Read Glimmer of Hope (Book 1 of the Land of Tomorrow Post-Apocalyptic Series) Page 68

  Chapter 11 – Cease Fire

  The reality of the situation hit President Reggie Philips as he walked towards an outdoor tent with the sides rolled up. General Butch Matthews was on his right and General Nathan Taylor on his left. The meeting was requested by the leadership of the WTR following a cease fire. Reggie eagerly accepted the offer, but admitted to himself it was unexpected and a little suspicious. It was also odd that General Sampson was not at this event. No one could yet explain his absence.

  As they approached, Reggie noticed only one small unassuming man on the other side of the table. He appeared meek and totally non-threatening. With no sense of hesitation or uncertainty, the man walked around the end of the table and stuck his hand out to Reggie.

  “President Philips, what a pleasure to meet you. My name is Ethan Schweitzer,” said the small, older man while shaking Reggie’s hand in both of his. He turned to the other two and greeted them just as warmly and invited them to all sit.

  “Gentlemen,” began Ethan. “Let me first thank you all very much on behalf of all the people of the West Tennessee Republic for coming. I hope and pray that our work today will be the beginning of a peaceful relationship that ends all of this ridiculous fighting between our two peaceful people.

  “Sir,” said Butch. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I must ask. Where is General Sampson? No talks can go forward without him present.”

  Ethan looked stricken and uncomfortable. “I apologize, but I must inform you that General Sampson died at the Battle of Fulton. No one is sure exactly how, but there is some evidence that leads us to believe he was accidently killed by his own troops, much like Stonewall Jackson I could say. General Sampson would be honored by the comparison, but regardless we are conducting a full investigation into the matter. I am here simply as a chosen representative of the people of the WTR.”

  “And if you do not mind me asking,” said Nathan, “just what is your relationship, sorry, was your relationship to General Sampson?”

  “I was his chief advisor,” said Ethan. “Although he rarely listened to me. I told him this war was a bad idea and would only cause grief and trouble for everyone, but he didn’t listen. It gives me no solace to know I was right.” Ethan looked as if another thought occurred to him.

  “Gentleman, I must tell you before we go further with any sort of negotiations for peace, that most of the WTR was against the war and only participated grudgingly. General Sampson was an absolute military dictator who ruled with an iron fist. I can certainly tell you that the people of the WTR are as happy, if not more so, than you are that General Sampson is no longer in power. I would even hazard to say that if not for General Sampson, there would never have been bad feelings between us, much less this wasteful tragic war.”

  Ethan seemed to catch himself rambling. “I’m apologize, I only bring this up in order to humbly request that you deal with the ordinary, peace-loving, and innocent people of the Republic with kindness and understanding. I promise you they will remember it and it will establish a long tradition of respect and gratitude in return for your mercy and understanding.”

  “If General Sampson is dead,” asked Reggie, “then who exactly is in charge of the WTR?”

  “Actually, no one.” said Ethan with a smile. “I’ve been asked to represent our people here, and serve as an unofficial…'facilitator' for the public good, as it were, until general elections can be held. We’ve had enough of dictatorships.”

  Reggie was becoming wary for some reason, but decided to get down to business. “Well, sir, we appreciate your overtures to us to end this conflict and are open to your proposals.”

  “Yes,” said Ethan. “I appreciate your tact and not wanting to humiliate us, but we should talk straight here. We are here to discuss the terms of our surrender. The cease fire was the first step toward that end, and I pray that another shot will not be fired between us after this day. I again ask you to consider that the war was not against the WTR, but against General Sampson. The common people have been victims of his heavy-handed brutality. I would also like to say that I am here to surrender. We are certainly in no position to quibble, but I am reminded of the lop-sided peace treaties where one side dealt too harshly with the other such as in the World Wars or the Punic Wars. Those unfair treaties led to further and more costly conflicts. I hope today, at this table, we can establish a treaty between us that will allow our children and grand-children to live in peace.”

  Butch, who seemed taken aback by the man’s openness, cleared his throat. “In the spirit of cooperation, I recommend we begin by exchanging prisoners.”

  “A splendid idea, sir,” said Ethan with an easy smile. “Are you considering a certain ratio of exchange or a simple one for one swap?”

  “All for all,” said Reggie quickly. “If the war is to be over, then it is to be over for everyone.”

  Reggie thought for a moment that the man might cry. He looked to be overcome by emotion. “You are as good and as just as they say, Mister President. Thank you!”

  “On the other hand,” said Butch, “we will need you to hand over any more tanks that you have and fuel for them. They are simply too dangerous. How many do you have?”

  “Actually, I don’t know,” said Ethan after a moment of consideration, “but it will not be a problem. What use could we possibly have for tanks?”

  “I’m glad you feel that way,” said Butch. “I feel we can trust you to turn them over, but be aware that having even one single tank after we sign the treaty is grounds for the war to begin afresh.”

  “I understand,” said Ethan. “It will not be a problem, I promise you.”

  “It is also good to hear that you are holding free and democratic elections,” said Reggie. “We wish to have friendly relations with your people and propose that we form a military alliance where we agree to come to each other’s aid if requested. We also have to insist though that you do not make any other alliances, make war, or make peace with anyone else without our permission.”

  “Yes, although there doesn’t appear to be any other governments left but our two. Nevertheless, it is reasonable,” said Ethan. “It’s much like the old Roman alliance system.”

  “Yes, exactly,” said Butch, recognizing a fellow historian.

  “As part of such a system, are we to pay tribute?” asked Ethan neutrally.

  The three men looked at each other and then Nathan spoke. “We were not of the mind to demand reparations, but we must ask that you cede territory we already occupy south of the border in order to make our boundaries more secure.”

  Ethan nodded. He appeared saddened, but understanding. “Yes. I only ask that you allow those citizens living there the right to sell their homes and move south or grant them full JP citizenship rights. They are innocents in all of this, after all.”

  “That seems reasonable,” said Reggie. “We agree.”

  “Also, sir, if I might be so bold,” said Ethan, “although you are not to exact tribute from us, we would like to provide you our previous tax plus twenty-five percent in exchange for the previous amount of electricity that we were receiving.”

  “That is going to be difficult,” said Nathan. “Our dam is currently damaged and we do not know when it will be repaired or the electricity restored.”

  “We are willing to pay anyway with the belief that you will repair it and have electricity again,” said Ethan. “After all, you are as motivated as we are, and our people will welcome the day they see the bright lights to the north again, because it means prosperity for us, too.”

  Reggie knew that this had been a point of contention before. Many JP leaders wanted to cut the WTR off completely, but Reggie just couldn’t see doing that without fostering the hard feelings Ethan spoke of. It would also tie the WTR to the JP more tightly than any treaty would. “I think that can be arranged.”

  Ethan smiled and thanked them again with a broad smile. “Gentlemen, I am truly your humble servant and in your debt. Please tell me what else I can
do to cement our new relationship. Whatever you ask, I promise to do it, if it is within my power.”

  “Actually,” said Reggie, “we only had one other point and that is toward future prosperity. We wish for trading rights allowing us to sell and trade goods within the WTR and to have free transport on all of its roads and waterways. Tied to that, I would like us to have an agreement where we respect the rights of one another’s others’ citizens when they are traveling within our respective areas.”

  “Sir,” said Ethan, “very prudent points and wise. Might we also be allowed to trade in your jurisdiction and use your roads?”

  Reggie felt slightly uncomfortable, “That will be a point for the future. I hope that we will eventually reach such a relationship, but the time is not now. My people would never accept such a situation, but might given enough time. Rest assured, I believe it will happen eventually.”

  Ethan again nodded, ruefully. “Yes, you are right, it was presumptuous for me to ask such a thing. You have already shown yourselves to be merciful, and I ask for more than you can give. Please forgive me.”

  “There is nothing to forgive,” said Reggie. “You are simply looking out for the welfare of your people.”

  All of them nodded and looked at each other expectantly. Nathan abruptly broke the silence, “Who is Gabriel?”

  Ethan looked confused, “Excuse me?”

  Nathan’s instinct told him there was something here. “The assassin your government sent to kill President Phillips said he worked for a man called Gabriel. Who is he?”

  “Sir,” began Ethan looking alarmed, “please believe me when I say that must have been General Sampson’s doing and we were mortified when we heard of it. No one in the WTR would have committed such a cowardly and heinous act.”

  Nathan stared hard at the meek man in front of him. He looked like a wind would blow him over, but again Nathan thought something wasn’t right. “You haven’t answered my question. Who is Gabriel?”

  “I don’t know!” wailed Ethan looking like he was on the verge of tears. “Please believe me, I don’t know a Gabriel, we had nothing to do with that! You must believe me.”

  “We believe you,” said Reggie putting his hand on Nathan’s arm. “Nathan, it's okay.”

  There was silence again and Reggie broke it this time, “Well, gentlemen, I believe we are in agreement. We can have the documents drawn up and signed by the representatives of each of our territories and published for all to see. Until then, can we all assume the points we have agreed upon to be in effect? Can we also assume that you have the authority to agree to the terms we’ve spoken of today?”

  “Indeed, I can, on both issues,” said Ethan. They all stood up and shook hands. All parties left pleased with the result and hopeful for the future.

  Ethan left as the most pleased of all. His plans were progressing exactly as planned and he was one step closer to his ultimate objective. He would have to keep an eye on that Nathan Taylor fellow though, Ethan thought to himself.