Read Halcyon Isle Peace No More Page 1


  Peace No More


  Copyright by S C Clarke

  Mass chaos has broken out in the land of Aldenna, what started out as a simple war between good and evil, has turned into a battle of bloodshed. Neighbors who were once friends began to fight each other, this was not normal, there had to be an evil force that was making the people of Aldenna turn against one another. Those who were not affected by this rallied together, seeking out victory against this evil, which no one knows where it had come from.

  Every year on the day the Halcyon was discovered, everyone in the land would gather around Lake Erewhon, this of course included the royal families as well, they all had a day of feasting and festivities to celebrate their ancestors that came from destruction and had the courage to venture to an unknown land, relinquish their magic and rebuilding everything.

  All this now leads to where Halcyon is over one hundred years later. The now King of Indigo, Dominick Randolffe, great-grandson of Benjamin, and his wife Sarah, now ruled the land of Indigo on Halcyon Island. Halcyon is a beautiful and serene island, it is never too hot or too cold, and most days are a pleasant spring day with the occasion of rainfall. There was no fighting or war, they had no enemies, at least until now.


  Today is the seventh day of the eighth month of the year, over one hundred years ago to the day, four young men from the nearby land of Aldenna were the first to discover Halcyon Isle.

  These four men were sent from Aldenna by their King to seek out a land that could be inhabited by its people. These four men were also the king’s elite men, all who in their early to mid-twenties, and the bravest and finest fighters that Aldenna had ever seen. King Frederick told them all that if something should happen to him, they are to work together and reign over the people of Aldenna. There was a great war going on in their land, destruction and chaos was everywhere, it was a battle between good and evil unlike no one has ever seen before.

  There were brothers killing brothers, fathers killing sons, and so on as the women and children watched in hidden horror there was nothing that they could have done to stop this. Spells being cast from everywhere, men with their swords and those with bows in hand not knowing anymore who was good or evil.

  Charles Sterling, Benjamin Randolffe, Thomas Lyman, and Jacob Konzak, did not know at the time of their searching for a new land for the people of Aldenna would not only change their lives, but the lives of their family's for years to come.

  Their homeland was completely destroyed, the four had been on the quest for a new land for about two days now, and they landed their boat on what is now, Halcyon Isle, so named for the hope of peace that was so desperately needed. After exploring the land they decided that this was indeed the perfect place to rebuild. They headed back for home only to see that there was almost nothing left, the people who had survived were starving and without much shelter. The castle and their king were destroyed, the land was inhabitable. Those who were left packed what little belongings they could find set out on rickety built rafts following the four men in hopes of a new beginning.

  As they sailed away from what was known as home, one could hear the cries of the men, women and children who did not want to start over, it was more of an out-pouring of grief and anguish. Many were lost, and many also survived, but the lost were amongst friends and even family that they would never be able to see or hold again. Amazingly there were still hundreds that had survived, the outcome could have been much worse. Benjamin and the other three men helped everyone onto the shores of their new home, once all were off the rafts Charles went and stood up on a pile of rocks, “I know you all have sadness, we cannot look at that right now, rather it is time for us to come together and begin to rebuild.” He paused for a moment, “This friend is now what we shall call home, and in doing so never forget Aldenna, I welcome you all to Halcyon Isle.” Charles jumped down, and he Benjamin and the others began making tents for the women and children to sleep in, while the men only took a blanket or what they could find.

  It was the next day, despite all the turmoil they all had witnessed on Aldenna, there as they all watched was the most beautiful sunrise they had seen. Children who were watching with their parents or other care givers began to frolic on the water’s edge. Everyone, still unsure of what would come next, all smiled at one another; there was a sense of calm, a sense of knowing that everything was going to be alright.

  One more thing was needed to do on Aldenna, their dead would need to be disposed of properly, this was a task for Charles and the others to do. Not wanting to alarm and upset the people of Aldenna any more they decided that they would go there today with a few men and put the fallen people of Aldenna to peace. They snuck away during the night and were back before the morning light.

  Immediately all that could work began to build houses, chopping down trees for lumber, and making mortar to seal the timber together, even women and children lent a hand where they could, going and collecting what supplies they could find. Charles and the other three were holding competitions for guards and knights for their kingdoms, although some of the knights and guards that had survived were automatically accepted into their kingdoms. After hours upon hours each of them had chosen twenty to twenty five men who were acceptable. The first task of these men were to go explore every part of Halcyon, and report back any and all findings of other people, resources, and anything else they may find. These men went along their way within the kingdom land they were chosen, on foot of course, for they were still finding a way to bring any horses and livestock that had survived the war on Aldenna.

  Charles and the other men decided that they were going to separate the land into four countries, that were divided by the two rivers that ran through the land, in an almost x shape. In the middle of the island there was a magnificent lake that was so peaceful to look at that they called it Lake Erewhon. Charles took the land to the west calling it Cyan, Benjamin took the north naming it Indigo, Thomas to the east, calling his land Hansa, and Jacob took the southern land and called it Sinopia. The people did not oppose to this at all, instead they welcomed it with great contentment, for they were just happy to be alive.

  The four men, who now were soon to be the kings of their own countries, each would need to choose a woman to be their queen, and seek out the land where their castles would be built. They, being king Fredericks elite men, never really spent much time with matters of the heart; they were too busy protecting their king. In no time at all Halcyon was beginning to take shape, there was only one task left to do, find themselves their wives, they also decided that magic was not going to be a part of life here on Halcyon Isle.

  During this time the four soon to be new kings had each found themselves a wife, about a months time had gone by now. Charles, Benjamin, Thomas and Jacob all were wed along the lake with all the people watching. The ceremony although brief in nature gave the people of now Halcyon great peace of mindThese four women, all showed such beauty and grace, and would prove themselves well as the new queens of their countries here on Halcyon.

  Charles, Thomas, Jacob, and Benjamin sat for hours along side of the lake trying to figure out the best way possible to relinquish the powers of the people of Halcyon as well as their own. Jacob rises from the ground which he was sitting, goes over to one of the trees that was there near the shore of the lake, and begins to climb up it. The others watching Jacob looking at each other with curiosity. “Has he lost his mind?” asked Thomas as he gets up and follows Jacob. Charles and Benjamin follow and they go to where Jacob is. “Ahem.” says Charles looking up at his friend, “Nice day to climb a tree.” he con
tinues with sarcasm “What are you doing up there?”

  Jacob jumps down from the branch from where he was looking out onto the lake. “I have found the solution, out there in the middle of the lake there seems to be what appears to be a rock formation.” he says as his friends are curious as to what he is getting at. “Go on, or is that all you have.” Benjamin says still puzzled. “Don’t you get it, it appears to be some sort of crystals, we of course need to go out there and see for ourselves.” Jacob continued. “I believe that our friend here has fallen out of too many trees as a child and is starting to see things.” said Charles; they all had a small chuckle. Jacob now becoming offended, “If there are crystals out there, it can hold the magic of the people and ours, now am I still crazy or do we go out there and see.” It was starting to become dark; they decided that they would meet here tomorrow when the sun was at its highest point. They went their separate ways back to their castles, or what would soon be.

  Benjamin arrives to see his wife Charolette walking around outside with Amelia (Charles wife), Leah (Thomas' wife), and Cora (Jacob's wife). “Good evening ladies.” Benjamin says to them, “And what are you lovely ladies doing here on such a beautiful evening?” he asked “They were just about to leave for their homes; they are helping me to decide where to place a garden.” Said Charolette, “As we will be doing in all our kingdoms.” said Amelia. Then women then headed for their homes before it got any darker. “Do you think it is wise for them to be traveling alone?” Benjamin asked Charolette, “I think tomorrow I shall speak to Jacob and the others, I would feel better if you all had someone with you when traveling, especially at night.” Charolette took her husband’s hand, “You worry too much ,I am sure they will be fine.” They walked over and sat upon a small stone wall, “Do you not remembered what happened in Aldenna?” he asked “Now no arguments, it is only for your own safety and theirs as well.” Charolette nodded in agreement as her and her new husband sat talking for a while longer.

  Morning came quickly and soon the time to see if Jacob was right about what he believes he has seen in the lake. They met as they said they would, used a raft that was sitting close by and ventured towards the center of Lake Erewhon. As they got closer Jacob let out a sigh of relief, there directly in front of them was an enormous cluster of crystals, and it had to be about five to seven feet wide in diameter. “See look closely into the water, what did I say.” “Yes you my friend have the eyes of a hawk, one problem though, how do we the crystals out of the water and to where our powers can be collected?” asked Thomas. “Hey I found it” said Jacob “What makes you think I have that answer too?” Charles was scratching his head as he was deep in thought ,he then said to his friends, “all of you meet me at my castle tomorrow at dusk, we shall figure this out if it takes us all night.” All agreeing to this, they go back to the shore of the lake and proceed back to the castles.

  The people of Halcyon were still busy building their homes and looking for resources they needed, there were even some who were trades men and women who along with building homes were also looking to rebuild their businesses as well. Everyone worked together to help one another, they have only been on their new place of living for just about a little over a month, it was amazing to see what all was built in this short amount of time, rations of course were still slim at the time. Also there were now horses and livestock they had brought from Aldenna; everyone was planting gardens in the yards for fruits, grains, and vegetables. It was indeed a time of struggle, no one seemed to mind though, for the simple fact it was also a time of new beginning and rebirth.

  The four founding men of Halcyon and now kings of their own lands were sitting outside of Cyan's castle discussing a way that they could have their magic taken away, but also they needed to have a way to have it returned as well. What seemed like hours passed by, with no solution to all this in sight, when Charles jumps up and shouts, “I've got it!” The others still sitting there with puzzled looks, “You got what?” asked Thomas. “Yes please do fill us in.” adds Jacob. “Don't you all remember what King Frederick had taught us?” asked Charles who is now pacing back and forth. Benjamin gets up and starts walking around as well, “he taught us many things, would you like to be more to the point.” “The Atoll, The Elementals, How to call for them.” Says Charles. They all stop and look at each other then at Charles, “You, my friend are brilliant!” exclaimed Jacob, “Now do we have what we need in order to do this?”

  They all sit back down as they begin to think of what they need and how exactly to do this. “First we need a plan on how we are going to make this work.” said Jacob. “I say we each take the element that is representative of where our countries reside.” He added. “Fine, now that we have that part figured out, we still need a way to lock down the crystal in the lake.” Thomas stated.

  Once again they sat there in silence, each of them having a brief thought, then shaking their heads and rethink again. “We build key locks on the north, south, east and west parts of the lake.” started Charles. “Not bad, however, how to we assure that these locks cannot be opened just by anyone?” asks Benjamin. Jacob who was sitting there with his sword tip upon the ground, twirling it around as he was deep in thought, “Our swords.” he states, “We find the best forger we have here and have him reforge them with the gems and crystals that pertain to each element.” “We of course have to use magic to make this work.” Thomas was beginning to see where Jacob was going with this, “Then when all is said and the magic is stored within the crystal in the lake, we place our swords into the keyholes.” “Which will once again submerge the crystal deep within the bottom of the lake.” Adds Benjamin. It was like a bolt of lightning hit them all at once, they were all thinking the same. “Now we need to find a forger, summon the elements, make the magic keyholes, which of course need to be well hidden, and collect the gems and crystals we will need for our swords.” Said Charles. Thomas then looks around at them, “And of course don’t forget how we are going to have the elements hold onto the powers, and how to have them returned to either us if need be or our future kings.” “The stones and crystals, we have the elements hold them, keep them safe.” Jacob states. Benjamin and the others, quite puzzled all in unison ask, “How?” “Simple” Jacob begins, they are magical, powerful, and they can acquire the gems through magic.” This indeed was going to work, it had to, there weren’t any other options any of them could think of.

  Charles and the others decide to end their meeting with this, they will seek out the gems they need and a forger, they will meet again in a few days to continue their discussion. Thomas, Benjamin, and Jacob return to their castles. They had much to do, and still had to write the laws for Halcyon's people, which was mostly the same as the ones on Aldenna, with the added no magic law. They all agreed the laws would be the same for all who resided there.

  It did not take long for each of them to return to their castles, they were all built close to Lake Erewhon, within in this area was the kingdom land where townsfolk dwelled. Also in each land was another town that was built. The town in Indigo was called Woodstream; Timber was in Sinopia, Arawinn in Hansa, and Aquea in Cyan. The people within each country decided peaceably as to who would live where.

  The new guards and knights of Halcyon returned to their castles, they searched the entire land with nothing to report. They had not come across any other humans or even creatures, except for the typical ones, although they did find any other intelligent life throughout the land, the kings put men on different parts of the island just in case. Something told them that even though they did not find anything, it didn’t mean that no one was out there.

  Jacob and the others met by the lake, not knowing they were all going to be there. Thomas was the first to speak, “I think we should take a trip to Aldenna today, see what resources there still may be.” All were in agreement, they found a few of their men who were nearby to go with and assist them with anythi
ng they may find.

  The four along with five each of their men journeyed back to their olden homeland, nothing was changed, everything was as it was left, the only difference was the eerie silence that was all around them. “I never thought a place where I grew up could give me such a strange feeling.” said Charles as he gave a shiver. Hopping off of the boat to take the line into shore Benjamin could not have agreed with Thomas more, nor could the others.

  They walked up and down searching for anything they could take back with them. Jacob was heading to where the castle once stood along with his men, “Only look for anything of value.” He stated. One of the men made a valid point, “Shouldn’t we collect what coins we can find as well, and other means of currency? We could then divide it amongst the kingdoms to be given to the people.” Jacob stopped, looked at the young man, he couldn’t have been more than eighteen years old, but was a very wise youth. “Your name is Sebastian, correct?” asked Jacob as he was now walking along besides him. “You are extremely observant, you know I still need to choose a head knight, keep your chin up and it might be you.” Sebastian was honored beyond words that he could not speak correctly, Th-- Thank you K—k--k king Jacob.” He said as he was trying to bow and walk at the same time. Jacob placed his hand upon the young man’s shoulder, “Relax my friend, you shall do fine.”

  After searching Aldenna they returned and went back to Hansa to divide the money and items evenly, sending more of their men back to Aldenna several more times, to collect all that they possibly could. The gold, silver, and other valuables were sorted out into categories as far as monetary, and wares for homes, then divided evenly between the four kingdoms, and then rationed out fairly to the people of each country. The kings and queens of course also choosing some for themselves. During this time the kingdoms also needed to select those who would serve as cooks and servants, the kings wives were the ones to do this since their husbands were busy with other matters.

  Three days later, Charles, Thomas, Benjamin and Jacob met again, this time they went to Indigo, with the gemstones they needed they went off to the forger that was residing nearby. They went to the forgers shop with their swords and gold in hand and ready to offer him a decent price for his work.

  Walking into the shop, they all looked around, it was nicely done, but also needed work to make it complete. “Hello.” said Benjamin over the noise coming from the back, “Is there anyone here?” he continued. “Be there in a moment.” a voice yelled from the back. Some time went by, not too much, although enough to almost seem rude. “I see you are too busy to help out, we shall take our business elsewhere.” Shouted Charles. No sooner than Charles finished speaking a man darted to the front of the shop.

  “Your majesties, my apologies.” The man said bowing. Thomas walked over to the man, “We have a huge order for you, and do you think you can handle it.” “That depends, what I can do for you.” The man said back, “By the way call me George.” “Fine, George, we need our swords rebuilt with these gemstones, also with each of our last names and kingdoms etched onto them, is this something you will be able to do.” said Jacob as he and the others placed their swords upon a table along with a bag of gems besides each one.

  George took a closer look at each sword, “These are indeed very well made, it won’t be easy but I do believe I will be able to do this for you.” said George still examining each sword meticulously. “However, it will take me a little time on each.” he continued. The four new kings were aware of what George was trying to get at, “We will pay you quite generously for your time, we also need four key locks that the swords will fit into, they also must contain the same gems as the swords.” said Thomas, handing the forger a nice bag filled with gold and silver, not giving him the bag just yet, Charles asked, “Can you handle this?” then handed him the bag. George opened the bag, glancing in quickly. “Most generous of you, I do have other work to attend to as well, and yes it will more than an honor to do this task.” “This is half of the payment, you will receive the other half when the swords and locks are done and we approve of the work.” Charles added. “Now how long shall all this take?” asked Benjamin. George thought for a moment, “I can have them ready for you in about seven days.” George responded. “Very well we shall return then,” Thomas said then they went back to Indigos castle to converse more about their plans.

  After more hours of discussing and debating they finally found a solution that would work, at least they hoped so. Once they had the details to what needed to be done, the only thing left was to get their swords and locks, then chose the right time to summon the Elements. Also deciding to take a closer look around Woodstream while they were there they ventured into a forest on the north side of the town. Everything seemed normal there were trees and flowers and the typical things one woud see in a forest, even down to the animals that were there.

  After walking around for some time Charles looks over and say, “Where did that giant redwood tree come from? There is no way we could have missed it.” Jacob and the others look to here Charles was pointing, “Is rather odd wouldnt you say, are there any others?” said Benjamin. They looked around as far as they could see from one side of the forest to the other. “No, this appears to be the only one.” Jacob answered, “There is something odd about this tree.” he continued. “Not sure what, I cannot say.” They all agreed and didnt think too much more of it.

  A week later the kings retrieved their swords and the key locks, they were much impressed with the work that George had done, paid him most generously, “This is indeed quite fine craftmanship.” said Jacob George bowed as he thank them over and over, “Anything else you may need sires do not hesitate to ask.” George said to them. Charles nodding his head at George, “We shall keep you in mind.” They put the locks into their satchels and headed back to Indigo to finalize their plan. They would meet at the lake later that night, place the key locks into the ground, and cover them over so not to be seen. After doing this they decided that the night after next, during the full moon, they would have the people as well as themselves assemble around the lake at the starting of the sunset. There was much talk about the countryside over not havibng any of their magic anymore, many had questions for their kings and would address them at the lake in one day.

  The sun was barely beginning to set upon Halcyon, the country folk began to assemble around the lake, talking amongst one another, all unsure of what this will bring, but also trusting in the men who ruled them. No time for the questions they had for this had to be done just as the full moon was perfectly centered with the lake.

  The ceremony had finally begun to relinquish their powers to the elements. Benjamin, Jacob, Charles, and Thomas were now standing where they had placed the key locks the other night. They had contacted The Elementals days before through meditation and all agreed to help and were nearby, although unseen. The four men, uncovered the key locks, took their swords in their hands and waited for the moon to be perfectly centered above the lake.

  They had to do this together, simultaneously, and not being able to see one another made this much more difficult then they had first thought. Sebastian took his horn from his pocket, let out a few short blows, and after he did so they placed their swords in the locks, turned them and waited. AT first it seemed as if they had failed nothing waws happening, then slowly raising out of Lake Erewhon. The people watched as out of the lake stone walkways emerged, this took several minutes, everyone having feelings of peaceful trepidation. When the paths were fully visable the crystal should have started to rise from underneath the water of the lake, there was nothing, the crystal was not rising out of the water. Jacob and the other kings had felt they had failed their first immense task, and then out from the center of the lake a spectrum of colors radiated out and swirled around as the crystal began to slowly rise up and out of the water.

  One by one the people, men, women, as well as children of Halcyon walked th
e path towards the crystal, placed their hands upon the crystal in the middle of the lake that was now accessible by four walkways from each country. As each man woman and even children took their turn, with each set of hamds placed upon the crystal they could see their powers leaving their bodied through their fingertips and into the crystal. After some time, all the people were done and their magic was gone to them. Lastly, the queens of Halcyon and then its kings placed their hands upon the crystals. Charles, Jacob, Benjamin, and Thomas then walked to where the key locks were, and in unison, placed their swords into the locks, then turned them clockwise three times, pulling their swords out after the third turn.

  And at that moment, the walkways began to crumble into the lake, the gems that were so exquisitely placed upon the swords started to vanish, with other ones replacing them. The locks sinking into the ground, going deeper and deeper until they were seen no more. The lake from the center started to recede around the crystal that then slowly descended down, deep beneath the surface of the water, and under the ground, until it was completely gone. The water, filled back in as quickly as it receded, their magic was now locked away safely, and from that point on life on Halcyon would be as peaceful as everyone could have hoped.

  Everyone stood there in silence not sure how they should honestly feel, some seemed quite contented while others faces showed concern. The four Elemental beings, circled around the lake and all the people of Halcyon, creating a beautiful mist of colors all around them. Then with a flash they disappeared into the night, leaving a protection upon the land.

  The last thing the kings had left to do was leave instructions on how to retrieve back the magic, they had four amulets made, small ones that they would wear upon a rope around their necks. Each had a different colored stone in them, a sapphire for Cyan, an Amethyst for Indigo, a topaz for Hansa, and a ruby for Sinopia. In the mountains to the south they had secretly hid the instructions, only the four of them knew where it was, the amulets are the keys, and all four are needed in order to open it. Their sons or daughters would one day learn the secret, but until then will remain locked inside each of them.

  Years past by as the Halcyon grew, each of the kingdoms now each had a new prince who would grow up and one day become king. And with each passing kings and queens, there remained peace, and during this time, the people of Halcyon learned that they did not live on the island alone, finding many new friends.