Read Glow Page 6


  Amelia and J were still hanging out at the pier when he phone buzzed in her pocket.

  “It’s Him.” She said to J, who was anxiously motioning for her to answer it.


  “Hello beautiful girl, how are you today?”

  “Better now” she smiled into the phone

  “You busy today?”

  “No, actually, I’m off today, I’m just hangin down at the pier with my homeboy, havin a coffee. How about you?” she asked

  “On my way back from Boston right now.”

  “Really? Already?”

  “Yes, my business didn’t take as long as I had expected, now the rest of the day is mine.”

  “Well that’s cool, whatchya gonna do when you get back?”

  “I’m not sure yet, that’s why I’m calling you.” He grinned

  Amelia gave J her excited face, he quickly put on his own.

  “Well great, did you have something in mind?” she asked

  “The only thing I have in mind is spending time with you, the details are unimportant.”

  “Sounds good to me, and oh, J wants to know if we can double with him and Donnie this weekend?”

  “We can do that, maybe grab dinner and then out for drinks or something?” he replied

  Amelia gave J the thumbs up, he clapped his hands excitedly and grabbed his phone and started texting Donnie.

  “Okay, so I’ll see you when I get back, probably a little over an hour or so.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you soon, drive safe.” She said

  “I will, I’ll come find you when I get into town.”

  “Okay, see you then.”

  “Until then, beautiful girl.” And with that, he was gone.

  Amelia turned to J, who was still texting, “He calls me beautiful girl like it’s my name.” she beamed

  “Oh, to have your problems.” J joked “dump him immediately.”

  Gabriel hung up with Amelia and dialed Rob.

  “He lives!” Rob exclaimed as he answered Gabriel’s call.

  “Hey man, how’s things?” Gabriel asked

  “Oh, you know, champagne wishes, caviar dreams and all that.” He laughed. “You been spending your time with that girl huh?”

  “Indeed I have.”

  “That’s awesome Gabe, I’m happy for you, really. I knew it’d happen for you sooner or later.”

  “Well, you knew more than I did.” Gabriel chuckled

  “So what’s happening?” Rob asked

  “Actually, there’s a reason I called. I need a favor.”

  “Name it, brother.”

  “I’d like to look into prepackaged, if that’s still something you might be able to make happen.”

  “Without a doubt. It’s gonna cost you though.”

  “You know that’s not an issue, Rob.” Gabriel answered

  “Okay, let me make a call, and I can meet you in about an hour.”

  “I’m on my way to meet up with Amelia and her friend, can we make it two?”

  “No problem.”

  “I’ll meet you in two hours, where?”

  “Just swing by my place.”

  “Okay man, thanks. I’ll see you then.” Gabriel tapped the screen and ended the call.



  About an hour and a half later, Gabriel found Amelia and J at Ms. Muffit’s splitting a scone.

  The bell on the top of the door jingled as he walked through the door. He looked around the small shop and found them at a table by the window. As he walked toward them, time seemed to slow down. He looked at Amelia, and she looked up at him with those eyes, Oh, those eyes. They seared his very soul.  They gazed at each other with an intense knowing, an acknowledgement of each other’s emotions. Almost like a welcoming. Time caught up again, and he was seated at the table with them.

  “Gabriel, good to see you again.” J spoke, as he reached to shake hands with him.

  “Good to see you too J.”

  “Hello beautiful girl, he said to Amelia, as he gave her arm a little squeeze, and sat next to her.

  “Hi, how was Boston?” she asked

  “Good, informative, and quicker than I had anticipated. All good things.” He concluded

  “Well that’s good. J and I were just discussing possibilities for our double date this weekend.”

  “And what have you come up with?” Gabriel asked

  “I was thinking appetizers at Blue Fin, then over to Gold to dance our asses off.” J offered

  “Blue Fin? I’m not familiar,” Gabriel questioned

  “It’s a very nice restaurant over by First Beach,” Amelia explained, “They have fantastic food.”

  “Okay then, Blue Fin it is. Then to Gold. Sounds like a plan.” Gabriel smiled

  “This is gonna be so much fun!” J exclaimed

  “So what are the two of you doing for the rest of the day?” Gabriel asked

  J and Amelia looked at each other questioningly

  “Well, we really haven’t decided on anything.” Amelia said

  “Well, actually, I need to go get my eyebrows done.” J announced “and Miss “Brows I’d Kill or die for” over here, never needs hers done.” They all laughed “So I’m outta here.” He smiled “you kids will just have to make do without me.” He popped up out of his seat, shook Gabriel’s hand and air kissed Amelia, and was out the door before they could blink.

  “He’s a character isn’t he? Gabriel chuckled “Wait, didn’t you say the same thing about my best friend?”

  “Yes, she laughed “Yeah, he is. He’s really great though. He has been my best friend for as long as I can remember.”

  “I didn’t realize you’d known each other for all that time.” Gabriel said

  “Oh yeah, we grew up next door to each other. First friends and all that.”

  “It’s wonderful that you’ve stayed friends all this time.” Gabriel commented

  “There’s no way we couldn’t be” Amelia said. “He’s my best friend. Always will be. He’s been with me through it all, losing my parents, an abusive, asshole of a boyfriend, everything. We even decided when we were kids, that we would be each other’s Maid of Honor if either of us ever got married. He’s the brother I never had.” She gushed

  “It makes me happy to know that you have someone like that in your life Amelia.” Gabriel affirmed

  “Me too.” She replied

  “Okay” Gabriel said, “on to more serious business”

  “Umm, okay, what’s up?” Amelia asked

  “When I was in Boston, I spoke to an old friend, who had some insight into our research.” He explained

  “Something on the glow? Really?” she asked excitedly

  “Well, not the glow specifically, but something that we believe may be related.”

  “We who?” she asked

  “My friend Murphy, and myself. But right now, I have to stop by Rob’s place. Wanna take a ride with me?” he asked

  “You know I do.” she smiled


  They pulled up in front of Rob’s place less than a half hour later. It was a one family house right on the beach. There were two pillars in front, one on each side of the entry way. Two stories, with lots of windows.  In the old days, it would have been considered a mansion. Amelia wasn’t surprised. Based on what Gabriel had told her about Rob, he spared no expense, and was a fan of excess. It was a beautiful home.

  Gabriel was walking around the car to let Amelia out when Rob came bounding out of the house.

  “Hey kids, what’s happenin?”  He greeted them

  “Rob, this is Amelia, Amelia, this is Rob.” Gabriel introduced.

  “Amelia, it is such a pleasure to meet you, officially” Rob said as he shook her hand

  “You too, nice to see you again.  This place is beautiful.” She said as she looked all around the property.

  “Thanks, I enjoy being on the beach, and entertaining, so this place is perfect for
me. We’ll have to do dinner and a campfire on the beach sometime.”

  “That would be nice” Amelia answered, “I love the beach too.”

  “You guys wanna come in” Rob asked

  “Not this time Rob, I just wanted to swing by and give you that money I owe you, and get my cooler back if you’re done using it.” Gabriel offered

  “Oh sure, no problem, thanks for lending it to me. I don’t usually have need for one, but this little hottie I took out last week, insisted on bringing beers to the beach” Rob laughed. “It’s right in the garage, I’ll go grab it for you.” Rob walked away from them and headed into the full three car garage. There was an exotic looking sports car, a big beefed up truck and a convertible.

  “Three cars?” Amelia asked

  “Yeah, Rob likes the whole rock star vibe.” Gabriel explained

  “Obviously.” Amelia laughed too

  As Rob was walking back from the garage carrying a red and white cooler, Gabriel went around to open the trunk. Rob set the cooler in.

  “Thanks brother, I really appreciate it.” Gabriel spoke

  “No problem man” Rob replied

  “Oh, and here’s that money I owe you.”

  Gabriel reached into his pocket and pulled out a thick envelope and handed it to Rob. When he saw the surprise on Amelia’s face, he explained, “Rob was kind enough to lend me a few dollars at an auction last month.”

  “Well that certainly was nice of him.” Amelia speculated “What’d you buy, a town?” they all laughed.

  “It was actually an antique water jug that was excavated from a dig in Rome.” Gabriel explained

  “Oh, I didn’t realize you were involved with archaeology as well.” Amelia offered

  “I’ll buy pretty much anything if it’s antiquated.” Gabriel answered

  “Yeah, have you seen his closet?” Rob joked

  “There is nothing wrong with a classic look.” Gabriel defended

  “I think he looks hot.” Amelia added

  “You think I’m hot?” Gabriel questioned with a grin.

  “And, we’re off.” Rob chuckled

  Amelia blushed at the same time the necklace heated Gabriel’s pocket.

  “Of course I do.”

  “Okay Rob, thanks again, time to go.” He laughed, as he held the car door open for Amelia.

  “Have fun kids, great to meet you Amelia.”

  “Same here Rob.”

  Gabriel jumped in and the engine roared to life. Amelia waved out the window as they drove off.

  “So, you think I’m hot?” he questioned her again, grinning

  “I do” she replied

  “While that’s very flattering Amelia, I have to say quite honestly, that I am humbled by your beauty.” She burst out laughing and looked over at him. “Are you being serious right now?” she asked

  “Of course I am, what are you laughing about?” he puzzled

  “I’m laughing at you.” She told him.

  “Why?” he asked again, confused

  “You really just said that you’re humbled by my beauty.” She laughed

  “Why is that funny to you?”

  “I pass as cute, but you call me beautiful girl all the time, and now this?”

  He looked at her and his face grew serious, he kept looking between her and the road, his expression telling nothing. She wondered if she had just made him angry. He stole one last glance at her before he downshifted and began pulling off to the side of the road. She looked at him nervously as the car came to a stop. He put it in park and killed the engine. He stared straight ahead.

  “What’s wrong, why did we stop?” She asked. He sat back in his seat and looked over at her, still stone faced. He turned his body in the seat so that he was facing her.

  “Amelia, please listen to what I’m about to say to you.” He took her face in his hands and the pink electricity reached out to him. She closed her eyes briefly then looked right into his.

  “When I look at you, I see all of you. I see the cute little girl helping Daddy in the garage, I see the impatient teenager, and I see the strength of the bond you share with your best friend. I see the beauty of the love you have for your parents. I see the intelligent woman who does the same research that is done by professors with tenure. Most of all, I see the happiness in you. I see the optimism you have, even after enduring tragedy and having your kindness used against you. I see the coolest pinks ever, and I see the woman who showed me that for some reason, known only to the universe, that I’m worthy of her attention.” His heart was slamming the inside of his chest, he fought for every breath, and fidgeted for the necklace burning a hole in his jeans.

  “Gabriel.” She began

  “Please, let me finish, because you clearly, need to hear this, and clearly, I need to say it. Because I am very observant, and I do see you, all of you. Your face shows kindness and wisdom far beyond your years, your eyes so alight, your lips, tender and full and begging to be kissed.” He pushed her hair way from her face. He could see the tears in her eyes.

  “You are beautiful Amelia, and if you can’t see that, then you need to take a good hard look at yourself.”

  “Gabriel, I am, I’m not sure, oh boy, whew. That was a lot.” She

  “Yes, it was.” He replied “because you are. A lot. More than I could have ever dreamed possible. I just wish you could see what I see. What I said is the truth, and if by some cruel joke of the cosmos, I never saw you again after today, that’s the one thing I would hope that you would remember.”

  The tears that had been balanced on her lashes, spilled over to her cheeks as she leaned across the console, closing the small space between them.

  “Oh Gabriel” she breathed softly

  He leaned towards her, meeting her half way. She reached her hands into his hair as she pulled him closer to her. Their noses were almost touching. Both of them breathing heavily, he lifted his hand to wipe a tear away and the pink glow illuminated her cheek.

  “Thank you Gabriel, for seeing me. Really seeing me, and believing the things that you do. No one has ever said anything like that to me before. I cannot tell you what this means to me, what you mean to me. I’m so grateful that you came into my life.”

  “Amelia, I have a lot of feelings for you. Big feelings. I don’t know how much longer I can keep them inside.”

  “You don’t have to. She said

  He leaned his forehead to hers and felt the tingle of the pink glow, still holding her face close.

  “For now, I do. Believe me, when the time is right, I will tell you everything. But for now, just know that you make me feel like I’m a part of the world again.” She placed her hands over his and took a deep breath.

  “You’d better” she smiled

  “Trust me.” Gabriel waggled his eyebrows in Rob fashion. She giggled. They broke their semi embrace and got back on the road.



  “So, beautiful girl, what do you feel like doing today?” he asked

  “Anything, it doesn’t matter to me, I’m just glad you came back from Boston early.” She replied

  “Me too. I’d much rather be hanging out with you, than, well, more than anything else pretty much.”

  Amelia leaned back in the seat and turned to look at him. Both windows were down and his hair was blowing all around his face. His eyes on the road, but somewhere else at the same time. The sleeves of his t-shirt were rolled up over his biceps, which were straining against the fabric. His left hand held the wheel, relaxed but confident. His right hand rested on the gear shift. 

  She started to get that feeling, the familiarity, and the connection. She almost didn’t even need or want an explanation for it anymore. It was right. She knew it to her very soul. The reason she feels this way, it’s because it’s she’s supposed to. She feels so at home because she is.

  Suddenly it wasn’t the road before him. It was just her. In his mind’s eye he saw a lifetime of happiness and adventure
s together. But only for her lifetime. She would grow old and die, and he would remain as he is, at this very moment. He will never age, never become ill, never grow old, and never die. The very thought made him want to hold her tight, and keep her, and never let her go. How would he ever go on without her, now that he has finally found her? Someday he would have to tell her. There would be no avoiding it. But that day is not today. Today, he will enjoy every second with her, love her smile, her everything. Love, her?

  “Whatchya thinkin about over there?” she asked

  He turned his head and grinned his grin

  “I’m thinking about you, beautiful girl.”

  “Thinking what exactly?” she asked playfully

  “Thinking that I can’t believe I found you.”

  “I think we kinda found each other.” She replied

  “No, I think I found you. I have traveled all over this world Amelia, and I have never met a single person I have connected with like I have with you. There’s a reason for it.”

  “And what exactly do you suppose that reason is?”

  ‘Well, I think it’s because you’re amazing, and because I believe the universe conspired to bring us together.” He explained

  “Know what?” she asked “I think you may be right.”

  They smiled at each other as he reached for her hand. It was natural, it was comfortable and familiar. And they both felt it.

  ‘So tell me, what did you and your friend find out, about the something that may be related to the glow?” she asked

  “Well it wasn’t about the glow specifically, but it may be a step in the right direction.” He answered

  “Okay, so spill, what is it?” she pressed

  “There may be a spell involved.”

  “Right, you said that may be a possibility.”

  “I believe so now more than ever.”

  “Gabriel. Tell me. Why are you beating around the bush?”

  He kept his eyes on the road, afraid of the can of worms this whole endeavor may open. He had to risk it. He would only tell her what he could, what she needed to know, all else he would have to keep to himself. For now.

  “How about we go sit on the sand?” he asked

  “Fine with me, then you spill Mr. Alexander.”

  “Yes beautiful girl, then I’ll spill.”

  He cut through a neighborhood of summer cottages, onto the main road to get to the small beach that they had been to before. They rode in silence. Both of them lost in their own thoughts for the moment. Amelia leaned her head back and let out a sigh.  Gabriel reached out and took her hand in his.

  “It’s going to be okay you know.” He promised he squeezed her hand gently and gave her that smile that he had learned would melt her. She squeezed his hand back and smiled back at him.

  They pulled into the lot at the beach and got out. Gabriel went to the trunk to get the blanket, and as he lifted it out, saw the cooler. Just the sight of it made his throat start to burn. He could wait.

  “Shoes off Amelia.” He called from the rear of the car.

  “Tell yourself.” She called back

  They both removed their shoes and headed onto the sand. They set the blanket down and sat.

  “Okay, we’re here, now spill.” Amelia commanded

  Gabriel looked at her, took a deep breath and began.

  “Okay, I spoke to a friend of mine who is very knowledgeable about these kinds of things, and he seems to think that the pink glow is caused by you.”

  “What? By me? How the hell is that even possible? I don’t know anything about spells.” She contested.

  “No, beautiful, not that you did anything, but that you are the catalyst. You are what is making the glow happen.” He assured her

  “Do we know why it’s me?” she begged

  “Not exactly. That’s why we need to locate a book that has more information in it.” He replied

  “Okay, so where’s this book?” she asked

  “Funny story,” he answered, “It’s at the Fortress.”

  “The Fortress?” how’s that?” she questioned

  “Well my friend Murphy, is a linguistics professor, well, he was, he’s retired. He said that a colleague of his had the book now, and that colleague is none other than your Mrs. Jones.”

  “Shut up. Really?”

  “Yes, so we need to ask her about the book, then we have to bring it to a man in Virginia who can interpret it. Also a friend of Murph.”

  “Okay, awesome, so what book is it? I bet I can find it quicker than Mrs. J.”

  “Well, it has no title.” He countered

  “There’s a ton of antique books there, part of my job is to catalog them. So tell me what we’re looking for and I will find it.” She declared

  “It had a painting on the front. A woman with long black hair-“

  “I know the book!” she interrupted

  He stopped and just stared at her for a moment. How could she possibly know what he was talking about?

  “Are you sure? That could be any one of a thousand books in there.” He replied

  “No way, I promise you, I know the book you want. I have it.” She confided

  “As in, it’s in your possession?” he asked

  “Yes it is.” She smiled “Oh my god Gabriel,” she said. “I think I know what the connection is.”

  “What do you mean?” he asked

  “The cover of that book? The woman on the front is wearing my necklace.”

  Gabriel’s pocket began to warm at just the mention of it. But this? Amelia saying that the necklace is hers? His mind raced. He started to get warm, almost jittery. He realized how the pieces fit.

  “Amelia, did you lose that necklace? At Gold, right before we met?” he questioned

  “How did you know that?” she asked, stunned.

  “I’m going to show you something.” It was now or never. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the necklace.

  “My mother gave this to me a very long time ago.” He said as he held the necklace up in front of her.

  “Oh my god! My necklace!” she yelled excitedly

  “Amelia, did you hear what I just said?” he asked

  “What?” she asked, he focus on the necklace that she thought she’d never see again

  “I said, my mother gave me this necklace.”

  She stopped and looked at him, puzzled.

  “What? How is that possible? That’s my necklace.” She insisted. “My mother gave me that necklace.”

  “Now are you beginning to see the connection?” he asked. 

  She spoke slowly, and quietly, gazing at the necklace and back to Gabriel

  “How is it, that that necklace has belonged to both of us?”

  “Okay,” Gabriel started, “Your mother gave this to you?” when?”

  “It was left to me by my birth mother. My mother gave it to me when I turned twelve.”

  “You’re adopted?” he asked, surprised

  “Yes, is that a problem?” she asked defensively

  “No, no, beautiful. Never. I’m just a little surprised, that’s all. You’ve never mentioned it.”

  “I never knew her. I was adopted as a newborn. The only connection I ever had to her, was that necklace. I never took it off.”

  “That’s kind of funny. When it was mine, I never took it off either.”

  “Okay, so your mother gave it to you? How old were you?” she asked “Wait. That would mean that we were both in possession of it at the same time.” She questioned. “That makes no sense.”

  “I think I must have lost it, then your mother found it and left it for you.” He offered, hoping it would calm her questions.

  “Wow, that’s just so crazy.” She said in disbelief.

  “It is, but now we have to get to the why. Murph seemed pretty convinced that this necklace is spelled.”

  “What makes him think that?” she asked

  “You ready for some more crazy?” he asked “Watch this.??

  He took the necklace and placed it in her hand. She held it tight, then opened her palm and examined it. It was definitely hers. The rainbows of the stone began swirling on the surface, it made her smile. Gabriel took her other hand in his, and gently pressed his lips to her knuckles, causing arcs to spread across her hand.

  “What’s happening?” she asked

  “You tell me.”

  “The necklace is getting warm.” She responded in surprise

  “Exactly.” He offered, “Now watch this.” He leaned toward her slowly. She took an expectant breath. He leaned closer still, his lips just inches from hers. Her stomach flip flopped, she felt light headed and prayed that he was going to kiss her, really kiss her.

  “All in good time.” He whispered to her

  She closed her eyes and then they shot open “Ow!” she exclaimed. “What the hell?” and dropped the necklace and looked at Gabriel.

  “I have had this necklace in my pocket since the night you lost it. I found it on the ground right where you and J had parked.”

  “It’s been on you all this time?” she asked

  “Yes, it has. And every time we have been close like this, that’s what happens, it gets hot. If I think about you for more than a minute, it gets hot. If we touch, it gets hot.”

  Amelia sat for a moment, taking it all in. She shook her head and looked out at the horizon, the sun glistening on the water. The beach was deserted and the sand looked so clean, so perfectly flat where the water met it, almost like glass.

  “Okay, now you watch.” She commanded. She picked up the necklace from the blanket and took his hand in hers. She wrapped the chain around their hands. It reminded Gabriel of a hand fasting. How he wished she could be his wife someday. He smiled as she did this, even though he had no idea why she was doing it. They were palm to palm, with the moonstone in between them. She mustered all the courage she had and leaned towards him, as he had done to her.

  His chest tightened, his stomach flipped, as he felt the stone growing warm. He focused on her eyes, those caramel eyes, so soft, so dazzling, her pupils wide. They eyes, he was sure now, of his future wife. She knelt in front of him leaning closer still. She could feel the heat of the stone, but she would not let go. She leaned right up to his face and whispered to him “All time with you is a good time.” She leaned forward and slowly pressed her lips to his. Those lips that she had been longing to feel on hers. He met hers, gently.  She reached up with her free hand and raked her fingers through his hair, wrapping her arm around his neck, pulling him closer. He completely surrendered to her, melting in her arms, he licked her lower lip as he gripped her waist and pressed her to him. Fire began to rage inside him. He hadn’t felt anything like this in his entire existence. He knew this was meant to be, that he was meant to find Amelia, meant to be with her always.

  The pink arcs jumped between them like a storm, crackling and moving between them, she inhaled his scent as he placed soft kisses along her neck. He pulled her closer still, his hand knotted in her hair. She was straddling him now, their chests pressed together, their heavy breathing in synch. He listened to her heart pounding, the blood flowing so quickly through her body. His mouth began to water. He pulled his face from hers slowly. The stone, causing an agony that burned as hot as they did, all but forgotten in the moment.


  “Oh my hell” he whispered into her neck

  “I know right?” she grinned “and the glow, wow, did you see that?” she asked amazed.

  “I did.”  He replied, breathless.

  “Okay, so we have both owned this necklace, the warmth that comes from it clearly indicates that it has a huge role to play in all this. The glow, the necklace, us, it all fits, but doesn’t make sense.” She said

  “I think the next logical step is to find the book, see what we can learn from it. Then go see Murph’s guy in Virginia. What do you think about a road trip, beautiful girl?’ he asked, as he brushed her hair from her neck.

  “Sounds like a plan?” she answered nervously

  “Why so apprehensive?” he asked

  “I’m not.”

  “It’s all over your face, in your voice, what is it?” he asked

  “I don’t know, It’s just a lot, ya know? This glow, that I have never seen in my life till I met you, the necklace, a possible spell, that I am somehow a catalyst for. It’s a little intimidating, not knowing what the hell we’re getting ourselves into.”

  “Amelia, please don’t be afraid. I promise you, with all that I have, that I will not let any harm come to you. I really feel that we need to get to the bottom of all of this, and I know that you do too. I will protect you with my very life, always. Please know and believe that.”

  “I do, I know. It’s just a little crazy, ya know?”

  He took her in his arms again, as the pink electricity crackled between them. He gently caressed her face, as he spoke.

  “I know it’s crazy, and a little scary. But Amelia, we are in this together. You and me. Always.”

  She looked at him for a moment, seeming to almost be weighing the validity of his words. She took a deep breath and said “Always.” She gently pressed her lips to his, as the glow worked its way up the side of her face and landed on his cheek. “Let’s go.”

  They carried their belongings back to the car and tossed them in the back seat.