Read Gwarcheidial Book 1 Page 15


  Floating high above the ground, and after travelling some distances, he found himself hovering over a very large Manor that was completely surrounded by magnificent gardens.

  A great walkway ran down the middle flanked by statues of all descriptions with ornate fountains magnificent in their construction spaced at intervals down the center.

  He made himself invisible then went inside the Manor to investigate the possibilities.

  It wasn’t long before he found himself in a large drawing room, this was occupied by an elderly man and woman seated in carved brocade covered chairs. There was also a young man of some distinction, the elderly gentleman sat with his left foot resting on a cushion that had been placed on a stool. A glass half full and a decanter of portage rested on a small but elegantly carved table beside the old gentleman, too much portage thought Wizzo smiling to himself, if I’m not mistaken the old gentleman has gout. Wizzo thought for a moment and next he found himself visible and standing outside the doors of the main entrance.

  He pulled the bell cord and waited. It wasn’t long before he heard footsteps, both doors opened and there stood a tall butler in full livery who’s critical eyes looked him up and down and then their eyes locked together, the man wasn’t used to seeing someone that he didn’t know wanting entry to his domain.

  “May I enquire as to the manner of your business Siiiir?”

  Wizzo smiled at him.

  “Indeed you may my good man. Correct me if I'm wrong. But it is my understanding that the elderly Lord Bathmore suffers considerably from gout. Would this be correct? I wish to offer my services to his Lordship regarding his extremely painful circumstances.”

  “His Lordships surgeon has the matter well in hand Siiiir so I bid you a good day!” The butler was now trying to close the doors in Wizzo’s face, only to find that for some reason they wouldn’t close.

  “Might I ask my good fellow, has a cure been affected for his Lordship by his most efficient surgeon, or does his Lordship still suffer from that seemingly incurable affliction?” Wizzo decided that the best way to deal with this man who understood only authority was with authority. “Well my good man is he cured or not?” the sides of the butlers mouth went down, he looked at Wizzo as though he was some kind of obnoxious slimy toad, but having been in service as a butler for most of his life he felt obliged to answer.

  “He is not Siiiir!”

  “Then will you inform his Lordship that a cure is available. And that if I fail to cure him in a short space of time or fail to cure him at all there will be no charge for my services regarding this matter.” The butler looked at him with some surprise and decided that he’d better convey the message to his master.

  “I will conveyyyy your wooords to him Siiiir.”

  “I thank you,” said Wizzo. The butler then found that he could close the doors and did so.

  After a while the doors were opened by the young man that Wizzo had seen before, the butler now standing just to the rear of him and to his left, he presented himself as Lord Bathmores grandson. Wizzo noted that he was a stern young fellow with an authoritative sharpness about him, in fact everything about him was clean cut and nothing was out of place at all in his elegant appearance.

  “What is your business Sir, --- are you some kind of quack, as I understand it there is no known cure for gout Sir!”

  “If I may be so bold as to inform you Sir that there are two cures for gout. One is to stop drinking so much portage for that is the reason by which one is afflicted, the other is a cure that I possess and the benefits of it can be felt immediately,” replied Wizzo.

  “Immediately Sir!” The young man answered looking at Wizzo with extreme doubt.

  “Immediately Sir, and as I have said to your good man, there will be no charge what so ever if I do not succeed. I see that you are concerned that some kind of surgery will be required, I can assure you Sir, that no surgery, lotions, potions or quackery will be involved in the healing process of your Grandfather.”

  “What do you intend to do then Sir, surely something of the kind must be involved?”

  “Nothing of the kind, tell me Sir have you in your Lord Ships employment somebody that suffers from the same ailment?” the young man turned to the Butler.

  “Have we such a person Henry?”

  “Indeeeeeed we have, Parker I beliiiieve suffers from the same aiiiilment, he’ssss one of the down staiiiirs personnel Siiiir.”

  “If you lead the way Henry we will follow;” he turned to Wizzo “this way Sir;” with the two of them in front of him Wizzo floated unnoticed along behind.

  “How far is it Henry?”

  “Some way Siiiir, if you wiiiish I will escort thiiiis gentleman down to see Parker, then return to you and report on the ooooutcome Siiiir?”

  “No I think I would like to see this for myself, lead on Henry”

  “Yes Siiiir.”

  Sometime later, after navigating down many stairs and along corridors, they arrived at Parker’s work place who as soon as he heard approaching footsteps took his foot down from where it had been painfully resting and made himself look extremely busy by vigorously polishing his Lordships boots. The butler stopped and looked into the small room then turned to the young gentleman.

  “Parker Siiiir!”

  “Ah Mr. Parker,” said the young gentleman.

  Wizzo didn’t fail to notice that this young gentleman although arrogant to some degree treated the staff with respect because when Parker attempted to stand up but almost fell back onto his stool the young man seemed quite put out by this and said.

  “Sit down, there’s a good chap;” Parker was now looking with concern from one to the other.

  “I do me best Sir, honest I do;” the young Lord looked puzzled.

  “Ah, your work Parker, excellent my good fellow excellent, but what we are here to see about is your gout, I understand that you do suffer from gout, do you not Parker?”

  “I do that Sir, same as the master, something terrible.”

  “This gentleman has led us to believe that he can cure such an ailment, what do you think of that Parker?”

  “Cure me gout Sir, ha, I’d like to see Im try.”

  “Then try he will Parker, with your permission of course?”

  Parker put his leg back on the stool, the young Lord on seeing the condition of the leg unconsciously stepped back, this reaction causing him to stand on the toes of the butler, who stood firm and said not a word.

  “Sorry Henry, did I inadvertently stand on your toes?” Henry doing his best to hide his discomfort replied.

  “It waaaas an honor Siiiir.”

  “Thank you Henry;” the young lord turned his attention back to Parker.

  “That doesn’t look good at all Parker?” --- in fact it seems somewhat worse than Grandfathers.” Wizzo who was standing behind the young lord and the butler couldn’t see Parker’s leg so he asked.

  “Stand aside gentlemen; let me have a look at it.” The young lord and Henry who had been intent on their inspection of Parker’s leg both stepped aside. There was only a candle to light the room, so without thinking Wizzo reached inside his cloak and out came his hand with a glowing orb in it. The two behind him couldn’t see but Parker who had been bending forward so as to see what was going on regarding his painful leg now sat bolt upright, Wizzo realizing what he had done and quickly explained.

  “New invention my good fellow,” he then proceeded to examine the leg as if nothing was amiss. It was purple and extremely swollen; Wizzo put the orb back into his cloak and put his hands on Parker’s painful swollen leg. He felt his hands getting quite hot, a lot more than the usual warmth. He ran his heated hands up and down the leg and watched as the swelling slowly went down. It took a little while and even after the swelling had gone his hands still remained warm for some time, he waited until it had all passed, then he stood up.

  “There my friend, I must warn you though, if you keep on drinking too much of the portag
e there is every chance that your other leg will become infected.” Wizzo stepped aside. Parker was now bending over inspecting his own leg; he stood up, at first gingerly, but then feeling no pain, he jumped up and down.

  “Bugger me!” he said looking up at Wizzo, “ow’d ya do that?”

  “Sit down man, let’s have a look,” said the young Lord, Parker sat down and proudly displayed his leg, the young Lord poked and prodded it, he then turned to Wizzo.

  “Indeed Sir, just how did you accomplish that?”

  “I am a healer Sir. Normally I treat the poor and less fortunate and would charge no fee for using the gift that I have, but I have recently taken into my care three very young children and two ladies of good repute. Understandably my funds have become somewhat depleted, that being the reason for my presents here.

  “What would your fee be for such a service to his lordship Sir?”

  “To heal his lordship, --- I think twenty guineas Sir.” The young Lord stepped back as if in shock.

  “Ti’s too much, far too much.”

  “Then I apologize for my intrusion Sir and will be on my way!” Wizzo turned and started to walk back the way they had come.

  “How dare you Sir!” the young Lord shouted after him, “it’s Lord Bathmore that we speak of. If the wretched poor get your treatment for nothing then it is you who should be paying his Lordship Sir.” Wizzo stopped and turned to face him.

  “The price has just gone up to Twenty-five guineas Sir, and now perhaps you will allow me to be on my way and look for somebody who will be more appreciative of my services” the young lord run up and was now barring his way.

  “Stand aside Sir!” said Wizzo.

  “You will tend to his Lordship, I demand it, or you will regret it Sir!” the arrogance in the young Lord now overflowed, Wizzo decided to teach this young man a lesson, so replied.

  You are indeed full of your own arrogance young man, the grandson of a great Lord, I think not, so I bid you good day;” Wizzo wrapped his cloak around himself and vanished.

  “Come back here, I demand it! --- Where did he go --- go after him man?” Henry and Parker didn’t move, Parker pulled on Henries sleeve and said just one word.

  “Sorcerer” the young Lord didn’t hear him and was franticly looking up and down the corridor not knowing what to do, in the end he turned to Henry.

  “Henry! Move yourself man, go after him!”

  “He’ssss gone Siiiir!”

  “What do you mean gone, --- don’t be foolish, --- he can’t just have gone, Henry looked at Parker and then back at the young lord.

  “I don’t understand it Siiiir, --- Parker hassss some nooootion of it but he reeeeally has gone Siiiir.” The young lord was by now losing some of his confidence.

  “He can’t just have gone can he Henry?” the young man’s hands were now clasped together, his eyes darting from one place to another searching desperately for an answer, almost pleading with his man servant for some plausible explanation.

  “Perhaps hiiis Looord Ship will know what to do Siiiir, he was iiin Innndia for some tiiiime and does talk about this ssssort of thiiiing, he sssure he wiiill know what to do Siiiir!” Unbeknown to them all Wizzo was still there, the young Lord nervously asked his man servants to follow him, Wizzo followed close behind them not really knowing what would happen next, in his present mood he cared even less.

  Led by the young lord they finally arrived at the sitting room. On entering the young lord being in a very nervous state fumbled for the right words and in the end wasn’t able to find any, his Lord Ship in his frustration asked Henry to explain.

  “What seems to be the problem Henry and where’s that fellow who said he could get rid me of this dam gout?”

  “There was some alteerecation between your Lord Ships graaaandson and the gentleman as to how much the coooost would be for the gentleman’s seeerevices Siiiir. It would appeeeear that the gentleman cured Mr. Parker of his gout, and then beccccause of the altercation, heeee simply disappeared Siiiir, and I mean diiiisappeared! Sir!” Lord Bathmore thought about this last statement and then said.

  “Come closer Parker; let's have a look at your leg.” The old fellow moved back in his chair allowing Parker to put his foot in between his legs. After inspecting it he asked Parker to show him his other leg, after a close inspection he waved Parker away, “ummm! Am I to believe that in the first place he cured Parker, and then there was some altercation as to the cost of his services regarding myself Henry!”

  “Thaata's correct Siiiir.”

  “And will somebody tell me what these costs were?”

  “It was at firrrrst twenty sovereigns Siiiir, then because master Richards arrrrgued with him, it went up to tweeeenty-five, it was theeeen that he bid us good day and disappearrrred Siiiir.”

  “You mean that he left Henry, --- he went!”

  “No Siiiir he simply diiiisappeared, --- puff! --- gone!” The old man sat and considered this for a while trying to remember his time in India. The elegant lady who was sitting across from him had been listening to every word, now asked.


  “Yes me dear!”

  “If the gentleman was a sorcerer this could present some problems especially for Richard. It would be most unfortunate if he were to change poor Richard into a frog or something equally as nasty, I mean we can’t have Frogs leaping about all over the place now can we, but then again George if he was a Wizard, he may still be here. I do hope for Richards's sake that he is still here, please stop fidgeting and stand still Richard and apologies to the gentleman, there’s a good boy.” Richards was moving around the room, his eyes were scanning every inch of it and could only reply in a very nervous voice.

  “But he’s not here Grandmamma “

  “You doff he may be sitting on your blasted head for all we know,” said his Grandfather, who always paid attention to his wife regarding such things. “Apologize to him lad, we don’t know what we’re dealing with here.” Richard who by now was standing quite still, then with a trembling voice and with as much sincerity as he could muster, also feeling a little foolish about speaking to somebody who he thought wasn’t there said.

  “I apologies to you Sir, most sincerely” A load voice filled the room.


  “Sorry Grandfather, I didn’t mean to interfere, I just thought,” the voice stopped him from saying any more.


  There were two sets of doors leading into the large sitting room, he had chosen the one furthest away and he now stood in front of them. The lady was the first to see him, she didn’t say anything, she just looked at her husband and pointed, all the heads swung quickly in his direction, Richard jaw dropped so far it was now almost resting on his chest.

  “Sit down lad, I’ll not harm you,” Wizzo said to him, he then turned and smiled at the lady.

  “You seem not surprised to see me Lady Bathmore but then it is in my mind that you are not unfamiliar with the magical side of life, and I being a Wizard of some standing meant to make my entrance seem so grand” she stood up and curtsied to him.

  “We deem it a great honor Sir and bid you welcome and please forgive me for not being too surprised at your extremely grand entrance;” Wizzo bowed.

  “If there were anything to forgive dear lady it would indeed be my pleasure to do so, it is a pity though that you are not gifted with your mothers hands, but there again you may well be and are not aware of it,” she now showed some surprised.

  “You knew my mother Sir?” she asked in a trembling voice.

  “I was not aware of it until now dear lady but yes I had the honor of knowing your dear mother, how is it that you are here amongst this setting?”

  “I fell in love wit
h this wonderful man, Wizzo turned his attention to the old gentleman who was now looking somewhat mystified.

  “A gentleman indeed madam, now then Sir do you accept my terms;” Lord Bathmore looked at his wife, she smiling, nodded her head, his Lordship turned back to him.

  “It seems we are agreed Sir, now what if anything do you wish me to do?” Wizzo went round to him, then kneeling on the floor he proceeded to unwrap the bandages that covered the thick useless poultice that the gentleman’s surgeon had applied. He was having some difficulty in wiping the gooey mess off, so he looked up at Henry.

  “Warm water, soap, flannel and towels if you please Henry.”

  “Yes Sir,” Henry left the room almost running and had forgotten to use his haughty voice that he so loved to use, it wasn’t long before he and a maid returned and between them they were carrying the much-needed items.

  “The maaaaid will do that for you Siiiir if you wish,” said Henry now able to return to his former dignified self

  “Thank you;” Wizzo stepped back allowing the young lady to first place his Lordships foot in the bowl and then gently wash the discolored swollen leg, when she was completely satisfied she arose elegantly.

  “Will that be all Sir?”

  “That will be fine Elsie, thank you,” said Wizzo, Elsie curtsied and left the room, by now some of the colour had come back into young Richards face but he still stood as if rooted to the floor.

  “Let's see to this leg of yours Sir.” Wizzo knelt down and began to run his hands gently over the swollen leg, as soon as it had returned to its normal size and the warmth had gone from his hands, he stood back up, clapped his hands together as if applauding himself. He had done the same thing when he had healed Parker’s leg and he did it to get rid of any of the affliction that might try to pass itself onto him. He knew that illness was a strange thing and that sometimes it could be spiritual, clapping his hands together made sure that nothing lingered or attached itself to him.

  “Well now then Sir, I think a walk around the room would be in order, don’t you?” The old gentleman carefully rose from his chair and started to walk but after taking only a few steps ended up running round the room, then disappeared quickly out of the open door. In a short time he returned and walking proudly up to Wizzo and handed him twenty-five gold sovereigns.

  “There! Paid in full, and I thank you, may we call upon your services again if needed Sir?”

  “I am happy at this time to be of service to you Sir, to call upon me would not be possible being that my life is one of seclusion, now reluctantly I must leave you,” he rapped his cloak about him and to the surprise of every one, he disappeared.