Read Gwarcheidial Book 1 Page 18


  Dark heavy snow clouds after all there threatening behavior over the last two weeks had now shed some of their burden. It was snowing lightly and being cold enough lay on the ground like a thin blanket. Peewee who hadn’t seen snow for over a thousand years was now under the instructions of Alice attempting with James to build a snowman out of what little snow there was. Wizzo laughed and turned to Sophie.

  “It seems as though Shyness has overcome her problem.” He said.

  “How’s that Wizzo?”

  “Hardhead was standing at his door with his hands on his hips portraying a very stern Gnome making sure that Peewee and James didn’t spoil his garden, then it almost looked as if he fell backwards, Shyness must have come up behind him and dragged him back inside. I can just imagine what Hardhead is thinking with him being so proud and fastidious. He didn’t seem to mind though, he hasn’t come back out.” He stopped speaking and listened, he could hear the Gate Men calling him.

  “There’s someone at the gates Sophie, a man and a woman, I’d best go down and see who it is.”

  Making his way down to the main gates he was surprised to see a carriage. Judge Meanie and his manservant were pulling and pushing trying their best to open the gates, his wife Heather was standing next to the carriage. As Wizzo approached, the gates opened for him much to the surprise of Judge Meanie who hadn’t been able to open them even though there appeared to be no locks or fastenings, Wizzo went out to great them, the gates closing slowly behind him.

  “Good afternoon” he said shaking Mr. Meanie by the hand, what brings you and your good lady venturing out on such a day sir?”

  “It wasn’t snowing when we left London Mr. Burn Bright, I sincerely hope that it doesn’t get too bad or we may live to regret it when we have to return.”

  “It shouldn’t get to bad Sir.” He turned to Heather. “It’s a pleasure to see you again Heather.”

  “It’s indeed a pleasure to see you again Mr. Burn Bright. With Mr. Meanie and our good man not being able to open the gates and it being my fault that you were not advised as to our coming, and I most humbly apologize to you for that. We thought that you must be out and about and that our trip had been wasted.”

  “The gates are always kept locked Heather,” Wizzo said this for the sake of the manservant who looked to be an inquisitive fellow, Wizzo walked up to him.

  “If you turn the coach around and go down the hill you will find the Oak Dale Inn.” Wizzo opened his money pouch and gave the man a shilling. “Come back in about four hours my good man, your Master and his good lady should be ready to leave by then.” The Man servant who was now holding the silver piece tightly in his hand knowing that he could get a good meal, a good jug of ale and still have some left over looked at Mr. Meanie for his approval.

  “Before you go Andy, unload the small chest, and mind you restrict yourself to one jug of ale, and take care to be back here in four hours.

  “Aye Sir,” said Andy as he pulled a small brassbound chest from inside the coach and placed it on the ground. He then climbed up to the coachman’s seat flicked the rains and then expertly turned the coach around and because of the snow made his way carefully down the hill.

  “I sent your man away because there is a certain procedure that everybody who wishes to enter must follow, regardless of who they are, and that includes me.” Mr. Meanie looked somewhat surprised.

  “And what procedure is that may I ask Sir?”

  “First you must both ask the Gate Men if they will admit you, they may wish to ask you some questions.”

  “The Gate Men?” Said Heather looking around expecting to see a manservant of some kind. Wizzo pointed at the bronze faces on the gates.

  “They are those that now watch you with keen interest Heather.” Mr. Meanie was looking directly at the two bronze faces, and from the look on his face didn’t believe what he was seeing. He then went closer to make sure that his eyes were not deceiving him.

  “Do my eyes deceive me Sir, or are they actually looking at us?”

  “Indeed they are Sir. It is not for me to allow you entry, that's if you wish to enter? It’s up to the good Gate Men.” Heather on hearing this walked confidently forward.

  “Is there a particular way of asking Mr. Burn Bright?”

  “Ask as you may Heather.”

  “May we enter Gentlemen?” she asked tentatively. The great booming voices sounded out

  “WHAT IS YOUR WISH?” Came the command from the Gate Men. This caused Heather too take two faltering steps backwards, as she did so she backed into Mr. Meanie tripping over his feet and falling into his arms, still being supported by Mr. Meanie and not knowing what to do she turned and looked at Wizzo.

  “What do they mean Mr. Burn Bright?” Wizzo who couldn’t understand why the Gate Men should ask such a question replied.

  “Exactly what they say Heather, ---- what is your wish?” She looked at him with uncertainty.

  “Heather, the Gate Men guard the entrance to what some would consider to be a world of fantasy, so they ask you what is the wish closest to your heart,” she then said without any hesitation.

  “To bear a child for my husband;” the booming voice spoke again as if not hearing her.

  “And you sir what is your wish?” Mr. Meanie put his arm around his wife and looked with love into her eyes and without looking back at the Gate Men said.

  “That her wish be granted.”

  “Only those that have the knowing of it can grant such a wish. We sense no danger here Gwarcheidial so we place these good people in your most capable hands.” The gates swung slowly open. Wizzo walked through, when inside he turned around. The two of them were still outside holding hands, uncertain as to whether or not to follow, so Wizzo waited.

  “We are entering somewhere we know nothing of dearest.”

  “I know but we should enter anyway” she said, he smiled at her.

  “If you say so my dear.” He let go of her hand and picked up the small brassbound chest, and then as if walking into a dream they both entered Wizzo’s world, they turned uncertainly and watched as the gates slowly closed behind them.

  “We thank you Gate Men” said Wizzo, he went between them and then placing an arm around each they lifted off the ground and flew up the dirt road through the forest. On reaching the Cottage gate, Wizzo asked the Gate Man if they may enter, the gate without any hesitation opened, after thanking the Gate Man the three of them proceeded down the path.

  Alice and the others had gone back inside but had left a small snowman in the middle of the pathway. Wizzo felt the presents of a Fairy, he had been walking in front of Heather and now felt that all was not right. He turned around quickly and saw it hovering in front of her, Mr. Meanie not realizing what it was, was about to take a swipe at it, Wizzo called out.

  “Mr. Meanie ‘Stop’! That’s a Fairy you are about to strike!” Mr. Meanie stepped back, a shocked look on his face.

  “My goodness I’m so sorry.” he said, Heather’s eyes were now wide with wonder.

  “My fault entirely Mr. Meanie, it’s winter and I thought that they would all be asleep, I certainly didn’t think that one would come out to welcome you Heather;” the Fairy was hovering in front of her.

  “You’ll have to clear your mind of all thoughts if you wish to communicate with her Heather.” She stood transfixed, and then bubbles of tears slowly formed in her eyes as she gazed in wonder at this gentle loving creature hovering right in front of her. The Fairy only stayed for a short time then flew away only to disappear into the rockery that Hard Head had built for them, Heather then turned to Wizzo.

  “She said that her name was Anneath, and that I would have all that I had wished for, she said that you had already set that in motion. She used that long name you have when she spoke of you. She also said for me not to worry as the little ones that I wished for had already taken seed inside me,” Heather looked down and placed her hands on her stomach.

  “Heather, in your
in your way, you have tried to serve nature as your sisters did before you, now they have found a way of repaying you all.” Wizzo reached out and took her arm.

  “Come let’s go inside and get warm shall we.”

  Negotiating their way around the snow man, and on its still squeaky protesting hinges the large iron bound oak door opened for them, they entered. Wizzo stood just inside the door and directed them into the living room where Sophie sat feeding as usual a very hungry Angelica. Due to her past experience she had the disadvantage of her breasts being on the small side so little Angelica couldn’t get enough of what she needed from them, Wizzo was now seriously thinking of seeking some advice from Alice in the way of getting a wet nurse.

  “Don’t get up young lady” said Heather as they entered, Sophie had been in the act of trying to stand she now with some show of relief sat back down.

  “You must be Sophie?” she said walking over to her, Heather’s interest of course was in the child, and couldn't help herself from declaring“ Frank she’s so beautiful! Come and see.”

  Wizzo judged that Frank was about ten years older than Heather, possibly more. He was not what one would call a handsome man but a kindly one, he was a little shorter than Wizzo, of a lean elegant appearance and sported a well-trimmed full beard and his blue eyes had brightness about them. He made his way over to look at the Angelic, but eyes became riveted on Wizzo’s timepiece that was half hidden behind Sophie, Heather had to draw his attention back to Sophie and her child by saying.

  “Isn’t she adorable Frank, just look at her?”

  “You can hold her if you like, her names Angelica” said Sophie who by now was feeling sore from the continuous feeding cycle, she detached the little one from her breast.

  “But she’s still feeding Sophie”. Wizzo spoke up in Sophie’s defense.

  “We have to get a wet nurse Heather, Sophie not well enough yet to supply all of the little ones needs I’m afraid. Alice said she knows of one at the workhouse and we have to go there tomorrow evening to see that all is well with the children. I also have to go and see Mr. Bones, after all we can’t have the little ones sleeping on that cold stone floor in that basement.”

  “Sleeping on the floor Mr. Burn Bright, do you speak of the children at the workhouse?”

  “Indeed I do Heather.”

  “It was my understanding that they had beds in fact I went up there and inspected the facilities before I would allow any children to be boarded there.”

  “Heather, I’m afraid that your instructions have not been heeded, and the children do in fact still sleep on the floor, that of course will soon be dealt with.”

  “End Sir, how do you mean?” said Frank still not able to take his eyes off the timepiece.

  “I intend to purchase some beds for them.”

  “It seems that I will have to make more regular inspections of that establishment” said Heather with some authority in her voice. “It was they that quoted a price for each child and stipulated the conditions under which they would be kept, as soon as we get back Mr. Meany, we will go and see them!”

  “Indeed we shall my dear and we’ll also take the appropriate documents along with us so as to avoid any misunderstandings.”

  Alice came in from the scullery carrying James, Pee Wee was scurrying along behind her.

  “Mrs. Meanie, what brings you here?”

  “Hello Alice it’s good to see you again, we’ve brought some documents for Mr. Burn Bright to look at and it seems that it was a good thing that we did. He informs us that the children at the workhouse are sleeping on the floor. What must you think of me Alice, I’m so sorry, I simply had no idea.

  “They’ve got no heart in that place Mrs. Meanie and I’m not surprised that you knew nothing of it.”

  “But you should have told me.”

  I couldn’t do that, they would ave found some reason to throw me out, and then the little ones would have had nobody to look after them. Anybody that makes a fuss gets thrown out because they know that you haven’t got the time to inspect the place and when you do you have to notify them of your intentions before you go there. Then they swap things around to make it look good for you, at least the little ones have somewhere to go and Wizzo and me will look after them.”

  “Indeed we will Alice you can be sure of that. We can’t look after all the children in the world but we can look after these few, and of course we have Tommy who has it seems taken on the task of looking after them when you’re not able to be there, he’s a good young lad, and will someday I’m sure reap his just reward.”

  “Well at least I feel a little better about it all knowing that you are involved Sir, and of course you Alice, but we will still go there as soon as we get back Philip.” She now had a concerned look on her face, he nodded his agreement while still inspecting the time piece.

  Heather had spotted Pee Wee and was now looking at him, he was doing his best to hide behind the skirts of Alice, Wizzo realized that the little fellow was still frightened of Wizards and thought that perhaps Mr. Meanie was one.

  “That’s our Peewee Heather,” said Wizzo, “he keeps James occupied and between them they built the snowman that you saw outside.” Alice hadn’t realised that he was hiding behind her but when she did she stepped to one side.

  “Come on out Peewee they won’t urt you,” she said smiling down at him, she then explained Peewee to heather.

  “Hello Pee Wee” said Heather trying not to stare at him; he bowed to her in a playful way, she turned her attention quickly to James not wanting to ask any embarrassing questions, Alice made this easier by introducing James to her.

  “I can now see that he is well taken care of;” Heather said turning to Wizzo. Alice lowered James to the floor.

  “Hello young man, do you like it here?” James looked with innocent eyes up at Heather and of course couldn’t understand a word she was saying.

  “I’m afraid he speaks only French Heather but he is a fast learner, I think Peewee and he have some kind of secret language because they seem to understand each other well enough --- I speak French myself but would rather he learnt to speak English as soon as possible.” He paused and directed his attention to the chest that Philip had carried in. “The chest wouldn’t contain the documents we spoke of would it Heather?”

  “Yes Sir, we were indeed hoping that we could avail ourselves of your knowledge and that we could come to some financial arrangement for the translation, as we do believe that it will take you some time.”

  “No fee will be necessary Heather;” “Open the chest for Mr. Burn Bright would you Frank,” She had to reach out and touched her husband’s arm, he was so distracted by the Timepiece, he didn’t hear her, she touched his arm again.

  “Frank, would you please open the chest for Mr. Burn Bright.”

  “What’s that ---- oh yes of course my dear!” He took a key from his pocket and removing the padlock opened the chest, it was full to the top with script. Heather bent down and took a full handful of the documents out of the chest, she held them out to Wizzo as if indicating just how many there was.

  “I think under the circumstances you may wish to reconsider our offer Mr. Burn Bright?” Wizzo went over and looked in the chest, and then remarked with indifference.

  “There does seem to be a great many of them.”

  He went over and cleared off the table then going over to the chest he raised his arms and closed his eyes. His mind began searching through the documents for names, places, dates and historical events. The pages after a short while started to float out of the chest and arrange themselves in order on the table, as the last piece floated down into its rightful place, he turned to Heather.

  “You have no idea how old they are Heather?” she had been watching the documents float down onto the table, and at first didn’t hear him, it took a short while for his words to filter into her amazed mind.

  “No --- no idea at all Sir only that some have the appearance of being extrem
ely old, some of the script can’t be made out at all.”

  “These documents go back to antiquity Heather, four thousand years or more if I’m not mistaken. They’re not the oldest documents in the world, I have those in my safe keeping.” He looked towards the sideboard and one of the small draws slid open. Out of it floated two quills, ink, dusting powder and a small sharp silver handled blade that was used to sharpen and shape the quills, below the draw a cupboard opened, a large sheaf of parchments made their way in a leisurely manner to the table. Wizzo went round and leaned over the table, he touched each object in turn, the knife sharpened the quills, the ink pot opened and the quills immediately went into action.

  The copying and translation of the precious documents had begun, one set for them and one for him. Mr. Meanie who had watched all this with some amazement had now turned his attention back to the irresistible timepiece and was about to go behind Sophie’s chair to get a closer look at it. Wizzo glanced in his direction.

  “I would ask you not to touch it Sir, it is after all a most delicate instrument of time and happens to be extremely old.”

  “I have never seen such a timepiece Mr. Burn Bright. There seems to be no moving parts in it except the hand that has moved since our arrival, it makes no sound and yet there are cogs in it that don’t seem to move --- or if they do, they move very slowly.”

  “Please excuse Philip Mr. Burn Bright, he has a fascination with anything that he doesn’t understand, and because of that he has been a longstanding member of the archaeological society.”

  “I know that they can make timepieces now that have a spring and can be wound up with a key of sorts, does this one work in the same way --- but then I detect no presents of a spring --- “ah” there are weights attached to it, I see now. The cogs appear to be made of stone, would they be granite Sir?”

  “Yes they would Mr. Meanie, I powder them regularly to protect them.” Mr. Meanie’s head was now almost inside the clock, after a short while he removed it and turned to Wizzo with a puzzled look on his face

  “All the cogs have writing on them, they are very similar to the oldest of the documents that we have. Just how old is it Mr. Burn Bright?”

  “I have no idea of its age Sir;” Sophie looked at him then looked away with a knowing smile, it had not gone unnoticed by Heather.

  “Frank! Please come away from it!”

  “But look at it Heather, the workmanship, it’s beautiful!” his hand was now reaching tentatively up to touch the face of it. Wizzo shouted.

  “Don’t touch it Sir! It will send you to your bed in agony for at least two weeks!” Frank withdrew his hand quickly;

  “Like everything here it is protected, in the case of the time piece it was protected by those who fashioned it, with great skill I might add,” Franks eyes were now searching across the face of it and being totally intrigued his hand was again reaching out to touch it

  “It’s gold, the whole face of it is beaten gold!” Heather knowing just how inquisitive her husband was and how at times he could be a very stubborn man called out to stop him.

  “Frank! Please come away from it, you’ll get hurt,” he reluctantly stepped back from the timepiece.

  “I must apologize Sir, I’m quite overcome with it --- can you tell me just one thing and then I will ask no more?” Wizzo smiled as if in acknowledgement. “How old is it?”

  “The timepiece is over six thousand years old Sir, it was made by the Atlantean’s;” Frank was about to open his mouth to ask another question.

  “Frank! Mr. Burn Bright has already told you more than he wishes you to know. He also knows that when you go along to your next meeting you will be telling everybody about something that you should not be telling them, remember we are guests here and have already received a great gift from this gentleman.” Wizzo beckoned Frank over.

  “Come Sir, a glass of rare portage to settle your extreme enthusiasm, which I find somewhat of a delight, but since I know that you being a member of the most prestigious Archaeological society, and that all discoveries must be proved, I know that the knowledge of the clock will be safe in your hands.” He turned to Alice, “Alice would you care to do the honors for everyone. When they all had a glass in their hands Frank proposed a toast.

  “To every ones good health and I do most humbly apologize Sir --- my enthusiasm did indeed get the better of me--- no offence meant.”

  “And none taken Sir,” Wizzo looked over to see how the quills were progressing, they were writing furiously and there was by now two new stacks of completed script. It would take at least another two hours or so and knowing that Frank was so full of questions and was nearly bursting to ask them he decided to enlighten him.

  “You wish to know about the Atlantean’s Frank?”

  “Indeed I do Sir, if you don’t mind?”

  “Well it’s part of our history and I see no harm in it.” Wizzo proceeded to tell him that after thousands of years of wars, power struggles and corruption it was found that the only way to live was in peace and harmony and to love each other. It was a long process but in the end they became truly enlightened. Wizzo told him how they lived and why their time had come to an end.

  “But where did they live, there’s no trace of them?” Asked Frank.

  “People often wonder how it was that Noah built such a thing as the ark, he was an Atlantean, and it was not beyond their capabilities at that time. They lived were the Mediterranean Sea is now. Besides there being a great flood, what is not recorded is that some time later there was a great earthquake and the land that they had lived on sank far below the sea. ---- Sometime in the future they will discover that that’s where most of the water went after the great flood.”

  “So Noah’s family was the only human beings to survive,” asked Frank.

  “Oh no, there were many others that survived in many different places but none with the abilities of the Atlantean’s, --- you will find references to them in Greek literature.”

  “In Greece you say?”

  “The old Greek scholars made mention of them.”

  “I can’t remember any reference to that within the society.”

  “It has yet to be discovered,” said Wizzo with a shrug of his shoulders, he casually glanced over at the table; the quills had been much quicker than anticipated and had nearly finished their work.

  “You have much to offer sir --- in the way of historical events, couldn’t you speak about such things to the society?” Wizzo turned to him.

  “Why don’t you tell them Frank, you now have some idea as to what can or cannot be said?” Frank looked at him.

  “It’s strange to think that there are people such as yourself with so much of what we deem to think of as important knowledge but it can’t be released.”

  “It will be in time Frank, all in good time. The human race as it is aptly called, is exactly that. All these things are a controlling factor so that we don’t go headlong to our own destruction. It may seem to you to be rather insignificant at the time but all these things have their right and proper place.” He turned and looked at the table again and watched as the Quills finished their work, he thanked them and put them away, then picking up all of Heather’s documents including the copies he rearranged the packing of them, placing them carefully back in the chest and closing it.

  “They are all now in order of age Heather. I would suggest Sir, that if you wish to tell your friends about your newfound knowledge of the history of the Atlantean’s, you might well put it to them as if it were but a theory of yours, later of course to be proved correct.”

  “A splendid idea Sir, I will certainly take your advice on the matter,” he held up his glass, “this is excellent Portage Sir, may I ask where you acquired it?”

  “I have a small amount of it in the cellars at my other residence; it was there when I took over the residency.”

  “So one cannot purchase this nectar of the gods?”

  “Not to my knowledge Sir. Wizzo saluted
him with his glass then went over to the window. The snow was now three or four inches deep, the friendly wind that had accompanied it, swirled it around in a playful way, branches of the oak trees because of their rough texture were now covered in snow, he found Philip standing next to him.

  “I had no idea it was going to get this bad, it would take us two, maybe three hours to get back to London in this.”

  “Probably more and it’s going to get a lot heavier by the look of those clouds and they’re heading towards London” said Wizzo, “I think you had better set off now before it gets any worse, I’ll go down to the village and tell your man to bring your carriage.”

  “I’d be most grateful if you would Sir.” Wizzo was soon down at the inn. He was pleased to see that the horses were still in harness, had feed bags strapped to their heads and they had their horse blankets over them to keep out the cold.

  As soon as he informed the good fellow of his master's decision he left his half-finished tankard of ale, went out and removed the feed bags and blankets, stowing them in the trunk at the rear of the coach they set of at a brisk pace up the hill.

  On reaching the gate Wizzo told him to wait there as he would bring them down, the fellow looked up the dirt road and seeing no sign of any dwelling looked at Wizzo not with disrespect but at the same time thinking that this old fellow had lost his sensibility. Wizzo climbed down.

  “It’s alright my good fellow we shan’t be long,” he made the pretext of opening the gates and then making his way towards the largest of the oak trees went behind it and was soon back at the Cottage, Frank and Heather were waiting inside ready to leave. On saying their good byes to every one Wizzo shrunk the chest and then wrapping his cloak around them they soon appeared from behind a large oak tree and walked over to the gates.

  When they were installed safely in their carriage with Heather’s precious chest on the seat in front of them, Wizzo put his head in the window and looking at both of them said.

  “I’ll follow your progress home in case of any mishaps, if my attention is drawn elsewhere and you find yourselves in difficulty please call out the name Wizzo and I will come to your aid. He stepped back from the carriage, “I bid you a safe journey, drive on good fellow.” He watched as they turned the corner out on to the road, he would come out in an hour’s time to see how they were progressing.

  Making ones way on these narrow country roads and in these conditions was always a problem, sometimes another coach or a heavy laden wagon would come in the opposite direction, somebody would have to give way, both parties being reluctant to do so. If it was a farmer a few coins would see you on your way, but a coach carrying passengers and being by far the larger of the two and the driver being under instructions not to move aside for anybody or anything, it was you who would find yourself bogged down and out in the cold up to your knees in snow more often than not trying to push your carriage out. Normally people helped each other when this happened, but of course there were always those that would laugh at your misfortune and go on their way. An hour later Wizzo was still outside the gates with his cloak wrapped tightly around him to keep out the cold, he had removed his hood half expecting to hear Heather’s voice instead it was Archie’s voice urgently calling out to him; he quickly replaced his hood.