Read Gwarcheidial Book 1 Page 13


  The child inside Sophie was kicking, it was as usual making sure that she didn’t sleep in even though it was still dark outside, she dressed herself then went down stairs not realizing that there was a new addition to their little family. She washed then helped herself to a good bowl of Wizzo’s gruel and at the same time mixed some of the potion in with it. She sat down in her now lonely chair and wondered just how long it would be before Athermine could came back to see her, other Fairies came in from the garden to see her, but her thoughts still turned to Athermine.

  Peewee was the next to come down. He went up to Sophie and put his hand on her lump to feel if it was still there, he scratched his head as if mystified and thinking that she would know asked her who it was that was in his cot, Sophie laughed.

  “Wake up Pee Wee there’s nobody ell’s in your cot! You must have been dreaming.”

  “I don’t think so Sophie. If you still have your lump then I’ve been sleeping with somebody or something that has a curly mop of brown hair,” Peewee gripped his nose, “and smells of you know what, ‘come,’ see for yourself.” Sophie who by then had finished her breakfast, and now with some difficulty she eased herself out of the chair, then followed the scrambling Pee Wee up the stairs and into the bedroom.

  “There I told you!” he said pointing to the cot, Sophie tiptoed over and stood there looking down at the mop of brown curly hair.

  “Who is he?” she asked.

  “I don’t know!” He said as he climbed up the side to look through the bars.

  “Wake him up Sophie and ask him his name.”

  “We’d best wait and see Wizzo Pee Wee, e’ll be up soon, then we’ll know.”

  “Can’t we wake him up? I want to play with him; he is old enough for me to play with, isn’t he?”

  “I would think so Peewee, he must be about four or five years old by the look of him, Wizzo might have brung him here for you,” Pee Wee put his foot though the bars on the cot and gave James a nudge.

  “Wake up curly it’s time to play!” James opened his sleepy eyes and lay there looking into Peewee’s small face pressed up against the bars of the cot.

  “He’s awake Sophie, what’s your name curly, do you want to play?” James sat up and rubbed the sleep from his big brown eyes then looked at each of them in turn, Sophie leaned over and tried to lift him out but she was not yet strong enough.

  “I can’t lift him Pee Wee he’ll have to climb out,” Sophie finally caught a whiff of the boy.

  “PHEW! DON’T E PONG!” she said holding her nose; they could now hear sounds coming from Wizzo’s room.

  “Wizzo’s getting up, he’ll lift him out for us Pee Wee, then we can put him in the tub and give him a good scrubbing, --- look, he’s smiling at us.”

  “What’s ya name little fella?” Pee Wee asked. Wizzo, who had heard the conversation going on in the next room, had dressed hurriedly and now came in.

  “Ah, I see that you three are getting acquainted;” he went over and lifted James out of the cot.

  “This is James, a smelly little fellow isn’t he, but not for long my friends, not for long. James this is Sophie and Pee Wee,” James obviously liked what he saw, he had the biggest smile on his dirty little face and couldn’t take his eyes off Peewee. “Down to the tub I think and the sooner the better, come on everybody;” Wizzo stopped, “Come on Pee Wee” he said picking him up having nearly forgotten him.

  “I can get down the stairs on my own you don’t have to carry me everywhere.”

  “That’s all right Peewee --- it smells as if he’s done the same to you as he did to Tommy, I think that you both need to go in the tub, and those clothes need a good washing.”

  “Who’s Tommy Wizzo?” asked Peewee

  He’s been looking after all the very young children down at the workhouse while Alice has been with us, nice young lad, sensible to, I think that I might have to find him something to do. I’m sure there must be some work around here for him, even if it’s just cutting of the dead branches from the oak trees. Umm, he might yet be too young for that.” He waited at the bottom of the stairs for Sophie to come down, she had one hand on the banisters steadying herself the other hand supporting the weight of her now rapidly growing lump.

  “Only two days to go Sophie;” said Wizzo as he waited for her, she had stopped half way and was now resting and looking a little pale.

  “Stay where you are Sophie I’ll come and get you;” he put the two little ones down. Going back up and then putting his arm around her they floated down the stairs, he took her in and put her gently into her chair, Pee Wee followed them holding Curlies hand as he now preferred to call him.

  “Now I really have to go and get Alice, she felt the need to stay behind to tell the children a story, and I also have to get the adoption papers sorted out for James. If I get the tub down and put some warm water into it can you look after James Pee Wee, and see if you can’t train him to use the pot.”

  “That’ll be the first thing I’ll teach him!” Pee Wee held his nose, “phew, he’s a little stinker all right.”

  “Will you be all right while I’m gone Sophie, this could take a little while?”

  “You go and fetch Alice, I’ll be alright.”

  “Peewee, if Sophie has any problems, go out and see Elthra, she’ll get a message to me.”

  “All right Wizzo” he replied. Wizzo turned to Sophie, and with some concern asked her again if she would be all right.

  “I’m all right, you go and get Alice, the Fairies and Pee Wee will look after me.” He went into the scullery and lifted down the bathtub and half filled it with warm water, having done that he said goodbye to them all.

  Going out into the garden he found Hardhead and Grinith digging away in the hard winter soil. The rising sun was trying to warm the cold morning air. He wished the two Gnomes a good day, which received a polite reply and then a rapid return to their work.

  He left the forest and soon found himself standing in front of the courthouse. On entering he looked around and then seeing a door with gold embossed writing on it he went straight to it, the inscription read Justice F A MEANY. Wizzo knocked politely on the door.

  “Come in!” a pleasant voice called out.” On entering he was confronted by a large oak desk with a slim lady sitting behind it. The glowing white aura that surrounded her was tinged softly with all the colors of the rainbow, her dark brown hair flowing down past her waist was taken in and fastened at the back with a wooden comb fashioned from ebony, her dark brown intelligent eyes searched his face.

  “How can we help you Sir;” she said in a pleasant way.

  “I wish to adopt this young child, and I understand that it can be accomplished here Madam?” He handed the birth certificate to her. After she had studied both him and the certificate for some time, Wizzo by reading her thoughts knew that the workhouse had reported the lad missing; this was a most unexpected turn of events. Her manner became stern, the kindness that he had been given when he entered was now gone.

  “What is your name Sir, and where is the child?”

  “My name is Mr. Burn Bright and the child is with me. He was at the Algate Workhouse, he was admitted there two days ago and I wish to adopt him if that is at all possible” Wizzo by this time had a large smile on his face and could see that he was having some success so he continued.

  “From what I can gather his mother has passed on and as you see there is no record of a father.”

  “The birth certificate seems to be in order Mr. Burn Bright and if I’m not mistaken it was from this office that an order was issued to place this child under the protection of that establishment. You say that you now have him, may I ask why and what gave you the right to remove this child?”

  “I must confess to you good lady that I took him out of that establishment late last night after seeing the conditions under which he was expected to survive. I realize that it is difficult for those good people who run such places and who have so many lo
st souls to take care of to be mindful of just one. He could see that she being a good and god fearing woman understood, but still she gave him a surprised but stern look.

  “I find that difficult to believe that the children are living in poor conditions, I myself by the laws provided for such establishments inspect the premises yearly. I have to admit to you that I don’t like sending very young children there, but they seem to survive well enough or so I’m led to believe,” she changed the subject. I have by law and for my own peace of mind to ask you something of a personal nature Mr. Burn Bright.”

  “Ask what you may Madam.”

  “You seem to be somewhat of a Gentleman but I must ask you, have you the means to support and take care of this young child?” she said this with raised eye brows.

  “Indeed I have madam, Mrs. Alice Birch who is a resident at that establishment I have no doubt she will vouch for me.”

  “You know Alice?” she said with some surprise.

  “Indeed I do Madam. I paid that establishment a handsome sum to release her so that she could look after Sophie who is about to give birth to her first child. When I happened to come by Alice was doing her utmost on the front steps of that miserable place to look after her, so yes madam I know her well, a very caring lady indeed.”

  “So it was you that they found to look after that poor woman, I did hear something about that.”

  “Did they say that they had ‘found me Madam?” Wizzo asked with some surprise.

  “Indeed they did;” she said looking at him questionably.

  “They threw her out in the dead of night; in the freezing cold; hoping that she would die some other place so they wouldn't ave to pay for the paupers funeral. If it hadn’t been for Alice taking care of her through the night, she would have perished even before I could get there. I had to employ extraordinary means to keep her from expiring, it is indeed a good thing that I am somewhat of a surgeon and know far more than most about the human form. Alice will tell you that Sophie is now doing well and we expect that she and the child will survive the experience.”

  “As far as Sophie and her child are concerned, might I ask what your future intentions are Sir?” I might also add that it is probably none of my business.

  “I understand your concern Madam, and I promise you that I have only their best interests at heart, I simply wish to take care of them to the best of my ability, and I might also add that I am not without the means to do so.”

  Heather found this man to her liking. She could see bits of hair from his very ample beard pocking out between the buttons of his bulging waistcoat, this intrigued her somewhat, also the large talisman that she could see hanging from his neck that he in his haste that morning had forgotten to tuck inside. It contained a five-pointed star in the center and around that she could make out the signs of the zodiac. Wizzo realized what she was looking at and did nothing to hide it.

  “You seem to have taken upon yourself somewhat of a task Mr. Burn Bright, is there a Mrs. Burn Bright?”

  “No madam, I have been unfortunate in that regard.”

  “My husband is the Chief Justice Mr. Burn Bright I will see to it that the adoption is administered immediately, it’s the least I can do for this young child under the circumstances.”

  “I sincerely thank you Madam.” While he had been talking to her he had noticed the fact that his smile had some effect but not much on this good woman, he pushed the thought aside. “Would it speed things up if I were to go and bring Alice here so that you may satisfy yourself as to the truth of what I say, it would only take but a minuet?”

  “It is not necessary Sir” she said opening a side draw and taking out a document. “I have the appropriate forms here and they will be completed as soon as you give me your address Mr. Burn Bright.” Wizzo looked surprised and answered hurriedly.

  “Oakwood Cottage. Burbery Hill. Oakdale. KENT madam.” She wrote it down.

  It sounds as though you live in an Oak Forest Mr. Burn Bright?”

  “Two Oak forests Madam, and as far as I’m concerned the ship builders of England can look elsewhere for their timber for they will never get my beautiful oak trees.” As she worked diligently, a fleeting smile crossed her face because of his last statement. When the document was finished she dusted of her extremely good penmanship with a dash of powder, shook the document and officially stamped it.

  “There you are Mr. Burn Bright, he is yours and I wish you well. I will send a clerk with a letter telling them of my decision in this matter.”

  “Thank you Madam.” Wizzo took the documents and then folding them neatly he tucked them inside his waistcoat, Heather in the meantime had filled out and recorded the transaction.

  “I bid you a good day Madam;” he turned and was just about to open the door to leave, when she spoke again.

  “I believe Sir that you know more about lotions and potions and the nature of things than most would, am I correct?” He turned and looked at her, now knowing that what he had felt before about this kindly woman was indeed correct.

  “You would indeed be correct Madam.”

  “Am I correct then in thinking that you are some kind of Wizard Sir, perhaps of some standing?”

  “Have you an interest in Wizards Madam or are you simply being inquisitive? And I mean no offence by the comment.”

  “The women in my family have lived as one with nature for generations Sir. By reading their script, which I might add goes back for two thousand years or more and as far as I can ascertain none of them as far as I know has ever been in contact with a Wizard. Wizards it seems are hard to find and mostly as far as I can understand live a solitary life in their search of knowledge and wisdom. So you can see Sir why I find your interests rather conflicting.” Wizzo stood there listening not only to her words but also to her thoughts.

  “You wish to visit Sophie and the child Madam to satisfy yourself that all is as it should be, that is your duty is it not as you see it?”

  “I am intruding in your life Sir and I apologize, it is that my curiosity has got the better of me.” Wizzo was only interested in the script that she possessed; he would of course not take these precious documents from her, he only wished to see them. He was getting the feeling that some of the script she had was in a language that she or for that matter nobody else understood.

  “I’m getting the feeling Heather, if I may call you that;” she didn’t seem surprised that he knew her name, “it is in my mind, that some of the script is so old that it is in a language you don’t understand. If this is the case, the documents that you have in your possession are far older than you think. In fact I would go as far as to say that they would be over four thousand years old and written in the ancient language Sir. And now Heather my curiosity has got the better of me.”

  She sighed. “I have taken it to professors and to so called experts but none seem to be able to translate it. --- Some asked me to leave it with them and others offered us a great deal of monies for them, we have even had some who tried to steal them or were reluctant to give them back, so now I keep them hidden in a safe place.”

  “First we must gain each other’s trust Heather, that is paramount, and I think the only way we can do that is for you to come and see Sophie and little James for yourself. I don’t want you to bring along the manuscripts until you are satisfied that all is as it should be.”

  “Are you familiar with this ancient written language Sir?” She asked.

  “Indeed I am Heather, I understand it well, I was weaned on it, any man who professes to be a Wizard and does not understand the written word of the ancients is not a true Wizard, he is only one that wishes that he could be.” It was as if they had been waiting for him to make this statement, ghosts began to appear around her. They were all women and as each one appeared she would reach out and touch Heather with their right hand, each time this happened it would send a shiver through her, he counted seven in all.

  “Your ancestors have come to see you Heather
, there are seven of them around you, all ladies! I find that a little unusual.”

  “I feel that they’re telling me to trust you, ---- ‘Wizzo’ is that the name you are known by?”

  “It’s a name that Sophie has given me and one that everybody now seems to accept, even those that have the knowing of all things,” he realized that he might have said more than he should have done”

  “You speak to those that have the knowing of all things?” She said this with excitement rising inside of her.

  “I have that honor Heather.”

  “Would it be amiss of me Sir if I were to ask of you a most important question concerning myself?”

  “You may ask Heather but whether or not I am able to give you an answer that remains to be seen, as you must know we are all bound by certain rules regarding these things.” She was getting even more excited, so much so that it just rushed out of her.

  “Will I ever have children? Please tell me if you can Sir, I beg of you, there were now tears in her eyes.” Wizzo was puzzled and showed it.

  “Did your ancestors not tell you Heather?”

  She sadly shook her head and at the same time said.

  “I can only see vague shapes, and sometimes in my mind I seem to hear what they say.”

  “Did you not make a wish Heather?”

  “I’ve asked them and they just smile back at me, are they by chance telling you?” she looked around at the shadowy figures. He shook his head,

  “It seems that they think this way of life that you live is leading you away from what they consider to be your true path, and that you don’t immerse yourself as you should be doing in the true nature of all things. As I understand it, what is happening to you is that you’re slowly growing apart from your sisters. Now I will ask you again Heather, did you make a wish?” He put more emphasis into what he was saying.

  “What have wishes to do with it?” she asked.

  “Is your whole life not ruled by nature, do you not place yourself in its most capable hands and believe in the force of it?”

  “I try, I really do!”

  “Then Heather, the rules are simple, make a wish, and make it not for yourself,” she sat there looking at him, he raised his hands and nodded his head trying to encourage her.

  “I’m too old now!” she said with tears starting to run down her still young looking face. The silver topped cane that he always carried changed into his staff, she saw this and looking a little startled she jerked back in her chair, her hands going up to her face. Wizzo felt that he needed to be a little more forceful.

  “What can I say, what can I do to convince you. Shall I stand on my head, do you wish me to disappear in a puff of smoke, shall I bring you a Fairy to sit on the end of your noise, or perhaps bring you a gnome!” wiping her eyes with the back of her hand she managed to smile.

  “I wish that I could bear a child for my loving husband;” she was now looking at Wizzo wondering if she had said the right thing and waiting for some sign of approval from him.

  Wizzo through his hands up in the air, “At last we have an unselfish wish," and then he added, “Well almost!” Just then one of the ghostly ladies leaned forward and placed her hand on Heather’s stomach and then looking up at Wizzo beckoned to him.

  “I think the one that was your mother wants me to place my hand on your stomach Heather; she also wants you to remove, Wizzo fumbled for the right words, your overly tight corset; do you get that impression?” Blushing she got up from her chair and came around to his side of the desk.

  “Will you do it?” she asked, as if doubting that anything would come of it.

  “You’ll have to remove your corset;” now he was blushing but he continued on regardless, there’s a lady waiting in the vestibule perhaps she could help you remove it.

  “I couldn’t ask her to do such a thing; it’s unthinkable;” Wizzo scratched his head.

  “I could quite simply remove it;” he said expecting her to understand his meaning. But now she was even more shocked by this last suggestion.

  “Lay your hands on me Sir, have you taken leave of your senses!”

  “I meant not to lay my hands on you Heather, and I do apologies for the misunderstanding. I would simply banish it to somewhere else. I wouldn’t need to touch your person except with my staff of course.”

  “Oh! You can do that?”

  “I can send things from one place to another;” he then thought for a moment and wondered if all her clothing would vanish in the process, so he changed his mind and reverted back to his first suggestion.

  “Perhaps it would be best if the lady outside could help you, surely it would only take a minute.” Heather stood there not knowing quite what to do.

  “You’ll have to leave and wait outside Mr. Burn Bright and I’ll ask the lady if she will help me, it seems to me that you are hesitant about using your skills to perform such a task?”

  “Something may go wrong Heather and then we would both be very! Very! Embarrassed!” She was shocked by the thought of what might have happened.

  “Wait outside if you would and I’ll see if the lady in question will help me, although I must say that asking a complete stranger to help me too remove my garments is not something I would normally do. I just hope that the honorable Judge doesn’t need my assistance for anything. Dear me whatever would he think, but then I suppose in a way it’s for him that I’m doing this.” She now seemed to be resigned to the task at hand.

  “I’ll take my leave and wait outside Heather.”

  “Thank you Mr. Burn Bright” she said as she followed him out and went over to the poorly dressed lady who politely stood up as she was approached. Heather leaned close to her and whispered something in her ear; the lady followed her back into the office and the door closed behind them.

  It wasn’t too long before the door reopened and the lady looking almost relieved quickly made her way back to her seat. Heather discreetly beckoned to him from inside the office. Wizzo at that time realized that he must have looked rather strange; he had forgotten to change his staff back into his silver topped walking stick, so on entering he quickly closed the door behind him. She was now standing there waiting for him to do whatever he had been instructed to do by her Mother.

  Wizzo went right up to her and placed his hand in the same spot as he had been shown, it was a great relief when he felt his hand getting warm; he waited a short while for the warmth to go away before he removed it.

  “It is done and I have to say that you are not too old to bear children Heather, but I must warn you, you will only bring forth girls, “lots’ of them.

  “Lots of them! Mr. Burn Bright”

  “What did you expect, they all want to come back and you are the only one left of true decent, so they can only come back through you, there is no other way for them. He looked passed her at the ghostly figures “see how they dance;” they both remained still as they watched the figures swirl and dance around them. “They have waited a long time for this moment Heather, it is there time for coming together, don’t be surprised if you have twins or triplets.” She leaned forward, then taking his face in her hands kissed him tenderly first on one cheek and then on the other. He found himself becoming embarrassed and knowing that everything had been done he was now looking for a quick way out of there.

  “Dear lady I must leave you now and take Alice back to look after Sophie, but I will return, our business is as yet not completed!” he wrapped his cloak around himself and was gone.