Read Gwarcheidial Book 1 Page 6


  Gnomes never danced, they worked, and when the work was finished, they would find themselves a nice place to sit and lean there weary backs on. They would then proudly survey their achievements. This they would do for some considerable time, and in the end nod off to sleep, they were extremely good at digging and sleeping.

  Wizzo went back inside, Sophie whose eyes were still a little red and swollen from crying, at the thought of losing her Fairy, now at least she was trying to smile a little.

  ‘We’d best have something to eat Sophie; after all this excitement I think that we’re in need of it; how about some of my special gruel that you like so much?” She nodded.

  He was about to leave the room to make something to eat but stopped, he stood there stroking his beard deep in thought and then turned to Sophie.

  “Athermine seems not concerned with the other Fairies; it’s most strange!”

  “What’s strange Wizzo?”

  “Fairies like to be together; they usually love the company of others. Maybe she’s of a different type, there are different types of Fairies I suppose, mind you I have never seen one of a different type, she doesn’t look any different from the others does she?”

  Sophie was now closely examining Athermine.

  “She’s a lot greener than them others!” she said without looking up at him. He leaned closer.

  “Your right Sophie, she is, but at least now it’s a bright green”

  “Why is she greener Wizzo?” He looked mystified!

  “I have no idea Sophie.”

  “Will she leave me when her task is done?”

  “When her task is done Sophie, she will have to return to those who sent her I’m afraid”

  “Thems that sent er, I thought she came on er own like!”

  “Maybe she did; but someone knew. Someone must have allowed her to come here to look after you.”

  “Who’d do somfing like that? She asked.

  “It could have been her Queen, or somebody else of great importance to her, whoever it was didn’t put much thought into it, they almost took her life.”

  “You was angry weren’t ya Wizzo?”

  “Was and still am, --- it’s the first time I’ve known myself to be angry.”

  “I heard you out there shouting out to themes that sent her!”

  “You heard me!”

  “Course I did, everyone in the whole world must ave heard ya yelling at the top of ya voice!” Wizzo couldn’t understand this, he had called out through his mind, this turn of events intrigued him, he had suspected that maybe she understood his thoughts.

  “What did I say Sophie?” She looked at him as if she didn’t understand why he would ask such a silly question.

  “You said! What fool has sent this Fairy on such a task”.

  “But I spoke only through my mind Sophie”

  “Well I heard ya, clear as day I did!”

  “Can you hear what the Fairies say?”

  “Course I can! That’s how I knew she would leave;” there were now tears in her eyes.

  “Sorry Sophie that’s the way it is, --- but if she does have to go I’m sure that she’ll come back to see you.” With this thought in her mind she cheered up.

  “That’s all right then, you don’t know how long she’ll be gone I suppose?”

  “Not for long I think. I have a feeling that she will have to go back and tell whoever it was that sent her what has happened.” His sigh signified to her that he was somewhat mystified by the whole thing. “What I really don’t understand is that I’m unable to communicate with them ---- whoever they are ---- where ever they are. The land of dragons was mentioned, I don’t know where that is, or even that it existed. I can only think that it must be shielded!”

  “Shielded!” What’s that Wizzo?”

  “A Shield is placed over an object, this stops anybody from entering or leaving without permission, and not even thoughts can pass through it, --- or enter for that matter. The Manor is guarded in the same way, even I have to get permission to enter or leave, and it can be a nuisance when one is in a hurry as I was this morning.

  “Who do you have to ask?”

  “Whoever wishes to enter must first ask the gatekeeper Sophie.” Sophie looked puzzled and asked.

  “What happens if they don’t let you in?”

  “For me it’s never been known to happen.”

  “What about me then!”

  “I have no idea Sophie. We should try it one day and see what happens.” There was now a look of excitement on her face.

  “Can we?”

  “When you are well, we’ll try.”

  “You mean they might let me in?”

  “I don’t see why not, aren’t you a good person Sophie?”

  “Do you ave to be good Wizzo, I mean really good,” Sophie looked concerned. “I done something’s I ain’t too proud of.”

  “I think that the gate men will overlook your wrong doings; you must tell them what they are of course;”

  “Ya mean I ave to tell um everything?”

  “Of course Sophie!”

  “Blimey! They ain’t going to let me in, for sure they ain’t”

  “Have you been that bad Sophie?”

  “I ain’t telling! --- and I ain’t going to tell them gates ever. Wizzo smiled.

  “Ain’t nuffing to smile about Wizzo?”

  “I’m sure we can sort it out Sophie.” She answered sadly.

  “It’ll take some sorting it will.”

  “Well we won’t be going there for some time yet, --- maybe the good things you do from now on will compensate for all the bad things you think you might have done in the past.”

  “Don’t think so, came the sad reply.”

  “We shall see, we shall see.” Inwardly he was smiling; he knew that she had done nothing wrong in her life to warrant the gate men refusing her entry so he changed the subject.

  “Now then, how about something to eat?” She eagerly nodded her head. He went out to the scullery and realized that there were no more grapes left. He wrapped his cloak around himself, and was gone.

  He returned five minutes later almost knocking Sophie over as he reappeared. She jumped back.

  “Where you been”? He unloaded the grapes from out of his cloak onto the table

  “That’s where I’ve been;” her eyes lit up.

  “They look real nice they do, where’d you get um from?”

  “Italy ---- it’s quite nice over there this time of the year, here have a bunch ---- are you all right? He reached out and took her arm. “You look a bit on the wobbly side.” She was trying to understand just how he was able to go to Italy and back again in such a short time and didn’t know whether to believe it or not. She looked down at Athermine who was sitting in the palm of her hand, who now flew up and hovered in front of her. Sophie had been supporting her lump with her left hand, and realizing that she had so much to learn, she sighed, then seeing the grapes being offered to her, her mind turned to food.

  “I’ll be alright after these, you see if I ain’t!” With that she was back into her chair followed closely by Athermine who settled back contentedly on her bulge while Sophie leaned back munching the grapes.

  As Wizzo cut up the last of the bread he realized that he would have to ask the little people to bake some more. Being that they were so shy and wouldn’t come out during the day, he would leave the flour and the yeast out tonight and they would have fresh baked bread in the morning. Putting plenty of butter on the last of the bread and then cutting up some cheese and meat he put it onto two plates, having taken them in he returned to get two glasses of goats milk, then went back and sat down with her.

  He finished his meal and went outside. The sun was going down, he floated up the pathway and asking for permission to leave went outside the Cottage gate.

  He listened to the evening song of the birds. So that he could hear each individual sound he was there for some time letting his ears adjust.
He realized when he had finely tuned his ears that he could hear a heart beat out there somewhere. He couldn’t sense any danger, and couldn’t hear their thoughts. He knew that if this person had a cloak about them, they could hide their thoughts within it, under these circumstances he could take no chances. The cane that he always carried changed to his staff, raising his arms in the air, he called out the words to put a strong shield over the forest, thereby allowing nobody to leave or enter; if they were in here, they would not be able to escape.

  He flew towards the sound of the heartbeat.

  As he moved closer, he could sense something more than just a quickening heartbeat, he could sense fear! He found himself standing before an old oak tree stump hollowed out with age, a Tree Elf was sitting on top of the stump pointing down to an opening at the base. Wizzo tapped on the stump with his staff.

  “Come out from in there!” he commanded, nothing moved, “come out I say, or I will turn you into a mouse and have done with it!”

  First a small dirty hand appeared then a head with very long matted hair attached to it.

  The little fellow took one fearful look at Wizzo and made of around the back of the stump, in his haste almost tripping over his to long, dirty tattered garments. He pulled them up and set of as fast as his little legs and bare feet would carry him, running as if for his life. If this little fellow was a Gnome, thought Wizzo he would have disappeared, that’s what they do when they get frightened so he certainly wasn’t a Gnome, not wishing to frighten the little fellow any more than he had to Wizzo casually floated along behind him.

  They soon reached the dirt road that wound its way through the forest.

  The little fellow now believing that he had a chance to make his escape made off down it like a frightened rabbit, only to find his way bared by the two large wrought iron gates with a gate keepers face in the center of each one, these belonged to the shield Wizzo had put around the forest.

  He tried franticly to open them, unaware that the two stern bronze faces of the Gate Men were watching him. He then tried to squeeze himself between the bars of the gates. At first they seemed wide enough, but then the bars seemed to come closer together. He would then dash off to another part of the gates only to find that the bars would close up as soon as he ran up to them. He tried to climb up, only to be thrown to the ground for his efforts. He then tried to scale the high stone walls either side of the gates, again he was thrown back, in the end he gave up altogether and then brushing himself down he turned to face what he thought was his worst nightmare, a most powerful and dreaded Wizard. He was now resigned to his fate. He had a great fear of Wizards, many years ago one had shrunk him in the belief that he had not looked after the people that had trusted him, so looking up at Wizzo with fear in his eyes and in a timid and frightened voice said.

  “Don’t hurt me great and mighty Wizard for I mean no harm. I will just leave this place if that is your pleasure.

  “I will not harm you little fellow, but I need to know who you are and what you are?” Wizzo had never seen or heard of anything that resembled this little chap; he was unable to make him out at all.

  Coming forward he stood before Wizzo and then leaning back so that he could look up at him placed his hands on his hips in a gesture of false bravery and announced that he was a ‘Brobdingagian; this word coming from the old language meaning giant.

  “And my friends call me; a shy look crossed the little fellow’s face, Pee Wee!”

  “Pee Wee indeed; that’s not the name for a giant,” said Wizzo

  “Athermine gave it to me, and I like it well!” he said proudly. “It wasn’t always my name; I used to be a giant, a good giant, I looked after the people, but then after a great battle with another giant because they wanted to take over our lands. In defeating him it was the custom to drink a small amount of his blood, I didn’t like the idea of that but was convinced by my people that after such a great victory it was only right that I should to follow this custom. The two bloods didn’t mix well, I changed, I dare not tell you what I did or how the people suffered, in the end they saved up enough gold and sent for Loffyn the great Wizard who shrunk me. Sometime after that Athermine and I ended up in the secret land of the Dragons.

  Wizzo searched his mind for the name of Loffyn. In his library he had most of the books that were written by Wizards Witches and sorcerers, but he couldn’t associate the name with any of the books that he had. He became a little annoyed with himself because he knew or thought that there must be some reference to him somewhere in his extensive library but he couldn’t think where.

  “Well never mind that;” said Wizzo, you mentioned the name Athermine.”

  “I came to look after her if I could!”

  “Did you not hear me call out?”

  “Who could not; the whole world must have heard you.”

  “Then why didn’t you come forward Pee Wee?” The now embarrassed little fellow looked down at the floor.

  “I feared for my life, and although I love her dearly, what could I do, I have no magic powers! I only came to watch and help if I could.”

  “You mean ‘Sent to watch! By whom ---- those that sent her?”

  “Nobody sent her great Wizard, she wished it!”

  “I don’t understand!” said Wizzo now stoking his bead.

  “Athermine heard them talking about the condition of the little one that is about to be born, and how they feared for its life. They tried to stop her, they really did, but she took no notice. They even warned her of the danger to herself, but she said that it was a serious matter and that she would attend to it for them, so she is here, and I fear for her, --- is she all right Mighty Wizard?”

  “She is well. I summoned other Fairies so that they might give her their energy and the will to continue with her task; --- she will not be put off from it.”

  “When I heard you call out, I feared that I had lost her.” Wizzo could sense no danger in this little fellow so he asked him.

  “What has all this to do with Dragons?”

  “I know nothing except that they feared for the life of the little one and it’s mother.”

  “Why would they fear for its life?”

  “I don’t know, but it was important to them”

  “Where is this secret place of the Dragons,” Peewee thought for a moment then shrugged his shoulders.

  Wizzo could see that he wasn’t going to get the information that he wanted from this little fellow so he asked him.

  “Do you want to see Athermine?”

  “I only wish that it could be so!” Wizzo was looking into Peewee’s mind and knew that he was telling the truth.

  “Indeed, if that is your wish.”

  “You would grant me such a wish Mighty Wizard?”

  “Only if you behave yourself.”

  “Tis a promise that I make, and one that I will keep” said Peewee eagerly.

  Wizzo went up to him, picked him up and tucked him under his arm, the next moment they were back at the gate to the Cottage. Putting him down, he told him.

  “You must ask the Gate Man if he will be pleased to let you pass Pee Wee, there are two shields around this place, this is the second, you know of the first.” Peewee looked up at him.

  “I haven’t forgotten, ----- what if he refuses me, will he hurt me?”

  “No he just won’t let you pass, that’s all!” Peewee could see the Gate Man looking at him and he had heard of Gate Men and what they could do. He finally picked up the courage to ask.

  “Will you let us in please Gate Man?”

  “I KNOW YOU NOT, WHAT IS YOUR NAME?” the booming voice was so loud that Peewee fell over backwards, Wizzo helped him up and indicated that he should talk to the Gate Man.

  “My name is Peewee and I’m a friend of Athermine and I wish to enter Gate Man.”


; “I will be responsible for him Gate Man and we thank you.” The gate opened, Wizzo picked the little fellow up, and again tucked him under his arm, the door to the Cottage opened. Wizzo put him down in the hallway and nodded towards the open living room door.

  “Athermine is in there;” pulling up his garments the little fellow ran inside calling out her name.

  “Athermine! Athermine!” Wizzo followed him in and watched with interest.

  Athermine at the sound of his voice flew to him kissing him on the noise; she was then unable to stop herself from spinning around.

  “Calm yourself little one, he said soothingly, I thought I’d lost you once and felt that my very spirit had gone from me, please try not to leave me again. Slowly she became less of a blur, when she finally stopped spinning she kissed him on the noise again; his face by now was alive and glowing from all this attention.

  “You’ve never kissed me twice before my love!” He said.

  “I hadn’t realized how much I would miss you, I knew you were here, but how did you get out?”

  “I asked the Dragons, and they asked those that have the knowing of all things if I could come and look after you, I think they were concerned, so they let me, although I really don’t know why because I‘m a useless thing.”

  “I don’t think you are; and they can’t think that you are, otherwise they wouldn’t have sent you, I am sure they have their reasons, they always do.”

  Wizzo could see that these two should be one, but under their circumstances it would be impossible. He wondered if he might overcome the impossibility with the help of the Fairies, Wizzo walked out to the scullery, he came back carrying a small stool and offered it to Pee Wee.

  “Here you are my good fellow, something for you to sit on.

  “I thank you for the stool great and mighty Wizard, I can see now that my fears of you were unfounded, I also thank you for looking after Athermine and not changing me into a mouse when I was so foolish as to run from you. Wizzo laughed.

  “Now that I know your circumstances Peewee, it would seem that you have many a good reason to fear Wizards.”

  “Indeed I have --- more so than most I think.” Wizzo realized that Athermine was actually speaking to Pee Wee using her voice. As he understood it only high ranking Fairies could achieve such a thing or even thought it necessary.

  Sophie who had by now been woken from her nap by all the talking was staring at Peewee. Wizzo introduced him.

  “This is Athermine’s friend; his name’s Peewee.”

  “Allo” Pee Wee, we was beginning to think Athermine had no friends and nobody would come.” Sophie was looking at his long hair and beard, his ragged clothes and the mess he was in. “Looks like you come a long way Pee Wee, there’s a tub out there in the scullery, Wizzo’s been thinking that I should use it, I know e as.”

  “I meant no offence Sophie, but seeing that you mentioned it, it might be a good idea for you both.”

  “I ain’t getting into no tub wiv im!” Said the now indignant Sophie, Wizzo couldn't help but burst out laughing.

  “I didn’t mean for you to be both in the tub at the same time Sophie.”

  “I ain’t been well enough; I can't elp it if I stink!” She said with a gloomy look on her face.

  “As soon as you are well enough will be soon enough, now I’d best make us something to eat.” Seeing the embarrassment he had caused he made his escape to the scullery. He popped his head back round the door and called out.

  “Are you hungry Peewee?”

  In answer to his question he got an eager nod of the little fellow's head who since being here hadn’t taken his eyes off Athermine.

  Wizzo returned a short time later carrying three plates, one he gave to Sophie and another to Peewee, he sat down with his. After a while Wizzo noticed that Peewee wasn’t eating, he was just sitting there looking at his plate.

  “Something wrong Peewee?” he asked. Peewee looked rather apologetic.

  “Can’t eat meat, nor that smelly stuff;” he was referring to the cheese.

  “You like fruit and nuts perhaps, things like that,” said Wizzo

  “Please if it‘s not too much trouble;” Wizzo couldn’t be bothered going back into the scullery, instead a bunch of grapes and an apple came sailing through the scullery door and onto the little fellows plate and at the same time the cheese and meat disappeared.

  “How will that do for a start?” Pee Wee grabbed the bunch of grapes and with as many as he could stuff into his mouth at one time replied.

  “This will be fine.” When he had finished his first mouth full Peewee glanced up at Wizzo. “I was beginning to think that maybe you weren’t such a great Wizard.” He looked back at the seemingly huge bunch of grapes that he was holding in both hands and continued to eat ravenously, saying no more.

  It was now late in the evening; Sophie took some more of her potion.

  “Do you want me to carry you up to your bed Sophie?”

  “Not wiv out going in the tub first Wizzo.”

  “Would you like to do that then, do you feel strong enough?” She thought about this for a while.

  “Do ya think Alice would come er and elp me?”

  “It’s a bit late tonight Sophie, but I could go tomorrow and ask her --- she’s a kindly lady but it troubles me. --- I just hope that she will be able to understand all the things that go on here,” Sophie brightened up with the thought of somebody to talk to especially her friend Alice.

  We shall see. I’m off to my bed then, I bid you all a good night.”