Read Glimmer of Hope (Book 1 of the Land of Tomorrow Post-Apocalyptic Series) Page 67


  Two hours later it was done. The JP forces were back in their assigned unit positions. They had established a defensive perimeter and sent out patrols to intercept any counterattacks from the south. They also began tending the wounded, burying the dead, and gathering up the prisoners. Jubilation was replaced by soberness as word spread of what had happened.

  The final cost of Beau’s mission was twenty-two arrested, three relieved, and one dead. Beau reported that they came across a major who was walking down a line of kneeling men and shooting each in the head with a pistol while others looked on.

  Beau ordered him to stop. The major shot another man in the head. Beau ordered him relieved of his position and told his men to place him under arrest. The major smiled, took a step to the right and shot the next man in the head, his soldiers not moving.

  Beau warned the Major he would have to shoot him if he did not stop. The Major laughed, took a step to the right, put the pistol up to the next man’s head, but fell over bleeding when Beau shot him in the back.

  The shot broke the spell. Beau ordered all the men to bury the dead and then report to their unit. He took control of the prisoners and continued on his mission with the prisoners in tow.

  Although Anderson did not regret his actions, he knew this would not end well. He also knew Reggie Philips would stand behind him, which could endanger Reggie’s legitimacy. Anderson couldn’t have that. He had come to love the JP too much to see it made vulnerable.

  Anderson sent a quick dispatch north to General Butch Matthews to report to him immediately. He did not tell him why, just that it was urgent. He kept his intentions to himself.

  He would resign his post to Butch until an official investigation could be conducted into his army’s actions. Regardless, he knew dangerous and possibly dark days were ahead.

  On the bright side, maybe I'll be able to catch up on my gardening, he mused looking at the sky.