Read Gwarcheidial Book 1 Page 7


  The next morning he was up before the sun. He put out three plates of his special gruel, ate his and left the other two by the fire to keep warm. He harnessed Hopeful up to the Dogcart and was soon on his way. The horse feeling fresh set off at a good brisk pace.

  On entering London he was surprised at how busy the streets were at this time, then he remembered that it was Saturday. The Flower sellers were already in their places of business, he supposed that this was in case somebody else took the best positions. He had in the past seen many a fight between two buxom women over their rights to a particularly good spot, the biggest nearly always won and sent the loser on her way. He’d never seen a man join in or take part, it must be something of an unwritten law between them he thought. He made his way around venders pushing barrows and often getting cursed in his haste for he had a lot to accomplish that day.

  He took short cuts down narrow dirt lanes and along cobbled streets. He wouldn’t normally go this way if there was fog about but there was no fog today so it didn’t take them long to get to Algate. On their arrival at the workhouse he went in search of Alice

  First he came across the big fellow with the pock marked face, he had his hands full and with a total lack of etiquette was busy consuming half a cob filled with chunks of cheese. Wizzo didn’t need to approach him to find Alice but he did.

  “I would be obliged if you could tell me the whereabouts of Alice my good man!” He asked politely.

  “If ya go down there Sir you’ll find er at the far end of the hall all with the children.” Wizzo thanked him and was about to walk away, when he was asked.

  “Ow’s are Sophie doin?

  “Sophie’s doing well and I thank you for asking.” Wizzo excused himself and made his way down an almost dark corridor with no windows and found himself-looking through double doors into a very large hall.

  Inside were about two hundred people of all ages, some were queuing up with tin plates in their hands, others were seated eating what seemed to be the cheapest, lumpiest gruel that he had ever seen in his entire life, he watched as they served it out.

  This was done with a wooden spoon that with some effort was thrust into the mixture and then pulled out with a lump of this gruel stuck to the end of it. The gruel was then forced off the spoon by hitting it against the lip of the iron cauldron, it then landed with some force on the tin plate in a lump.

  Wizzo could imagine what would happen if the plate wasn’t held tightly enough, it would all end up on the dirty floor, so most of them rested their tin plates on the side of the giant iron pot to make sure that this didn’t happen.

  He looked down the dimly lit hall at the rows of wooden tables and the people hunched over them. He could see that some had no spoons at all and were forced to scoop the thick gooey mess up into their hungry mouths with their dirty fingers, he wondered how it was that they managed to survive on it.

  For light, there were only three small widows down at the far end and these looked as if they hadn’t been cleaned for years, if ever! So the hall was dark except for one flickering candle in the center of each long table, this had a way of making the occupants look like ghostly phantoms. Wizzo thought that this was some consolation because with the place being so dark at least the poor people couldn’t see what they were eating.

  When his eyes had got accustomed to the darkness he managed to see Alice down at the far end of the hall attending to a group of what looked like children; he started to make his way in that direction.

  “Oy! What you doing er?” Shouted a large robust lady who seemed to care little for those she pushed as she forcibly made her way towards him. “I don’t remember you, where’d ya come from. Ya can’t come in er for a free meal, be off with ya now!”

  “I thank you for the offer of a meal kind lady, but at this time I’m afraid I must decline your invitation. I’m looking for Alice, I believe that to be her name.” Wizzo’s smile had the effect of softening most hearts but not this one.

  “What you want er for?” She was making some effort and trying to see all of his face that remained hidden under the hood of his cloak, all she could see was a mouth smiling at her.

  “I have some business with her,” he looked around as if looking for Alice and then proclaimed. “Ah I see her!” He made his way quickly past the woman and smiled at her again, but this woman was as hard as nails and it had no effect on her at all, I must be losing my touch he thought.

  “Alice, may I have a moment of your time?” He called out still some distance from her. Alice looked up from tending the children

  “Why Mr. Burn Bright what brings you here, is our Sophie all right?” She called as she negotiated her way down the small Isles between the crowded tables towards him.

  “Indeed she is Alice, thanks to you and some dear friends of mine.”

  “Bless er art; she’s doing real well then?”

  “Yes extremely well and I’ve no doubt that she will appreciate your concern.”

  “And the little one Mr. Burn Bright, is it alright?”

  “Both are well and I’m hoping will survive the experience.”

  “Bless ya Sir, I knew ya was a gentleman, the large woman unable to pass him in the narrow walkway, was now standing behind him listening to every word.

  “What’s this all about then Alice?” She asked in a low toned manly voice.

  “This kind gentleman took Sophie into is care he did!”

  “Did he indeed, for what purpose?”

  “To take good care of her madam, and for no other reason than that!” Wizzo said without even turning around. The big woman now put on her best charm; she thought that she might be able to get rid of one or two more of the women who had managed to get themselves into the same situation.

  “We got some more you can ave Sir, I’m sure you being the gentleman that you are would take good care of um ---- with the best intentions of course I might add.”

  Wizzo ignored her.

  “Sophie is in need of your assistance for a day or two Alice, would it be possible for you to come with me?” Wizzo felt the hot flush of anger coming from behind him.

  “Now wait on a minute, she-ain’t going nowhere, not wiv out my permission, an my permission costs money it does.” The hall had gone silent; two hundred pairs of dirty ears were now listening intently to every word.

  He could feel the woman behind him; she was desperately trying to influence him with her mind. The silly woman is trying to mesmerize me. He smiled to himself and kept his back to her.

  He had known as soon as he had seen her that she thought herself somewhat of a witch and one with a great deal of power, or thought she had. He was being careful so as not to arouse her suspicion and in doing so he pulled his cloak closer, making sure that it covered him completely, this way her mind would simply hit a blank wall and she would not hear his thoughts and wouldn’t suspect anything.

  “I’m not a man of great wealth Madam, will two copper coins be enough?” he said this while he was still facing away from her?”

  “Two copper coins indeed! Six copper coins if ya ave it------ or she don’t go nowhere --- and that’s just for the day mind you!”

  “Reluctantly pulling out his purse he made a great show of emptying it onto the nearest table, a few copper coins fell from it. Wizzo then looked into his empty purse and shook it to signify that it was empty.

  “There you are madam, paid in full I believe.” All through this transaction he had never looked at the woman, he had as soon as possible turned away from her to face Alice.

  The old witch was making a great fuss over counting and checking each coin and at long last found it to be correct, she then as if to further enforce her authority looked over Wizzo’s shoulder and spoke sternly to Alice.

  “Off with ya then Allis!” She came right up behind Wizzo and tapped him on the shoulder. She was so close that he could smell her stale breath coming through her blackened teeth, then she said in the loudest possible voice
so that just about everybody in the hall could hear. “Mind you bring er back, you er! In good order to! Or it’ll cost ya more --- a lot more. --- and no hanky panky!”

  “I will indeed bring her back in good order madam -- you have my word on it.” He smiled and winked at Alice, “And there will be no Hanky Panky as you call it. --- if I have a need of Alice for an extra day or two, can I assume the price to be six pence a day?”

  “Indeed ya can! And mind you! Not a penny less!”

  “It will indeed be a heavy price to pay for a man in my position but a bargain is a bargain. I thank you for being so understanding, come along Alice there are matters that must be attended to;” With that he swept round the old witch, shielding his face from her with Alice following close behind they headed with as much haste as possible for the door. They went past the big fellow in the hall who was still in the same place casually leaning up against the wall, by now he only had half of his giant cheese sandwich left.

  “Where ya off to then Alice?” He asked with a smirk on his face. Wizzo answered him.

  “Alice has found herself a position with me for a day or two.”

  “Found ya self a position ave ya, good luck to ya love, you come back quick now, there’s them that’ll miss ya.” He then spoke to Wizzo. “She’s all right she is mister, she’ll take good care of ya she will!” he said laughing. Looking at the man as if he were some kind of grub Wizzo like a gentleman took hold of Alice by the arm.

  “Come Alice, we shouldn’t linger here.”

  Once outside he helped her up into the Dogcart, he then climbed in beside her. Taking hold of the reins he turned and smiled at her.

  “You shall not remember where we are going, or the direction of it Alice, just be happy that you are leaving this place for a short time.” He flicked the reins and they were on their way, he had to take this precaution, the witch may have suspected something and he couldn’t risk her finding out and getting up to goodness knows what kinds of mischief.

  Alice sat beside him with a smile on her mesmerized face; this gave Wizzo time to study her.

  He reasoned that she was by nature a kindly person who with still some pride left in her held herself well. She was sitting upright with her lean hands placed neatly in her lap, her face was round and kindly with her hair tumbling down all around it then settling down over her shoulders.

  Her dress or what was left of it was black and had been patched a good many times, but she still wore it with some dignity even though it was a little on the short side and showed more of her ankles than was normal, this being against all the rules of fashion at this time.

  He then noticed her feet with neat buttoned up shoes on them, although clean they had seen better days, her feet as if always having been in the same position were placed neatly together.

  When they reached their destination she didn’t even acknowledge the gates opening and closing behind them. He entered the Cottage from the rear, helping her down from the Dogcart, he took her into see Sophie, as soon as Sophie caught site of her, her eyes lit up.

  “Allow Alice, they let you out then?” Alice just stood there, her eyes not even blinking. “You all right Alice?” said Sophie looking keenly at her. Wizzo’s hand came up and he snapped his fingers.

  Alice came instantly awake and looking straight at Sophie was now smiling as if nothing had happened.

  “Allow love’ how are ya?”

  “I’m fine Alice and getting stronger every day thanks to Wizzo and me Fairy. Alice was now staring at the Fairy on Sophie’s lump.

  “What’s that?” she asked.

  “That’s me Fairy Alice, her name’s Athermine,” Allis bending down looked closer at Athermine

  “Your avin me on ain’t ya?”

  Wizzo went up to Alice and put his arm around her.

  “You have entered what must be a strange world dear lady. You will find that there are many strange things and happenings that go on around here, I beg of you not to be alarmed, you’ll find us all quite sane and in our right minds, by the way Alice this is Pee Wee.” Alice turned to see who she was being introduced to and then took a step back almost falling on top of Sophie. Wizzo explained.

  “He was a giant but misbehaved himself, he was shrunk by a Wizard I’m afraid, he’s been like that for over a thousand years.” Wizzo was trying to be as natural as possible. “Outside there are Fairies and a Gnome, the Gnome’s fixing up the garden at this time and if you happen to go out there it would be best not to disturb him. Gnomes are inclined to get a little upset if somebody interferes with them while they’re working.

  “Now then Alice we need you to look after Sophie. She has a desperate need to get into a tub of nice hot water, if I go and get that ready, you can if you like go upstairs to her room which is the first on the right at the top of the stairs. In there you will find in the chest of drawers some skirts and blouses, if you can bring one of each down that would be a good start.”

  Wizzo pointed her in the right direction, so off she went still not quite knowing or understanding what was going on.

  Alice soon returned carrying the skirt and blouse, she went over to Sophie and spent some time looking and studying Athermine who was asleep on Sophie’s lump

  “Is she real Sophie?”

  “Of course she’s real Alice, ain’t she beautiful, she saved my life she did, and nearly gave her own doing it.” Sophie was now tenderly looking at her Fairy with great affection. “Wizzo had to go and get some more Fairies to make er well again, ifan ya don't believe me, there’s some out in the garden with their Gnome.” Alice continued to gaze in wonder at Athermine.

  “But there are no such things as Fairies and Gnomes, is there?” She didn’t look up when she said this; she was still completely infatuated with Athermine.

  “Course there is silly.” All this talking woke Athermine up, she stretched and yawned then she flew up and hovered above Sophie.

  “She say’s allo to ya Alice and wants to know what you want er to do?”

  “We’ve got to get you into the tub my girl, that’s what I’m er for ain’t it?” Athermine flew over to Peewee and settled on his knee.

  Wizzo who had been out in the scullery preparing Sophie’s bath came back in.

  “Tubs ready ladies!” He watched the two of them make their way unsteadily through to the scullery; he went outside and into the garden, as soon as he did so Elthra flew up to him.

  “I sensed that you wish to speak with me Wizzo?”

  “The Gnome works to hard Elthra, it’s too much for him. I’ll go to the manor and see if there are others who would come or at least another one, also a lady for him, if I can find one that is willing and to his liking.”

  “I wish you luck,” she said, “he’s a strange little fellow, most fastidious in his ways.” Wizzo sighed and shrugged his shoulders.

  “You think that maybe he is a confirmed bachelor then Elthra?”

  “No I don’t think so Wizzo, --- I feel that he has a need for a lady, there’s only one that I know of and she’s too shy, I don’t think she will come, but you could try. --- I also think that if she does come she may well be to his liking.”

  “Thank you Elthra, he made his way thoughtfully down to the main gates, as he approached they opened for him, although deep in thought he remembered to thank them.

  He pulled his cloak tightly about him and pictured in his mind the gates of the manor he soon found himself there and requested to be let in, as the gates opened they asked him.


  “Indeed they have Gate Men and I’m sure that they will appreciate your concern. He flew down the path and then up and over the stonewall into the gardens.

  “Shealther; I wish to speak with you.” She was soon hovering in front of him. “You were right Shealther, the gardens are too large for one Gnome to manage at the Cottage. He works much too hard and I fear that he will not get it done before he goes off in a rage and
we don’t see him again. Also Elthra and I were thinking that maybe there might be a lady here that would like to go and see him, we feel that it might cheer him up, just for a visit mind you. I’ll bring her back if she doesn’t want to stay.” Shealther had a knowing look on her face.

  “I’ll go and ask the Gnomes Wizzo, she flew up and kissed him on the nose.” This had the effect of making his hair stand on end and a pleasant shiver went right through him, with that she flew off.

  Because he knew that negotiations of a delicate nature always took time especially when dealing with Gnomes. He sat down to wait and at the same time trying to hold on to the pleasant feelings that were still running through him. It wasn’t long before young Fairies, who unable to contain themselves had come out of their winters sleep and wanted to know how things were regarding Sophie and Athermine.

  “Is she all right, is she well?” a few of the younger ones were crying. To them even the mere thought of losing one of their sisters was too much and on top of that they were not able through lack of skill to look into Wizzo’s or their Mothers and Fathers minds to know the answers to their questions.

  “Sophie or Athermine?” he said playing a game with them.

  “Athermine!” all the young ones shouted back “you know who we mean Wizzo.”

  “Of course she’s all right, and she has a friend who you didn’t know about and neither did I. I found this friend hiding in an old tree stump in the forest, one of the tree Elves showed me the hiding place.” Now he had their complete attention because he didn’t say if it was a he or a she. They made their own minds up about that.

  It seemed that a thousand voices all came to him at once, “Who is she? Who is she? Please tell us ---- please!” The please was there because Fairies love to keep secrets and they thought that he would do the same, he often played this game with them.

  “I don’t know if I should tell you,” he said smugly.

  “Please! Please! Please tell us Wizzo, we’ll not be able to rest until we know and we are too young to stay awake through the rest of the winter.”

  “I realize how important it is for Fairies to have their rest,” he said thoughtfully. “I need my rest to.” He yawned and stretched out his arms, “I think I’ll go to sleep for a while, there’s been so much to do. If I remember when I wake up I might tell you, or I might not, we will have to see.” Stretching his arms again and yawning he pretended to go to sleep. He could see in his mind’s eye the disappointed look on their faces, so he opened one eye and gave them a little more information.

  “Her friend is not a she, it’s a he, and he’s not a Fairy!” With that tantalizing piece of information he closed his eyes again. He was watching them and inwardly smiling, some were now flying round in circles unable to control themselves, while others were trying to persuade one of their young men to wake him up. They were pushing him forward and urging him on determined to hear the rest of this story. Wizzo knew that he couldn’t think about anything at this moment because a lot of the not so young ones were trying to reach into his mind to find the answers, so he kept his mind blank and appeared to be asleep.

  The little fellow after a lot of persuasion had picked up enough courage and was now being carried up to his face by two Fairies. They thought it great fun to drop him down on Wizzo’s nose causing him to sit up quickly, but not so quickly as to shake the little fellow off.

  “What are you doing; you woke me;” Wizzo was now sitting up and looking cross-eye at the little fellow hanging from his nose.

  “I slipped and fell on to your face kind Wizard, will you not help me down before I fall off?” Wizzo put his hand up to his face, when it was close enough the little fellow jumped onto it.

  “Thank you kind and noble Wizard, my sincere apologies for disturbing your much needed sleep, but do you perhaps remember mentioning that Athermine had a man friend and that he wasn’t a Fairy, we understood that she came alone?” Every Fairy in the large gardens of the manor even the older ones and their men folk were now around him, they were either excitedly spinning or just hovering around his head. He hadn’t seen such a beautiful sight for a long time, he could hear the hum of the Fairies wings because there was so many of them. He knew that if he made them too exited they would shoot of in all directions and would not be there for the story, he would have to calm them down a little so he said to them.

  “If you will all seat your selves down in front of me I will tell you as much as I know.” There was nothing so disappointing to a Fairy as not to be there when the story was told, so he sat and waited for them to organize themselves. Mothers flew up to soothe their children, holding their hands and bringing them down, until in the end they were all sitting or hovering in front of him.

  “This is how I understand it. Many years ago when it was the custom of knights in shining Armor to kill dragons so that they could prove their false valor to one and all. A Great Wizard made it his task to collect all the dragons together that he could find and hide them in a safe and secret place, he then placed a shield around them so that nobody could see or knew where they were, thereby saving them all from certain death.

  The trouble was that a very young Fairy, and a giant who had been shrunk by another great Wizard were now trapped in there with the Dragons. The giant unable to get out because he didn’t have the magic to do so, the Fairy being too young did not have the skill either, so they lived with the dragons for many hundreds of years.

  As she grew older and her powers and skills increased I believe that she could have released herself and returned to her loved ones, but it would mean leaving her friend that she now found she loved dearly, she couldn’t leave him because that would have meant that he would have been left there all on his own.” He could hear the sighs and feel the sadness coming from them all. “But then you see one day she overheard the dragons saying that something terrible was going to happen, and this is the part I don’t understand, they said that somebody would die of great importance to them unless they could do something about it. Well there was nothing that they could do for they were after all only dragons, as you all know dragons have only a certain amount of magic such as flying, breathing a little fire and being able to talk to each other. Athermine noting the sadness and concern in their voices and because she had grown to love the Dragons took it upon herself to break through the shield and come to Sophie’s aid. The trouble was that she herself was too weak after living inside the shield for so long and the task that she had chosen would be too much for her. The dragons tried to stop her, they really did!” Wizzo put a lot on emphasis into his last statement, “ but she was set in her mind, you know what Fairies are like.” Wizzo was making some of the story up as he went along; he didn’t know just how right he was. They all nodded their heads, they understood well what Fairies were like and the lengths that they would go to help a friend. “I also think that the dragons, who have done their utmost to teach her all the things she needed to know, and with only a limited knowledge of how to bring up a Fairy and prepare her, this is why they tried to stop her. They knew that she did not have the strength or the knowledge that a Fairy should have had to perform such a task. Anyway she would not be turned away from it, she left them knowing that she could never return because those that have the knowing of all things had said as much to her.” Some of the little ones started to cry and were being comforted by their Mothers and Fathers so he continued.

  “When she had gone the little fellow whose name is Peewee was so concerned and fearing that he would never see his Fairy again asked for permission to go after her to see if he could help in anyway. The dragons had to ask those that have the knowing of all things if it were possible, for some unknown reason they agreed that it was possible and that he should follow her. As you know your queen and some of your sisters went to her aid. It just so happened that the next morning I was standing at the Cottage gate when I sensed that something was out there in the forest and found him hiding in the woods.”

But why was he hiding, and why didn’t he try to help her?” they called out.

  “He has no magic powers, -- and he had a great fear of Wizards --- and another thing I don’t understand, why would they send him on such a fool’s errand knowing that he could do nothing?”

  They were all watching him intently hoping that he would answer his own question. But after a short time they realized he didn’t know the answer, so they asked him another.

  “What did you call out?” Came a chorus of young voices, “we’ve been inside our shield and didn’t hear you Wizzo.”

  “I called out in my anger asking what fools had sent her!” And I received no answer.

  “None at all?” Came a chorus in reply.

  “Not one word! --- They couldn’t hear me and you couldn’t due to the shields around you; that’s why I had to came to see Shealther your Queen. You know what happened then, as to the question about Athermine, she is well and still continues with her task as was to be expected. Her little giant is also well, I have noticed though that they are very much attached to each other, he sits there all day watching her with that look on his face.”

  “What look on his face?” asked a very young fellow sitting next to his Mother.

  “The look of love; that’s what you mean isn’t it Wizzo.” Said another.

  “Exactly that!” he replied, the little fellow turned to his mother and asked.

  “Do I know that look mother?”

  “That’s the way your father and I look at you.” The young fairy looked up into his mother’s loving eyes and smiled shyly.

  “Nothing can come of it even if she truly loves him,” someone said sadly, another said.

  “She will never leave him, she will never be able to have a child or hold the little one in her arms, to sing lullaby’s or even tell stories.” On hearing this some of the younger Fairies started to cry again.

  For a young Fairy this was the worst possible thing that could happen. From the time they were born to the time they became of age and were then able to select a partner and this was achieved only after a great deal of ceremony, they would then be joined together and become as if one for life. This was every Fairies dream, it was the reason for their very existence.

  Thousands of years ago they had found that having love, unconditional love for each other was the perfect and only way to live, so there was order in their lives that they all accepted, therefore one thing must follow another, having children was a most important part of that process, an unwritten law as it were, also the joining of two people together to make this happen. This involved every Fairy and their men folk in the group, they would all take part in the celebrations that would go on for weeks or even months.

  A very special place had to be made for the joining together of the two that would become one, a very special place indeed. It had to be constructed with the utmost care, for in it would take place a most magical thing. They would all be watching from outside because not one of them would want to miss it.

  When the two became one the whole area would light up and all the colors of the rainbow would brilliantly flash and shimmer around it. There would be no sound to this dazzling display of lights and colour, just sheer delight at the sight of it and knowing that again the careful process for choosing partners for their children had as usual been successful, in fact it had never been known to fail, it was done with only true love in every ones hearts so that it couldn’t possibly fail. Most of them had been reading his thoughts so he said.

  “Athermine may think differently being taught by Dragons” Trying to calm some of the younger ones down, he had never seen a Fairy cry before.

  Shealther came across the lawn; with her were three Gnomes, two ladies and a man

  “Why are you all so sad she said, have you been telling them a story Wizzo?”

  “A sad one indeed Shealther but one with a happy ending I hope.”

  “I may have an answer to the problem that exists between Athermine and Pee Wee Wizzo; it would involve at least four of our Queens, if not more. A council must then be formed and many things discussed. It would also depend on the spell that was cast in the first place to make him small, and more important the exact wording of it. I think that I would have to speak to Peewee first to find out if he remembers the exact words and if he does, then I will ask them if they both wish it with all their hearts. I have only taken your thoughts on this matter into consideration Wizzo. I should probably speak to Athermine first and ask her what it is she wants. It could be that he loves Athermine and she is just returning his love and no more than that, for any spell to work they would need to love each other in a most extraordinary way.”

  “But you think that maybe, just maybe, if all things are in there proper place, you would have some chance of success Shealther?” He said hopefully.

  “It has been done before but only with ladies not men and that was a long time ago in the distant past. It concerns those that have the knowing of all things and it does seem strange that he was sent here in the first place, we have it in our minds that he is here because of Athermine, but this may not be the case. He may well be here for some completely different reason, but I would say at this time you are right regarding your thoughts on this matter and this leads me to believe that there is hope and that all may be well. I might also add that at this point in time I also feel that there are many things that must take place before anything can be decided upon and a transformation can take place,

  She turned to the Gnomes and introduced them. “This is Grineth and his lady Nibblemore and this young lady is Shyness who says that she seeks a mate. Shyness has had some difficulty in finding one, she is quite slim and elegant and most Gnomes don’t like either, they like the warmth that comes seemingly from larger ladies, there is also a small problem with her shyness as you can see. I can only warn you that your Gnome may take offence or become most embarrassed at being offered this unusual lady and disappear, will you take that risk with your Gnome Wizzo?”

  “She does indeed look extremely shy Shealther, but I think that my Gnome is not of the normal kind, he is articulate ---- yes that is the word ---- articulate. His dress is very neat and tidy even after digging in the garden all day, he never gets any dirt on himself and is most meticulous and a little arrogant, but then he has put up with all of your sisters invading his unfinished garden. Twice now I thought he would go, especially when I believe Athermine asked for his help regarding Pee Wee, I thought that we would have seen him off and running, but he is still with us and working very hard. My thoughts are perhaps it would be better if Shyness spoke with Athermine first and gained some insight into the little fellow, who’s name I don’t even know!” A very quiet voice said.

  “Do you not know his name Gwarcheidial?” It was shyness that had asked.

  “No I’m afraid I don’t Shyness, there has been so much to do and so little time and that is something else the little fellow has had to put up with, my arrogance and my apparent ignorance.”

  Shyness broke out in a big smile and said.

  “He seems to be a very patient man, I will see him, and you shall not lose him, this I promise. It’s time I overcame my shyness. I need to feel the warmth of a little one in my arms, to touch and play and listen to the beautiful sounds that they make, I’ve been to long without these things in my life.”

  “Shall we go then.” said Wizzo, he picked up the Gnomes and put them inside his cloak making sure that they were safe, Shealther flew up and sat on his shoulder, the main gates of the manor opened at their approach.

  “Thank you Gate Men!” he called as they went through.

  The next moment they were at the gates of the forest that lead to the Cottage, they were opening even before they reached them. He went straight to the Cottage, this gate was also opening. On passing through he remembered to thank it.