

  "Shut up."

  We both laughed heartily. It felt good.

  "I miss you so much, Janie. I wish you were here."

  "Me, too. I'll ask my parents if that can be my Christmas present."

  "We'd have so much fun. We could go to Ty's place on Sea Island. You'd love it there. Or we could do a ghost tour in Savannah. Or even spend time in Atlanta, if you'd like. Whatever you want to do. Start googling stuff."

  "Alright. Let me go and I'll talk to my parents."

  "Thanks, Janie."

  "You're welcome, bestie."<
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  "See you."

  "See you soon."

  I smiled as I thought of seeing Jane over Christmas break. I just knew she'd see things differently if she could spend time with Ty and Mara and get to know them the way that I had.