Read Gwarcheidial Book 1 Page 5


  Approaching the large oak door of the Manor he as usual smiled at what he saw. The Manor was started some four thousand years ago when the first Wizard came to this great Oak Forest and decided to stay, he had built the first dwelling, it was only a small stone hut but it had suited his purpose. The next to come found that it was not to his liking, so he extended it to suit his needs. This went on for some four thousand years, as Wizards came and went. The end result was something quite extraordinary, it had towers, spires, steps leading nowhere, balconies with intricate lace wrought iron, Gargoyles, Cherubs, Dragons, Angels and terrifying looking creatures in the most peculiar places, a Wizard being able to stick anything anywhere that took his fancy. There were cannons on the battlements, the ivy had attempted to creep all over it but in places hadn’t as yet succeeded, or had died and was now trying to replace itself, the overall look of it would have been a strange sight indeed to most.

  Wizzo approached the large iron bound oak doors, the two carved cherub’s faces that were on them watched and smiled, showing that they were pleased to see him.

  Open the doors my friends, I am to consult with the Great book. The doors swung open, the hinges moaned with the effort of it, they were trying to tell him that they were in need of some attention, that being a drop of oil, but as usual he ignored them.

  The hallway that he entered had a more organized look than the outside; he stepped onto a hewn, ancient, unpolished wooden floor. The hallway was fifteen feet across and forty-foot long. At the end a grand stairway that branched off to both left and right. Above the stairs there was a large beautiful circular stained glass window, at this time of day with the sun just rising it shone through, sending out a multitude of bright shafts of different colors that went in every direction, this was Wizzo’s addition and he was proud of it. Before the hall had been a dark forbidding place, now at least in the early mornings it was bright with beams of colors shining everywhere, the Fairies loved it and would often bathe in its light. The handrails of the stairs were polished mahogany, with a carved dragon’s head at the base of them. The walls were built of stone and etched with the marks of the stonemason’s tools. The ceilings were oak beamed. There were six suits of armor, three on either side standing as sentinels, alert yet leaning on their open bladed swords.

  He turned to his right facing what seemed to be a blank wall, he tapped on it with his staff, a large iron bound oak door appeared that opened on his command and he entered.

  As soon as he walked in, candles flickered into life, two large chandeliers each holding twenty candles did the same until the room was full of flickering candle light.

  He had entered the great library; its walls were lined with books from floor to ceiling. In the middle of the room, an elaborately carved mahogany stand, on it the book of knowledge rested.

  Wizzo went over to it. He placed his hands on the gold lettered cover and spoke to it in the ancient language it understood.

  “You summoned me and I am here to do your bidding.” It answered him in a loud commanding voice.

  “You seem to be confused Gwarcheidial, it is not good for my guardian to be confused!”

  “I’m concerned and must find somebody to take over my task, I now find that I’m surrounded by Fairies and Gnomes, have I by chance chosen the wrong one?”

  “Indeed you have not!” Answered the booming voice.

  “Then I don’t understand!”

  “You will!”

  “Will you not tell me?”

  “It needs no explanation and you know all that there is to know;” said the Great Book in a most nonchalant way as if it were already tired of the conversation.

  Wizzo knew that the book would tell him no more, so he thanked it. As he left the room and closed the door the chandeliers and candles flickered out as if doused by an unseen hand. He wouldn’t worry about it anymore for he knew that things had been set into motion that he had little or no control over.

  As he walked out by the garden he was met by a swarm of Fairies, and their men folk.

  “What’s this all about then,” he asked.

  “We will gladly return with you Wizzo.”

  “All of you!” they looked around at each other and then back at him.

  “Of course!” They all sang out.

  He knew that this would be an exciting day for all of them; many had lived here in this garden for hundreds of years or even thousands. There were those that were already getting too excited and spinning around in circles, he would have to calm them down or he would lose some on the journey, never having been out before there was just a chance that some of the younger ones would get lost and not be able to find their way home.

  “How many of you are there? --- I really need to know how many so would you please count your selves,” he looked around them. “We have to make sure none go missing, and I have to know who will be your queen, or has she already been chosen?” With all this to think about some of the Fairies began to calm down, there were still those especially the younger ones who it seemed could not control themselves. One had already spun out of control and disappeared, he knew that she would not go far, the strong shield he had placed over the Manor and the surrounding area to protect it would not let her out. The men folk were doing cartwheels up and down the pathway, in their excitement they would disappear every now and again but reappear in the same place. After some time, they all remained still enough to be counted.

  “There are one hundred and seventy two of us!”

  “And who will be your Queen!” he asked. Shealther came forward and hovered in front of them. Knowing that she would have to choose carefully she took her time. At last she made the all-important decision

  “Elthra will be your Queen ---- and all will obey her!” Elthra didn’t look to pleased with this arrangement, it would mean that she would not be able to play all day, sleep when she liked, there would be duties to perform, ceremonies that must be carried out, and she was still only very young. Shealther felt her uncertainty and reassured her.

  “You may not think that I have chosen well Elthra --- especially with you being so young, but you are wise and strong in your young mind although you probably as yet don’t realize it.” Shealther stopped. There was silence for a short while and then she continued. “Elthra who do they come to for advice ---- you! And as young as you are you are able to give it. Who out of your group does not want you to be the godmother of their children, they look up to you, look at them they are gathered all around you Elthra. You were the first to say that you would go, and look what happens; your loving sisters and brothers are all with you!” Elthra looked around her; she was a very humble Fairy and now didn’t quite know what to do. In the past she had given of herself freely, now it would be different, it would be a duty, she could accept it or not, it was her choice to make, because that was the law of the Fairies.

  She could see and feel that they wanted her to be their Queen.

  Her man stood beside her, he could not interfere in her decision for that was also the law, this must be her choice, even knowing that if she chose to be Queen it would affect him in many ways. There was absolute silence as they all waited patiently for her answer.

  “I accept,” she said quietly and with humility. The fairies curtsied, the men bowed, this was a most solemn moment for them all. Another Queen had been chosen, one who would serve her people forever, no one could change it once her word had been given and accepted, not even she, it had been accepted as if etched in stone so it now became an excepted part of their lives.

  It was now up to Shealther to transfer though her mind and into Elthra’s things that only Fairy Queens knew, or needed to know. Shealther addressed them all.

  “As you all know there is normally a great ceremony that goes with the making of a new Queen and I know that you will all be disappointed, but under the circumstances I think that it will have to come later.” Shealther went up to Elthra, then placing her hands on her head said.

sp; “I hereby pass on the knowledge and the knowing of it to Queen Elthra, whom we have chosen and she has honorably accepted. Be this for all time and forever more!” All the Fairies were now flying around her in a large circle and there men folk had also formed a circle around her on the ground, they were all bowing and thanking her for accepting this great and honorable task.

  Wizzo stepped forward and bowed deeply to her. “

  “I must ask you now to all come with me little ones and I will take you to your new home.” Elthra went to Shealther and kissed her and then turning she spoke as their Queen for the first time.

  “Sisters and Brothers --- let’s go to our new home.” She flew over to Wizzo and sat on his shoulder, he pulled the hood of his cloak over his head and was soon covered with exited, chattering Fairies and their men folk, on reaching the gate, he asked the Gate Men if he would kindly let them out.

  “We all need to be let out sang the Fairies.

  A seemingly surprised voice boomed out!

  “You all wish to leave?” Elthra flew forward.

  “I am ‘Elthra! Their new Queen duly elected, we wish to go to another place, --- will it please you to let us pass?”

  The voices boomed out.

  “It pleases me not! --- We will be sad to see you go, but if it be your wish Elthra, Queen of these Fairies we acknowledge you. The gates opened slowly, they were soon outside, the gates closing sadly behind them.

  With his arms and his head covered in Fairies, he called to them.

  “Hold on tightly little ones!” the next moment they were at the Cottage.

  “Count your selves” called out Elthra; it was proving difficult for her to count them.

  The men were doing cartwheels and somersaults in every direction. The older Fairies were trying to calm the younger ones who were again getting over excited and spinning round, but at least now if they got to exited and spun out of control, they would know where their new home was and come straight back to it.

  Wizzo breathed a sigh of relief, he could see that they were all there, even the one that had spun to fast and found herself up against the shield that protected the manor from intruders; even she had managed to control herself and was there.

  “Make your selves at home little ones” he said.

  The Gnome came out to see them all, he was so excited that he did a little dance, then realized that he was making a fool of himself, he looked at them shyly, his cheeks glowing red, he then dashed off to make a rockery for them to hide and sleep in.