Read Greywolf Page 5


  "Rose, you should be in bed resting."

  Rose could hear the voice behind her, she melted, and a feeling of wellbeing came over her. "I'm helping Louise make an apple pie."

  "I'm sure Louise can handle that herself, you need get well to able to attend to your duties."

  "It's boring laying in bed, waiting for what?"

  "The fourteenth day, you will be allowed out after the fourteenth day, doctors orders."

  She turned to find him standing right next to her and looking into her face. "What doctor, you bloody killed the only doctor I consulted?"


  "You're a doctor."

  He looked around shrugged his shoulders. "I have basic medical training."

  Rose pouted one side of her mouth. "Dr Killmore."

  "You better come with me up to the bedroom, you need anything ring the bell for Mary."

  "Woo ho my mojo just lit up, I thought I lost it."

  Louise busy making pastry made comment. "You should go up and rest Rose, what's happening to you is really weird."

  "I was trying to take my mind of things, you do nothing but think up there by yourself, never had to do much of that before was always to busy."

  Louise stopped what she was doing and focused. "Rose, you lost a lot of blood, you really should see another doctor."

  "Another reason for going to your room, we have a specialist brought in specially to examine you."

  Rose pulled her dressing gown around her to hide her cleavage. "Oh is that why you want me in the bedroom." Rose reluctantly walked up the stairs to her room, Greywolf followed and closed the door behind them.

  "You have to remember Rose audio and visual monitors are everywhere other than the bedrooms, you have to think about what your saying." There was a knock on the door just as he closed it. "This will be the doctor." He opened the door and in walked a middle aged man in a black suit carrying a small leather bag.

  "I'm looking for Rose so I'm instructed." Greywolf gestured toward Rose sitting on the side of the bed. He approached her looking over the top of his thick black rimmed glasses, he sat them back on his nose and extended his hand. "Dr er Smith at your service, what seems t...."

  Greywolf interrupted. "You can get on with it, took ages to get you here, you understand."

  He looked at Greywolf with disgruntled sneer. "Where is John Stanton, I was led to believe I was summoned by he."

  "That's my father, get on with it, em Mr Smith. You could have been a bit more articulate."

  "All I could think of at the time."

  "I know who you are, where you came from, what you've been doing, who you've been doing it with, you can be trusted is all that concerns me, now." Greywolf gestured to Rose.

  The doctor pulled up a chair, an ornate red velvet carved Victorian antique, he struggled. "Don't they have functional chairs in here, this is rather heavy." He looked at Greywolf but he never moved a muscle. "Of course." He positioned the chair opposite Rose and sat down. "Now, I'm a gynaecologist, what seems to be the problem." Greywolf leaned over and handed him a brief sheet from his pocket, the doctor read it. He looked up at Rose, then at Greywolf. He shook his head. "This can't be right she looks like she's no more than thirty."

  "We didn't write the brief sheet for you to question it, we need a prognosis."

  "I've serviced a case like this, I will need to examine you." Rose stood up and dropped her gown backwards onto the bed, the doctor swallowed heavily. "My god, what a woman, I've read of you, in the paper. Please lay back and open your legs with your vagina on the edge of the bed and your legs upright and out of the way." He rummaged around in his bag and pulled out an instrument, he put it together and knelt in front of Roses exposed privates. "Now this may be a bit cold." He gently thrust the scope into her, he looked into the end of it, he turned it round to several positions and then gently removed it. He put the instrument in his bag and sat on the chair. He went to make notes.

  "Forget it."

  The doctor forced a smile and looked at Greywolf. "Of course." He discarded his pen and notepad and looked back at Rose, he scratched his head and thought for a while as Rose put her gown back on and sat down. "Things look quite healthy and normal, I can offer no explanation, you asked for a prognosis, Rose is a healthy fertile woman, she looks less than half her age inside and out."

  "Thank you doctor, that will be all."

  Rose asked a question. "Can I have a baby?"

  The doctor nodded. "Yes, I can see no reason why not, the fertility time after menstruation is around fourteen days, for some reason you appear to have bypassed that time frame and show signs of immediate fertility."

  "Does she need to rest?"

  "I don't see why, she can go about her normal business, she's a very healthy woman."

  "Excuse me a second." Greywolf opened the door, he spoke to the agent that brought him in waiting outside, the agent lent in close offering his ear. "Where did you get this man?"

  "Your father directed us to him when the request was made, your father also suggested he not leave, he was one of the Cavendish's doctors. He is suspected to have executed two of the Smith family related to Rose in an effort to get information on her a few years back."

  "Give him to Bella, see what she can find before he meets with a heart attack on one of our country roads." The agent nodded and stood by the door as Greywolf opened it. "Thanks doc, the gentleman whom accompanied you here will show you to your room, little late to leave and bit of hospitality to show our appreciation."

  The doctor stood up with a smile gathering his bag. "Oh really, how nice, always willing to help." He walked out the door and joined the agent. "Our security head will consult with you regarding anything you may need and your departure time."

  "Oh thank you, most kind of you." They walked away toward Bella's room.

  Greywolf closed the door locking it and then lent with his back to it, he looked at Rose with eyes of fire and a yearning love lust. "You will carry my son."

  Rose stood and dropped her robe to the floor. "Your damn right I will, god how I've wanted you, waited for you." She stretched out her arms. "Come to me, give me your genes, we will be one forever."

  He helped her onto the bed and took off his clothes arranging them neatly on the chair the doctor had used. He climbed on the bed and for a few seconds looked at her feet looked at her. He shuffled on his knees between her legs and with one motion lay on her and entered her, she screamed with approval and looked at the ceiling mirror as he pounded away, she dug her nails into the flesh of his back drawing blood. She whimpered, squirmed, her eyes full of fire, he delivered and as they lay there motionless glistening with sweat, she felt a tingling in her womb as they became one.