Read Gwarcheidial Book 1 Page 14


  Now finding himself inside the workhouse, he stilled his mind and searched for Alice, to his surprise he found her sitting outside on the front steps, he made his way there and called out her name as he approached her, she turned and looked up at him with eyes that were red from crying.

  “Now what have they done?” He said.

  “They chucked me out they did, cause of little James not bein’ere, I tried to explain, but they don’t listen to the likes of me:” he sighed and sat down beside her.

  “Do you really want to stay here Alice, I mean, wouldn’t you rather live with us?”

  “Cause I would, but me little ones, what would appen to um?”

  “Well now let me see, we could come back here say every two weeks --- in the evenings just to see if they’re alright. You can tell them a story and while you’re doing that I can hand out apples and such things to them, what do you think of that idea?”

  “We couldn’t leave um no longer, funny things appen in them places they do, specially to little ones!” He could feel her concern; it made him shiver with the thought of what might happen to them for he knew what was going through her mind.

  “I’ve got the adoption papers all fixed up for James, I just have to go into the office a moment,” he placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, “Everything will be alright Alice.”

  “Thanks Wizzo, ya are a dear.”

  The office was locked but he could hear someone inside, he asked the door politely to open and when it did so he walked in. A very large bald sweaty man with close-set piggy eyes sat behind a very large desk.

  “What do ya want, you ain’t got no right to be in er, --- owed you get in any way!” The man had been in the process of counting a great deal of monies. Not taking any notice of him Wizzo produced the adoption papers from inside his waistcoat.

  “These are the adoption papers concerning young James Harold Arondge, signed and sealed Sir.”

  “E’s gone, we ain’t got him no more and the matters been reported” said the piggy eyed man.

  “For your information Sir, I have him, and I might also add that Alice had nothing to do with the taking of the lad, that was my doing and mine alone. I have explained it all to the Chief Justices wife and she fully understands what happened. Now then, regarding the other matter. Seeing that you have seen fit to throw Alice out of this establishment, it would now seem that I no longer have to pay you for her services, so I bid you good day Sir.”

  “Old on their mister, - who said we throwed er out!”

  “I was under that impression Sir, so was she; Alice is out there sitting on the front steps as if you didn’t know it!”

  “Somebody as to answer for this Sir, we don’t throw nobody out of ere” he said. He managing to free himself from the chair that his big backside being so large was firmly trapped in, then with some effort, and breathing heavily, he waddled past Wizzo and in doing so almost pushing him out of the way. Wizzo stepping quickly aside and followed him out to see Al

  “There ya are Alice, who throwed ya out dear, I’ll skinum alive I will, we need ya er we do, --- why you just think of them little ones Alice!” she stood up and looked from one to the other.

  “It’s up to you Alice, --- you’re quite welcome to come with me, and you can when Sophie has had her child return here if you wish, or stay with us on a permanent basis----we will after all be desperately in need of someone with your knowledge and understanding.” She could see that Wizzo was almost pleading with her, so standing up she said

  “I’ll come with you then if that’s alright Sir?” she then with a sense of renewed pride smoothed out her skirts and did her utmost to tidy herself up. A look of relief passed noticeably over Wizzo’s face.

  “It certainly is Alice;” he took Alice’s hand and placed it on his arm and then with a stern look on his face turned and addressed the now startled man.

  “As I understand it Sir, you are paid to look after the little ones, so Alice and I will return every two weeks to make sure that they are being well cared for, and you have my word on that!” Wizzo had raised his voice to make sure that he was fully understood. The man unable to make any reply stood there blubbering; Alice began tugging on Wizzo’s arm to get his attention.

  “Yes Alice.”

  “They don’t pay them much Wizzo” she whispered in his ear.

  “They pay them more than enough to take reasonable care of them Alice.” Wizzo turned back to the man. “Every two weeks Sir and we will report our findings directly to Mrs. Heather Meanie.” The man seemed to be taken aback by this so Wizzo thinking he had threatened the man sufficiently turned and with Alice firmly holding on to his arm they went on their way up the cobbled street.

  The clerk of the court hurried past them on his way to deliver the all-important message and on recognizing them he raised his hat and politely wished them a good day, Wizzo having acknowledged him guided Alice into an ally. Then wrapping his cloak around them both they were soon back at the Cottage.

  Everyone had made a great fuss over James who didn’t smell quite so bad now, Wizzo decided that he would go and see Mrs. Bones about some warm clothing for them all, so after making sure that Sophie was alright he made his way out to the main gates.

  After they had closed behind him he waited and listened to see if Archie, Mary or Bethermere had need of him, he heard nothing and decided that all was well. Wrapping his cloak about himself he next found himself outside the establishment of Mr. Bones.

  Ongoing over to the large shed he found Mrs. Bones sorting through some clothing for a not very well attired young lady who was carrying a new born baby in her arms. She had but two pennies to spend and was determined to get the best possible garment for the princely sum. He waited out of sight and watched with interest as the young lady bargained with Mrs. Bones over an evening gown that seemed to Wizzo to be worth far more than the two pennies that was being offered. Mrs. Bones held the garment up arguing that she couldn’t possibly let it go for a mere two pennies, the young lady was putting on a great show and was almost in tears trying her best to persuade Mrs. Bones to part with it. He could tell that Mrs. Bones was starting to feel sorry for the girl and finely letting out a great sigh handed her the garment and took the two pennies. As she walked past with her prize she glanced up at him then looked away.

  “Good day young lady, it seems you have got yourself a bargain” said Wizzo. The look on her face as she glanced back at him was a sheer delight. Wizzo sighed, for in that moment he realized how much he had missed in his youth. It wasn’t that she loved him or even liked or knew him. It was the garment she loved, the warm suckling child safely held in her loving arms, her achievement at having secured for herself such a garment, her youth and her innocence. She had allowed him in that one moment to look freely into her womanly, giving, loving, unguarded soul, her young mind having not yet been taken from her by the harsh realities of the world. How loving she would be, giving herself to the one she chose for it was in her very nature to do so. He had never experienced that devotion from a woman nor thought that he ever would, he resigned himself to that fact, deciding that it would serve no purpose for him to feel sorry for himself and watched as the young girl flounced happily out of his sight.

  He stepped out into the view of Mrs. Bones who though a little startled at his sudden appearance was extremely pleased to see him.

  “What can we do ya for Mr. Burn Bright, was everyfin to ya satisfaction?” she asked rubbing her hands together at the thought of another good sale.

  “Indeed it was Madam;” he explained to her what it was he needed then asked if perhaps Mr. Bones was available.

  “E’s out buyin more stuff; --- as if we ain’t got enough already” she said this whilst looking around and sighing.

  “It’s his nature and his pleasure Madam, nothing in this world will stop him.”

  “Ya tellin me Sir!” she said with her hands on her hips and a marked look of disapproval.

You may know of the Work House at Algate?” he asked.

  “I don’t like to fink of it Sir, but I no’s of the wretched place. They ave very young children there ---- and because of the little monies the government gives um to look after those poor unfortunate souls, they have to sleep in the dark, on straw mattresses on the cold stone floor. Little ones of no more than a year old, all huddled together to keep each other warm.”

  Mrs. Bones hands were now clasped together, the whites of her knuckles clearly showing.

  “For me to purchase the beds from you at this time would bring some considerable strain on my finances dear lady, but at the same time knowing and thinking about those poor unfortunate children,” she interrupted him.

  “They ain't got no art they ain't Sir; an there’s you takin on maybe more than ya can andle.”

  “I have embarrassed you Madam; I apologize for I had no idea of your situation.” Her face changed dramatically.

  “Ow would you know what my situation is,” she asked bluntly.

  “I am an old man dear lady and can sometimes see what others do not. Please correct me if I am wrong, but I believe it to be the unfortunate case of you and Mr. Bones not being able to have children of your own?”

  “Ya knows a lot ya do.” She was looking down at her clasped hands as she said this and then looking up at him with sadness reflected in her eyes she said. “But ya right, --- we ain’t ad no children, so I do what I can for them little ones at the workhouse, I sneak’ em clothes now and again, --- when e ain’t about! Wizzo knew that she was referring to Mr. Bones.

  “You have my deepest sympathies dear lady, now then if you would be so kind as to get me this list of things, when I leave here I’ll see what I can do about raising the necessary funds for the much needed beds.”

  It didn’t take her long to sort out what he needed, capes, shawls, coats, scarves, both small and large. She then packed them all into pillow cases so that they would be easier for him to carry. He noticed while she was doing that she had started to limp and was having some difficulty remaining on her feet.

  “I don’t want to seem impertinent Mrs. Bones, but is there something wrong with your legs?” she sat down on a nearby chair and then unembarrassed she unceremoniously pulled up her skirts and began rubbing her swollen legs.

  “Sometime they hurt real bad they do, and NOW’s one of them times.”

  “May I have a look?” and then to reassure her stated that he was somewhat of a surgeon. She hitched her skirts further up showing her bloomers and at the same time remarked.

  “You can’t do no worse than them others I suppose.

  “He knelt down in front of her.”

  “Dear me Madam if you don’t mind me saying, the weight of you has caused your legs to swell to some considerable size!” Wizzo showing some concern looked up at her.

  “I lost a babe an got the milk fever. --- Ain’t got no babes and can’t ave none now.” Her eyes starting to grow moist, “nothing I’d like better than to old a babe in me arms, that’s why I went soft on that young girl that was ere, some days I can’t get about at all, --- Mr. Bones looks after me he does.”

  Wizzo hadn’t had anything to do with milk fever before. He would have to consult his books before he could do something about it and he didn’t want to give her false hopes by saying anything because he knew that not everything could be cured. Her ancestors that he could see around her said nothing to him, he looked at each one of them in turn and still they did and said nothing. He thought this a little strange; normally they would at least give him some indication of what they wanted him to do. He decided to take matters into his own hands.

  “Can you stand up Mrs. Bones?” Helping her to her feet, he looked first at one side of her and then the other. The redness in her aura told him that the problem was in her right and left sides, more towards the back, kidney’s not working as they should do he thought, milk fever must affect them or maybe that was the problem in the first place.

  “Can you move out a little way?” he said gently holding onto her arm. She managed two small shuffling paces, he placed his hands on the two troubled areas. He could feel the warmth coming to his hands, it took some time for the warmth to go away, he popped his head over her shoulder and asked. “How does that feel now?” She wobbled from side to side.

  “What ya done?” she asked. He clapped his hands.

  “I hope that I have cured you Madam, but only time will tell,” her ancestors still being around her were now smiling and thanking him.

  “How much time?” She asked hopefully.

  “One or two weeks perhaps.”

  “I got to go somewhere, I’m busting!” she ran off as best she could into a back room, Wizzo now with a smile on his face for he knew that her kidneys were now starting to work properly, he sat down on a box and waited for her to return.

  After a while she came back out and was about to say something to him but instead through her arms up in the air, turned, and rushed off back to the little room. Wizzo heard a cart coming into the yard, it was Mr. Bones returning, he went over to the barn door and on looking out shouted a greeting to him.

  “Good morning Mr. Bones; I’m afraid that your dear lady is indisposed at this present time and I need to settle up and be on my way.” Mr. Bones climbed down from the cart that was full to overflowing, he came into the barn and looked around.

  “Where is she?” he asked.

  “She’s alright, your good ladies in there;” said Wizzo pointing to the door that Mrs. Bones had limped back over to, Mr. Bones went over and pressed his ear to the door.

  “You alright my little dumpling?”

  “He’s done summit to me he as, --- I can’t stop running, I filled up half a bucket already!” Mr. Bones turned to Wizzo and placed his hands on his hips.

  “What ya done to me misses?”

  “It is my expressed hope Mr. Bones that I’ve affected a cure for your dear lady.”

  “Cured er! What she ave then?”

  Wizzo searched in his mind for an explanation that Mr. Bones would understand.

  “Her water works Mr. Bones, your good lady had a blockage, she should be all right now if I’m not mistaken.” The door opened and Mrs. Bones came back out again smoothing her dress and trying to regain her composure.

  “You will probably be affected in that way for at least two weeks or more Mrs. Bones but your weight should decrease rapidly, now then dear lady how much do I owe you for these garments?”

  “Free shillings will do,” she said as she dashed off to sit on the bucket again, he took from his purse the three shillings and gave it to Mr. Bones.

  “Thank you, as soon as I can get the necessary monies together for the beds I’ll come back, Mrs. Bones knows all about it.” He walked out carrying the pillowcases; as soon as he was outside the yard and rounding the corner it wasn’t long before he was back at the Cottage, he walked in and handed them the pillowcases.

  “These should keep you all warm for the winter” he said. They weren’t listening to him, they had their heads in the pillowcases and were too busy sorting things out and trying everything on and being that they didn’t know what was for who they were coming up with some strange combinations, he sat down to enjoy the fun.

  In the end Sophie had a green velvet cloak that reached to the ground with a hood on it lined with pale green satin that matched her green eyes and red hair. She was unable to fasten it at the neck because the ribbon had been torn away, she didn’t mind it being too long and made the remark.

  “It angs the same as yours does Wizzo;” turning round she made a great show of it. Alice had a beige long coat of pure wool and a bonnet to match, the coat had buttons missing from it even though she had found two spare ones sewn inside for such occasions, she was still short two buttons. Peewee was trying with some difficulty to fit some black breaches on to little James who couldn’t stop laughing and spoke for the first time and in French telling him to stop tickling him. Everyt
hing came to an abrupt stop except Peewee who thought that the lad was talking gibberish.

  “He’s speaking in French to you Peewee” said Wizzo.

  “French, what’s that?” Asked Peewee.

  “E’s a Frenchy, ow about that then, we got a little Frenchy we ave,” exclaimed Sophie.

  “He comes from another country Pee Wee, another land; it’s a short distance over the sea.”

  “I wondered why he didn’t seem to understand me,” said Peewee, who then carried on trying to fit the breaches on to James. James had two pair of these as well as the jackets to go with them. Also two Irish linen shirts with fine lace on the cuffs and collars, four pair of white cotton stockings, two of which had small holes in them under the feet so could not be seen, Alice said that she could repair them. Peewee reluctantly gave up trying to dress James because he wouldn’t stay still so Alice took over the task.

  Peewee’s garments didn’t fit him at all, he being of an unusual size. He was making everybody laugh parading around in a jacket and breaches with a child’s fur coat draped over his shoulders, these were all four times too big for him, but he didn’t seem to mind, he especially loved the fur coat.

  Alice finished dressing James only to find out that he would have to do a lot of growing up to fit into the breaches and jackets, so it was unanimously decided by all that Alice would alter them, she being somewhat of a seamstress. Alice replied that until she had the right coloured cottons, needles and a goodly pair of scissors, she could do nothing for any of them, so all eyes were now focused on Wizzo.

  “Do you know what you need Alice?” He asked, she made some study of the garments by going around and pulling at this and that.

  “Do you need me to write a list out for you so that nothing is forgotten?”

  “It’s alright.” she said going out to the scullery and returning with a sharp knife, with this she collected small pieces of material and samples of buttons that would need to be replaced.

  “I think I have everything Wizzo.”

  “There’s only one place in London that I knows of that’s got what we need, the haberdashery down the end on Commercial road in Algate as I remember, posh place it is, cost a pretty penny too.”

  Some things he could conjure up, but not gold, he would be the richest man in the world if he could do that. Apples, fruit and such things just simply disappeared from off a tree somewhere that he knew of and reappeared inside his cloak or in his hand or where ever he wanted them, but gold or monies he couldn’t take that from others. He would have to sell something. Then again I can heal people, that must be of some considerable value to someone who has the means to pay and it wasn’t for himself that he would be doing it, it was for somebody else, so he assumed that it would be alright to charge for his services. Also he had found out of late something that he hadn’t realized before through his lack of contact with others, that there were many who would be in need of his kind of expertise. But where would he find someone that had the means to pay him, he was unconsciously standing there deep in thought stroking his beard. The places to look would be in the many large Manors scattered about the countryside, he looked around at all the expectant faces.

  “I’ll be back as soon as I can;” he didn’t want to make them all feel embarrassed because of his lack of funds so he gave no explanation as to what he was doing or where he was going. He just wrapped his cloak around himself and as soon as he was outside the safety of the shields he floated up and went looking around the countryside.