Read Glow Page 9


  He opened the bathroom door to find her laying across the bed on her stomach, her legs bent up behind her, crossed at the ankles, as she looked at her phone.  She was facing the foot of the bed, her hair hanging around her face, holding the glow from the screen in front of her. She heard the door open and looked away from her screen to him.

  “Hey.” She smiled softly

  “Hey.” He replied

  “Are you okay?  You don’t look so good.” She observed

  “Actually, I’m not feeling very well, must have been something I ate today.” More like didn’t eat he thought.

  “I was brushing my teeth and decided to save the hot water for you. You can shower first and I’ll make due with whatever is left.”

  “Always a gentleman. I’ll take it.” She said as she got up from the bed and grabbed her own bag to bring into the bath with her.

  “Take your time, relax a little,” he advised “we don’t know what tomorrow will bring.”

  “Ain’t that the truth? Okay, if you need me, just holler.” She teased

  “Will do” he mustered a smile for her as she closed the bathroom door.

  His cell buzzed in his pocket

  So sorry man, you’re gonna have to figure something out. I can’t get anything till the end of the week. If I come up with anything, I’ll let you know. Keep me posted. R

  “Shit, shit, shit.” He said to the now empty room.

  He laid back against the creaky headboard and tried to calm himself. His throat was starting to feel like it was being sliced with razor blades. His gums in a seemingly permanent state of inflammation. His heart was banging in his chest. Thinking about lying next to Amelia all night made everything so much worse, for a multitude of reasons.

  He would just have to wait till she fell asleep and sneak out to see if anything was around. Then he had a thought he didn’t think he’d ever have. He hoped she didn’t want to stay up talking. He loved talking with her, even if it was about all the craziness that was going on, and what would happen when they got the book to this linguistics guy. He hoped he could manage not breathing till she fell asleep. Praying to the universe that she wouldn’t notice. Please just let me get through this night, he thought.

  She had been in the bathroom for about twenty minutes when the door creaked open.

  He looked up to see her standing in the doorway, like an angel, the light glowing from behind her, igniting the pink in her hair, wearing white shorts and a pink t shirt. She kind of just stood there for a moment, looking at him.

  “Is everything okay?” he asked

  “Yeah, I’m fine, just exhausted.” She answered

  Thank you universe, he said to himself

  “Me too.” He lied. He wasn’t exhausted, just starving.

  “Well, come on then,” he stood and pulled the blankets down for her.

  “You get under these cozy blankets, and I’ll lay on top.” He instructed

  “Whatever you say.” She replied, as she crossed the room to the bed.

  “Finally!” he laughed


  Amelia climbed into the bed and laid down, with the biggest of sighs.


  “Yes beautiful?”

  “Do you think we will ever get to the bottom of this? Of everything that’s been going on?”

  “Yes, I do Amelia. If I didn’t, we wouldn’t be here. We wouldn’t be going to Virginia.”

  “I hope you’re right. This is just too much.” She said as she stretched her arms out above her head and tried to get comfortable.

  It will all be over soon.” He promised

  “Why don’t you get some rest, we should get an early start.” He said

  “Sounds good.” She said sleepily, “just one more thing.”

  “What’s that, beautiful girl?” he asked

  She rolled onto her side and leaned on her elbow facing him. He was sitting with his back against the head board.

  “Come here.” she said

  Not breathing hadn’t really been a problem thus far, but he had a feeling things were about to get much more difficult for him.

  He leaned closer to her as she reached out to him. Her hand finding its way through his hair and around to the back of his neck. The amulet began to warm in his pocket. She pulled him closer, he fell willingly towards her as her lips pressed against his. He had to take a breath, he couldn’t take it anymore. Her warm scent descended upon him and he felt a low growl escape his throat. The taste of her lips, her amber essence, and her soapiness overtook him. The electricity moved between them, the pink glow creating a mystical hue to the room, as it fought the blue light of the TV. He moved closer to her, and wrapped his arms around her, breathing her in. His hands tangled in her hair as he deepened their kiss. She moaned softly as his hands moved down her back to her waist.  He wanted to press himself against her, pinning her to the mattress, and do unspeakable things. It was time to stop.

  He gently pulled away, breaking the spell. Heavy lidded, she smiled at him.

  “I’m so glad we found each other Gabriel.” She said softly

  “As am I beautiful girl. Get some rest.”

  “Good night Gabriel.” She whispered

  “Good night Amelia.” He replied


  It wasn’t long before an exhausted Amelia fell asleep. It was still difficult for him to breathe. Her scent filled the room, the blankets, the bed, his soul. God he was really in love with this girl. He could never hurt her. In any way. And that included drinking from her. Now was his chance. He had to be sure she was in a deep enough sleep. Her heartbeat and breathing had slowed considerably, but he wasn’t ready to risk sneaking out of the room yet.

  “Amelia, sweetie, are you awake?” he asked softly

  She hardly stirred, but mumbled something unintelligible, like, “the muffins are on the engine.”

  He decided that was good enough for him. He slowly rose from the bed, trying not to disturb the mattress or blankets. He slowly made his way over to the door, it was a small room, and he was a big guy, so it was only a couple of steps. He stopped and turned to face the bed and a sleeping Amelia. He walked back over to the bed, bent down next to her and picked up her cell phone off the night stand and turned it off. The last thing he needed was a call coming in, it would wake her, and she would see that he wasn’t there. He’d turn it back on when he got back. He stood and made his way to the door once again. He slowly turned the doorknob, and pulled the door open. The humid night air met him with a sense of dread. He clicked the door closed and was gone before any human would have ever seen him.

  About a mile away he came upon another crappy motel, but this one had a lounge. And a lounge always meant drunk assholes. Lucky for him. He walked into the lounge and took a seat at the bar. It was your typical dive, filthy floors, a jukebox and several lonely hearts at the bar. There were a few tables around the perimeter of the room. He scoped them out. A couple hanging all over each other with empty bottles of wine littering their table. An old guy, alone, drinking something on the rocks. Two older woman, sitting in a booth, laughing, consumed by their own hilarity. Slim pickings. He ordered a scotch and soda and decided to hang out for a while and see what opportunities presented themselves.

  That’s when they walked in. Well, stumbled in. It was the remnants of a bachelor party. One guy was wearing a shirt that said GROOM, and the guy next to him had one that read BEST MAN. There were nine guys and two girls. They were making a ruckus from the moment they came in. Laughing and playing around. They walked over to the bar and ordered a round of shots. Once the shots came and were handed out, they loudly declared their intention of closing the place, as it was their last stop of the evening. The best man slapped one of the girls asses, “Come on Gina! Why don’t ya give us a little dance?”

  “Because I am not the hired help.” She laughed “Just because you guys were too cheap to hire strippers, don’t look at me.”

  “Why do you th
ink we invited you?” he hissed back at her

  And here is the lucky asshole who is going to solve all my problems, Gabriel thought

  The group ordered a couple of pitchers and found a table in the back. Best man, grabbing at Gina’s ass the whole time. Stupid Gina. Why would she agree to go out with a bachelor party? Nothing good could come from that. The group piled into their booth and began sloppily pouring beers for each of them. Gabriel just sat and watched, and sipped his drink. Apparently Best Man and Gina used to be a thing, but he cheated on her. It was a long time ago, but she still has a thing for him. So that explains why she’d agree to go out with a bachelor party. The other girl, Sandra, he could tell was just a skank. The groom seemed to be a decent guy, but just got stuck hanging out with the losers from his neighborhood, even though he had made a decent life for himself and his soon to be wife. The others were just wasted. Best Man it would be. Drunks always tasted disgusting. Clearly this was a beggars can’t be choosers type situation. He would make do. He knew it would only be a matter of time before Best Man went out for a smoke, he could smell it on him.

  Twenty minutes later, it was time for a smoke break. Best Man got up and headed out to the parking lot. Gabriel followed. He watched the guy open the door to what looked like a rented party van, lean inside and grab his cigarettes. Best man lit one and leaned against the side of the van. Clearly wasted by this point. Gabriel looked around, it was late, and the parking lot was deserted. Perfect.

  He walked over towards Best Man, the guy said “Hey man, what’s up?”


  “What’s up?” Gabriel replied “I’ll tell you what’s up. You’re an asshole.”

  Best man looked stunned “What the hell is that supposed to mean? Do I know you?” he asked confused

  “No, but I know you.” Gabriel growled

  In an instant, Gabriel was on him. He grabbed Best Man by the neck and pinned him up against the van. The guy was so drunk he hardly even made a sound, Gabriel was also lightning fast. He held the guy by his neck with one hand, and opened the side door of the van with the other. He got in the van and pulled the guy in, then closed the door. The van reeked of beer and vomit. Gabriel almost wanted to say forget this shit, but his hunger had taken over at this point. He held the Best Man against him, with one hand on his shoulder and one on his head. His fangs protruded through his swollen gums, saliva dripped from the corner of his mouth as the burn in his throat screamed to be doused. His fangs dug into the Best Man’s neck with a quick pop, and instantly Gabriel began to be flooded with relief. It tasted like shit, but it was exactly what he needed. Best Man passed out. Gabriel couldn’t stop. He was so, so, thirsty. It felt like it had been fifty years since his last drink. He gulped the thick, beer tainted blood like it was kool aid. He finally felt better, His throat wasn’t burning anymore, and his mouth no longer ached. He could feel his energy returning.  He left Best Man laying across the third row seat and got out of the van. He took a quick glance around, and was gone in a flash.

  He returned to the motel room as fast as he could, hoping that Amelia was still asleep. There shouldn’t be any reason that she would wake, but with the stress she’s feeling, he was worried that she might be restless. He slowly, quietly, opened the door to the room. Amelia was now sprawled out in the middle of the bed on her stomach.

  He closed the door behind him and crept towards the bathroom, he was sure he needed to clean up a bit. He paused for a moment while he decided what his next move would be.

  Amelia heard the click of the door and was immediately awakened. She didn’t move, but she opened one eye and saw a shadow move across the wall. She realized that she was in the middle of the bed, which meant that Gabriel wasn’t in it. She could see the chair, and he wasn’t in that either. Suddenly she realized that he was gone. She never thought for a moment that it was him creeping around in the dark. Now she was scared. She slowly reached under the pillow, over to the night stand for her phone. She felt around and finally got it. Pulling it back towards her, ever so slowly. She could sense that whoever was in the room was now crouched down. She held her phone up next to her, cupping it to block the light, she tapped the screen. Nothing happened. “Why the hell is my phone dead? It had a full charge.” She wondered. If she turned it on, it would beep. She decided to just wait a minute, and stay exactly as she was. Her heart was pounding a hundred miles an hour.

  Gabriel decided to take his boots off at the door, as he bent down to unlace them, he got a whiff of something different in the room. Something other than Amelia’s scent. Then he heard it. Thump, thump, thump, thump- thump- thump. It was her heart. She was awake. And she was scared. He quickly realized that she probably thought someone just broke into their room. He had to think fast.

  “It’s me.” He whispered

  “What are you doing?” she asked

  “Just went out for a walk that’s all, I’m sorry if I woke you.”

  “Woke me? Almost gave me a heart attack is more like it.” She answered

  “Hey, did you turn my phone off?” she asked

  “Yes, I did, I’m sorry, I just wanted you to get some uninterrupted rest.” He said

  “Please don’t ever do that again. Tommy needs to be able to reach me at any time, day or night. That’s a call, I will gladly be woken up for.” She said

  “Understood. I apologize.”

  “It’s okay.” She said

  “Go back to sleep beautiful.”

  She rolled over towards the night stand and clicked the light on.

  “Oh my god! What happened?” she exclaimed

  “What do you mean?” he asked

  “You’ve got blood on your face.”

  “Oh do I?” he asked as he felt around his jaw

  Amelia sat bolt upright “What happened?”

  “Oh, it’s nothing, a couple of punks out in the parking lot thought they were gonna gang up on me, that’s all.”

  “Oh my god, what happened? They try to jump you?” she asked

  “Yes, but they were both disappointed.” He grinned

  Amelia got up out of the bed and walked over to him, looking him over.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” she asked

  “Yes, I’m fine.”

  “Come here.” She said as she moved towards the bathroom, “let me help you get cleaned up.”

  “Really, I’m fine.” He protested

  “Good, I’m glad you’re fine. Now come in here and let me take a look.” She commanded

  Her heart rate was still high, but the fear was gone. Gabriel felt terrible lying to her like this, but it was so not time to tell her the truth. He reluctantly walked into the bathroom, closed the toilet lid, and had a seat.

  “Well, I’d hate to see the other guys.” She smiled, “you don’t seem to have a scratch on you.”

  She ran warm water over a wash cloth, wrung it out and came to stand in front of him.

  He looked up at her. “It was just a couple of young guys, they both came at me swinging, so I just swung back.” He said

  She gently began to run the warm cloth down his cheek, around to his chin, and wiped the blood away. She rinsed the cloth and repeated the process.

  “What were you doing out there anyway?” she asked

  “I just couldn’t sleep, I thought maybe the night air would help.”

  “Yeah, it helped alright.” She replied

  “I’m sorry.” He said as he looked into her eyes while she stood before him.

  “You don’t have anything to apologize for.” She said

  “But I do.” he said “I shouldn’t have left you alone, and scared you when I returned.”

  “It’s okay,” she said, “no big deal.”

  “And now, you’re here, cleaning me up after a scuffle in the parking lot. Unacceptable.” He said

  She stopped what she was doing and looked back at him. “Gabriel, you have nothing to be sorry about, and I’m the one who wanted to help you get cleaned up, af
ter said scuffle. So stop apologizing. Okay?”

  “Okay, beautiful girl. Thank you.” He said, as he placed his hand on hers, momentarily stopping what she was doing. He pulled her arm towards him, so she stepped in close to him, now standing between his legs as he sat. He wrapped his arms around her and leaned his head against her stomach.

  “No one has ever treated me this way Amelia.” He confessed

  “How do you mean?” she asked

  “Taken care of me. Because that’s exactly what you’re doing.”

  “Well, that’s what you do for people you care about.” She replied

  “Yes, but you do it in such a way, that it makes a man feel a certain way.”

  “And what way is that?”


  She pulled back from him just enough that they could look at each other.

  He immediately stood up, took her in his arms and pressed his lips to hers as he whispered “Thank you Amelia.”

  She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, continuing their kiss. His lips were full and soft, just like hers. Moist, but not slobbery, warm and comfortable, like silk dancing between them. She pressed her body to his, and he gripped her even tighter, returning the pressure against her.

  The pink arcs lingered between them, and around them as they held each other tight.

  “I don’t mean any disrespect.” He said as he momentarily broke their kiss, he dragged his hand down her back and placed his massive hand on her ass cheek, and gently squeezed, pulling her closer still.

  They were both breathing heavily, as their kisses deepened, her one hand tangled in his hair and the other under his arm, gripping his back. After a few more minutes, they slowly clamed themselves and disentangled.

  “We really should get some rest.” He said, out of breath

  “We really should.” She agreed, as she kissed him again.

  “You’re looking much better.” She observed, “You were beginning to look as if you were coming down with something.”

  “I feel much better now.” he grinned

  “I bet you do.” She laughed, “Come on, let’s get to sleep.”

  “Go ahead, I’ll be right there.” He said

  “Okay.” She replied

  Amelia left him alone in the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

  She got back in bed and pulled the covers up to her chin, settling in.

  She could still feel his lips on hers, the firmness of his body pressed against her, she still felt breathless. She could definitely see herself feeing this way every day of her life. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she began to really believe that they were connected in more ways than just the glow and the necklace. But how to figure it out was the problem. She decided not to think those thoughts. For tonight, she would enjoy the bliss and fall asleep in his arms. Ridiculously happy, terrified, and worried all at once.

  Once the door closed behind her, Gabriel sat down again. His heart was pumping faster than it has in a long time. Good thing he was impervious to heart attacks and things of that sort. This woman would put the average man in an early grave. He could feel it right down to his bones. She loved him. And he loved her. There was no denying that now. She felt more right in his arms than anything in this world ever could. He knew how to kiss her, how to touch her, how to hold her in his arms, he knew HER. Better than he has ever known anyone, and he also knew, that she knew him too. He’d have to tell her the truth soon. He hated lying to her. Pretty soon, she was going to be able to pick up on it.

   They were getting closer and closer, deepening their connection. He did not want her to catch him in a lie, or figure out on her own what he really is. What the hell would he do? He decided that was a worry for another day. Tonight, he would rest, and hold the woman he loves in his arms and feel the kind of peace that he hasn’t felt for one day since he was cursed. No force in this world would ever separate them. Unless she wanted to leave. He would never be without her. And that was that.

  He finished cleaning up and opened the bathroom door. She was laying on one side of the bed, with the covers turned down on the empty side. A clear invitation. How he’d love to climb into that bed and make love to her all night. Make her feel everything that he feels for her. But he won’t. That will happen when, and only when, she wants it to. And it sure as hell won’t happen in some shitty motel room.

  He walked over and stood beside the bed.

  “Is that an invitation?” he asked motioning toward the turned down blankets.

  “It is.” she smiled “You can get underneath, sleeping on top is ridiculous.” She said

  “You mind if I change into some lounge pants?” He asked

  “Course not.”

  He grabbed his bag and set it on the bed, and fished around for a minute before pulling out a pair of blue cozy pants. He put the bag back on the floor and unzipped his pants, paused and took his shirt off first. Amelia’s eyes were glued to him. She finally got to see what was under all those tight shirts he wore. He was built alright. No crazy ripped, but definitely some serious muscles. His body was thick, strong, solid. She noticed a tattoo over his heart, a crest of some kind. Then he turned away from the bed. She could still see him from the dim light coming in through the curtains. He bent to pull his pants off, and she could see, even in the dim light, the muscles move in his back, and the size and obvious strength of his thighs. The man was a specimen alright. She couldn’t believe that his man, who was so far, in her opinion, perfect in every way, was about to climb into bed with her. She calmed herself with the knowledge that the best was yet to come. They were going to get this book deciphered, figure out what the glow was from, and who was after the book and why. It was all just too much for her head to hold right now, but that didn’t stop her from admiring the view.

  Once he had his lounge pants on, he climbed into the bed and pulled the blankets over him.

  He rested his head on the pillow and let out a huge sigh. What a long, stressful night this has turned in to.

  “You okay?” she asked

  “Yes, I’m fine. Just glad this day is finally over. It felt unusually long.” He answered

  “Agreed.” She said, as she rolled toward him. “Thank you Gabriel.” She whispered

  “For what?”

  “For everything. Finding me.” She paused. “For trying to figure all this crazy out with me.”

  “Amelia, your crazy is my crazy. We’re in this together.”

  He gave her a soft kiss on her lips, “Let’s get some rest.”

  She rolled onto her back and let out a huge sigh of her own. “Goodnight Gabriel.”

  “Goodnight Amelia.”