Read Glow Page 5




  They pulled up to her dorm and Gabriel turned the car off. He was unsure how to let her go.

  “Gabriel, I had the most amazing time with you today. The research, the beach, everything. Thank you so much.” She said

  “Me too. It is I, who should be thanking you, beautiful girl.” He replied

  He took her hand in his, and kissed the top of it, the pink glow illuminating the car’s interior.

  “I have business in Boston tomorrow.  Can I call you when I return?” he asked

  “You better.” She smiled

  “Good, until then.” He said

  He got out and walked around to her side of the car, and opened her door. She grabbed her bag from the backseat and climbed out. She side stepped to allow him to close the door, and they both stood, facing one another. She leaned back against the car, unsure how to end this evening.

  “Thanks again.” She said quietly, twirling a lock of her hair as she turned to face him, her eyes wide, searching his. He reached for it and tucked it behind her ear.  She couldn’t just walk away from him. Not after the evening that they had just had together. She mustered every bit of courage she had, tiptoed and kissed him quickly on the cheek. She pulled away with a start and began to slowly back away from him.

  “Goodnight Gabriel.”

  “Goodnight beautiful.” He replied, stunned

  He watched her walk into the building, as he stood there, grinning like a school boy. His head was spinning. To think, only a few short days ago, he was worried that she would run away from him, that she didn’t want to even sit near him. That a few short days ago, he had nothing to look forward to, that he felt so alone, so hopeless. She changed it all. She was his miracle.


  Amelia entered her room and flopped down on her bed face first, she screamed her excitement into her pillow.

  “Amelia, are you ok sweetie?” Sara asked quietly from across the dimly lit room

  “Yeah, I’m okay.” She responded

  “So, what’s with the screaming into the pillow? Are we hating, or loving?” Sara prodded

  Amelia sat upright on her bed and looked at Sara. “Loving.” “Oh my god, loving?”

  Sara looked at her through sleepy eyes, “So, loving, maybe?”

  “Oh god, I can’t be. I’m entirely in like though, that I can tell you.” Amelia smiled

  “That’s awesome Mel, I’m happy for you! ” Sara grinned, “but I have bunch with my parents in the am so I’m gonna get back to sleep. We will catch up during the week, promise?”

  “Promise. Sorry to wake you, go back to sleep.”

  “Nite Mel.”

  “Nite Sara.”

  Amelia grabbed her phone and texted J, just got in. had an amazing nite! Txt me when u get up. Xoxo

  She laid back on her barrage of fluffy pillows and let out a huge breath. So this is what it feels like, she thought. To have someone feel for you, just as you feel for them. She hoped it wouldn’t get messy. She settled in and quickly drifted off to sleep. She woke to Sara closing their door. She opened her eyes to a beautiful morning. The sun shone through the window, directly lighting her framed print of the Mona Lisa. It illuminated the amber hues in a way she hadn’t noticed before.  She stared at it for a moment before her phone vibrated on her nightstand. It was a text from J. I’m up I’m up! I need details girl!  Wanna go for a coffee? Txt me when u get this xo.

  She quickly texted him back. I just woke up. Coffee sounds great.

  Be there in 10 he replied.

  She bounded out the front of the building as J pulled up. She jumped in his truck with a squeal.

  “J!! Good morning sweets.”

  “Good morning yourself.” J smiled “Now spill.”

  “Oh my god J, I had the most amazing night.”

  “Girl, I have seen that look before.”

  “What look? I have a look?”

  “Yeah, you’ve got it alright.” He teased

  “I’ve got what?” she asked

  “You’ve got it bad for this guy. Don’t even try to deny it.”

  She looked over at J, he was her best friend in the whole world, knew her better than anyone ever could, and had been through everything with her. He could see it, even if she couldn’t see it herself.

  “I think you may be right.” She smiled

  “I knew it!” he exclaimed “Now tell me everything, and don’t leave anything out.” He demanded

  As they drove, she recounted the previous evening’s events, of course leaving out the pink glow thing. She felt bad for keeping it from him, but she felt as though she should keep that between her and Gabriel. They hit a drive thru for their coffees, and then drove to the pier where the fishing boats dock. They got out and J dropped the tail gate for them to sit on.

  “So, how was your night?” she asked J

  “Oh you know, the usual, me and a couple of boys that I know went to Gold and danced our asses off. The DJ they brought in from Boston was a-maz-ing.” He gushed

  “That’s awesome.”

  “I also got a boy’s phone number.” He sang

  “Oh really?”

  “Yes, remember that guy Donnie? We went out to dinner right after New Year’s?”

  “I remember he Houdini’d on you.” She replied

  “Well, apparently, he had his nose done, and was laying low, lost my number, yadda, yadda, yadda- he looks fabulous.” He smiled “We’re going out next weekend.”

  “That’s great J, he seemed really nice.”

  “He is. He’s so sweet. Hey, maybe we can double!” he added excitedly

  “Sure, I’ll see if Gabriel has plans, sounds like fun. He’s away on business in Boston today, so I probably won’t get an answer for you till tomorrow, is that okay?” She asked

  “Talk him into it, we will have a blast!”



  Gabriel drove aimlessly for hours. His head spinning, going over every moment of the evening. He had hope again, and it seemed impossible to process. Part of him wanted to call Rob and tell him everything, but he felt as though Rob just wouldn’t understand. Rob didn’t know what it was like to be alone for so many years, no one did.

  As amped up as he was, he began to feel weak, tired almost. As someone who didn’t need to actually sleep, only rest periodically, any type of fatigue from hunger hit him hard. His gums began to ache, his throat felt like it was being sand blasted. He headed downtown.

  The longer he drove, the worse he felt. It was as if acid had been poured down his throat.  He pulled into the parking lot of the Pink Chick.  Audis, BMWs, and a couple of Escalades lined the first row. Reserved for Dancers the signs all read. He supposed dancers weren’t snorting all their earnings these days. There was plenty left to splurge on a nice ride. He continued to the back of the lot. The only decent lighting was in the first two rows. He backed into a parking spot, cut the engine, and reached across to the passenger side to roll the window down. It was muggy enough tonight, and his hunger was burning him up. He needed some air. He tried to slow his breathing, and let his mind drift to thoughts of the evening with Amelia.

  The way she turned and looked at him when he dropped her off. Her eyes full of hope, and wonder. Full of possibilities and promises not yet made. It was like a dagger in his heart to be away from her. He hated the thought of driving away from her. He wished would never have to do it again. The necklace began to warm in his pocket, it reminded him of how she made his heart race.  He now had this powerful, and profound need to be near her. Just the thought of being too far from her made his very soul ache. What would she think if she knew the depth of his true feelings? What if she knew what he really was?  Would she run away? Could he, would he, ever be able to articulate what he felt for her?  Could he handle this?

  A couple of guys coming through the parking lot pulled him from his thoughts, and reminded him of why he was here. He didn’t need a reason tonight.
His hunger was more than enough. He gripped the door handle and quietly pulled it. The door fell open without a sound and he quickly slipped out of the car. Guy number one was already in his vehicle with the radio blasting, rolling a joint. He would be of no concern. Guy number two was headed right for him before he stopped to light up a cigarette. Gabriel took a deep breath and approached guy number two.

  “He buddy, can I bum a smoke?” Gabriel asked the guy

  “Yeah man, no problem.” He replied, as he slowly began feeling and searching each of his pockets.

  That’s when Gabriel grabbed him by the throat. The guy barely let out a yelp, and was introduced to the ground. With a knee on the guy’s chest and a hand on his head, Gabriel paused for only a moment, as his thirst began to get out of control. His breathing, jagged, panting with each breath.  His gums were on fire, as his fangs burst through the skin. He leaned down to the guy’s throat, and opened his mouth wide. Saliva dripped from his lower lip.  His fangs pierced the guy’s skin with a soft little pop, then his lips sealed around the wound. The guy never made a sound, as Gabriel sucked the life from him. The guy’s own heart betraying him, as it pumped the warm life force into Gabriel’s mouth and down his throat, over and over again, quenching the fire inside of him.


  Gabriel disposed of guy number two’s body, and headed back to his car. He slid into the leather seat and looked at his face in the rearview mirror. Just a couple of drops. He reached down between the seat and the center console to find a napkin. He wiped his face and checked his shirt. All clean. He tossed the napkin in the dumpster as he drove out of the parking lot.



  He was already on the highway, just as the first rays of a new day touched the earth. Reflecting its light off the windows of the office buildings cluttering downtown, creating thousands of points of light.  He took the on ramp and headed for Boston, he had a contact there who may have some insight about his mother’s necklace. It was still early when he got to Murphy’s place. He pulled up in front of the two story brownstone and looked up at the front door, and hoped that Murph still lived here. Murph was an Occult Studies professor, and head of the Linguistics Department at Boston University, retired. But once you’re that deep into a subject, you don’t stop studying it just because you’re not getting a salary anymore. Gabriel made his way up to the door and rang the bell.

  A woman answered the door. She looked to be in her mid-thirties, short blond hair, about five foot two, dressed in scrubs.

  “May I help you?” she asked

  “Yes, I’m looking for professor Murphy, does he still live here?” Gabriel asked

  “He does, who might I tell him is asking?”

  “Gabriel Alexander, I’m an old friend, I haven’t been to visit in quite a while.”

  “Come right in,” she invited “I’ll let him know you’re here. You can have a seat.” She motioned to a set of chairs in the entryway, “It might take a few minutes.” She explained

  “Thank you.”

  Gabriel could see into the library across the high ceilinged foyer. Stuffed with shelves and shelves of books, the coffee table was covered in books and files, there were papers strewn all over the desk. Some things never change he thought to himself.

  “As I live and breathe!” a voice came from the other side of the room. “Gabriel Alexander, you son of a bitch, how are you?”

  “I’m well Murphy, how are you? What’s with the nurse?” Gabriel asked as the two shook hands and embraced.

  “Well, The Cancer got my hip about a year ago, I’ve been in this chair ever since.”

  “Aw Murph, I’m so sorry.”

  “No need.” Murphy replied, I have help around here, I still have my mind, and sponge baths with that cute little blond number don’t hurt.” He was in his sixties, too long, graying hair curled around his shirt collar. His black rimmed glasses, magnifying his light green eyes. Cable knit sweater even though it was summer, He still looked like the hippie he always had been.

  Gabriel laughed, it was so good to see his old friend again, and he hadn’t changed at all.

  “So, to what do I owe the pleasure my friend? Business or?” Murphy asked

  “Not sure yet, but I do have something I’m trying to look into and thought you might be able to help. I haven’t been able to find any answers anywhere else.”

  “Oh goodie, a mystery.” Murphy clapped his hands. “Wheel me over into the library, would you please?”

  “Of course.” Gabriel said as he got behind his friend’s wheelchair. They went into the massive library and once over the threshold, Murphy wheeled himself to sit behind his desk.

  “Ok man, you’re here, you’ve got me, what are we looking for?” Murphy asked

  “I’m looking for anything on spelled jewelry, or cursed jewelry.” Gabriel explained

  “Cursed objects, huge topic. Spelled objects, now that’s a much less broad spectrum.”

  “How so?” Gabriel asked

  “Well, cursed objects are much more common. Seems more folks have had more axes to grind, than positivity to put into anything.”

  “Well, how would you know the difference? Between spelled and cursed?’ Gabriel asked

  “If an object is cursed,” Murphy explained, “you would probably already know that it’s cursed. Not much room for doubt when every single thing in your life is going down the shitter.”

  “Makes sense, so how about a spelled object?”

  “A spelled object is much different. That’s because spells can be, dormant if you will. Timed. Take Cinderella for example”

  “Cinderella? Are you serious?” Gabriel laughed

  “Just hear me out.” Murphy countered “The Fairy Godmother spells her up a dress, and a coach and all that jazz, right? But at midnight, it all goes away. The spell lasts only so long. But a spelled object, is usually something to keep with you, a protective amulet or something of the sort. The magic stays.  So which do you believe you’re dealing with?”

  “Spelled. The object was given to me by my mother, she would never curse me, and so it must be some sort of spell.” Gabriel decided

  “Okay, do you still have it?’ Murphy asked

  “I do. Although it was missing for years and years, I only just came back into possession of it. Anything could have been done to it in that time.”

  “Not if it was spelled when it was first given to you by your mother. Was your mother a witch, root worker or medicine woman?”

  “No, but she had friends of that sort and in high places too, at the time who would have done anything for her, one of them could have spelled it for her, for me I suppose.” Gabriel reasoned

  “Okay, and you said you were well, is that true?”

  “Yes, I’m just fine, I’d say good, even.”

  “Very good then. The object is not cursed.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Tell me Gabriel? What first made you think that your item may be cursed or spelled?”

  “Well, it’s a necklace, with a stone pendant on it. As soon as it came back into my possession, it began to grow warm, and it now does so periodically.”

  “Can you equate any outside events with the warming of the object?” Murphy asked thoughtfully

  Gabriel thought about it for a moment. It would always warm when he was close to Amelia, or when he would get lost in thoughts of her.

  “Yes, I know what triggers it.” Gabriel declared

  “And what it that?”

  “Amelia.” Gabriel answered plainly. “It’s got to be Amelia.”

  “Who is Amelia?” Murphy questioned

  Gabriel sauntered over to the wet bar and grabbed one of the crystal carafes and poured a half a glass of dark amber liquid.

  “Might want to have a drink Murph.” He told his friend

  “It’s not even noon.” Murphy argued

  “It’s a hell of a story.” Gabriel replied

  “Well hell, make it
a double.” Murphy said as he pushed out from behind his desk and made his way over to the bar area.

  Gabriel handed him the drink and sat on the overstuffed suede couch.

  Gabriel told Murphy everything almost everything that had happened since he first laid eyes on Amelia.

  The pink light, his not feeling well, the connection, all of it.

  “Wow. That’s all I can say. Wow. Gabriel Alexander, I never thought I’d see the day.”

  “That makes two of us Murph. It’s been a long time coming to say the very least. So long, that I didn’t think it could ever happen.”

  “So where is this, Amelia?” Murph asked

  “She’s in Rhode Island, probably at the beach with friends.”

  “You should have brought her along, it would be a delight to meet her.”

  “This meeting had to be just between you and me Murph, at least until I figure out what we’re dealing with.”

  “Understandable,” Murphy said thoughtfully, “So let me see it.”

  “See what?”

  “The necklace. I know you’d never trust anyone or anything to protect it, so that means you have it on your person.”

  Gabriel laughed, “Yeah its right here.” He said, as he fished it out of his pocket.

  He held his hand out in front of him, the stone dangling from its chain, shining its iridescent glow. Murphy leaned in closer for a better look. His eyes grew wide and his mouth hung open.

  “What is it?” Gabriel asked

  “I have seen that stone before.”

  “That’s impossible.”

  “Oh no it isn’t. I have seen it before.” Murphy insisted

  “Where? How?”

  “Well, you said that it was out of your possession for quite some time, I’m sure many eyes have beheld that magnificent stone.”

  “Where have you seen it Murph?” Gabriel pressed

  “A book. I saw it on the cover of a book. A very old book.” Murphy said as he wheeled himself over to an enormous book case. After quickly searching the shelf he paused.

  “Shit. I remember where the book is.”

  “Well where is it?” Gabriel asked

  “Rhode Island, just like your girl.”

  “What’s it doing in Rhode Island?”

  “I have a colleague over at the university who was doing research on ancient texts. The book had no author or publication information listed. It’s older than antiquity Gabriel. Much like that necklace.”

  “What school has it?” Gabriel asked

  “It’s not at the school. It’s in the research library.”

  “The Fortress?” Gabriel asked hopefully

  “Ah, so you know the place?” Murphy replied

  “Amelia works there.”

  “Splendid! All your problems are solved.” Murphy said happily

  “Far from it Murph. I have more questions now, than I started out with.”

  Gabriel swallowed the last of his drink and placed the glass back on the bar. He stood for a minute and ran his hand through his hair.

  “What information is contained in that book?” he asked

  “I’ve never been able to decipher it.” Murphy said sadly. “The book was just so exquisite, the cover art was just breathtaking.”

  “What’s on the cover of the book?” Gabriel asked

  “A painting of a beautiful woman, she’s wearing the necklace. She looked very regal, long, flowing raven hair, wide set, soft brown eyes, and that gem, hanging around her neck.”

  Gabriel knew well and good that Murph just described his mother, but kept that bit to himself.

  “So how do I locate an ancient book, with no title?” he asked,

  “My colleague, Bernadette Jones, she works at the Fortress. If you tell her what you’re looking for, and that I sent you, you should have no problem obtaining the book.”

  “Okay, so what do I do with it when and if I get it? If you couldn’t even decipher it, what the hell am I going to do with it?” Gabriel asked

  “I know a guy.” Murphy said flatly

  “Oh really? You “know a guy”?”

  “Yes, he’s in Langley, he works in coding and decryption. If you bring him the book, he will tell you what it says.”

  “A decryption specialist is going to have a clue about an ancient book?” Gabriel questioned

  “He is probably one of maybe four people alive who can help you Gabriel.”

  “Why didn’t you ever bring it to him, to find out what it says?” Gabriel challenged

  “I have been busy with The Cancer, remember?” Murphy snapped

  “Oh my god, I’m so sorry Murph, I wasn’t thinking, I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay my friend, I understand your urgency. I am confident that my Virginia friend will be able to help you. But you must go to him in person. Again, tell him I sent you of course.”

  “Okay, will do.”

  Murphy scribbled something on a scrap of paper, leaned across his desk and handed it to Gabriel.

  “Here, this is his name and address. He likes to keep a low profile, so don’t go in guns blazing, okay?”

  “Understood.” Gabriel confirmed “Murph, thank you so very much. I’m so sorry to have barged in on you like this, but I’m sure that you now understand my situation.”

  “Gabriel, it is always a pleasure, you are my friend, and are welcome here at any time.”

  Gabriel stood and leaned down to hug his friend

  “I’ll be back soon Murph. Thanks again.”

  “Bring your lady next time, I’m sure she’s easier on the eyes than you are.” Murphy laughed

  “I will, and you bet she is.” Gabriel smiled as he walked out of the library.

  He closed the front door behind him and walked down the steps to his car.