Read Gwarcheidial Book 1 Page 8


  He set down Nibblemore and Grinith on their side of the garden. He then went inside the Cottage taking Shealther and Shyness with him. Shealther went straight over to Athermine.

  “How are you Athermine?”

  “I am well Shealther thanks to you and my sisters. I didn’t know that I had so many to share my thoughts with, --- it’s been so long.” Shealther could see and feel the sadness in her, so she changed the conversation.

  “This is Shyness, she is here to see if the Gnome is suitable for her.”

  “Has he a name?” Asked Shyness.

  “He calls himself Hardhead; he’s a good little fellow. I have learnt since meeting him that one does not tell a Gnome just who he should be friends with or who he should help. I also found that he is not as grumpy as some. I apologized to him for my foolishness, and then kissed him on the nose, I don’t know why I did that, it just seemed the right thing to do.”

  “All Fairies do that, it’s your way of saying thank you to us, but surely he didn’t mind you as a friend?” Said Shyness.

  “It wasn’t me that I wanted him to be friendly to, it was Pee Wee. I knew that Peewee was here, I could feel his presence and I have always been able to feel that he was in need of another man to talk to, but the Gnome would have none of it. I’m afraid that I again tried to tell him about Peewee and he said that he felt sorry for him but having the general nature of a Gnome, although a patient one, he had too much good work to do so there for he could do nothing for him. I didn’t know or understand about Gnomes; I seems that I have so much to learn.”

  “How did you meet Hardhead, Athermine, asked Wizzo?

  “I heard him calling from outside your gate, she shrugged her shoulders, he was there, and he said that he was needed, I didn’t know why he was needed but the Gate Man seemed to know because he let him in.” Wizzo took Shyness over to the window. They could see Grinith and Nibblemore introducing themselves to Hardhead. Grinith and Nibblemore had been given their voices back a thousand years ago by Shealther so they could talk to Hardhead but he could not talk back. They were shaking hands and having quite a time of it. All were smiling, none were sweating, no hats had been removed and there were no hands on hips, this was in itself a good sign. Hardhead seemed reluctant to let go of Grineths hand, because he just kept shaking it. They could only imagine the look on his face because the little fellow had his back to them.

  “Perhaps he’ll turn around, then you’ll be able to see him.” Shyness looked very thoughtful. “Are you thinking about all that’s been said of him?” Said Wizzo. She nodded her head then she said almost in a whisper

  “I want to see him!”

  “Are you sure,” again in a shy way she nodded her heard. They watched as the three Gnomes finally separated and went about their work. He took Shyness outside and put her down on the path.

  “Good luck Shyness” he whispered, she turned and shyly smiled up at him.

  “Thank you Gwarcheidial for all you have done, she could sense that he was hesitant about leaving her, I will be all right now really I will.”

  Returning to the Cottage he went straight to the window where all the others were gathered, Sophie doing her best to hold Peewee up so that he could see.

  They watched as Shyness casually strolled through the garden inspecting everything that had been done, the six of them meanwhile held their breath, this was the first test, if she did not like what he had done all would be lost. The Fairies and their men folk, full of anticipation were hiding and watching from everywhere.

  Hardhead was now working with his back to her so had no idea what was in store for him. Wizzo was listening intently, he didn’t want to miss any of this. After looking at everything and finding it to her liking she walked over and stood behind him with her hands behind her back.

  “She’s happy with the garden, we’re over the first hurdle” Wizzo whispered, nobody answered they were to intent on watching to see just how this would turn out. Alice couldn’t believe her eyes and kept pinching herself to make sure that she was awake.

  “Look, do you see, she has her fingers crossed!” she said.

  “She’s wishing for something.” Said Wizzo. He then added. I would think that both of them have found it difficult to find a soul mate, they are each one of a kind in their nature. I would have to say that of all the Gnomes I have known I have never seen the likes of these two!”

  Hardhead now with new enthusiasm after his meeting with Grinith and his lady was engrossed in his work and digging like mad with dirt flying in every direction, he was about to thrust his spade into the ground when he heard a beautiful soft voice say.

  “Hello Hardhead, I love your garden!” He froze, as far as he could make out this beautiful soft voice had just come from behind him. He had never heard such a soft voice before, except perhaps from a human and somehow he knew that it wasn’t a human voice, at least none that he had known could speak that softly. He loved the sound of that whispering voice and didn’t know what to do. He was too frightened to turn around in case the voice ran away, for the first time in his life he wished that he could speak to her. It was at that moment when a voice came into his head.

  “Hardhead I grant you your wish and give you back your voice, ---- you may speak with her!” It was Bethra giving him his voice back, he had never used it before, his mother had taught him to speak with his mind as all Gnomes are taught. With his back still to her and in a faltering voice he finally managed to say.

  “D-do you—really l-like my g-garden?”

  “Indeed I do, I have never seen anything quite so elegant and beautiful, you really have excelled yourself.” On hearing this and in his excitement he dropped his spade and started to sweat and scratch his head. His next question was the all-important one and he was almost too nervous to ask it. He had been all his long life without a lady by his side. His mother had been slim and elegant, this was most unusual for a gnome, most were chubby little things that continually wiped their hands on their aprons and had smudges of dirt on their faces. Most thought that this was the way it should be, his mother had taught him otherwise, so for all of his long life he had not been able to find one to suite his needs, or one that even liked the way that he meticulously did his gardens. So because of his mother’s influence he chose to do it this way, when he had finished this garden it would be the same. He didn’t mind them being chubby so much or even having dirty faces, he could except that but there was one thing that he couldn’t except. It was because to most Gnomes a rose was the most beautiful flower in the world. This meant a great deal to a Gnome because if they couldn’t smell their favorite flower above all other flowers they would get really cranky, this applied even more so to the ladies and that was the problem. He was obsessed with another flower, one that he thought was even more beautiful, so hesitantly he asked that all-important question.

  “Do you love forget-me-nots?”

  “Yes I love forget-me-nots, I think that they’re the most beautiful flowers in the entire world.”

  He could hardly believe his ears, could it be that this was the one he had waited so long for. It was taking some time for him to pick up the courage to turn around because he expected to find a chubby little thing with dirt on her face nervously wiping her hands on her apron, he also wondered what her eyes would be like. He had loved his mother's big brown eyes, so he naturally loved big brown eyes. At last he picked up enough courage and slowly turned around. As soon as their eyes met there was no longer any question about it, their knees gave way under them, she fell on the grass and he into the dirt that he had been digging and then he completely disappeared!

  A great cheer went up from the Fairies who were now spinning round in their excitement and disappearing in all directions, their little fellows were doing cart wheels back flips and acrobats, even Shealther and Bethra had been overcome by it all and had vanished. Hardhead kept disappearing and reappearing he didn’t know whether he was coming or going. Shyness sat there with
her heart beating wildly, she realized that she didn’t feel shy any more, she had found her soul mate, one that she knew she would love and one that would love her for all time.

  With Sophie still not being strong enough to hold him for too long Peewee had climbed up onto Wizzo’s shoulder and was now sitting there with tears in his eyes.

  Hardhead managed to regain some of his composure. He got up, brushed himself down, then holding out his hands he bent down and gently helped her to her feet, every now and again he would disappear and then come back again, they remained holding hands and looking at each other.

  Wizzo and the rest went out to see them

  “You will have to build a bigger dwelling Hardhead, there are two of you now!” They both turned and looked up at him. “Maybe that will have to wait until tomorrow seeing that the sun is about to go down, we all offer you our sincere congratulation and wish you both all the happiness in the world, Shyness will you come back inside with us tonight?” Hardhead wasn’t about to let his love out of his sight now that he had found her.

  “We have to be wed,” then added apologetically, “don’t we?” She didn’t have to answer; she just stood there looking at him with her big brown eyes. Hardhead had to wait for Elthra to calm down and return. The shield that Wizzo had put around the forest was a lot stronger than the one around the Cottage and it had stopped them from going too far, so when Elthra finally did return Hardhead blurted out.

  “Will you wed us Elthra?” And then blushing added the word “please.” All the other Fairies were now starting to come back and their men folk were beginning to calm down, they calmed down even more quickly when Hardhead asked their new queen to perform the ceremony. They all knew how important this was, her very first official duty.

  Shealther sat on Wizzo’s shoulder and waited. This was important because it would tell her if she had been successful in passing all her knowledge onto Elthra. This had not been put to the test before so everybody now waited for Elthra to give her consent to the union. Elthra flew over to the waiting couple and first asked Hardhead.

  “Is it your wish to wed Shyness Hardhead?” They were both still holding hands and gazing at each other, Hardhead could hardly contain himself and was still going through the disappearing and reappearing stage with Shyness holding tightly onto his hands, somehow he managed to nod his head in between disappearing and reappearing. Wizzo on the other hand had walked casually over to Hardheads quickly thrown together little house.

  “ Is it your wish to wed Hardhead Shyness?” Eagerly she nodded.

  “Then I must now ask you both to make a solemn pledge, will you please kneel down facing each other and hold hands.” Most of the Fairies who by now were over their initial excitement had returned from where ever their excitement had taken them and were now forming a ceremonial circle around the two to be wed as this was one of the custom for the joining together of Gnomes in wedlock.

  “Shyness needs flowers for her hair! She can’t possibly go without!” said Grinith. Elthra looked at Wizzo and calling him by his official name asked.

  “Gwarcheidial would you care to oblige us with some flowers for this most joyous occasion?”

  “It would be an honor!” He disappeared for a moment and then reappeared, he withdrew his hand from inside his cloak and in it he held a beautiful crown of Forget-me-nots.

  “Will these do?” he said as he walked over and placed them gently on the head of Shyness. “They will never wilt Shyness and I know them to be Hardheads most favorite flower, he has been wondering since he has been here just where would be the best place to plant them, am I correct Hardhead?”

  The little fellow appeared not to hear him; he could do nothing but stare, mesmerized by the beauty of Shyness, her head now crowned with his beloved Forget-me-nots.

  “Perfect!” he said with misty eyes “just perfect! Could we be wed now Elthra” his Gnome like patience was understandably running out.

  Elthra could hardly contain herself and was spinning round again. “You can’t go spinning of now Elthra” said Shealther, “you must learn to control yourself for such occasions as this, otherwise we will never see it done!” Elthra brought herself under control and meekly apologized to them both, then forgetting that she had already asked them to kneel down she asked them again.

  “Would you both kneel facing each other and hold each other’s hands, “Oh silly me” she said giggling.”

  She controlled herself and hovered just above them.

  “Do you both wish to become one, to love and cherish each other all the days of your lives?”

  “We do.” Came the reply.

  “Hardhead do you promise to keep your Gnomes nature under control for the sake of this union?”

  “I do Elthra with all my heart.”

  “And do you wish to be bonded to Shyness, to love and cherish her forever more?”

  “I do, really do.” He said this in between his disappearing acts.

  “Shyness do you wish to be bonded to Hardhead to love and cherish him forever more?”

  “I do with all my heart.” She replied.

  “Do you both wish to become one and be beholden to each other?” They both answered emotionally.

  “We do!”

  “Shyness is the garden and the dwelling that Hardhead is preparing to your liking?”

  “It’s extremely beautiful and if hardhead will let me I will help him in every and in any way that I can.”

  “Shyness will you take good care of Hardhead and see to all his Gnomely needs.

  “I will ---- with all my heart I will” she replied

  “As the Queen of this Realm and by the oath taken and accepted by these two good and true Gnomes, who have before us all pronounced their undying love, I now pronounce them to be Gnome and wife for all eternity.”

  A great cheer went up as the two shared their first kiss. Hardhead was still disappearing and reappearing with Shyness hanging on to him because even when he was as it seemed not there he was as it were still there, he at last stepped back from his first kiss glowing red and looking a little more than embarrassed. He looked over the shoulder of his beloved Shyness expecting to see his little house that he had built but found that Wizzo was standing in front of it and although he couldn’t see it he announced.

  “My dwelling isn’t big enough for both of us my love!” He was now becoming even more embarrassed.

  “It is now,” said Wizzo he then concluded, “but of course you may alter it if you wish at a later date my friend.” Hardhead took hold of his bride’s hand and they both ran around Wizzo over to where he expected to find a house larger than he had originally built, now there was nothing, they turned to Wizzo

  “Where is it?” Hardhead asked, Wizzo raised his staff and pointed it at what was the center of Hardheads garden.

  “It’s over there in the center of your garden.” A large mound appeared. It was covered completely with Forget-me-nots and surrounding that were small rose bushes in a multitude of colures and all were in bloom. There were Bright reds, yellows, pinks and orange, This dwelling was a little different than most Gnomes would have built, it was much larger and had a door just big enough for them to walk through. Gnomes usually crawled into their homes, Wizzo couldn’t picture these two doing that. this was a tremendous achievement for Wizzo seeing that it was the middle of winter. He couldn’t have achieved it without the help of Shealther who was still sitting on his shoulder. Shyness and Hardhead walked around their new dwelling, she leaned close to him.

  “He has read our minds well my sweet, it’s truly wonderful,” she then whispered in his ear, “can we go in now?” Hand in hand they walked to the door, he politely opened it for her and they disappeared inside. A few moments later his head popped out, we thank you all and we will be forever in your debt. We thank you Elthra for giving us such an elegant ceremony, also I thank you for the return of my voice, now we can whisper to each other, the little head disappeared inside and the door closed. W
izzo went back inside the Cottage with Sophie, Alice and Peewee.

  “They make a good pair do they not Pee Wee;” said Wizzo. Pee Wee just nodded his head, he was sad because he knew that what had just happened would never happen to him, he was one of a kind and would never become as one with his soul mate. Wizzo sat down in his chair, the world can do what it wishes now he thought, he then breathed a great sigh of relief and closed his eyes.