Read Gfantis vs the Guest Monsters Page 7

  Chapter 1

  Out Of The Void

  May 4th, 2048, 11:40 A.M.

  -25.57 Lat, -100.72 Long

  The South Pacific

  The night sky shone with infinite clarity above the tropical waters four-hundred miles off the coast of Chile. The dark abyss that was the ocean lapped gently upon itself, its balance of calm and chaos the very wonder of nature. Suddenly, despite no change in the steady Pacific winds, the ocean current suddenly reversed its course in reaction to forces invisible to the naked eye.

  High in the stratosphere, a dark orb the size of a needle-tip crackled with cosmic energy. With each spark, the black mass surged and grew, engulfing the surrounding space until it spanned hundreds of kilometers. The force from the other-worldly storm was so great that torrents of water funneled upwards towards the orb in the sky.

  As the storm reached its peak, a shape began to emerge from the black fathom like some elder god of an antediluvian age. Four giant limbs covered in hard scales and tipped with razor-sharp claws thrashed amidst the sizzling electricity of the cosmic disturbance. As the being attempted to free itself from the clutches of the dark portal, a gnashing, guttural sound rent the air, ushered forth from the gargantuan beast’s tooth-filled maw.

  Then, as suddenly as it had begun, the storm dissipated, the orb vanished and the brilliance of the night sky returned. But while the portal ceased to be, the creature that it conveyed was left behind, plummeting with incredible velocity towards the earth’s surface.

  The gigantic beast smashed into the Pacific Ocean with the force of a dozen atomic bombs, a geyser of displaced water shooting straight into the air nearly five kilometers high. As the great scaled creature sank for miles below the surface, an army of tidal waves cresting at ten stories or more, rippled out from impact site.

  And deep below, a monster unlike any this world had known, began to gather itself, its animal instincts calling out for nourishment and purpose.