Read Government Men Page 55



  There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,

  Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

  - Shakespeare

  Bates opened his eyes to rather bright light. In the log cabin sleeping next to him on the straw was Janet. Besides some strong hormonal reactions, he felt déjà vu, followed by clear recollection of meeting his old pal McGregor, and the Scotsman's strange friends.

  No, he remembered, it wasn’t really McGregor; it was a little guy in fur pants and hooves, even stranger than the real McGregor! He looked around the cabin, which he hadn't been able to see when he arrived in the darkness of the previous night. It was exactly as in his dream! ”Janet?" he said, "Mel? Steve? Hank? Norma and Sandra? Elizabeth and Don? Kay? General? Flood? Winnebago? Wake up everybody!”

  They all woke up and looked around anxiously, as if half expecting to see someone who wasn't there. Hank looked a little put out. He had intended to 'stand guard' all night, but had immediately fallen asleep like the rest of them. Over his long career as a security guard falling asleep on the job had never happened to him before.

  "Wow, did I have a weird dream!” started Elizabeth, and she went on to describe walking with a friend in the woods around the cabin. Her friend asked her a lot of questions about why they were there. It seemed like a cheerful enough story, but then her tone became pained. "The disturbing part was the fact that my friend Shella is dead," confided Elizabeth. "She died a year ago in a car accident. But it all seemed so real!”

  "I had a similar dream," said Steve, "but it was of my dead sister.”

  "I dreamt of Mom, Daddy," said Kay. She began to cry softly, and the General comforted his daughter as best as he could.

  It turned out that they all had similar dreams. Bates was the only one to see mythological characters, but he was also the only one to strongly doubt the identity of his 'visitor'. Like Bates, Mel also dreamed of McGregor, otherwise, they all dreamed of different people, and those people were all dead. From this Bates and Mel sadly concluded that McGregor must have also died. After all, they hadn't heard from Gus in years. The thought of vital, vigorous Gus McGregor quietly dying alone and unnoticed in some Florida retirement community was very depressing.

  "How can you conclude that!” objected Janet. "They were just dreams.” She was visibly disturbed. In her dream she had seen her father, the old tyrant, and it was not a very pleasant experience.

  Bates put his arm around her in an attempt to comfort her. "You're right, Janet. Let’s try to find out if they really were just dreams," said Bates. He went to the door and looked out. The view was exactly what he remembered, though the light now seemed even stronger. The meadows, the animals, the stream, the forest, the path: every amazing thing was there. Milo ran out and immediately fertilized the grass nearby, then sat looking in astonishment at all the wild-life, not able to decide what to chase first or if the wildlife intended to chase him instead. The others all stepped out of the hut and remarked that the surroundings perfectly matched their dreams also.

  "I'm afraid it was all probably real then," remarked Bates. "Not dreams, that is. But from my experience I suspect that the dead people in all our dreams were somehow all being 'played' by the strange folk that inhabit this place."

  "Ha!” laughed Barns. "You mean your little pan-friend, and giants and griffins and the like? Really Bates, wasn't that fake unicorn enough?"

  "Fake unicorn?" retorted Bates. "But you saw Pru with your own eyes! We all did! She brought us through solid rock to get here!”

  "Cockamamie flimflam for the feeble-minded. I protest that we have no scientific proof of any of this," said Barns.

  "Nonsense," said Bates. "All experimental science comes down to the practical use of the senses, and we all sensed Pru!”

  "I'm merely suggesting that we apply proper scientific judgment!” maintained Barns.

  "Go ahead and suggest it," retorted Bates. “But we don't have time for it! I merely stated a working hypothesis to get us through the day.”

  Elizabeth, Don, Hank, Steve and some of the others, who had previous to this particular episode already concluded that herding along with scientists was very often a waste of valuable time and terribly boring to boot, were already wandering off on their own to examine the immediate area.

  While most of the party gawked goggle-eyed at what they saw, Winnebago, totally unimpressed by natural wonders, again tried to sell accident insurance to Steve Latanna. "Look at this crazy joint, Governor! Who the heck knows what could happen to you here? As a friend, I'd be only too happy to help you reassess your insurance needs.”

  Meanwhile, Bates and Barns continued their little argument, with both men becoming crankier by the minute.

  "IF YOU GENTLEMEN ARE THROUGH WITH THE EPISTEMOLOGICAL DISCUSSION, THE COUNCIL WOULD LIKE YOU TO BRING YOUR SLEEPING FRIENDS TO THE COUNCIL CHAMBER!” thundered an impossibly deep voice. The Team all looked in the direction of the voice. Directly in front of Elizabeth was the little forest clearing in which Bates in his dream earlier spoke with not-McGregor, and witnessed strange beings transfigure themselves from inanimate objects. As the Team watched, it all happened again, very quickly. In a matter of seconds, there were unicorns, a griffin, and angel-winged woman, a pan, a centaur, and a giant waiting in the little clearing, which was apparently the High Council Chamber.

  Poor Elizabeth, suddenly finding herself standing in front of a host of strange beings and several meters closer to the bellowing of the giant than the rest of the Team, followed her father's earlier example and fainted dead away! Maybe it was an inherited ability. Janet ran to her side, while Bates angrily marched past them to confront the High Council. The others hung back, particularly Milo and Winnebago, who were competing to see who could cower furthest and most inconspicuously to the rear of the Team.

  "Your behavior is uncalled for!” said Bates angrily. "You may be magical or at least absurdly paranormal by our standards, but that doesn't excuse upsetting people with visions of friends and loved ones that they have lost, or scaring a young lady that way! Plus, you have threatened to keep us prisoner here. I think that you owe all of us explanations and apologies."

  There was a motionless moment of silence that seemed to last for a long time. Then Fen, the goat-man, clapped his hands and laughed in delight. "Well done! Why we haven't seen such an expression of pompous indignity in ages! Nothing like a few humans to liven things up, I always say!”

  Pru turned her empty black eye sockets to gaze fully on Bates as she spoke. "Relax Dr. Bates, for we have already decided that you may all leave here. Actually, we were undecided with regard to Mr. Winnebago, until a certain spirit known as Goyahkla waiting outside our borders pledged to keep close watch over him for all eternity."

  Groans and cursing in a Brooklyn accent could be heard from somewhere to the rear of the Team. Seeming not to notice, Pru continued. "And, you will also receive some partial explanation of our actions, though we do not apologize for what we are, or what we have to do to protect ourselves. You have each been interrogated by a Council member that has assumed the appearance and manner of one of your own. Someone you would trust. We searched your memories and what you call the 'spirit world' to find the proper contacts and become acquainted with them. Preferably someone each of you had actually cared for deeply when they lived. It puzzles us that some of you found the experience so disturbing.

  "However, the spirits themselves could not be trusted to do the actual interrogations. After all, a human is a human, alive or not. Most of us can easily disguise ourselves as rocks or roots or other primitive objects, as a protective adaptation. But fortunately, there is one among us who is more highly skilled at impersonating others."

  Fen bowed. "I could have made it big in Hollywood" he boasted.

  "How do you know about Hollywood?" asked Elizabeth.

  "I told him, lass," said a voice familiar to Bates, Mel, Sandy, Hank, Norma, and Barns. Hobbling towards them on a st
one path was none other than Augustus McGregor III!

  Bates looked at Fen, then turned to McGregor. "Gus! Is it really you this time?”

  "Bates? Narbando T. Bates?" said McGregor, clearly overjoyed but dumbfounded. Looking at the others, he saw several familiar faces. Milo, though he had never met McGregor, ran waggle-tailed to great him doggie style. "What in the name of DOD are yea all doing here? And what do yea mean, is it really me, THIS time? Has me little buddy Fen been playing his shape-shifter games again?” The old friends of McGregor surrounded him. There followed several minutes of laughter, back slapping, hand shaking, and hugs.

  "THE HIGH COUNCIL..." began Gor, in his thunderous deep voice.

  "Knock it off, Gor!” shouted back the feisty McGregor. "Can't yea see I'm busy with me old buddies here? Rest a wee-bit while we sort things out, will yea Pru?”

  Several of the Council didn't appear to be very happy with McGregor and his disruptions, but Fen was trying to calm them down, and they all deferred to Pru's tolerant attitude. Pru didn't seem angry with McGregor, but she did have a practical objection. "Augustus, we do have urgent things to do."

  "I have a suggestion for Dr. Bates and the Council, since our mission is truly an urgent one," announced Steve Latanna. "To save time, those of us not acquainted with Mr. McGregor could immediately help carry our sleeping alien friends to the Council.”

  Bates responded with a thumbs up sign, while Pru nodded her head/horn in agreement, and Steve, Flood, Janet and the kids, the General and his daughter, and Winnebago went to the cabin to fetch the aliens, followed by Gor, who covered the distance in a few colossal steps that caused the ground to tremble.

  Kay all by herself carried the little gray skinned Haspa Wink, while the others struggled mightily to move his massive companion Krog. They managed to half carry and half drag the big Kronan a few meters to the outstretched hand of Gor, who reached in through the cabin door. From there Gor effortlessly carried the green scaled alien back to the High Council's clearing in one gigantic hand, as though massive Knog was a small rag doll.

  In the meantime, Bates gave McGregor a quick run-down on events. In turn, McGregor told him that he had been living here in what the inhabitants called 'The Land' for over six years. He had gotten bored with retirement in Florida almost immediately. He was in Mt. Rainier Park in Washington, trying to track down a family of Sasquatch, when he ran into Fen, who was in Mt. Rainier Park trying to track down a family of Sasquatch.

  Fen was disguised as a forest ranger at the time. The two hit it off immediately, and Fen eventually sort of adopted Gus and took him home with him as the first human to live in The Land in several centuries. Wanderlust being a key element of Sasquatch psychology, the Sasquatch family visited in The Land for only a few weeks before feeling the need to traipse off again.

  "There are several other humans that visit The Land regularly nowadays," Gus told his old friends. "There are the Goths and the Simples and a great Indian Shaman that should be able help sort out whatever you're after here."

  "Who are they?" Bates asked.


  The whole Team, joined now by Gus, entered the little clearing next to the big tree, and Pru began at once. "May we now continue, Mr. McGregor?” Gus opened his mouth to reply but the Unicorn continued on. "The Council has decided that we of The Land will support your quest, but only if you will allow our representatives to join you."

  "We would be honored and grateful," said Bates. "We do have significant room on the Bus, though its capacity has limitations.” Bates looked up at the huge hairy face of Gor, who returned his stare with a wide toothy smile and thunderous laugh. Bates estimated that the Giant weighed at least twenty tons; much more than the Bus itself, surely!

  "Worry not, Dr. Bates. Though the spectacle of Gor in flight would indeed amuse, I had in mind representatives somewhat less massive," said Pru. "Specifically, Fen and myself will go, and if they agree, two of our human friends that live nearby will also go.” Pru's mate Baldor gave a loud dissatisfied sort of snort, but otherwise kept silent. "We each have certain capabilities and knowledge that we feel may prove helpful to you," explained Pru. "And, though we feel that we could protect our Land as long as it is not at the actual asteroid impact location, we have certain reasons of our own for going on this quest of yours to wake the one known to us as The Sleeping Great One.”

  "And I’ll be going too of course," stated Gus.

  Pru looked crossly at the little old man. "You have pledged to stay within the confines of The Land and Goth Mountain, McGregor. Does your solemn oath mean so little?”

  "True enough it is," said Gus. "And an oath is an oath, that's sure, and not to be taken lightly. But this is a corker of an emergency, if ever there was one, and an emergency to my friends and kin. And, it will be recalled that my original pledge was required of me when I was the only human living in The Land. Yea will take note that some few things have since changed.” He pointed to the crowd of visitors. "The Earth is as much my home as anyone's, and I have a right to help save it if I can. Maybe I can't do as much as you, but I can do a little. And maybe that little bit can make a difference."

  After a moment, Pru replied. "Very well Augustus, if it meets with the approval of Dr. Bates.”

  "Sure," responded Bates, "I think we can find room on the Bus for him too.” In reality though, he was becoming a little concerned, as five more folks would now be flying in the little disintegrating Bus, and one was as big as a horse. "Welcome to the B-Team then, all three of you.” Bates and the others on the Team came forth to shake hands, hooves, and paws, pat backs, horns, and so forth. What of the other two folks that you mentioned?"

  "Baldor will immediately fetch Johnny Goth and Dooley Simple from Goth Mountain, stated Pru. The big unicorn stallion, ran away so quickly that it was a blur.

  "I thought that Goth Mountain was near the Pacific Ocean," remarked Barns. "That's a long way from Utah."

  "Not for a unicorn," responded Gus. "He'll have Johnny and Dooley back here within an hour or two."

  "Besides, what makes you think that we are in Utah, human?" remarked Pru, as they reached the Council meeting place. "Now we will attend the sleeping ones." The unicorn turned her long spiral horn, and the attention of all those gathered, towards the two still figures that reclined silently among the roots of the great tree that sheltered them. Perhaps it was the pastoral setting, but now they both truly appeared to be merely sleeping. Pru walked over to the little Haspa and touched her great, glowing horn to his over-sized head for several seconds. Nothing happened.

  "I suspected such. This task will require healing power beyond what I myself possess, if it is to be done with speed," she said, and she stepped aside to make room for Gor, who sat down in front of the little Haspa. The giant reached down ever so gently with his immense right hand, completely covering the tiny little alien. Then he took a great deep breath and closed his eyes.

  His brow wrinkled in concentration. Unbidden, all present knew to keep their silence. Even the wild creatures in the surrounding forest seemed to hush. Soon all that could be heard was the slow deep breathing of Gor. His immense chest rose and fell slowly, then gradually faster. Suddenly Gor took one final, titanic deep breath and held it! The muscles in his gigantic body and face tensed and rippled, and huge wet tears ran down from his eyes and into his great black shaggy beard!

  Then, after long silent, frozen moments, Gor suddenly relaxed, and exhaled a great sigh. As he opened his eyes a big smile formed on his face, and he lifted his hand away from the Haspa. There, sitting wide-eyed and alert on a big tree root, was the little gray alien!

  Wink gibbered a few frightened words in an unknown language at the giant, and then General Therman came forward with his hand extended in greeting.

  "Hello again, Wink, remember me?”

  The Haspa definitely was relieved to see a familiar face, and he shook the General's hand eagerly! "You are General Therman
, our first point of contact on Earth!” he said in a soft, high pitched sing-song voice. "What has happened? You appear to have aged! I last remember encountering Ra disguised as humans!”

  "We guessed as much. Don't worry, you are among friends now, Wink," said the General. "Our new friends here just revived you from some sort of deep sleep induced by the Ra ten years ago.” Wink had a gazillion questions, but the General hushed him and pointed to his still sleeping companion, Krog the Kronan. Gor placed both his enormous hands over the big green Kronan, and began to concentrate once again.

  As arduous as the giant's labor to revive little Wink had been, it was clearly very much more difficult to re animate Krog. For perhaps half an hour those gathered watched in awe as the giant struggled mightily to wake the Kronan. Sweat and tears ran down his body, which quaked and shook with effort. His huge face contorted in concentration.

  That the giant would struggle so long and sacrifice so greatly to save a total stranger told Bates and his Team more about the character of The People of The Land than anything else had or could. Finally, a meter-wide smile slowly formed on the giant's face, and then he ponderously lay himself down to rest.

  At first Bates thought that the giant had indeed failed, for the Kronan still lay motionless. But then he noticed the steady rise and fall of the big green-scaled chest!

  Wink apparently noticed it too. He walked over to his traveling companion's side, kicked him in the side with a webbed foot and then began shaking him. "Come on, you big lazy shirker! You aren't going to leave me to do this mission alone!”

  Krog opened his eyes. "Why do you speaking English-Earther, and how long sleeping have been I?" he asked in a deep raspy voice, and then he yawned and closed his eyes again.

  "About ten Earth years," said Bates. At that, Krog sat up wide eyed and looked around at a couple dozen strange faces. Then his brow knitted in anger. "I remember now! That Ra disguised as a human did to us something! To us, official League representatives!” he exclaimed in disgust.

  At that point, introductions all-around were made, and Bates gave a quick overview of the situation. This was something that Bates had a lot of practice doing by now.

  The two Galactic League members seemed genuinely shocked at the revelations about the activities of the Ra on Earth, though Krog still seemed to be even more disturbed by their treatment of him personally. They were both very anxious to get their hands on solid evidence and take it back to League headquarters.

  "We have copies of their data cubes on the Bus that you can use as evidence against them," said Bates. "But I don't know when you'll get a chance to do anything. We need to get on with our mission.” And, thought Bates, these two will need to join the Team and help summon The Traveler from the Black Pit, and try to wake The Great One!

  "We gladly accept your invitation to join your Team in opposition to the Ra. However, nothing we know of summoning one named Traveler from a place named Black Pit, nor know we of one you call The Great One!” protested Krog.

  Now, that was odd! Bates hadn't yet voiced what he wanted the two visitors from afar to do. And, he could have sworn that Krog's lips hadn't moved.

  "Of course! Telepathic I am human! But you are of also telepathic, though only weakly!” stated Krog. "In addition, on your world is difficult for reasons not known to use telepathy, for even Kronans! How is it than, that now we thus do so converse freely?"

  "Did you all hear in your minds what he said?" Bates asked everyone. Many had 'heard' Krog's side of the mental conversation, but not anything Bates had thought!

  "You very weak telepaths are, and unskilled, I can barely hear or understand," complained Krog. "But now can I at the least hear some of you, including both the General and one Mel Guthery, who had no ability such as this when first we met, or it was masked by powers unknown!”

  "And you, Krog,” pathed Pru, "are perhaps the strongest individual telepath we have ever heard, except for the Great One, of course.”

  The Kronan puffed himself up smugly. "Among my people even, I be a telepath of talent unusual," pathed Krog.

  "You of The Land are also telepaths?" asked Bates in amazement.

  "Yes," pathed Pru.

  "Me too!” pathed Gus, nearly as strongly as Pru. "Mine developed since I've lived in The Land.”

  "That's very interesting," inserted Bates.

  "It is a result of being sheltered from the Great One while in The Land," pathed Pru. "In our Land many other humans would recall that ability and other abilities too, in time."

  "It is one of things I was sent to Earth to study, this strange issue of the Earther lack of telepathic and other psychic capabilities," pathed Krog.

  “Our biological studies suggest that many humans should indeed be telepathic,” pathed Wink. “Yet they are not.”

  "The solution to that mystery is The Great One," pathed Pru. "While the Great One sleeps such abilities are very difficult on this world. It is a protective mechanism of his. Only in a sheltered place like The Land can natural mental ability flourish."

  "Are you suggesting that humans will become telepathic if we wake up this Great One character?" asked Bates, astonished.

  "Not all, but many, to varying degrees, and even more over a period of years and generations. And there are of course other useful mental skills that will probably become apparent," responded Pru. As the Team watched, Pru floated upwards about a meter off the ground, and then faded from view completely!

  "Fudge Winkies!” exclaimed Bates, when he realized the enormity of what had just been explained and demonstrated. What if many humans around the world did have such capabilities? The remaining humans on the Team were too astonished to say anything at all. For the moment, Winnebago even stopped trying to sell life insurance.
