Read Glow Page 8


  The highway was like a parking lot, even though was past rush hour, this area was usually busy all summer.

  “We should be out of this traffic soon, GPS says it’ll open up in a couple of miles.”

  Amelia’s cell began playing a rock song. “That will be J wondering what the hell.”

  “Hey J” she answered

  Traffic opened up and they were once again at cruising speed.

  “I know, and I’m sorry, shit is just cray-zee today, oh my word you’ll never- what? Oh my god J, are you okay?” she gave Gabriel a worried look, and he began to slow the car down, wondering if they’d have to turn back. “Okay Hun, I’m with Gabriel now and I’m putting you on speaker.” She tapped the phone’s screen twice and held the phone up between them. “Okay J go ahead.”

  “Hey Gabe.” “Hey J. What’s happening, my man?” Gabriel asked

  “Well, J began, “I just got home from a night out with the boy toy, and my place is in shambles. The door was wide open. It looks like a frat party exploded all up in here.”

  “Listen to what I’m going to say to you J.” Gabriel said “Pack a bag, get out of town for a few days, maybe a week. Can you do that?”

  “Of course, but what the hell is going on? ‘

  “Lets’ just say that we have something that someone wants apparently. Amelia and I are going to Virginia to see if we can get it sorted out. I’m sorry that you got dragged into it man.”

  “J,” Amelia began, “Sara is in the hospital, and apparently someone broke into our room while she was there.”

  “Oh Em she alright?” J asked

  “She’s okay for now, but she’s unresponsive and they are observing her. Tommy is with her.”

  “Tommy’s here?” he asked confused

  “Yeah, he had flown in to surprise her and he and Joe Security found her when there was no answer at our door. I was with Gabriel.”

  “Oh my god, oh my god.” J panicked

  “J, listen to me,” Gabriel started, “Remember to lay low, don’t tell anyone anything, about the break ins, or about Sara. We are going to get to the bottom of all this, just stay safe till we get back.”

  “I understand Gabe. If yall need anything on the road, hit me up. I’ve got friends all the way to the Keys.”

  “Thanks man, and remember, lay low.” Gabriel said

  “Will do, Be safe, love yall.” J said as he disconnected the call.

  Amelia threw her cell in her bag.

  “What the hell? Why would anyone think that J has this book?”

  “He is your best friend.” Gabriel pointed out

  “Okay, well whoever is looking for it, probably thinks that neither of us has it then, right?” she asked hopefully.

  “Right.” He confirmed “But that still doesn’t tell us who is looking for it, or why. Maybe we will get those answers as well while we’re in Virginia.”


  “Do you think we should have waited till the morning to leave?”

  “Why? Time is relative, we need to get going, and what difference does it really make? Driving at night or during the day?” He questioned

  “Yeah, I suppose you’re right. I’m just so exhausted after this day.” She sighed

  “Well beautiful, why don’t you recline and get cozy, there’s a pillow and stuff in the back seat if you want to grab it.” He offered

  “Well I would if the seats in a 67 Camaro reclined.” She laughed

  “Aren’t you a little smarty pants” he chuckled “You’re right, they don’t, but these do.” He leaned across her and pulled the lever and she dropped back in the seat with a start.

  They both laughed.

  “That doesn’t make any sense!” She yelled, as she let the much needed laughter take her over.

  “When I rebuilt her the last time, I used seats from a 67 Chevelle.” He explained

  “I thought they seemed a bit off.” She replied “Not off, like, in a bad way, but there was just something different that I just couldn’t put my finger on.”

  “I used to do almost all my traveling by car. I love to drive, I love this car, seemed like a no brainer when I put these seats in, because I would usually just pull off at a rest area and catch a few Zs. It’s a lot easier to do when you’re reclined. So I put these in.” he told her

  “You’re a smart man Gabriel Alexander.” She surmised.

  Amelia woke to darkness and the sound of Gabriel’s door closing. She pulled the lever to bring her seat back to the upright position. Looking around, she realized they were at a rest stop. She turned herself around in the seat to see Gabriel headed towards the rear of the car, then open the trunk.

  Gabriel had waited as long as he could. He really needed to get to those blood bags in the trunk. His throat was like the Sahara, his gums were aching, to the point of distraction. He was beginning to lose focus.  So he pulled off at the next rest stop he saw and killed the engine. He sat quietly for a moment, looking at Amelia as she slept. She was so exhausted. As strong as she was, this was a lot for her. He hoped that whatever lay ahead, she would be able to handle that too. This was some pretty crazy shit, and he knew it was only going to get crazier.

  For a split second, a tiny piece of him wondered what it would be like, to lean over and taste her right now. Just a little taste. She was reclined in the passenger seat, with one arm raised above her, resting atop her head. Her other arm was in her lap, her face turned away from him, the beautiful, sun kissed skin of her neck calling to him. So soft. So soft. It probably wouldn’t even pop when he pierced it. So soft, that he could just sink into it, it would be so warm, so unyielding. He stared at her throat a moment too long and he began to salivate, he could feel his fangs pushing through his aching gums.

  “Holy shit!” he jolted back to reality, “I need to get out of here.”

  He quietly opened his door and slid out of the seat, then turning to close the door, so that it only made a slight “click”. He placed his arms on the roof and hung his head down to look at her through the closed window. How could he ever even have thoughts like that? His beautiful girl, he could never think about her in that way ever again. How could he do such a thing? He was about to slam his fist on the roof, but stopped short, as he didn’t want to wake her. He turned and leaned against the door, took a few deep breaths and decided to head to the trunk once and for all. He should have never waited so long.

  He put the key in the lock and turned it. When the trunk unlatched it popped up and he grabbed it so it wouldn’t go flying open. He didn’t want to wake her.

  The red and white cooler lay there before him, his salvation. The ache in his gums grew to be almost unbearable, as he reached inside to grab a bag, the anticipation taking him over, he heard a noise.


  Amelia decided to get out and see what was up, and where they were. She figured she must had slept a few hours at least. As she opened her door, she got a whiff of the evening air. It smelled so clean, she could tell that they were near fresh water. A pond, probably a lake, the gentle breeze that carried the scent mussing her hair all around her face.  She walked over to the trunk just as Gabriel was closing it.

  “Hey” she said

  “Oh, hey beautiful, I didn’t wake you did I?” he asked

  “No, I think I just sensed that we had stopped. How long was I out for?”

  “About four hours.”

  “Wow” she said, as she stretched her arms out at her sides, yawning.

  “I knew you could use the rest, so I just let you sleep.”

  “Thanks. I think it actually may have done me some good. I hate to say this but, you actually look a bit tired yourself. Want me to drive for a while?” she asked

  He could only imagine how he looked to her right this minute. His gums and throat hurt like hell. His nostrils were even starting to hurt with each breath. He must look crazed.

  “You scorn me, fair lady.” He joked “Have my dashing good looks abandoned

  “Never.” She replied teasingly. “You just look a bit tired, that’s all.”

  “Yeah, I am kind of feeling it. How about you drive till the next place you see where we can stop for the night, and I’ll relax for a bit in your seat?”

  “Sounds like a plan.” With what he may have been doing in the trunk all but forgotten, she walked over to the driver’s side and got in.

  He handed her the keys and she slid them into the ignition. The engine came to life, like an angry animal being woken from its sleep. She carefully made her way out of the rest area and out into traffic, which there was very little of at this hour of night. She glided through the gears until she was keeping with the flow of the other cars. Gabriel turned towards her from the passenger seat and watched. He knew that she knew cars, muscle cars in particular, but she looked like she had been in the driver’s seat of this car all her life. Like the way a rider and horse know each other. She knew this car. Third gear sticking a little, didn’t even phase her. She instinctively knew how much longer to hold the clutch in so that it was barely noticeable.

  Without taking her eyes off the road, she asks him, “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Perspective.” He answers

  “Perspective? What does that mean?”

  “It means I have a new one.”

  “Okay…and what exactly does that mean?” she asked

  “Passenger seat perspective.”

  “And I repeat, Okay, what does that mean? She laughed

  “What it means my beautiful girl, is that I have never sat in this seat before right now.”

  She let that sink in for a minute and stole a quick glance at him. He was still looking at her. Grinning.

  “Are you saying that you have never let anyone drive this car?” she offered

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying” he smirked

  The drove in silence for a few minutes and then Amelia turned and looked at him. He was exhausted, that was plain enough. What she couldn’t figure out was why. Why was he SO exhausted? True, it had been a long ass day, but he was worse off than she was at this point. Her life was falling apart around her. Once again. He was so cool and together all the time. He always knew what to do, always had an answer. Almost like nothing even phased him. Now here he was, borderline hot mess, falling asleep in the passenger seat.

  “Well, thanks Gabriel.” she smiled “That really means something, ya know?”

  “Yes, he replied, and I know that you know it.”

  He reached out to touch her arm and the glow lit up the interior of the car. They smiled again and he dropped his arm to the center console.

  “My wallet and some cash in here, okay? just so you know.”


  “I think we should stop in a couple more hours, what do you think?”

  “That’s fine with me, it’s getting late, and I’m getting tired, I know you are too.” She answered

  “Okay, just pull off at the next exit you see with a hotel.”

  “Will do.”

  They drove for another couple of hours and she pulled off and exit and right into a motel parking lot.

  Gabriel was asleep in the passenger seat, but woke when the car stopped.

  “Where are we?” he asked

  “Um,” Amelia looked up at the neon sign, “Cedarwood Inn”

  Gabriel straightened himself and looked out the window.

  “Amelia, why would you pull into a shit hole like this?”

  “What? It’s just a place to crash for a few hours, looked okay to me.”

  “I will not have you sleeping in a place like this.” He replied

  “Why? Are you worried for my safety?” she asked

  “Somewhat.’ He answered as he looked around the half empty lot they were in.

  “Well, I’m not. Besides, you’re with me. There isn’t anything else around, and I’m pretty beat. I’m sure you’ll protect me.” She teased

  “Fine.” He said. She could tell he was mildly irritated, but knew that he wouldn’t argue any further.

  They got out and headed to the lobby. It was super small, just a counter and a water cooler that had seen better days.

  The kid behind the desk looked up from his school books when he heard them come in.

  “Can I help you?” the kid asked

  “Yes, we’d like a room for the night.” Gabriel said

  “Sure thing, just need an ID and 75.00” the kid told him

  Gabriel placed cash and an ID on the counter. The kid took them both and began punching numbers into his computer. As they stood there waiting, Gabriel was thankful that they had finally stopped. Now he could grab a bag from the trunk and calm his nerves. He couldn’t believe how hungry he had gotten today. He needed to quench the burn, especially if he was to be in a room all night with a sleeping Amelia.

  “Room 13.” The kid said as he handed Gabriel a key and his ID back.

  “Thanks.” Gabriel said as he took them.

  They walked back to the car to grab their bags. Gabriel reached into the back seat and grabbed both, then led the way to room 13.

  Once there, he unlocked to door and peered inside.

  “Stay right here for a sec.” he instructed

  He walked into the room and flipped the lights on, then the bathroom, lights on. He looked around, then motioned for her to come in.

  “All clear?” she joked

  “Yes.” He answered flatly

  “Are you okay?” she asked

  “Yes, I’m fine, just tired is all.” He answered

  Amelia walked over to the bureau where he had set their bags down and started unzipping hers.

  “Okay, I’ll take the floor.” Gabriel announced

  Amelia turned and looked at him questioningly

  “Why?” she asked

  “So you can have the bed.” He answered plainly

  “Gabriel, we’re both adults. There’s no reason for you to spend the night on the floor.” She argued

  His hunger was starting to get the best of him, and he didn’t want to tempt fate by laying there next to her, smelling her amber sunshine scent while he waited for her to fall asleep. He had to get out to the trunk. He could just NOT breathe, but he knew she’d notice.

  “Know what, you’re right.” He decided. “I’m just gonna jump in the shower real quick if you don’t mind.” He said

  “No, of course, go ahead.” She replied “I’ll flip channels in the meantime.”

  “Okay, I’ll only be a few minutes, if you need me, holler.”

  “I’m sure I’ll survive.” She smiled

  He headed into the bathroom with his toiletry bag and locked the door behind him.

  He leaned on the counter for a moment to steady his mind. His hunger was wearing him down, fast.

  “I’ve got to get to the car.” He said to his reflection. He knew that if she needed him, and called out, he would easily hear her from the parking lot.

  He checked the window. Not painted shut. Win. He turned on the shower and hoisted himself through the window. He dropped down in the back of the motel. Not a vagrant to be found. He quickly, quietly crept around to the parking lot. As he turned the corner to head towards his car, a horrible sight beheld his eyes. His trunk was wide open.

  “Son of a bitch!” he exclaimed

  He walked over to the car and his worst fear was realized. The cooler was gone. So was his picnic basket and blankets. “Who in the blue blazes would take everything?” he thought

  The trunk was completely bare. His spare tire and jack were gone too.

  “Damnit.” He slammed his fist down onto the trunk. It popped back up and he slammed it again.

  He stood there in astonishment. They had only been there for twenty minutes and already he’d been robbed. What the hell. He shouldn’t have waited so long, if he hadn’t, he would be in much better shape than he was right now. What the hell was he going to do?

  He fished his pho
ne out of his pocket and dialed Rob.

  “Hey, hey, my man. How’s the honeymoon going?” he joked

  “Rob, I have a serious problem.” Gabriel answered

  “What’s wrong?” Rob asked

  “Well, Amelia and I have stopped at a motel to get a few hours –

  Rob interrupted with a chuckle, “and you forgot protection?”

  “Rob, this is not the time for your adolescence. I have a serious problem, like I said”

  “Okay, what’s wrong?”

  “I was already feeling the pull of the thirst when we left, now its hours and hours later, and here I am in Ass Crack Pennsylvania looking at my empty trunk.”

  “Wait, what do you mean, empty trunk?’

  ‘I mean we have been here twenty minutes and my car has already been broken in to. I snuck out to get a bag and the whole god damn cooler is gone.”

  “Oh shit.” Rob said

  “Yes, oh shit.” Gabriel said

  “No other options?” Rob asked

  ‘If there were, I wouldn’t have called.” Gabriel growled into the phone

  “This place is a ghost town.” He added

  “Okay, well there’s another problem.” Rob stated “I’m not sure I can get another batch so soon, and even if I could, a messenger wouldn’t be able to get it to you until tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Oh my god, what the hell am I going to do?” Gabriel begged as he ran a hand through his hair.

  “Well dude, you are there with your very own tasty morsel.”

  Gabriel growled again “I said there were no other options!”

  “Okay, okay, lemme think for a sec.”

  “I’ve got to get back in there, she thinks I’m in the shower. Text me in a few.”

  “Ok man, will do.” Rob assured him, and Gabriel put his phone back in his pocket.

  He crept back around the back of the building and climbed back in the bathroom window.

  He shut the faucet off and stood there bracing himself against the counter.

  He could hear Amelia on the phone with Tommy, so he knew he had a few more minutes.

  Suddenly she was on the other side of the door.

  “So I just talked to Tommy, there’s no change with Sara.” She said through the closed door

  He mustered his composure, “I’m so sorry to hear that beautiful, hopefully things will start looking up for her tomorrow.”

  “Yeah”, she said sadly, “hopefully.”

  “I’ll be out in just a sec.” he said

  “Okay, no problem.” She answered

  He couldn’t hide in the bathroom all night. He decided that he would just try not breathing when she was near him. He had no choice. He had to make it till tomorrow.