Read Giggle Book One Page 2


  Giggle Book One

  The Ballerina

  Papa was an artist in his own way. He sculptured glass into beautiful figurines. Although it was only a hobby, he loved his work. He would heat the glass and with his skillful hands Papa created all kinds of things from animals to colorful clowns and beautiful flowers. He also made sparkling waterfalls and fountains.

  Papa’s shop held his collection of glass figurines. The amazing glass pieces sparkled like diamonds and glittered in the light. He was proud of his work and each piece held its own story. Every piece was special to him. He was like a child at Christmas about his glass work and he loved every minute of it.

  One day, as he was working, Papa dropped a piece of glass. He grabbed at it with his aching hands but he couldn’t catch it. He realized he was getting old. He realized the skill of the touch of his hands was not as good as before. His hands trembled and his eyes were weak from age. He knew someday he would be forced to give up his craft.

  That night he dreamed of a beautiful ballerina made of glass that danced on a mirrored stage. As she danced around and around, she sparkled and glittered like a golden angel of crystal; she was absolutely enchanting. Her elegance and beauty radiated as she danced and the sparkle in her eyes glittered so warm and true. Dance ballerina, dance, Papa whispered in his sleep.

  Suddenly, he awoke with tears in his eyes. He sat up on the edge of his bed and thought about his dream. As he thought about the ballerina, he rubbed his sore and aching hands. He said to himself, I must make her exactly like she was in my dream. She will be my masterpiece, my greatest work. He calmly looked at his trembling hands and softly sighed to himself, I am too old and my hands are not skillful enough to take on such a job. If only I was younger, I could do the work. Sadly, he laid back down and fell asleep.

  When morning came, the dream still haunted him. His heart’s desire was to create her just as she had been in his dream.

  “Just once more,” he said, “just one more time I want to create my very best.”

  Papa knew the ballerina would be special. He wanted to give it to someone very special to him, someone like Amber, his granddaughter, whom he loved so much.

  Months passed as he molded and shaped her into the image from his dream. He worked day and night; he selected and placed each piece to its finest to create the beautiful glass ballerina.

  Finally, after many months of endless toil, the golden moment had arrived. The ballerina was finished. With sore and aching hands, Papa placed the glass ballerina upon the mirrored stage and waited patiently for her to dance; the ballerina stood still. She never turned or moved. What is wrong? I wonder why she is not dancing, thought Papa. Again he tried, this time he moved her along the mirrored stage with the tip of his finger. Dance ballerina, dance, he softly said to himself. But, the ballerina remained still.

  Papa got up and walked around the room; he tried to figure out where he had failed. He carefully reviewed the details of his dream. Then he tried again to see if she would dance.

  “Dance ballerina, dance,” he cried.

  But, she stood still and motionless. Papa hung his head and cried.

  “I have failed,” he moaned. “My work is ruined. Who wants a ballerina that can’t dance?”

  As Papa cried, a tear fell from his eye onto the glass ballerina and mirrored stage. Suddenly, she started to spin around and around.

  “It’s wonderful!” he shouted. “My dream has come true.”

  As she danced, she filled Papa’s heart with joy.

  The ballerina was so beautiful as she danced gracefully around the mirrored stage. Papa’s masterpiece was complete

  “Dance ballerina, dance,” he laughed and cried.

  Her every more brought him joy and happiness.

  The next day, Amber, his granddaughter, came to visit him.

  “Come here, my child,” he said. “I want to show you something.” As they walked over the ballerina he exclaimed, “Amber, look what I have made for you! This is my greatest creation and I want you to have it.”

  “Oh, Papa, it’s so beautiful!” she shouted. “Thank you so much; I love you.”

  Amber took the ballerina home. She showed it to all her friends and every time she looked at it she thought of her Papa. When she was sad, the beauty of the ballerina chased all her childish fears and sadness away.

  Papa was right to pursue his dream when he did because it was not long before he became sick. Amber went with her parents to visit him in the hospital. As she stood beside his bed, tears streamed down her face; she felt so helpless and sad. After they left the hospital, Amber went to her room and lay across her bed. As she thought of her Papa, her eyes fixated on the ballerina sitting on her dresser. Hurriedly, she got up and went over to pick it up. Unexpectedly, she tripped and knocked the ballerina onto the floor and broke it.

  “Oh, no!” she cried as she reached down and picked it up. “What am I going to do!” she cried. “Papa will never forgive me.”

  The mirrored stage was fine, but the ballerina was broken. All she could do was lay across her bed and cry. The more she thought about her sick grandfather, the more she cried until she fell asleep.

  The next day, Amber glued the figurine back together. It was not perfect, like before, but it was together. As she placed the ballerina upon the mirrored stage, a tear fell from her eyes onto the figurine. Suddenly, the ballerina began to dance, around and around she moved upon the mirrored stage.

  “WOW!” shouted Amber. “I didn’t know you could dance!”

  As Amber watched the ballerina dance, her mother came into the room.

  “Dad just called from the hospital. Papa is going to be alright,” she stated.

  “Hurray!” exclaimed Amber.

  A few days later, Papa came home and Amber went to see him. She brought along the ballerina because she knew he loved it so.

  “Hi, Papa,” she said.

  “How’s my little girl?” he asked.

  “I’m fine; I’ve missed you, Papa,” Amber replied as she hugged him.

  “I’ve missed you too,” he said.

  Amber told Papa she had broken the figurine.

  He bowed his head for a moment and then looked up at her and said, “You’ll always be my ballerina, Amber.”

  Then she told him that the ballerina had danced for her.

  “I know; she has danced for me too,” Papa said with a big smile on his face.

  As they both stared at the ballerina, their eyes were filled with tears of joy. A tear from Papa’s eyes and one from Amber’s eyes fell upon the mirrored stage. As their tears ran together, the beautiful glass ballerina danced once more.

  “Dance ballerina, dance,” Papa softly whispered.

  “I love you, Papa,” Amber said.

  “I love you, too, my child,” he replied.

  Dance, Ballerina, Dance