Read Gratitude Page 2

time it’s louder, almost like it was right next to her.

  “Is someone there?” she speaks softly, her lips barely moving.

  She turns.


  She looks.


  A faint blue flicker to her left.

  What can it be?

  She turns and stops.

  The blue throb right in front of her. The throb matches the beat. It was the same as she saw earlier while she was outside. She turns; hesitates.

  What is that?

  She trips.


  Something grabs her hand and twists her around.

  Spins her in one spot.

  Throws her back and brings her back up.

  The beat loud.

  Right against her chest.

  Breathe in and out.

  She sees it more.

  The blue flicker no more. It changes to purple.

  She sees a face.


  She reaches with her hand. Slowly.

  Breathe in and out.

  She reaches more.

  She touches it.

  It’s warm.

  She feels the beat in her hand.


  Breathe in and out.

  The face clear. The eyes almost as if they were glowing. A faint blue.

  She gasps softly.



  What must I do?




  Right then left.

  Will this do?





  Is this a good idea?

  Watch out.

  That almost did it.




  Left then right.


  Right then left.






  Will this work?

  Sure are a lot of people here.




  Is he looking at me?





  His looking…


  At her.

  He does look familiar.

  Is it?


  It is him.

  What is he doing here?








  Sure are a lot of turns.

  I’m sure.



  It is him.

  I must warn her.

  But how?







  It’s now or never.






  Can she see me?

  Looks like it.









  Watch out!!!!!!!


  I’ve got to.

  Got to go.

  Here they come.

  What have I done?


  Help her.

  I should never have come.


  It’s all my fault.




  “Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!” The audience erupts into loud applause.

  “Way to go, Kim. That was something else.” He kisses her on her cheek.

  Kimberly looks.

  It was gone.

  She smiles.


  “Come I’ll lead you off the stage.” He puts his arm in hers. They take a bow and leave.


  Maria comes closer. Her lips pressed together. She frowns.

  “You go, Bat-girl. Way not to mess up.” It sounds sarcastic and forced. She rubs Kimberly’s arm and gives it a light squeeze. That seems fake too.

  “Thanks, I guess.” Kimberly doesn’t really pay attention to her; she was still a bit confused; mostly disappointed. She looks back. Hopes to see something, but there was nothing. All she heard was the music and the dancers moving around.

  The audience were still cheering.

  “You best leave her and come, Drew. We are not done yet.” She pulls him by his arm and glowers at Kimberly.

  “See you in a bit, Kim.” He let’s go of her and joins the rest of the dancers.

  Kimberly feels for the wall and rests against it.

  What was that?

  She tries hard to see if she can find it, but she sees nothing. Again, she listens.

  The noise in the theatre makes it hard to discern the sounds.

  But it was there.

  The faint beat.

  It was coming from her right.

  The more she listens, the clearer the beat becomes. Steady and strong; the same as before. She moves in the beats direction. It moves away from her further to the back, more to the dressing rooms.

  She follows it, always a hand against the wall.

  The beat starts the same throbbing it did outside. The blue glow starts flickering faintly. It goes into her dressing room. She follows it.

  “Is someone here,” she asks as she enters and closes the door.

  All she hears is the beat.

  The glow almost in the centre of the room; it starts turning purple.

  She walks slowly towards it, clutching her dress with her left hand, while the right reaches towards the purple glow that was now more visible than before. Again, a face forms, a bluish glow from the eyes.

  Slowly she touches it. She feels the beat. The face feels warm.

  “Who are you?” She asks softly. “Are you real?” She runs her hand softly over the face all along the eyebrows, gently traces the nose and runs her fingers along the lips.

  It all felt real.

  Kimberly swallows hard.

  She takes her hand away.

  Something touches her arm and then takes her hand and puts it against what felt like a chest. She could feel the heartbeat fast and strong. The chest felt warm.

  Unusually warm.

  A smile comes to Kimberly’s face. She goes closer.

  “Is it you?” Kimberly was excited. Soft drops form at the top of her lips. She breathes deeply.

  She sees the whole body. The face becomes clearer, the eyes no longer glowing, but still blue.

  “Your eyes…they’re beautiful.” She sighs softly; doesn’t blink for a second. Scared she’d miss it.

  She reaches for his face and puts her hand to his right cheek.

  He smiles.

  Then vanishes.

  “I told you everything’s gonna be fine, Angel-face.” Bob walks into the dressing room. Puts an arm around her waist and lifts her into the air.

  “You were great!” He puts her down.

  “What? What’s wrong? You look like you just saw a ghost?” He frowns concerned.

  “What’s with the tears?”

  Kimberly looks around. He was gone.

  She turns and faces where she heard Bob’s voice. Wipes the tears from her cheek.

  “No, just a bit overwhelmed. Glad it’s all over.” She wishes Bob didn’t show up. She tries to listen for the beat, but there was nothing.


  The room was dark.

  He jumps off the bed and cowers against the wall.

  His eyes were wide and white.

  Sweat pouring down his face.

  “Get away from me!” He shouts.

He rushes to the door.

  Trips over a shoe and almost falls.

  He grabs the knob.

  Swings himself around as he feels the hand grab his shoulder.

  “Don’t touch me! Get away from me!”

  He shoves the figure of a person back.

  It moves closer.

  The dark room made it difficult to see it.

  “I’m warning you! Stay away from me!” He turns and fiddles with the door knob more.

  “Where’s the key?! Unlock it! I don’t wanna be here!” He panics.

  Again he turns as he feels the hand on his shoulder.

  He turns and swings his arm.

  Hits the figure right in the face with his fist.

  “I warned you! Stay! Away! From! Me! Where’s the key?!”

  He starts banging on the door.

  A loud shrill leaves his mouth as the figure takes him by his shoulders.

  He fights to free himself.


  He turns and kicks hard with his size twelve’s and the figure stumbles back and falls to the floor.

  He lunges on top of it and starts beating it in the face.

  He then puts his arm around its neck and starts to strangle it.

  Two hands try helplessly to loosen the death choke.

  Small whimpers leave the things mouth.

  “Omar… please… it’s me…”


  “Madam mayor, such an honor it is.”

  “Madam mayor sounds so awful, please call me Sue.”

  “Kimberly, I’ll wait for you outside.”

  Drew looks the mayor up and down, before he heads for the door.

  “As you wish, Sue. I trust you enjoyed the show?”

  Kimberly faces the mayor’s direction; listens as she starts moving about the room.

  “It was quite a performance.”

  The mayor’s voice lacked emotion, was monotonous.

  She clears her throat.

  “I can’t say that it… what I mean is… we’ll have to see.”

  She clears her throat again.

  “So, you’ll reconsider?”

  The mayor says nothing.

  She walks less on her heels and moves slowly closer to Kimberly, from behind.

  When a feet or so away, she stops and stares Kimberly from the back.

  “Is something in my hair?” Kimberly turns and faces her.

  Unnerved, the mayor takes a deep breath, swallows and moves away.


  “You sure your folks won’t mind me rockin’ up, you know, it’s Christmas?”

  He looks at Mya.

  She was busy on her tablet. She taps the screen a few times. Shakes her head annoyed.

  Puts the tablet in her bag.

  Removes her cell.

  Checks her messages.

  Laughs to herself.

  “Mya, are you listenin’ to anythin’ I’m sayin’?”

  He tugs at his beanie uncomfortably.

  “Omar, you’re sayin’? Sorry, just have to reply to this message quick. It’s my friend, Angela, she’s comin’ over lata, just have to get the details of where we’re goin’. Got such a lot to do. My hair’s a mess. My manicure needs a touch up.” She stares at her free hand. She continues walking down the pathway to the front porch.

  He shakes his head in annoyance.

  Does this woman even know where she’s headed?

  Hope she trips on the staircase.

  He watches as she starts ascending the stairs with no hassles.

  She reaches for the