Read Glow Page 10


  He relaxed every muscle in his body, and did some deep breathing. He intended to go into a meditative state as opposed to sleeping. He could still hear Amelia’s heartbeat, it had slowed considerably. He was certain, that after a few minutes she had fallen asleep.

  She laid there with a million thoughts racing through her mind. The bathroom scene for one. She had never, and would never feel the way about anyone, the way she felt about Gabriel. It was becoming more and more clear that her feelings weren’t superficial, or temporary. Besides that, there was the connection of the glow and the necklace. She knew it in her bones that they were meant to be together. She had no clue how, or why, but she knew it was true. She was officially out of denial. Time for rest. How was he already asleep? Even though it was the wee hours, he had just been in a fight. Probably wiped him out. She mustered all the courage she had, and whispered into the dark. “I love you Gabriel Alexander.” She closed her eyes and fell blissfully into a much needed sleep.

  Gabriel had already relaxed himself to the point of semi unawareness, but always keeping an ear at attention, since his top priority was Amelia and her safety. He was lulled away to a beach he had never seen, where he basked in the warmth of the summer sun, listening to the waves and their serene rhythm. He could smell the salt in the air, feel the sun’s rays penetrating his skin, the warm sand below him, when he suddenly heard a voice. He was immediately pulled back into his body, on that bed, in that motel room, with Amelia. His ears rang with the echo of her words, “I love you Gabriel Alexander.”

  His eyes shot open and he sat up in the bed. He listened, but heard nothing more. He sensed that she was lingering, in the first stage of sleep. Which meant that just a moment ago, she very well could have been awake. His heart swelled. Whether or not she said it aloud, he knew that she had said it, and that she meant it. Words he hadn’t heard spoken in hundreds of years. This changed everything. Gods, he was so in love with her. He had to tell her. It might already be too late. He had to figure out a way to be honest with her, without her freaking out completely. Another thing to add to the ever growing list of shit that had to be dealt with. But to have a life with her? It would be so worth it. He turned toward her, and smiled into the darkness. “Sweet dreams my love.” Then he laid down again, intent on resting till sun up.



  They were both awakened by the sound of the maid knocking on the door. “Housekeeping.” They heard from the other side of the door. “Come back later please.” Gabriel answered

  “Well that’s a fine how do you do, at seven am.” Amelia groaned as she sat up in the bed

  “Good morning beautiful, how did you sleep?” he asked

  “Surprisingly well.” she smiled

  “Great, ready to start this day?” he asked

  “If I have to, I suppose.” She replied

  “Okay, you can have the bathroom first.” He offered

  She gathered her things and headed into the bathroom. “Brush, wash and dress. I’ll only be a minute.”

  “Take your time.”

  Once alone in the bathroom, she splashed cool water on her face. “Time to face the day.” She said to herself. Her reflection caught her attention. She looked different somehow. She couldn’t put her finger on it. Even looking at her own face, she couldn’t see where the difference was, but it was definitely there. At least she didn’t look worse, she thought. Trying to look on the bright side.

  Gabriel was sitting in the chair, trying to figure out what to do about his trunk. He decided that he’d tell her the truth, fix it enough so that it would close.

  Amelia exited the bathroom and sat in the chair and began lacing up her sneakers.

  “No sandals today?” Gabriel mused

  “I have no idea what’s in store for us, I figured I’d better be prepared.”

  “Good thinking. My turn in the bathroom”? he asked

  “All yours.”

  He grabbed his bag, headed in and shut the door.

  “I’ll be quick!” he called from the other side of the door

  “Okay!” she called back

  She sat on the bed and grabbed her phone from the night stand. She tapped the screen to life and dialed Tommy’s number. He answered on the first ring.

  “Hey Mel.” He answered

  “Hey Tommy. How’s our girl doing?” she asked, hopeful.

  “No change. Like, none. At all.” He replied sadly

  “Oh, Tommy, I’m so sorry.” She said softly “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  “Thanks Mel. I’ll call the second anything changes, I promise.”

  “Okay, Thanks.”

  She tapped the screen and tossed the phone into her bag.

  Gabriel appeared from the bathroom, all dressed and ready to go.

  “Okay beautiful, ready to get this show on the road?”


  “Come on, let’s go.” He said as he grabbed her bag.


  Once outside, he tossed the bags into the backseat.

  “Um, why is the trunk open?” Amelia asked

  “Ah, that. Well, it would seem that we were broken into last night. Probably the same punks that tried to jump me. Not to worry though, I’ll get it fixed, just take a minute.”

  “Well doesn’t that just suck.” She commented

  “It does, but I can get it to stay closed. At least nothing was damaged besides the trunk lock.” He said

  She walked to the trunk and watched while he fiddled with the lock.

  “Oh no, your cooler is gone.”

  “Yeah, I know. It can be replaced.” He replied

  “Well, that sucks too.”

  “Yeah, it does.”

  “All set. It’ll hold till I can fix it properly. Let’s get going.”

  He walked around to the passenger side and opened the door for her.

  She slid into the seat and gave him a smile. She watched him as he walked around the front of the car to the driver’s side. He looked so much better than he had last night. Strong, healthy, confident. Guess parking lot scuffles can be good for a man once in a while, she laughed to herself.

  “Okay, we’re outta here.” He smiled as the engine turned over

  They got back on the road and were actually making pretty good time. They would be in Virginia in a couple of hours.

  “So who is this guy we’re going to see anyway?” she asked

  “He’s a friend of Murphy’s, he’s a code breaker basically. He has extensive knowledge of languages and coding. Murphy said if anyone can figure out what’s in this book, it’s him.”

  “Sounds like a serious dude.”

  “Seems like. We shall see.”

  They pulled into Langley around lunch time, quickly found the building where the man works and pulled into the lot.

  “What’s this guy’s name anyway?” she asked curiously

  “Benjamin Tate.”

  “Benjamin Tate.” She repeated. “Sounds like a nice name.”

  “Yes, beautiful, I’m sure he’s nice.” He chuckled

  Amelia grabbed her bag, checked herself in the rearview mirror, and opened her door.

  Gabriel was around to her side in record time

  “So impatient.” He smiled as he held the door open for her.

  “So ready to get this over with.” She replied

  It looked like a typical office building as they walked toward it. However, as they got closer, they could see multiple entry doors, each with an armed guard and a metal detector. They walked in and Gabriel took his keys and wallet out of his pants pocket and placed them in the tray. The guard motioned for him to walk through the metal detector. He walked through and gathered his things at the other end of the conveyor belt. Then Amelia placed her bag on the belt, but first stopped to remove the book. The guard told her she had to send the book through. She showed her school I.D. which showed them that she works in the Fortress and that she works in the Antiquities area. Sh
e explained that she feared x-rays could harm the book’s inks, and that she would prefer them to visually inspect it, than bring it through the metal detector. They agreed. Gabriel stood and watched in amazement. She totally took charge, and told these guys, who looked like Military Police, the way it was going to be. Gods, he loved her.

  Once the check in process was completed, they made their way to the elevators, and looked for Benjamin Tate on the placard on the wall. Tenth floor. The elevator doors opened, and they stepped inside. It was just the two of them.

  “That was pretty impressive.” Gabriel said

  “What was?” she asked

  “Oh, just the way that you told those guards the way it was going to be. Kinda sexy.” He waggled his eyebrows at her.

  She laughed and slapped his arm. “It’s time for our serious faces.” She joked

  He was immediately straight faced. It made her laugh.

  “Come on, stop playing around.” He teased

  They both stopped laughing as he pulled her close. The arcs between them light up the entire elevator. It seemed brighter than usual. They stood silently. He held her in front of him, her back pressed against his chest. She placed her hands on his in front of her, and they both let out a sigh.

  “Have no worries, this will be resolved soon, I promise you.”

  “I know. It just seems that every step of the way is so nerve wracking.” She said

  The bell dinged. Tenth floor. Time to go.

  They exited the elevator and headed to Benjamin Tate’s office.

  When they reached the office, Gabriel knocked on the closed door. After a moment, it slowly opened.

  A girl who looked to be in her twenties greeted them.

  “Good afternoon, may I help you?” she asked

  “Yes, we’re here to see Mr. Tate.” Gabriel answered

  “Certainly, do you have an appointment?”

  “No, we were hoping that we might have just a moment of his time.” Gabriel replied

  “Oh, I’m sorry, but you’ll need to make an appointment to see Mr. Tate, he is a very busy man.” the girl explained.

  “We completely understand, but if you’ll just tell him that Professor Murphy sent us, I’m sure he will make an exception.” Gabriel smiled

  “Come in and have a seat, I will let him know that you’re here.” The girl relented.

  They sat in a small waiting area, in what looked like a laboratory of sorts.

  “Do you think he’ll even see us?” Amelia asked

  “I think once he hears that Murph sent us, he will be eager to meet.”

  “So Murphy must have some clout, huh?” she figured

  The girl was on her way back towards them with a smile on her face

  “It would seem so.” Gabriel replied under his breath.

  “Mr. Tate will see you now, right this way.” The girl motioned for them to follow her.

  They walked through a set of double doors, which the girl opened with a key card.

  Then down a short hallway to another office door. The girl opened it for them, then stepped aside.

  “I’ll be back to show you out.” The girl said before she headed back the way they had come.

  They stepped into the office, it was enormous, and cover ceiling to floor in books, file folders and bottles of spring water.

  A man peered out from behind a stack of books on a desk.

  Gabriel stepped forward, hand extended, “Benjamin Tate?” he asked

  “I am.” The man replied, as he shook Gabriel’s hand

  “Gabriel Alexander, Professor Murphy is a good friend, and he said that you may be able to help us. This is Amelia.”

  “A pleasure to meet you both.” He said as he shook hands with each of them. “Help you with what, exactly?” he asked

  “Well, we have a book, that is very old, and that we believe, has some vital information. Only thing is, no one can seem to read it.” Gabriel offered.

  Benjamin Tate was small man, thin, and exhausted looking. He seemed a bit disheveled, his suit was a bit wrinkled, and his glassed were atop his head. He had small, squinty eyes, the kind that made Amelia not trust him.

  “I get a lot of that.” He laughed “well what do we have?”

  Amelia looked to Gabriel for confirmation, and he nodded for her to take the book out of her bag.

  She reached into her bag, and against everything in her, handed the book to Tate.

  “Please, have a seat” he motioned to the two chairs in front of his hugely overflowing desk.

  He cleared a space on the desk and turned a lamp on, as he took a seat himself.

  “This is exquisite.” He said as he examined the cover of the book.

  “When would you like to come back and pick it up?” he asked

  “Oh, we can’t leave it” Gabriel insisted “we were kind of hoping that you could take a look at it and point us in the right direction.”

  “Hmm, I see” he replied, as he opened the book and began looking through its pages.

  “Do you have any idea how old this book is?’ Tate asked

  “A couple hundred years at least.” Gabriel answered

  “Well, that may very well be, but this language, it is much older than that.” He observed

  “Oh, and we have this for you as well.” Amelia said, as she handed over the small wooden box.

  “What’s this?” he asked

  “We aren’t completely sure, but Bernadette Jones said you would know what to do with it.” She explained

  “Bernadette Jones? Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a very long time. How do you know her?” he asked.

  “She is my boss, friend and mentor, Amelia quickly answered. “She believes that this box will help you, help us, somehow.”

  He took the small box from her hand and examined it as well. He set it on the desk beside the book.

  “This book is written in ancient Enochian.” He announced. “I haven’t seen anything like it, ever.”

  “Enochian?” Amelia asked

  “Yes, it was introduced to humankind by angels in the 1500s, but this language is actually much older.” He explained

  “I’m sorry, did you say Angels? Are you serious?” Amelia asked

  “Oh yes, very serious, indeed.” Tate replied as he continued to look through the pages of the book.

  “This is a dialect that I haven’t seen before. It seems to be in code, as well as an ancient language. “The only thing I can make out is “Blind eyes and no sight” said Tate “something about eyes and, or sight. That’s it. It seems to repeat every so often on each page, and the strange thing is, those are the only words I can seem to decipher.”

  Someone did not want the information in this book to be discovered by just anyone.” He decided.   

   “What makes you think that you should be the ones to learn its secrets?” he asked them.  

  “Well, Professor Murphy felt that this was the book that would be able to help us with our, uh, problem.” Gabriel stated.

  “And what problem would that be, Mr. Alexander?” Tate pressed

  “Listen,” Amelia began. “There is a girl in some kind of coma right now, clinging to life, because someone was looking for this book. It’s my book, and we have a right to know what it says. It might help her.”

  Tate pulled his glasses down from his head and peered at the pages once again.

  “Okay. I will help you. But whatever information this book contains, you must promise me now, that you will never publish it, or make it public, in any way.”

  “We agree.”

  “Then we will begin. First thing’s first.” He said as he took the small wooden box and placed on the cover of the book, and pressed down. It seemed to click into place. The bottom of the box, interlocking with the raised image on the cover of the book.

  The lock on the box flipped open.

  The three of them looked at the box, then each other, in amazement.

  Tate slowly opened
the box. There was a folded up piece of paper inside, sealed with wax.

  Gabriel and Amelia looked on intently.

  “This seal”, said Tate, is that of a coven of witches that were quite literally, obliterated in the early 1900s.”

  He held it up for the both of them to examine. Then he flipped it over.

  “I don’t think I quite believe what I’m seeing, and I have seen a lot in my day, trust me.” Tate said

  “What is it?” Gabriel questioned

  Tate handed the sealed, folded page to Amelia. “You tell me.”

  Amelia reached out for the page and gasped.

  “Oh my god, it has my name on it. Gabriel, this has my name on it.” She said, astonished.

  “Well, open it up beautiful.” He encouraged.

  Amelia took the paper in her hands and then returned to her sitting position.

  “Why am I terrified right now?” she asked

  “Don’t be afraid Amelia. I am with you. It’s clearly meant for you, open it.”

  “Okay, here goes.” She slowly broke the wax seal and unfolded the page.

  Once she had it open, she looked at the words.

  “It’s written just like the book, I can’t read it. Why would it have my name on it, first of all, and I can’t read it. Maybe it’s for a different Amelia.” She reasoned

  “I really don’t think there is another Amelia who this would be prevalent to. It’s got to be you.” Gabriel insisted. “Just take a look, see if you recognize any of the symbols or anything.”

  Amelia looked down at the page, and let out a long breath.

  “Okay ancient text, talk to me” she pleaded

  As she looked across the symbols, the writing seemed to change. Almost as if the ink on the page was beginning to burn. The words were turning into little burn marks, that she could understand.

  “Gabriel” she said his name aloud

  “What is it?” he came closer to her

  “The ink, do you see it?”

  “Yes, I see the ink. What is it?”

  “Do you see it changing? What’s happening?” she asked

  “Amelia, I don’t see any changes.” He said

  “Well, I do. The ink, it looks like it’s on fire, but it’s also changing. Words are starting to form. I mean words that I can read. Look.” She showed the paper to Gabriel.

  “I can’t see any change, how about you Tate?” he asked

  “No, I see no changes.”

  “Okay then, just me I guess.” Amelia sighed

  The longer she looked at the page, more words were changing to English.

  “I don’t understand what’s happening.” She said

  “I see my name!” I can read this!” she cried



  My Dearest Amelia,


  Firstly, I know that if you are reading this, that you have either, A, found him and survived the change. Or B, your adoptive parents are both deceased. I am very sorry if it’s the latter.

  If you have come this far on your journey, it is imperative that you keep yourself safe. Even though no one but you will ever read this, I cannot be blunt, and for this I apologize. I would however, like to tell you why. Because I know that even though you have been happy with your adoptive family for years and years, and have only ever loved them, as they you, the question has always burned in the back of your mind. The Why.

  The reason is simple my love. Because I love you more than anything in this world. I could never bear for them to hurt you, or worse yet, take you from me. They are the only ones who know how truly powerful you are, and shall become even more so. You are the daughter who was never meant to be, of a witch who was never meant to be. I have eluded them for the last five years, with your father’s help, but they have once again become strong. The addition of newly located members with long bloodlines has given them the added ability to see through our protections. We were barely able to stay hidden long enough to bring you screaming into this world, a beautiful pink glow all around you.

  While we were in hiding, I met the woman that you know as your mother. She became a fast friend and trusted confidant. She and her husband wanted desperately to have a child, but were unable to. They were devastated after the last round of in-vitro, which they could afford, didn’t result in a pregnancy. Your father and I discussed the matter at great length, and we decided to have them adopt you. I knew that they would love you more than anyone else would or could, aside from me. So when you were three weeks old, I kissed you goodbye for the last time.

  I would have given anything to keep you with me, watch you grow, teach you everything. I have thought about you, and missed you every single day. Please don’t ever doubt that. But I know you’ve had a good life with them, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

  I would now like to say how happy I am that you have found him! How truly blessed you are daughter! In more ways than you can even imagine. Lifetimes of learning, exploration and love ahead of you. It fills my broken heart to know of the wondrous possibilities that lay before you now.

  Now, for the most important things of all. Keep our amulet safe. I am sure that you still have it, it was the one single thing that I insisted upon. That your adoptive mother give it to you, and to let you know that it was a gift from me. I knew in my heart, that you would cherish it always. No matter what questions you may have had about why you were adopted.  Do NOT under any circumstances, ask a witch for help. It will destroy everything your father and I have worked so hard and sacrificed so much to accomplish. More importantly, it will lead them right to you. Keep yourselves safe, at all costs. Trust in your love. It feels centuries old, and almost ingrained in your DNA because it is. A love like that, will always protect you, if you believe in it. There are three who will help you. Seek them out only if you must. Stick together, unfortunately, if others can’t keep up, you must leave them behind. This means your survival my beautiful girl. Yours and his. Stay together, and stay safe, and please know that my love is with you always. We will meet again my daughter.

  All the love in my heart,




  “Oh my god. Gabriel.” Amelia looked to him, tears in her eyes.

  “What is it Amelia? What’s wrong? He asked as he came to stand by her side.

  “It’s from my mother. My birth mother. And it’s full of, crazy.” She said as she handed him the page.

  “Amelia,” he said looking at the paper, “I can’t read it. What does it say?”

  She turned to look at him and his expression suddenly looked strange. He just stared at her.

  “What? Why are you staring at me like that?” she asked

  “Tate, have a look.”

  Amelia looked from Gabriel to Tate, then back. “What?”

  Tate sat back in his seat. “Well, this is a first for me, so I assume it is for you as well.”

  “What are you talking about? Gabriel, what is it?”

  “Hand me your phone, Amelia.” Gabriel instructed

  “Okay, why?” she asked

  “Just, please, hand me your phone.” He asked

  ‘Okay, here.”

  He took her phone and selected the Mirror app.

  “Okay, Amelia, Please stay calm. I am here, you are okay. Okay?” he cautioned

  “Why? Stay calm? What the hell is going on? She asked confused

  He handed her the phone. “Look at your eyes.”

  She took the phone from him and held it up in front of her. Her eyes grew wide as she studied her reflection.

  “What the hell! What the hell happened to my eyes!” she cried

  Gabriel and Tate both looked on in shock.

  Tate took the book in his hands and held it out towards them. “Here, open it.” He instructed

  “Amelia, I think Tate has a theory. Take a look at the book. Say aloud any words that you understand.”

  “I don’t get it, why?”

Please, just look at it.”

  She took it from Tate’s hands and opened to the first page.

  “Codex of the Coven of Akkadia.” She said

  She looked up at Gabriel, then Tate, then back to Gabriel.

  “How the hell did I just read that?”

  “Go on, read more.” Gabriel encouraged

  She began, “Hidden and protected by the power of all, for the good of all.”

  “Oh my god! I can read it!”

  “Amelia, I think that you have been given “The Sight”.” Gabriel explained

  “What the hell does that mean?” she asked

  “Well, if I’m correct, -“I think he’s correct.” Tate interrupted

  “I think that you are now able to read magical texts, able to see magic.”

  “Are you freaking kidding me?” she asked

  “You’re the one who just read from the book. No one else could seem to do it. We have all combed over its pages and not understood a word or a symbol.”

  Amelia sat down again, clearly shaken.

  “In the letter, it said that my birth mother was a witch. Can that be true?”

  “Well, we are talking spelled objects and such, I believe it’s totally possible.” Gabriel answered.

  Tate interjected, “I believe that reading the letter from your mother, somehow triggered a dormant ability in you Amelia. There must have been some kind of spell on it, so that when you looked at it, it unveiled what had been hidden.”

  “Yeah, in more ways than one.” Amelia replied

  “This is amazing Amelia,” Gabriel said. “This could be so very helpful, in so many ways.”

  “In theory, this was all different. Now that there are things actually happening, I don’t know if I can handle all this.”

  “Yes, you can handle it, otherwise it wouldn’t be happening. Don’t short change yourself, Amelia. You are so much stronger than you know.”

  “Let’s hope you’re right.” She said

  “Well, it seems you wasted a trip.” Said Tate

  “Oh, not at all Mr. Tate, “Gabriel said. “This has been a most educational journey, and your help, Sir, is greatly appreciated.”

  “All I really did was place the box atop the book.” Tate replied

  “Which is more than we thought to do.” Amelia offered.

  Gabriel reached into his inside coat pocket. “I’d like to compensate you for your time, Mr. Tate.”

  He placed a thick envelope on Tate’s desk.

  “Oh, I couldn’t possibly.” Tate said

  “Please, I insist. You have helped us a great deal, and I am quite sure that your time is very valuable.”

  Tate reached across the desk and picked up the hefty gift.

  “Well I thank you very much Mr. Alexander. It was my pleasure to assist.”

  They all stood and shook each other’s hands

  “Thank you, Mr. Tate, really, I appreciate your help.” Amelia said

  “You are most welcome, Amelia. I wish you both the very best.” Tate replied

  “And remember Amelia, the secrets contained within that book still need to be protected. Who knows what kind of startling information it holds.”

  “I’ll know. It will remain protected, rest assured.” Amelia said

  They turned to walk to the door of his office, and the same young girl appeared out of nowhere.

  “I’ll show you out.” She smiled at them.

  Amelia stole a glance back at Tate as they turned the corner out of his office and she saw him pick up his desk phone and dial. He smiled and waved. She didn’t smile back.

  Once they were back in the car, Amelia began to cry. At first, silent tears fell, which gave way to more tears, then soft sobs.

  Gabriel leaned towards her and slid his arm around her, and wiped the tears from her face. They left a trail of pink glow on her cheeks.

  “Amelia, please don’t cry. Everything is going to be okay.” He instated

  ‘How can you be so sure?” she sobbed

  “Because I believe in you. I believe in us. I know that no matter what happens, we will get through it together.”

  She calmed herself and looked into his eyes, “How do you always know the exact right thing to say?”

  “I just speak the truth beautiful girl. You can handle this. I know you can.” He replied

  She reached up and turned the rearview mirror to look at herself. “Gabriel, look at my eyes for shit’s sake!”

  “They are more beautiful than ever.”

  “Oh my god, you’re just saying that.”

  He touched her chin so that she would turn to look at him again. She looked at him, her eyes brimming with silent tears.

  “There is nothing that could ever make you less beautiful, or less amazing to me Amelia. You have been given an amazing gift. That happened for a reason. You can read this damn book! Don’t you see how wonderful that is?” he asked

  “I guess I might just need a little time to put all of this into perspective.” She sighed

  “I think you may be right. I also know how alone you can feel when you’re going through, or experiencing something, that no other person could understand. That no other person could ever possibly know what you’re feeling. I only ask, that you please, please let me be here for you. I may not know what it feels like to have your eyes gain a color, but I do know how it feels to be different that other people, to have to hide it, to be afraid.”

  “What the hell could you possibly be afraid of? And how are you any different than anyone else? I mean, your awesomeness excluded?” she gave a slight laugh

  “I have to tell you something Amelia. I hope you can understand why I have never mentioned it before, but I’d like to share it with you now.” He said

  “What is it?” she asked cautiously

  “Have you ever noticed how fast I am? Like, when you try to open your own door, I’m always right there?”

  “Actually, I have noticed, I was starting think it was all in my head. So, what do you have, super speed?”


  She laughed out loud “Super speed? Are you freaking kidding me?”

  “Do you remember how I wasn’t at all surprised when I explained that Murphy said there was a spell on the necklace?”


  “That’s because I know a thing or two about spells.”

  “Are you saying that a spell gave you super speed?”

  “In a manner of speaking,” he paused briefly, “yes, that’s exactly what I’m telling you. It can’t be that hard to believe, especially now that you have been given your own magical ability. There’s magic all around us. It’s just that everyone doesn’t get the opportunity to experience it first-hand like we have.”

  “This is just too much”

  “Amelia, don’t give up, don’t let the seeming enormity get to you. You can handle any and everything that comes your way. I know it.”

  Her phone rang from her bag, she quickly reached to answer it. “It’s Tommy.” She told Gabriel

  “Hi Tommy, How’s she doing?”

  “Not good Mel. Her vitals are slowly declining. The doctors still don’t know anything definitive, and they don’t seem very optimistic. They’re telling us that she probably doesn’t have much time left.” He sobbed into the phone.

  “Oh my god, Amelia cried. “We’re on our way back, we will get there as soon as we can. I’m so sorry Tommy.”


  “Yes Tommy?”


  She tapped the screen and ended the call.

  “What’s wrong Amelia?” asked Gabriel

  “They don’t think Sara is gonna make it. We have to get home ASAP.”

  “Oh man, he sighed. “I’m so sorry babe.”

  “Me too. I can’t believe this is happening.” Amelia said as silent tears left pink marks down her face.

  “I’ll get you to her before it’s too late.” he promised

  He reached for h
er hand and squeezed it tight. They stayed that way for a long time.