Read Greywolf Page 6


  Bella exploded. "Pregnant! We only just moved in here, what the hell will we tell everyone, you're supposed to be milady and you're telling me you're pregnant!" Bella tapped her foot on the floor with her arms folded, locked in a daggers gaze with Rose. "How can you be so sure?"

  "I got Mary to get this test kit, look its gone blue, I'm getting sick in the morning." Bella snatched the plastic headpiece.

  She looked back at Rose with a vengeance. "Who?"

  Rose looked away. "Emm."

  "Oh no?"

  Rose mumbled toward the ground sitting on the edge of her four poster. "John junior."

  "Could it possibly be anyone else?"

  Rose stood and flew into a rage. "You bitch, holier than thou, I've lost it, something's happened, god I need help and you give me nothing but grief!" Rose fell on the bed and began to weep into her hands. "I don't know what's going on, I just want John junior, my lust has left," she looked up at Bella. "God Bell for god's sake help me."

  "Where is he?"

  "I don't know."

  "Was he here last night?"


  "Get him here."

  "Woo ho grandma."

  "Louise knocked and came in. "I can hear you down the hall in my room Bella, what is wrong."

  "Petal here is pregnant."

  Louise walked over and sat down next to Rose, she cradled her head over her shoulder as she sobbed, she whispered to her. "Wow, a mum, something I have longed for, congratulations."

  Rose settled and pushed Louise to arms length. "Thank you." Rose took a tissue from the box on her bedside table and blew her nose. "Bitch here is a bit sensitive because she's going to be a granny."

  Louise chuckled under her breath. "No one could have stopped that."

  Bella was unmoved. "So you think its okay."

  Louise shrugged her shoulders and pouted. "Of course, they are in love, can't you see that."

  "My son is in love to about the depth of his co...."

  "Mother!" A stern voice echoed from the wall panel and Greywolf entered, the panel closed behind him."

  Bella hunted down her son with her eyes aflame. "You little shit!"

  "Louise, take Rose to your room I need to talk to my mother."

  They shuffled out, the air felt as if it could be cut with a knife, mother and son looked their gaze, the door finally closed with a quiet click. "You bastard, you're worse than your father."

  "And my mother, or am I of them both."

  "I didn't want this for you."

  "Again we hear what you want mother."

  "Don't you patronise me."

  "You are supposed to be here to protect each other, here you are condemning the very heart of our life."

  "Leave me out of this."

  Greywolf closed on his mother. "The doctor, fun was he, all relegated to only my mother, no one else is permitted to bonk whenever it pleases them, died with a smile on his face they tell me." He met his mother face to face. "I could blame you mother but I chose to take responsibility for my own actions."

  "Responsibility, impregnating Rose Cavendish, how exactly do you plan to handle the press over this one, the public aren't exactly supportive of illegitimate roll models."

  "I don't know mum I haven't done this before."

  "We should be thankful for small mercies."

  "You love Rose and the child as much as I or I take her away from here."

  "You will do nothing of the kind, I will protect them to my last drop of blood."

  The room feel silent. "I was drawn and compelled to do this, I have no explanation."

  "Well I do, Rose is a randy tart."

  The room again feel silent. "Thanks for loving me so much, only a mother would see it that way." Bella began to sob in her hands, Wolf was taken back, he held her close. "I've never seen you cry before mother."

  "I've cried for you many times, never burdened you with it."

  "It's no Burden mother." They stayed embraced for a while, Wolf held his mother at arms length. "We have a mother in need of support, love, want, you understand these things better than I mother. Come out from behind your shield of shame, you have nothing to be ashamed of."

  "I'm scared the child may be like me or your father."

  "Should the child look like you and be like father, or look like father and be like you, we can only hope."

  Bella settled, she sniffed, she walked to the dresser and cleaned her face in the mirror and returned to her son. "I better go see Rose and make plans."

  "I have to go, will be for a few days."

  "Does Rose know?"

  "Of course not, I should not have told you."

  "This is not a good time to leave her."

  "There is never a good time, but there is a time of no other choice or give up."

  "I would much rather have lived in a little house with your father and watched you grow."

  "And that's you, father and I is it."

  Bella found a smile, she shook her head. "No, but it sounds good."

  "I'll be back soon as I can."

  "God speed."

  The panel in the wall opened and he vanished. Bella drew a big sigh, she sat down on the bed for a while thinking, looking round the room, gathering her thoughts. There was a gentle knock on the door. "Come in Rose."

  Rose peered round the door. "I came to get my things."

  "No you didn't, come here."

  Rose left the door open, walked solemnly to the bed and sat down next to Bella. "Sorry Bell, made things difficult for us."

  "No, just put me in my place."

  "What do we do now?"

  "Plan for the arrival of a baby."

  "I don't want to do that alone."

  "Nor I."

  "What are we going to tell everyone?"

  "I have some ideas, let's go see Louise."

  "She went to her room, she thinks we're finished."

  "We only just started."

  "Now I'm confused."

  "You want to see it from my side."

  "I have an idea."

  "Tell me about it, I'm all ears."

  "Come on lets go see Louise." They strolled down the hall, knocked on Louise's door and she let them in.