Read Gwarcheidial Book 1 Page 19


  Ya canny mon;” Archie exclaimed when on turning round found Wizzo standing behind him, “ya canny indeed ya are,” he’s up there with Mary, you’d best away before he harms the wee lass!” Wizzo left immediately, keeping his cloak tightly about him so as the Sorcerer would not suspect that he was there. On his arrival he listened outside the door, the sorcerer was attempting to mesmerize Mary and was having some difficulty due to Wizzo’s influence on her, he was asking her who it was that came there, Mary kept her eyes averted from him and just kept saying Wizzo,

  “A Wizard you say?”

  “No his names Wizzo,” Mary was quite emphatic about that, the Sorcerer didn’t know this name, he knew of most Wizards, Sorcerers and Witches, he had made it his business to know, but a Wizard with a silly name like Wizzo; no there was something strange about all of this.

  With all his concentration being on Mary he still had his back to the door. Wizzo appeared silently a short distance behind the short dumpy Sorcerer and touched him on the shoulder with his staff.

  The man spun round, his heavy staff coming with him, at the same time his hand diving inside his cloak and coming out with a fire ball that he tried to throw in Wizzo’s direction, instead with Wizzo being so close the fire ball bounced off his protective cloak and landed on the bottom of his own cloak. The Sorcerer knew that he was defeated, it would take an incantation to put out the fire and he knew that while he was doing that this powerful Wizard would put a spell on him.

  With fear in his eyes and flames coming from his cloak he ran for the door as fast as his chubby little legs would carry him. He made it safely outside and slipped over in the snow, Wizzo could hear him rolling about, muttering incantations trying his best to put out the fire. Wizzo casually went over to the door and watched as the Sorcerer trying to stand up tripped over the remnants of his cloak and then using his hands as paddles slid down the hill on his back side.

  Now knowing that this Sorcerer couldn’t fly and was also unable to transfer his body from one place to another, Wizzo thought that maybe these were the reasons that he needed to catch a Fairy. He knew that he would have to put a stop to this, he had no choice in the matter. Fairies could do many things for themselves, but to harm another or to takeaway something that belonged to another, this they would not do even if it meant their own demise so it was left to people like Wizzo to protect them,. He went back inside, Mary was still sitting by the fire with Fur Ball in her lap.

  “I see that you and Fur Ball are well Mary.”

  “I’m well Wizzo, that wee gentleman didn’t seem to like ya at all, and what caused his cloak to be set on fire?”

  “Probably a spark from the fire Mary, anyway he’s gone now and I don’t think he’ll return, I’m sorry I can’t stay, but I’ll be back in the late spring as promised.”

  “I’ll be looking forward to that Wizzo.”

  “Is Archie taking good care of you?”

  “I could’na wish for better, he tells me so many wee things that I don’t seem to know about, was I ill when you found me --- Archie seems to think so?”

  “Indeed you were Mary; you had spent too much of your time looking after others and not after yourself.”

  “Thank ya for looking after me and if I can someday repay ya in some way, you have only to ask.” He went over and lifted up the flagstone where she kept her coins, there were only two silver pieces and a few copper coins left, he threw two gold ones in, Mary was watching him.

  “You have nay need to do that, some of the people in the town already owe me for ma services, I expect they’ll pay me in food of one kind or another,” Wizzo smiled at her.

  “A little extra won’t hurt Mary, now I really must be on my way.” Closing Archie’s now strong door behind him he went in search of the Sorcerer.

  On his arrival on the jetty he found the ship was already making its way out of the dock and into the open sea. He watched to make sure in which direction it went, once out to sea it swung to starboard, this would take it out and down the coast of Scotland. He thought that the Sorcerer must have been paying the captain a handsome sum for him to be going that way. Rough seas, and should they get into difficulty not much shipping if any at all on this side of England. It made little difference to Wizzo, he could have gone out to the ship and looked at the charts that the captain would be studying at this time. He looked around, there were shutters half-open, he could sense the eyes watching him. Knowing this he thought that he’d better walk through the snow around too Archie’s, he didn’t want to many stories going around that could possibly bring harm to Mary or maybe even Archie.

  He found Archie standing out on the roadway dressed for war, his sword in one hand, his shield in the other and an extra dirk thrust into his other sock, on seeing Wizzo he exclaimed.

  “Are ya all right Mon?”

  “He’s gone Archie, and he won’t be back, I’ll make sure of that.”

  “Did he harm wee Mary?”

  “No Archie, I managed to get there in time,” Archie laughed.

  “What did ya do to the fellow; I saw him sliding down the hill in a cloud of smoke?”

  “He had an accident with the fireball that he tried to throw at me, he set himself alight with it,” Archie roared with laughter.

  “I should have been there to see such a sight mon, what will you do now?”

  “I’ll follow him Archie, I have a feeling that this isn’t the only place where he was trying to catch a Fairy.

  “Have ya a mind where he’s off to?”

  “Not yet Archie, I’ll know soon enough, he won’t be going anywhere without me knowing about it,” Wizzo held out his hand to the big Scotsman, “I thank you for your vigilance my friend and I’ll see you again in the late spring.”

  “Ay all things being well” remarked Archie.

  Wizzo soon found himself back at the Cottage. He hadn’t heard Heather calling to him so he assumed that they had reached home safely. It had been a long but a good day, he was now almost certain that the Sorcerer such as he was would not give him too much trouble, the next time they met he wouldn’t need to be so cautious.

  He was tired, so bidding them all a good night he went off to his bed.

  The next morning on opening the curtains he found that the sun was already up and the sky was ice blue, the snow had started to melt from the oak trees, he decided not to take High Hopes because it would be too much for the old fellow. As he groomed his beard he remembered the Sorcerer, the man had tried to grow himself a beard but due to the large pockmarks all over his podgy face it was just a straggly mess full of holes.

  Wizzo, having finished his grooming tucked his beard inside his waistcoat and he wondered just how long the Sorcerer had been trying to catch a Fairy, he was most certainly obsessed with the idea. He would go out tonight and find out in which direction he was going. He had it in his mind that the ship was heading towards Germany or in that general direction and ships with their lanterns glowing were easier to find at night.

  Ongoing down stairs he found them all eating their breakfast, the first thing that he had to do was to find a wet nurse for little Angel as he called her. Alice bought him a bowl of gruel, he was hungry, and so it soon disappeared. He told them what his plans were for the day, a wet nurse to give Sophie some relief, beds, blankets and pillows for the children at the workhouse.

  He didn’t tell them about what had happened in Scotland because he didn’t want to frighten them all in anyway.

  Alice asked him if Heather’s party had made it safely home, he told her that as far as he knew they had. He asked Alice about the wet nurse at the workhouse and he decided to look for one that was closer. He left them then and went in search of a wet nurse down in the village. He found a man clearing the snow from outside the inn and asked him if he knew of such a lady who would be willing to take on the task of a wet nurse.

  “There’s Gladys, she lost er little one;” the man pointed down the road counting the Cottages.<
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  “From this one er sir;” he pointed to the Cottage opposite, “it’s the ninth one if I’m not mistaken;” Wizzo gave the man a copper coin for his troubles and then made his way down the road to the ninth Cottage.

  He knocked on the door, it was opened by a young lady of about eighteen years of age. She had a pleasant round face, long mousy almost blond hair and beautiful large honest blue eyes. Wizzo assumed that she had still been in her bed when he knocked because she was hastily doing up the cords on the front of her dress. She was having some difficulty with this due to her breasts being full of milk and were now so large that the cords having previously snapped were now not long enough to tie. To make matters worse she had large cabbage leaves over her breasts to stop the milk from staining the front of it.

  “I must apologize for calling on you at this early hour but would you by chance be Gladys?”

  “That’s me name Sir, how can I help ya?”

  “I’ve taken into my care a young lady and she at this time is unable to produce enough milk to feed the child that she has just had. I was wondering if you would be so kind as to help us in this matter. I would gladly pay you for your services and of course I would bring the young lady here to you at around nine o’clock each morning, if that would be convenient?”

  “I got me work up at the inn Sir, I starts there at nine,” he liked the look of the girl so he persevered.

  “Should I bring her earlier then, shall we say eight in the mornings?” the young girl thought about this for a moment,

  “I’ll just be a minute Sir;” she went back inside and Wizzo could hear her talking to someone, a few minutes later a young fellow, followed by Gladys came to the door, the young man looked Wizzo up and down. Gladys introduced him.

  “This is me usband Bill.” Wizzo extended his hand.

  “Mr. Burn Bright, Bill, I live just up the hill and I was hoping that your good lady might assist us.

  “I have to ask ya Sir as to ow much you’d be payin my Gladys for er services?”

  “Whatever you think is a reasonable sum; I have no experience in these matters and would trust to your good judgment concerning such a thing.” The young man turned to Gladys.

  “What do ya think Gladys?”

  “Would it just one feed a day Sir?” she asked.

  “That would be adequate I think under the circumstances.” Wizzo knew what the young man was thinking, his Gladys needed to get rid of her milk and this gentleman was willing to pay for it, there again he couldn’t ask too much because he knew of at least one other lady in the village who had the same problem as his wife, two copper coins a day would be good as it would mean an extra fourteen a week, but could he ask for that much without this gentleman walking away. Wizzo decided to settle the problem.

  “I would be prepared to pay three copper coins for each good feeding;” the young man thrust out his hand and forcibly took hold of Wizzo’s hand and shook it firmly.

  “We’ll return tomorrow morning then at eight, we may have to change the times on occasions but if this happens I will notify you and we can perhaps work out some other mutual convenient time. I thank you both and bid you good day.” As he walked away he could hear them jumping up and down with joy at the thought of getting all that extra monies, Wizzo passed the man still clearing the snow.

  “Was everything all right Sir?”

  “Indeed it is my good man, the arrangement suits both parties admirably and I thank you again for your information,” the man politely touched his hat.

  “Glad to be of service to ya Sir!” Wizzo went down the side of the inn and as soon as he was out of sight he was soon back telling Sophie about the arrangements he had made, she clearly showing her relief at the prospects of somebody else feeding her little one.

  “Come then Alice we’d best be off and see if we can’t find some decent beds for those children, we’d best take plenty of fruit with us as I’ve no doubt that they will all be hungry, children it seems always are.” Alice put on her coat bonnet and scarf and they were soon on their way to Mr. Bones to see about some beds.

  Mr. Bones was unloading his wagon that as usual was piled high with all manner of things that he had purchased.

  “Good morning Mr. Bones;” we’ve come to sort out some beds for the children at the workhouse, how is your good lady, in the best of health I hope?” Mr. Bones turned and called out to his wife.

  “Mrs. Bones there’s Mr. Burn Bright to see ya,” Mr. Bones turned back and grinned at Wizzo not quite sure whether to say anything or not but by the look on his face he was excited about something.

  Mrs. Bones appeared. She had lost all of forty or fifty pounds in weight, as soon as Wizzo saw her he applauded her by clapping his hands together.

  “Is that you Mrs. Bones?” He said with some amazement.

  “Indeed it is Sir,” she curtsied to him in a most regal manner and it was not in jest.

  “I don’t know what ya did or ow ya did it Sir, but whatever it is ya need it’s yours for the taking and delivered to, ain’t that right Mr. Bones?”

  “Yes dear, whatever ya say dear.”

  “Well Mrs. Bones I certainly didn’t expect to see such a dramatic change, you look absolutely radiant!”

  “All fanks to you Sir, you got healing ands you ave, and you got rid of me miseries ya did, were much obliged to ya we are, ain’t we Mr. Bones?” Mr. Bones came up behind her and slapped her on the backside in a play full manner but at the same time making sure that he was well out of her reach afterwards.

  “Ohh! Mr. Bones, there’s ladies present; e’s taking advantage of me e is Sir” she said playfully.

  “I hope he’s taking full advantage of you Mrs. Bones” said Alice laughing. Mr. Bones decided to take the conversation in a different direction for he himself was getting a little embarrassed now.

  “Well what can we do ya for Sir, beds if I remember rightly and as the lovely Mrs. Bones said to you Sir, no charge! --- Not even a penny or a farthing will we accept.”

  “How many beds do you think will fit into that room Alice, comfortably I mean?” Alice thought for a few moments.

  “About twelve I think Wizzo, which would leave enough space in between each one so as not to be too cramped.”

  “Twelve Sir.”

  “Then twelve it is, I’ve already sorted out about that many so this shouldn’t take too long, and what about mattresses, blankets, pillows and such?” Wizzo looked at Alice for confirmation.

  “All of those too Mr. Bones if that’s all right?” she said.

  “All right! Of course it’s all right dear lady, you may ave whatever ya little art desires, let’s get to it Mrs. Bones;” off went the two of them, one this way and the other that way.

  “What did you do for her Wizzo?”

  She had milk fever and her kidneys were failing, it seems that I was able to fix them up for her. It puzzles me sometimes that I’m able to do it for some and not for others, but there again those that have the knowing of it control all these things and even I; knowing what I do; still think in human terms regarding them.”

  “How do you mean, in human terms?” Alice who was making a great effort to speak correctly was clearly mystified.

  “Take a human being for example. Every day has a start and a finish ---- every year has a beginning and an end.” Wizzo was now unconsciously stroking his beard. “The start and the end of a race, the start of a meal and the finish of it, everything that we associate our lives with has a start and a finish or a beginning and an end. So when we think about something we simply don’t understand, or it’s too enormous for us to comprehend, we look and relate to it in human terms so that our thoughts and minds can then associate with it. That’s why the universe cannot be thought of in human terms because it goes on forever and ever and because you can't make something out of nothing, it had no beginning and has no ending and because of this we humans find it difficult to comprehend the universe, or God for that matter. Another example is that
we think that this earth that we live on is in the center of the universe, this of course is a total misconception.” Wizzo shrugged his shoulders. “We’re just somewhere in it, but because we think in terms of beginnings and ends most people think that somewhere out there it must come to an end, but of course it never ever does;” Alice looked up to the sky.

  “You mean it never ends, but it must end somewhere?” Wizzo smiled at her and shook his head.

  “Take my word for it Alice, it never ever ends. You see you’re thinking about it all in human terms, I still make that same mistake sometimes and have to correct myself.”

  “I’ve talked about this with others Wizzo and we all agreed that it all must have had a beginning, so that being the case, it must have an end!” Wizzo knew that he would never be able to make Alice understand.

  “But it must Wizzo! It makes sense doesn’t it?”

  “In human terms it makes sense Alice, and human beings like to make sense of everything whether it makes sense or not,” Alice laughed.

  “You have a great burden to carry Wizzo with all this knowledge that you have and having to put up with silly people like myself.”

  “You’re not silly Alice, you simply think in human terms about everything and nobody has ever pointed out to you that to see the bigger picture, be it about the universe, or spiritual. To really understand it you must think of it in another way. Now then, let’s go and see Mr. Bones and see how he’s getting on.”

  The beds were soon sorted out and loaded on the cart. Mrs. Bones who was now able to move much faster than before was making sure that there were three blankets for each bed and four good plump feather pillows. Wizzo after pressing a sovereign into his hand told Mr. Bones where he wanted them delivered and that they would meet him there, Mr. Bones tried to give the coin back to him saying.

  “It ain’t necessary Sir, honest it ain’t, an if the miss's finds out she’ll kill me she will!”

  “It’s for you and your wife Mr. Bones, there’s an inn just down the road and as I understand it they serve the best ale and the finest meal, take her out tonight Sir, you’ll not regret it I promise you,” Mr. Bones looked at the coin in his hand.

  “You’re a gent you are Sir, a proper gent!”

  “We bid you both a good day,” they waved to Mrs. Bones who was now hurrying from the shed carrying something; she called out to them.

  “I got sumfing for ya Alice,” she came over and handed Alice a fine red velvet gown.

  “For you love, that’s for the next time e takes ya out on the town.”

  “Why thank you Mrs. Bones,” Alice held it up against herself, “it’s beautiful!”

  “It looks about your size love, I ope it fits?”

  “If it doesn’t I’ll alter it and make it to fit.”

  “You a bit of a seamstress are ya love?”

  “I’m a good seamstress Mrs. Bones, all them garments that came from er before have been made to fit,” Alice looked at Wizzo with a smile, “except maybe Pee Wee. Do ya remember the child’s fur coat Mr. Bones? Pee Wee got me to take the lining out, and then turned it inside out so that the fur was on the inside, he likes to feel it against his skin, it’s about five times too big for him, but e loves it.” Alice burst out laughing. “I think e wants to look like you Wizzo. She laughed again. “E wanted to know what appened to the hood and was most disappointed when I told im that it didn’t ave one. Alice without realizing it had reverted back to her old self while talking to Mrs. Bones.

  “I remember that one, just you ang on a minuet love. Mrs. Bones hurried back to the shed and disappeared back inside, a few minutes later she came back out carrying another fur coat that was old and torn, she gave it to Alice. Alice held it up to inspect it.

  “I can make the hood out of this part Mrs. Bones, it’s a different fur but that won’t matter to Peewee, ell just love it, I know e will.”

  “We thank you both’ said Wizzo and then added “Look after this beautiful generous lady of yours Mr. Bones.” After a bit of bowing and curtsying Wizzo and Alice made their way out side and soon found themselves at the workhouse.

  Making their way down to the children’s room they realized that Heather and her husband must have been here, it had all been cleaned out. Ceilings, walls and floors had all been cleaned and painted with white wash, the big fellow was in the process of putting a small table at the end of the room, and he turned when he heard their footsteps.

  “Allo Alice, there’s been a right kafuffle on er. Is Lord Ship an is lady walked right in they did, straight down er they came, then strait back to the office they went. Bangin on the door they was, I aint never seen nofing like it, you ad somfing to do wiv this I’m guessing?” Alice smiled at him.

  “And what if we did.”

  “Good on ya Alice, they told the old witch that there was some beds arriving and they weren’t to be used for nobody but the children.” He now looked from Alice to Wizzo as if to confirm his thoughts on the matter. Wizzo spoke.

  “They’ll be arriving in about two hours. Beds, blankets and pillows my good man; you can throw all that other flea-ridden stuff out that’s in the hallway.”

  “I’ll ave to ask about that sir, knowing them they might find other uses for’ em, I only do what I’m told see, that ways I keeps me job.”

  “As long as they’re not used for the children you can do what you like with them, ---- where are the children?

  “Some’s working, and thems that’s too little are up with Agnes, I’ll take ya up their Sir, if ya like.”

  “Lead the way my good fellow, by the way what’s your name?”

  “Affurs me name Sir.”

  “Arthur, the name of kings, full of pomp, a goodly name indeed.” Arthur walked past them, as he did so he looked at Alice but nodded in Wizzo’s direction as if to say, is he all right, a bit strange maybe. They followed him up to the next floor and then down another corridor and found Agnes trying to get the little ones off for their afternoon nap; she was relieved to see Alice.

  “I can’t get’um off to sleep, the little buggers just won't settle down, ow’ed ya do it Alice?”

  “Sing them a lullaby Agnes; they’ll drop off soon enough.”

  “I don’t know no lullaby’s Alice!”

  “I’ll sing them one now Agnes, but if you ask Tommy, he knows all the lullaby’s to get them off to sleep.” Alice picked up the one that was making the loudest noise and then rocking it in her arms started to sing.

  “When the moon peeps through the window, and the night lights in the sky twinkle on. Slumber time slumber time for little children comes along. When the girl meets in the darkness with er lover and the night owl sings its song. Slumber time slumber time for little children comes along. When the candles are lit, and the street lamps come alive, its slumber time, slumber time for little children. Alice had a good voice, it was as if somebody was going round switching of each child one at a time until they were all curled up fast asleep. With some reservation and a show of reluctance Alice put the one she was holding back down onto the straw mattress.

  “There you are Agnes” she whispered, “it’s easy and Tommy knows all the songs that we sing to them and all the stories we tell, --- you just make them up as you go along.” Alice looked affectionately at the children. “They don’t mind Agnes, they just like somebody to talk to them in a kind way that’s all.”

  “Everything seems to be going well here Alice, did you want to see Tommy.

  “I wouldn’t mind Wizzo, just to see how he’s getting on. He took out some apples from his cloak and placed them on the floor.

  “These are for the little ones, and there’s one for yourself, where would Tommy be at this time Arthur?”

  “Follow me, I’d best go along with ya ta make sure Alice ere don’t get up to no more mischief;” he said this smiling at Alice. He took them to where Tommy was hard at work making sacks under the supervision of the old witch as she was called; when they went in she came over to them.<
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  “You got permission from the office to be er Alice, cause if you aint you’d best be on your way;” she had placed her formidable size in their way.

  “Stand aside woman or you will find yourself out on the streets, be off with you!” said Wizzo with some authority, he leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “we have friends in high places, be aware of it Madam” the woman’s face went quite red, and she stood aside.

  “There he is!” Alice made her way over to Tommy, the old witch made as if to follow her.

  “Stay where you are Madam, your insolence will not be tolerated for much longer!” If looks could kill Wizzo would have dropped dead, instead showing his contempt he ignored her. Alice spent some time with Tommy and at the same time acknowledged others in the room. Alice came back over to him and made a point of putting her nose up in the air as she passed the old witch, who was by now boiling over. Alice took Wizzo’s arm as they walked out of the room. Wizzo stopped at the door and turned round, the old witch was staring at him, he stared back, after a short time she tried to avert her eyes but couldn’t, a look of fear started to appear on her face, nobody else knew or could see what was happening. Wizzo was changing his shape before her eyes to that of a snarling vicious wolf with saliva dripping from his sharp fanged mouth, its eyes were a menacing bright red, it growled and spoke to her.

  “Beware woman or your time will come to an end!” Wizzo turned and taking the arm of Alice he calmly walked out as if nothing had happened, the old witch was shaking from head to toe and had turned the colour of snow.

  “Do you think that you can get into that gown?” he said to Alice who was still carrying it over her arm.

  “I can try Wizzo.”

  “If we go up to the Court House perhaps Heather has a room that you could use.” The courthouse was only a short distance away and Heather was extremely pleased to see them and allowed Alice to change in her office. The courthouse waiting room was full so he waited in the hallway that separated her office from the courtroom. It didn’t take Alice long to change and it took Wizzo’s old breath away when she majestically appeared. As they passed through the waiting room the four gentlemen who were waiting to be attended to stood up as if in the presents of royalty and watched as she seemingly floated past. She acknowledging each of them in turn and the two ladies that were with them.

  “Shall we precede kind Sir;” she said smiling mischievously up at him?

  “Indeed we shall dear lady,” on reaching the sidewalk he hailed a Hackney cab and helping her into it as any gentleman would, he instructed the cabby to take them with all haste to the tea rooms in Hyde Park which was some distance away. Alice placed her hand on his arm squeezing it gently. She felt a great affection for him and had done so even before she became aware of what he really was. Age didn’t matter to her, after all her father had been thirty years older than her mother and they had been wondrously happy, her husband had been much older than she was and had treated her with the greatest respect and affection. They had no children and that was the reason she made such a fuss over everybody else’s. She glanced again at this wise man’s face who sat so proudly beside her and wondered if she had made a terrible mistake in asking him to share her bed. Wizzo could hear her strong thoughts and placed his hand gently on hers, but didn’t say anything. He always felt at his ease with Alice, being that she was such a thoughtful person and thoughtful people do not press themselves on others nor do they try to control or dominate others in anyway and he appreciated that.

  They passed along the streets of London, many turned to look and wonder who the lady was and assumed that the two of them must be going to an early performance at the Theatre for they did indeed look the part. On their arrival at the tearooms he asked the cabby to wait, this enabled Alice to leave her other garment with him. They were then shown to the best seats.

  All the other ladies had bonnets on, this being the fashion of the day, the one she had been wearing didn’t match her new red dress so Alice of course wasn’t wearing it. This caused some comment among the ladies behind their fluttering fans, Alice posed for them and flicked her long dark lustrous hair in a casual manner, which Wizzo enjoyed tremendously, then the waiter came over and became a part of this theatrical scene.

  “Buttered muffins with plenty of strawberry jam, my good fellow.” Said Wizzo with a flourish, and then just as the waiter was about to turn and walk away, Wizzo raised his hand. “Two glasses of your best Madera and if it’s not over fifty years old you have no need to serve it for it would indeed be an insult to my ladies delicate palate.” The waiter looked concerned over this last order.

  “I’ll see what we ave Sir.”

  “Thank you;” said Wizzo. Alice couldn’t help but put her hand up to conceal the cheeky smile that she now unavoidably wore. She knew that Wizzo by the look of him was having some fun and it was because of her that he was having it. Somehow he looked a lot younger. In fact she and Sophie had noticed that over the past few weeks since he had taken Athermine and her mother back to Scotland he had begun to look younger for some strange reason. Perhaps they were getting used to him and he had become more acceptable, she didn’t quite know why, she looked at him again, he defiantly looks younger.

  “Do I Alice?” he said.

  “Do you what Wizzo?”

  “Look younger Alice!”

  “Oh dear, she said, I forgot that you could read my thoughts.”

  “Well, do I or don’t I not look younger?” Alice nodded her head.

  “I think so Wizzo, even Sophie’s said so.”

  “It’s the Fairies Alice, I had them trapped inside my cloak for all that time, to stop them flying away to goodness knows where. Shealther and I wondered what would happen, and what with them both being so weak after it all. Younger a.” Wizzo stroked his beard. “Handsome too I’ve no doubt?” He looked at Alice for some confirmation, she couldn’t help but smile at this small show of conceit, she knew that it wasn’t like Wizzo to even trouble himself over such things, she watched as he relaxed back in his chair.

  “Fool that I am, what do I care if I look older or younger Alice. If I wanted to look young for you or anybody else I would simply do so,” the muffins arrived just in time to stop him becoming embarrassed by his own conversation, Wizzo glad to see the waiter asked about the Madera.

  “I’m sorry Sir but the oldest Madera we have is but thirty years old.”

  “Is it still in the cask my good fellow?”

  “Indeed it is, and might I add Sir that it has been kept under ideal conditions in our cellars.

  “Then when we have finished our tea and muffins, you may serve it.”

  “Will that be all Sir?”

  “Yea thank you;” Wizzo pressed two copper coins into the man’s hand, Alice was reaching out for the tea pot, Wizzo put his hand to his mouth and coughed politely, so instead of grasping it she put her hand against it as if to see if it was hot enough. A serving girl came over and placed a hot muffin on each of their highly decorative china plates.

  “How do you like your tea madam?” she asked.

  “A little milk with but one teaspoon of sugar thank you,” after the maid had elegantly completed that task Alice stirred her tea in a most delicate manner while the girl asked Wizzo how he would like his poured.

  “Very little milk and as strong as possible, I like to be able to stand my spoon up in it, as it were,” the young girl smiled at him, putting the pot down on the table she took off the lid and stirred up the tea.

  “Is that strong enough Sir?” she remarked as she with great finesse poured out the finest cup of good strong tea he had seen for a long time.

  “Excellent, thank you,” he picked up the cup and made a toast to Alice.

  “Long life and happiness Alice;” she returned the gesture, she was enjoying every minute of his pleasure.

  “Do you come here all the time Wizzo?”

  “On a Wizards pay Alice, indeed not, but I must say it’s all rather fine i
sn’t it, anyway we have earned it and we should do it more often, don’t you think?”

  “If it is to your liking Wizzo,” she answered politely.

  “It is to my liking Alice.” There was some kind of altercation happening on the other side of the room, they could hear raised voices. He looked over, and to his surprise saw young Master Richards the grandson of Lord Goodall facing a young fellow in an officer's uniform.

  “Excuse me Alice I see a friend in trouble.” As he hurriedly made his way between the tables he sized the situation up, when he arrived he deliberately turned his back on the offending officer and spoke to Richard

  “Richard my dear fellow it’s so good to see you, how is your Grandfather, Lord Bathmore?” Richard didn’t quite know what to do so said hesitantly.

  “He is well Sir;” Wizzo looked at the beautiful nervous flushing young lady sat at the table.

  “Please Introduce an old man to this most charming young lady Richard;” you could have heard a pin drop, everybody in the room was discreetly watching, because a challenge concerning honor had already been made.

  “Stand aside Sir, my honor is in dispute!” Wizzo slowly turned round to face him and at the same time took a step towards him putting his face about an inch from his. The young officer's face became arrogant but slowly turned to surprise and then he didn’t know quite what to do. Wizzo spoke to him sternly like a superior officer would have done.

  “I suggest that you pay for the young ladies dress immediately or it will not be the wrath of Master Richard that you incur Sir! It will be mine!” In the eyes of the young officer the person that now stood before him was a General in full dress uniform.

  “Yes Sir, immediately Sir, my apologies Sir!” the panicking young officer fumbling like a child pulled from his pocket a purse and emptied the contents on the table, “that’s all I have at this time Sir.”

  “It will do; report back to your regiment immediately lieutenant and get the scabbard of your sword seen to, it’s a disgrace.”

  “Return to my regiment Sir?”

  “Yes your regiment Sir, immediately! Are you deaf?”

  “No Sir!” The young first lieutenant saluted Wizzo and smartly removed himself from the premises. He was followed by his mystified friend. This was because he hadn’t seen Wizzo as a superior officer, all he had seen was an old man whose beard was sticking out of his old waistcoat, but he followed his friend obediently knowing that there would be some plausible explanation. Wizzo watched them leave and then turned his attention back to Richard.

  “Now then Richard I believe you were going to introduce me to this most charming young lady.”

  “Oh, Oh yes indeed Sir, Mr. Burn Bright my I introduce Miss Annabel Wilkes.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you Annabel, I sincerely hope that the rest of your day is a pleasant and uneventful one. I’ll not take up any more of your time as I myself am with a lady and if I’m not careful somebody will come along and snatch her away, so I bid you both a good day and Richard would you please give my regards to Lord and Lady Bathmore.”

  “I will Sir,” the young lady stood up.

  “And I bid you a good day to Sir,” she said this with sincerity, and then added, “Thank you so much.”

  “It was my pleasure Annabel” Wizzo bowed and made his way back to Alice. He could feel every eye upon him, some were themselves officers both in and out of uniform, they wondered who this old gentleman was with his black cloak sweeping the floor, although none dared to challenge him, he sat down rubbing his hands together.

  “Now then Alice maybe we can finish our Muffins and tea in peace.” The matra-de was the next interruption.

  “Please except our apology for the disturbance Sir, --- most regrettable, the officer was entirely at fault!”

  “Just a young stag showing his horns, no more to it than that my good fellow;” replied Wizzo.

  “Then the matter of honor has been settled, the reason I ask Sir is that the Officer in question and his friend are pacing around outside and don’t look to be going anywhere.” Wizzo saw that Richard and the young lady were about to leave, so he stood up and beckoned them over.

  “Would you and your young lady be so kind as to join us Richard?”

  “Of course, it would be a pleasure Sir;” the Waiter assisted them to their seats.

  “Some Madera perhaps Richard?” asked Wizzo.

  “Indeed Sir.”

  “And what is your pleasure Annabel?”

  “I think perhaps a small glass would at this time be permitted after the current events Sir;” she looked at Richard for his approval; he placed his hand on hers.

  “Whatever you wish Annabel;” Wizzo nodded at the waiter.

  When the waiter had gone, Wizzo asked about Mr. Parker’s leg, this was just to make conversation while he thought of what to do.

  He could go outside and confront the fellow again, the trouble was that he had seen Wizzo as a General in full dress uniform whereas the other fellow with him had not. He couldn’t tell Richard that the fellow was outside waiting for him, because during the confrontation he had seen the look on his face and for this young lady he would fight the devil himself. Wizzo knew that the fellow outside was the best in his regiment with a sword, there was nothing else for it, he would have to teach the fellow a lesson that he wouldn’t forget. The waiter came back with the Madera; Wizzo chose this moment to politely excuse himself.

  “I’ll be back in a moment, with that he went outside and walking strait up to the two of them asked the second lieutenant for his sword.

  “May I borrow your sword for a moment Sir, the two officers looked at each other, and then the one who had started it in the first place said.

  “My argument is not with you Sir!”

  “I’m afraid you are mistaken Sir!” Wizzo replied in a forceful manner, he then turned to the other officer. “Your sword Sir if I may;” Wizzo held out his hand. “Come Sir let us not dally, I have a fine Madera waiting for me inside, your sword Sir!” The young officer didn’t want to give Wizzo his sword for he knew the skill of his friend. The cocky offender stepped forward shrugging his shoulders.

  “Give me your sword Alex!” Alex pulled the sword from its scabbard and handed it to his friend hilt first, then looking concerned he stepped back out of the way, but as he did so he said.

  “You have no second Sir.”

  “I need none Sir, this will last but a few moments,” Wizzo held out his hand to receive the sword, it was handed to him hilt first. Wizzo took three paces back and with a smile on his face remarked.

  “First one to draw blood I believe is the custom is it not Sir!”

  “As you wish Sir!” The arrogant officer replied and at the same time his sword viciously sliced through the air.

  “Heavy clumsy things aren’t they;” said Wizzo as he stepped back slashing the air with his sword; the young arrogant officer spoke to Wizzo curtly.

  “On your guard Sir!”

  “On guard indeed;” said Wizzo still slashing the air carelessly with an air of nonchalance, the young officer didn’t know what happened then. It was quicker than the eye could see! Wizzo with a mock look of concerned stepped back.

  The lieutenant now had a fair amount of blood running down his face from a gash about three inches long.

  “Oh dear I seem to have drawn blood, I do hope it’s yours and not mine Sir.” The officers hand went unbelieving up to his cheek and came away covered in blood that was now dripping down and over his very smart uniform. At the sight of his own blood he went into a rage and charged at Wizzo, his friend called out to him.

  “Yield! Gregory or you will bring dishonor upon the regiment!” Wizzo who had not been expecting this madness was defending himself not only with the sword but also with his can that had due to his dire needs changed automatically into a sword.

  With the first charge of this maddened but skillful swords man Wizzo had been driven back, he wasn’t worried about his body becaus
e it was protected by his cloak but his head and his sword hand wasn’t. His left hand was griping the other sword through his cloak so it was protected, now his hood came up and covered all but his eyes. It had happened just in time, his opponent’s sword struck and slashed across his protected face, the crazed officer thinking that he had dispatched his opponent stepped back. The terrible laughter that came from him bordered on the edge of insanity but it gave Wizzo a chance to change his sword back into his staff, it became a blur and hit the officer hard enough in the head rendering him unconscious. He picked up the officer’s sword and snapped it across his knee, he then threw it down on top of the prostrate body.

  “You should really teach your friend some manners Alex otherwise he will get himself and you into an awful lot of trouble don’t you think?” Wizzo handed back the sword, hilt first to the stunned Alex, he then turned and walked casually back into the tea rooms to join his unsuspecting friends. The waiter came up a short time later and announced with a smile on his face, the smile was because some of the staff had been watching the event from a side window.

  “They have departed Sir!”

  “Thank you my good fellow, --- this Madera is excellent, my compliments to the cellar man who has obviously taken good care of it” the waiter bowed to him as if he were the king.

  “I’ll will indeed pass on your compliment Sir.”

  An elderly couple who had been strolling in the park and had observed what had happened came in. The gentleman who had a military bearing raised his hat to Wizzo and Richard as he was shown to his table, Alice was looking at Wizzo, and she couldn’t help wondering if he had been up to something, Wizzo with the innocents of a child smiled back at her.

  “Do you know that gentleman Sir?” asked Richard?

  “I don’t think so and I would certainly remember his military bearing,” Wizzo relaxed, and turned to Annabel.

  “Is it not a beautiful winters day Annabel?”

  “It is indeed Mr. Burn Bright, we may be lucky enough to get an early spring this year. I do so love it when all the spring flowers come out and I can walk down country lanes and enjoy the fragrance of it all.”

  “Do you live in the country Annabel?”

  “My father has a farm just outside London on the Canterbury road, I love Canterbury with its great Cathedral. The Cathedrals really beautiful and just inside on the floor of the main entrance there’s a large circle with all the signs of the zodiac in it, it’s quite enormous, and so beautifully done. One would have to wonder why they put it there, in a church I mean, one does wonder about these things?” Wizzo knew that in days gone by some of the churches of England had been used for things other than the worship of God, but instead he told her that it was for decorative purposes and nothing more.

  “They went to an awful lot of trouble just for that. My father thinks that it has something to do with witchcraft or the occult, he seems to know a lot about that sort of thing. Both my mother and father used to tell me Fairy stories when I was very young, I grew up thinking that Fairies really existed. I wanted to believe it so much I actually thought I saw one, can you believe that?” She blushed, “I’m afraid I have somewhat of an imagination and I talk far too much.”

  “Isn’t she adorable Sir;” said the noticeably love struck Richard. Alice looked at Annabel and asked.

  “What did the Fairy look like Annabel?”

  “I didn’t actually see one it was just the imaginings of a young girl Alice.”

  “But what did she look like?” asked Alice again.

  “Oooh, -- she was quite beautiful. She was about as big as my little finger and had wings that looked like tiny rainbows. Her hair was pure gold. The garment she was wearing ---- well that was blue, but it had a shine to it that made it sort of sparkle in the sunlight. Her golden hair flowed down over her shoulders and that sparkled to, I even remember the colour of her eyes, they were sky blue, you all must think me so foolish” she said shyly, her eyes now focused on her hands that were resting on the table.

  “Where did you see the Fairy Annabel?” Asked Wizzo”

  “It was at a little place called Frog Halt just outside of Folkestone Sir. My Father had taken us down there for a short holiday, my mother wasn’t feeling too well at the time and he thought that the sea air would do her good and we have relatives who live there, at Frog Halt I mean.”

  “I know Frog Halt well Annabel and there are Fairies there” Said Wizzo. She looked at him with some disbelief.

  “Truly there are,” he said, “have you been back there since seeing the Fairy?” Annabel shook her head. “Then you should go but don’t take anybody else with you not at this time.”

  “Are there really such things as Fairies Mr. Burn Bright?” asked Richard?

  “I am happy to inform you that they do exist and that they only appear to people who they really trust and love. You should see it as a great honor Annabel and by no means must you doubt what you have seen. I might also add that it would be better if you kept this a secret. Fairies love people who can keep a secret, that's because they have many secrets of their own that they don’t wish everybody to know about. Such as where they are, you must clear your mind of all things if you want to hear her, --- unless she is a Queen in which case she may talk to you.” Annabel wasn’t quite sure whether or not to believe this man who seemed so well informed about Fairies, Wizzo called over the waiter.

  “A receipt my good fellow;” he paid the bill and then getting up he went round to Annabel, then picking up the hem of his cloak he turned it inside out.

  “Was the colour something like this?” Annabel took it in her hand stroking its sheerness and feeling its softness and being amazed at the brightness of the colors, she looked up at him with some amazement, Wizzo smiled at her.

  “Go and see your Fairy Annabel, in the spring would be the best time.”

  “I will Sir!”

  “Then we bid you both a good day;” Richard and Annabel stood up.

  “Good day to you Sir, and again we thank you most sincerely for your intervention in the previous matter.”

  “I forgot to ask you Richard, are you still anticipating a commission in the light horse, or has your grandmother changed your mind about that?”

  “She has advised me to participate in the governing of the country Sir and to forget about obtaining a commission, I must admit that it came as some surprise to me that she should give me such advice.”

  “Do you want my advice Philip?”

  “It would be appreciated Sir.”

  “She is a wise lady and knows more than she tells, take her advice --- you will not have course to regret it.”

  “Your advice is appreciated Sir and I will give it my most serious consideration.” Wizzo turned to Alice and offered his arm to her.

  “Come Alice let’s go back and see how the little ones are faring.” They went out and climbed back into the still waiting hackney, he gave the coachman his instructions and they settled back to enjoy the ride. Wizzo made an effort to block out the thoughts of Alice that were coming to him loud and clear. When they had seated themselves in the hackney she had immediately placed her hand gently on his arm, they had been travelling for some time and were about half way to Aldgate when she turned to him.

  “Have you always found that there are a lot of people that need your help Wizzo?” He placed his hand on hers.

  “Not really Alice, I mostly lived as a recluse, I didn’t have much to do with others at all. It now seems that those that have the knowing of it have decided that it’s time that I did. I know that as far as I’m concerned nothing happens that shouldn’t happen, it’s a strange situation to be in really, for me that is, and for someone like yourself even stranger I suspect.”

  “So for two hundred years you’ve lived as a hermit, as it were?” He sighed.

  “Yes but now it all seems to be changing, I know the reasons for that of course, but after living for so long on my own I’m finding it difficult to adapt to
this new kind of life.”

  “Let me if I may assure you that you’re doing just fine,” she squeezed his arm affectionately. He liked the feeling that it gave him, in fact it felt so pleasant the mere thought of removing it made him feel a little sad inside, he sat deep in thought for some distance.

  When he was young, one of the first things that he had been taught was how to put a protective shield around himself, because at that time he didn’t poses the cloak. Even when his father had died and he became the proud wearer of it he still maintained his personal shield through force of habit. It protected him at all times and this meant that others could not see his aura, nor could it go out to others. This being a necessity when going up against a skillful sorcerer, or even worse a person who made a study of the black arts and could bring forth the devil himself. If the aura of the person they were attacking couldn’t be seen it meant that they couldn’t find a weakness in it so didn’t know by what means to penetrate it. The problem he faced now was should he or even could he after all this time dismiss his own personal shield, this was one of the reasons he couldn’t understand why it was that Alice had it seemed become so attached to him.

  As he understood it two peoples auras would come together at the first sight of each other, they would know this by the fact that their knees would go weak because of the impact that this would cause. Many people's auras came together but in friendship and no more, but when it really hits as it does when soul mates meet for the first time, ladies unable to remain standing sometimes fall to the floor. His thoughts came to an end as their carriage jolted to a stop, they had arrived back at the work house.

  Gracefully he helped her down. He paid the cabby and they went inside.

  As they passed the office and being that the door was open Wizzo glanced inside. To his surprise the place had been tidied up. A large smooth faced well-dressed gentleman was behind the desk. He was sorting through papers and putting everything in its right order on shelves that had been newly erected round the walls of the office. They were almost past the door before the gentleman called out to them.

  “Excuse me, can I help you?” Wizzo took two steps backwards so that he now faced the man.

  “Alice and I have come to see the young children Sir.”

  “For what purpose may I ask?”

  “For the purpose of seeing if the beds that I purchased and that have to my knowledge been delivered are now in place.”

  “Ah Sir, you must be the gentleman that so kindly donated the beds for the children?”

  “Indeed I am Sir,” holding out his hand the man approached.

  “You must be Mr. Burn Bright?” Wizzo reached out and shook the offered hand.

  “Indeed I am Sir,” and this is Alice.”

  “I’m Mr. Grudgall, the owner of this fine establishment and I beg you to understand that we do all that we can for these wretched people.”

  “In your mind they may be wretched Sir but one must remember that they are people who through no fault of their own have come into hard times, so we must all do what we can for them.”

  “Indeed Sir, indeed! And as for the beds we are most grateful, even though they are second hand, and knowing that the little ones are well cared for and will now sleep curled up in a nice warm bed. Why Sir I do believe that their beds are better than my own, which I could barely afford due to the expense of running this fine establishment.” Wizzo was slowly but surely getting very sick of this greedy fellow, who by the use of cunning words was trying to convince him that he had a good heart and was somewhat of a gentleman, Wizzo turned away from him.

  “Let's go and see the children Alice and see for ourselves as to just how this fine establishment is taking care of them, which I am sure they are.”

  “Indeed we are Sir. I give you my personal permission to see for yourselves and I know that you will not find it necessary to bother yourself again as to their wellbeing. I mean after all, an important person such as yourself, with all your other important duties, must find it difficult to find the time to assume such menial a task Sir. So if you would leave it in our most capable hands I can guaranty that we will take good care of them.” Wizzo turned around to face the man and then straitening himself up to his full height he declared.

  “We will be coming to see the children every two weeks Sir, we consider it our civic duty to do so and I might add find extreme pleasure in taking on this most menial task, his Lordship, Justice Meanie hopes that this will meet with your approval?”

  “Oh” you have the approval of the most Honorable, Justice Meanie Sir?”

  “Indeed we have Sir! We also understand the small allowance that the government gives you in regard to this, so I suggest that we combine our efforts and that between us these young children will stand the best possible chance of survival.”

  It seems that I have no choice in the matter, do as you will, my contract only runs for another year, I suggest that you make it to my advantage to renew it!” with that he turned and went smugly back into his office. They made their way down to the children.

  “Where’s Tommy, Tommy where are you?”

  “They told im e weren’t to sleep wive us no more Alice,” said a small voice from the back of the dark room.

  “Is that you Peter!” Wizzo produced a glowing orb and held it up; the lad climbed out of his bed and ran to Alice. He could have been no more than six years old, she picked him up, his arms went about her neck and he wrapped his little thin legs around her.

  “Where’s Agnes Peter,” she asked.

  “Dunno!” replied Peter. Most of the children were crying and had been when they came in; Wizzo went round handing out apples. There were little heads and hands coming out from everywhere. Alice put Peter back into his bed and then went round seeing to their needs. Changing diapers, wiping dirty bums and washing grubby faces.

  “These children shouldn’t be in this dark room all the time Alice, it’s no good for them.”

  “I used to take’um out in the back yard for a short time each day when it wasn’t raining or too cold, I’ll ave to find out if Agnes still does that.” She sighed. “What’s to be done Wizzo, just look at’um, they haven’t been seen to for some time. They’ve been put into their beds and left to fend for themselves, this room will stink within a week! --- Tommy needs to be here or somebody needs to be here.”

  “Let's go and find out what arrangements have been made Alice;”

  They made their way back up to the office. Alice spoke to Mr. Grudgall for some time only to find out that Tommy had been put into another room. Mr. Grudgall insisted that it was the usual custom when a child reached his age. This was to make room for more unfortunate children. Agnes was authorized to go to the children at six in the morning for two hours, twelve noon for one hour and a half and then five in the afternoon for as long as she wished.

  There was hidden meaning behind this well-orchestrated conversation and Wizzo knew it, as did Alice. In the past Alice had on occasions given to this man her favors, this was for the sake of the children, she was then allowed to go to the children and see to them whenever she wished, this not being the case with the much older and not so comely woman Agnes. Wizzo was finding this man’s manipulation of the conversation extremely offensive and without realizing it his silver-topped cane had changed into his staff. The look on Wizzo’s face was such that even the devil himself would have feared for his very life, on seeing this; the man went quite pale with fear.

  “You will release Agnes from her work so that she might be with the children at all times Sir and Alice will instruct Agnes as to her duties regarding this!”

  Wizzo being in such a rage found that the tip of his staff was now literally glowing and was within two inches from the manipulating man’s fearful boggle eyes. Mr. Grudgall could feel the intense heat coming from it and in his haste to get out of the way tilted his chair and fell backwards sending his feet flying up in the air, Wizzo pointing his staff at him walked round the desk.
r />   “Do you understand my meaning Sir?” The big man struggled, but was unable to free himself from his wing armed chair that seemed to have somehow gripped him, he found himself in a situation where he could only nod his head in submission. Wizzo had to fight to control himself and only after a short while was he able to do this, he then turned to Alice.

  “Come Alice, we have things of the utmost importance to do!” Alice followed him obediently out of the office, she had never seen such anger, one part of her was frightened the other part being her womanly instinct told her that this great and wonderful man had at last shown his true feelings and he had been able to control them. When this last thought had overcome her fear she followed him happily. They found Agnes working at the top of the building sorting out rags. Alice told her what the new arrangements were and that under no circumstances was she to leave the babies to fend for themselves, also that they must be taken out into the daylight for as long as possible each day. Agnes had on an apron with a large pocket in it and Wizzo was busy filling it up with apples from inside his cloak. He spotted what used to be the old witch coming over, she was now wearing a smile if one could call it that but at least it was some attempt at a smile, Wizzo looked up from his apple gathering.

  “We have not been introduced dear lady,” he said returning her smile. “I’m Mr. Burn Bright,” in saying this he handed her a big red juicy apple, she was quite taken aback by this show of generosity, Maybe that was because she was an old bat, and nobody had ever given her anything before.

  “I’m Gertrud Sir;” Alice explained to her the new instructions from the office concerning Agnes and the children; Gertrud was pleased with these new arrangements and said as much. Agnes was also pleased; it would mean that she didn’t have to work day and night. In all it had been a good day thought Wizzo to himself, he wondered where Tommy was and asked Gertrud.

  “E’s on the next floor down Sir, stuffin pillows, that’s where you’ll find im.”

  “We should go and see him before we leave Alice,” they excused themselves and made their way down to the next floor.

  Wizzo had to smile when he saw Tommy sat in the middle of a pile of feathers inside a large wooden container, a young girl of about twelve sat on a chair sewing up the pillows as Tommy finished filling them. Tommy seemed to sense their entry because he looked up and waved, Wizzo looked around as they made their way over to him.

  In all there were fifteen large wooden boxes around the room. Each box had a girl or boy in side with another sitting on a chair in front sewing up the pillows as they were finished. There were others going round filling up the boxes with feathers there was a small ladder up the outside of each box for this purpose, Alice went over to Tommy.

  “You’ve got the softest job in town Tommy;” Tommy laughed.

  “It’s ard work Alice but it ain’t as bad as some;” he put his hand inside his shirt and pulled out the little leather pouch that Wizzo had given him.

  “I still got it Wizzo and I ain’t about to let it go.”

  “Good lad Tommy, I meant what I said about it, you look after it now;” Tommy thrust it back inside his shirt with some purpose and winked at Wizzo.

  “Do you still go and see the children Tommy?” asked Alice.

  “Course I do Alice, I can’t look after um like I used to, but I sneak down there when I can, Mr. Grudgall, he don’t like me goin to see im he don’t.”

  “In future Tommy you can go down there after the evening meal and play with them until it’s time for your bed.”

  “Cooor blimey! You the boss now Alice.”

  “No Tommy but arrangements have been made regarding you and Agnes.” Wizzo looked at the girl who was now diligently sewing up another pillow. He guessed that she would be about twelve years old, her long brown hair was tide back with a piece of rag and there was a crutch leaning up against the chair. He saw that her aura being brilliant around most of her was not so around one of her legs, it had been broken at some time and not set properly, Tommy saw him looking at her.

  “That’s Mary Wizzo, she’s me sweetheart she is;” Mary blushed to the roots of her hair and at the same time her hand went down to her torn dress making sure that her leg couldn’t be seen, Tommy seeing this tried to put her at ease.

  “Mary ad er leg smashed she did, got run down by a bloomin coach.” Tommy muttered something under his breath. “I don’t care though, she’s me sweetheart and that’s all there is to it” he said this with pride, Tommy climbed out of the box, as he walked away he beckoned Wizzo to follow, when they were far enough Tommy turned to him and beckoned him closer.

  “That Mr. Grudgall’s after er e is, --- keeps commin up and sayin nice things to er he does, Mary don’t like it, she’s afraid of im!” Wizzo put his right hand on Tommy’s shoulder his left hand going inside his cloak, he then took out another small leather pouch.

  “Now then Tommy listen carefully, if Mary hangs this around her neck no man will touch her or go near her not even you.”

  “But she’s me sweetheart Wizzo!”

  “I know that Tommy and so do you. It won’t affect her feelings for you so long as you know why it is she wears it, and you should in time be able to overcome it. There will come a time when she is old enough or her circumstances change that she may feel that she no longer needs it’s protection, when that time comes she will only need to remove it and the spell will be broken.”

  “Cooor blimey” Tommy looked at the pouch being offered to him, he took it and looked up at him, Wizzo reached inside his cloak again and pulled out a piece of cord and gave it to Tommy.

  “This cord cannot be snapped Tommy, not by even the strongest of men, make sure that you tie it with this.”

  “Fanks Wizzo, can I put it on Mary now?”

  “It would be better if it were put on after you explain to her what it’s for, and what it will do. And make sure that nobody else knows about this Tommy, that’s most important.” Tommy nodded his head and put the pouch and the cord safely into his pocket, they then went back and joined Alice and Mary, Tommy climbed back into his box.

  “We should be going Alice, it’s getting late,” Alice went over to Tommy and showered him with feathers.

  “I’ll see you in two weeks and you two mind you behave yourselves;” Tommy winked at them and Mary looked up and waved as they turned and walked away.

  “Do you think that they’ll be all right Wizzo?”

  “With the protection I’ve given Tommy to put round Mary’s neck, they should be all right Alice;” she gave his arm a gentle squeeze. They had left the building and now turned into the customary alleyway to disappear; they soon found themselves back at the Cottage where Sophie and Pee Wee wanted to know about everything that had happened during the day. He relaxed in his chair, it didn’t take him long to realize that he wasn’t going to get anything to eat until Alice had finished telling them everything and knowing that he had more important things to do he went out and down to the main gates.

  To be continued with book two.


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