Read Gfantis vs the Guest Monsters Page 6

  Gfantis vs. the Zombie Kaiju

  Story by Eric S Brown

  Art by Scott Caffrey

  The following entry into the Gfantis vs Guest Monster Series features the undead Kaiju of Eric S. Brown’s Zombie Kaiju Apocalypse. In Eric’s book kaiju are overrunning mankind and as a last ditch effort to stop the kaiju a brilliant scientist creates a virus designed to the kill the kaiju. The virus not only kills the kaiju but also brings the monsters and the soldiers who were fighting them back as zombies. Humanity is forced to the brink extinction as hordes of not only zombies but undead kaiju roam the planet devouring everything in sight. Can even the mighty Gfantis survive in such a world?

  Zombie Kaiju Apocalypse and all of Eric Brown’s Novels can be found on Amazon!

  Colonel Drake watched the scene of horror unfolding below as the helicopter he was aboard hovered high above the battle. The great beasts were breaking through the defenses he had organized around the nuclear power plant. One of the monsters stood sixty meters tall. It was bipedal the upper portion of its body was more akin to a giant squid than anything like the reptilian body he had expected it to have. Its numerous tentacles slashed furiously through the air as heavy shells from the row of tanks in its path struck it. The explosions lit the night with flashes of orange and yellow. If they had any effect on the squid kaiju, beyond further enraging the creature, Drake couldn’t tell. They had certainly done nothing to slow the monster. The other kaiju was bipedal as well. Its body covered in thick scales. Red eyes glowed like furnaces beneath the massive, ram-like horns atop its head.

  The ram kaiju waded into the row of tanks with a demonic roar. Leaning over, it picked up an Abrams, crushing the tank in its powerful fingers. The monster didn’t even flinch as the tank’s shell caved inward under the power of its grip and suddenly exploded in its grasp.

  The squid kaiju reached the row of tanks, its tentacles smashing downward into their ranks. Some tanks died where they sat as the tentacles bashed them into crumpled wrecks of twisted metal. Others were picked up by the tentacles and flung through the air like toys.

  The entire area stunk of rot and decay. The smell seeped into the helicopter making Colonel Drake gag. Both of the kaiju were dead. They had been brought back to life by the same virus the United States had released to kill them in the first place. That old saying, out of the frying pan and into the fire, had taken on a whole new meaning to Drake. Stopping the kaiju when they were alive and could feel pain had been hard enough, now things appeared hopeless. If the two dead kaiju weren’t stopped soon they would reach the nuclear plant and cause a meltdown that would affect the entire coastline.

  Out of the corner of his eye, Drake spotted a long rippling trail in the ground to the north of the power plant. It came onward towards the two kaiju and the remaining tanks. At first, Drake wondered if it was the result of an earthquake brought on by the rampaging dead kaiju but then the earth itself broke open. Rocks and chunks of the very ground itself were thrown skyward as Gfantis tore his way out of the earth.

  Alarms were going off all across his pilot’s controls as the man struggled to move the helicopter Drake rode in out of the path of twenty foot wide piece of grass covered ground that came flying at it. Drake held on for dear life as the copter lurched sideways narrowly avoiding being knocked out of the sky.

  Gfantis brought himself up to his full fifty five meter height to give a piercing cry that caught the attention of the two dead kaiju. As one, they turned to face him. Accepting their unspoken challenge, Gfantis dropped to all fours, charging them. The squid like Kaiju staggered as Gfantis plowed into it. Gfantis’s horns impaled the rotting, slime slicked tissue of its body. The horns ripped long groves that leaked a thick, black blood like substance as Gfantis simultaneously pulled the squid kaiju down and itself up to climb on top it. Tentacles lashed out, wrapping themselves around Gfantis’s arms and torso. Gfantis raged against their hold on him. Flexing his arms, Gfantis tore several of the rotting tentacles loose from the squid like Kaiju’s body. They flopped onto the ground where they continued to writhe as if still alive. Standing over the squid like Kaiju, Gfantis planted one of his giant feet onto its body holding the creature to the earth as he lowered his head. Energy welled up inside of him to be unleashed in a blast from his crescent shaped horn. The beam racked over the squid like kaiju igniting its decaying body with a blast of solar radiation so powerful that the squid like kaiju burst into flames. Gfantis removed his foot as the burning squid monster spasmed in death throes that shook the earth beneath it.

  The ram like kaiju’s eyes glowed a brighter red as it lowered its head and came bounding towards Gfantis. Gfantis stood his ground, planting his feet, as if to ready himself for the other kaiju’s impact. The ram like kaiju never hit Gfantis though. Gfantis sidestepped the monster’s attack and caught it with an upper cut from his right hand that struck the ram kaiju under its chin. With the echoing sound of snapping bone, the ram like kaiju’s head snapped back and upwards as it left the body it had been attached to. The ram like kaiju’s head went bouncing among the ruined remains of the tanks as its headless body stumbled, spinning around, to topple over.

  As quickly as it had begun, the battle between the giant monsters was over. Colonel Drake held his breath, waiting to see what Gfantis would do next. He had no other forces in the immediate area to stand against Gfantis should he too decide the power plant was tempting target to be trampled for his amusement. The jets he had called in during the clash of the great beasts were still streaking through the sky and minutes away from reaching the area. If Gfantis went for the power plant, they would be too late to try to stop him.

  Gfantis turned his head as if to acknowledge the presence of Colonel Drake’s helicopter. Drake felt his heart skip a beat inside his chest as he stared into Gfantis’s eyes. Then, Gfantis dropped, his mighty hands tearing into the dirt and he was gone beneath it. Drake watched the trail of disrupted earth stretch southward as Gfantis burrowed beneath it. He gave a silent prayer of thanks that Gfantis had deemed both his helicopter and the power plant unworthy of his attention. He was sure Gfantis would be back one day however and when that day came, Drake doubted he would live through it.

  The End


  Gfantis vs Durontus

  Story by Scott Schmidt

  Art by Tyler Sowles

  Durontus comes from Tyler and Scotts comic book Durontus: The Lost Serpent. You can follow them