Read Halcyon Isle Peace No More Page 2


  Dominick and his wife Sarah had one son, Patrick who was named for Sarah's father, who passed when Sarah was twelve. She was raised by her mother Katrina and grandparents along with her older brother Stephen. Dominick and Sarah were much loved by the people of Indigo, and when she was with child a second time the whole countryside was waiting in awe to see if their kingdom was going to have another prince or maybe even a new little princess.

  Sarah, after almost eight months of pregnancy went into premature labor, she was sitting with Dominick out on the veranda when she suddenly doubled over in pain. Dominick immediately jumped to her side and yelled, “Quick, somebody come here now!” Lucy was nearby cleaning the windows outside of the kitchen, she dropped everything and ran to them. Sarah's pain was getting increasingly worse with every breath she took, “The baby, save the baby.” she cried out with intense pain. “Lucy help me get her up and into the castle.” said Dominick, They raised her up off the veranda as quickly and gently as they could and managed to get her inside and into a bed in a room nearby.

  Lucy had delivered Patrick just a few years prior and she went into nurse mode, “Get me towels and water.” she said to Dominick, along with a few other items she requested, “And hurry.” Dominick went as swiftly as he could. Sarah was laying there on the bed clenching unto anything she could grab, “Now, Ms. Sarah we need to get you undressed.” Lucy said as she was beginning to remove her clothes. “No, it's too soon, I can’t have the baby yet.” Cried out Sarah. “There is no choice, this baby is coming now, just try and relax.” replied Lucy. Dominick returned with the supplies Lucy asked for and let her go about her work. He stood there right by his wife's side through it all, Sarah pushing on Lucy's cue, for what was not very long but felt like an eternity.

  With a final push, they had a beautiful daughter, she had a full head of dark chestnut hair, there was something wrong though, she was not breathing. Sarah still clenching onto Dominick's hands, “Let me see her.” She said to Lucy. Lucy's heart was in her throat, she could not speak, she managed to muttle out, “In a moment.” as she nodded Dominick in the direction of the baby. “Why isn’t she crying? Lucy, what is wrong?” Sarah demanded. Lucy, after she wrapped the stillborn child and handed her to Sarah, “I am so sorry.” then she looked at them both and left the room to give them time to be alone.

  Sarah let out a scream that everyone on Halcyon could have heard, “Why? Why Dominick, why?” she asked him. Both of them were in anguish, “I do not know my love.” he said as he kissed her gently on her forehead. Sarah, trying her best to compose herself, “I want to name her Emily Rose.” she held her daughter tightly and lovingly in her arms, and somewhere in between all her grief she managed to ever so slightly smile for a second. “That is a beautiful name.” Dominick agreed.

  Dominick did not leave her side that night, the two lay there together and grieved the loss of their daughter. “Why?” she questioned as she looked at her husband with eyes of despair. Dominick took her in his arms and held her as tightly as he could. “I know my love” he replied, “It is not fair.” He was trying his best to stay strong for Sarah, as he was holding back tears that were starting to form.

  The next day Patrick woke and went to his parent’s room, they were still asleep, he quietly snuck into the bed. Sarah was the first to wake, she noticed her son lying next to her, “Good morning” she said softly to Patrick, still grief stricken. “Good morning mommy” he said back to his mother. Patrick, turned to his father, “Wake up daddy.” Dominick opened his eyes, reached out and rustled Patrick's hair. Dominick and Sarah both glance at each other, knowing that Patrick has no idea what had occurred last night. Before they could say anything, he patted his mother's stomach. “Where's the baby, mommy?” “Can I see it?” “Is it a boy or girl?” Patrick kept going on asking question after question.

  Sarah got up from the bed, walked over to the window, sitting down on the window sill, she placed her head in her hands, began to sob uncontrollably. Patrick looked over at his father, “Daddy, what's wrong with mommy?” Dominick took a deep breath, the sadness in his face was growing more obvious. “Patrick, there is no baby.” Patrick now looking quite confused, “What do you mean daddy, where's the baby that was in mommy's belly?” Sarah was still over by the window, she managed to contain herself as she listened to her husband explain to Patrick what had happened. Dominick moved his son closer to him, “Your mother had a baby girl last night” Dominick started, Patrick excited “I have a little sister.” he said as he jumped as he sat on the bed. Dominick gently grabbed his son and sat him back down on the bed. “Yes and no, Patrick, she did not make it.” Dominick said to his son, tears started to stream down his face. Patrick got up and went over to his mother, took her hand, “I am sorry mommy.” he said to her as tears were now forming in his eyes as well. “I love you.” Patrick said to her, giving her the biggest hug he could possibly give her. Sarah hugged Patrick back with all she could, “I love you too Patrick.”

  A couple of days had since past, Dominick was making the final preparations for the small ceremony for their daughter. He and Sarah were sitting in their chambers, “Sarah” he started, “I wish you would help me with Emily's” before he could continue, Sarah stood up off the bed, looking at Dominick and let out at him, “I do not want any parts of this, my daughter is dead, you are not the one who carried her, you do not know what it is like.” She went on, all her anger and grief and finally surfaced. Dominick knew that she really didn’t mean what she was saying, he got up and took her in his arms and hugged her as tightly as he possibly could. She tried to break free of his grasp, the more she tried the harder he held her, “Please, Sarah, calm down.” Dominick said to her softly, she managed to contain herself, he let go and she threw herself back onto the bed. Dominick bent down giving her a kiss on her cheek, “You rest, I will return as soon as I can.”

  Baby Emily was buried out in the garden near the old rose bushes, it was a private ceremony. Sarah did not want to attend even though Dominick tried everything he could think of to per sway her to, he also was not going to force her to attend either. Patrick was with his father and trying to understand why his little sister wasn’t going to grow up with him. “Patrick”, started his father, “When you are older, I will tell you why certain things happen.” “Yes daddy” Patrick replied. Dominick handed Patrick a single pink rose, Patrick went and placed it on Emily's grave. He turned back around to his father, “Can I go see mommy?” he asked. “Not right now, she isn’t feeling well.” said Dominick, “Okay daddy, can you tell her I love her.” Patrick asked, “Yes son I will.” Then Dominick picked up his son and headed back inside.

  Dominick loved his wife more than anything else and he hated to see her like this. He was sitting with Sarah in their chambers trying everything and anything to get her to come out the room. "Darling, you need to get out, come with me to where Emily is, it might make you feel better," He said to her. "I have nowhere to go." Sarah answered, she was twirling her long chestnut hair. “Our daughter is no more, and it is all my fault." she said as she rocked back and forth on the rocking chair holding what would have been Emily's baby blanket. "You cannot blame yourself, there are some things that we cannot control, you also need to accept it and move forward." Dominick said as he knelt before his wife. "I cannot take away what happened and it makes me appreciate things in life, puts it into a whole new perspective." Taking her hand, smiling, he adds, "But I can be here for you my love, we will get through this, and remember we already have a beautiful son, who needs his mother." She nodded and tried to smile through her tears, for it now has been almost a week since the birth of her stillborn daughter. “How can you be so positive?” Sarah asked her husband. “I am not, I am grieving right along with you.” he answered. “But we have to be strong, mostly I do, for you and for Patrick, I am just glad he is too young to fully understand.” Dominick continued. “I would like to rest now.” Sarah said. ??
?Yes my love, you rest, you need anything call for me.” He kissed her and left the room and went upon his way.

  On his way downstairs, Dominick passed Jayson, stopping to speak with him for a moment, “I want two guards by the door, and two outside.” Said Dominick “Right away sire, I will have them rotate shifts day in and say out.” answered Jayson. Sarah was put on a very close watch, since the Emily's birth, the only time she wasn’t guarded was when Dominick was in the room with her. Despite Dominick’s attempts to bring Sarah to eat, drink, or come out of the room, he was unable to convince her of anything.

  Sarah was starting to become frail, and her eyes, which are a stunning emerald color, started to fade and look sullen and grey. Lucy, who was the head housemaid, and would help take care of Patrick, would often go and sit with Sarah, and try to get her to talk and eat. “Ma'am, please try to eat, just a little.” Lucy pleaded to Sarah. “I have no appetite.” Sarah answered as she pushed the food around the plate. “Then have some tea,” Lucy picked up the tea cup and handed it to Sarah, “You cannot keep going like this.” said Lucy. Sarah not wanting anything, except to have her daughter alive and in her arms, took a few nibbles of food, and sipped on the tea. She knew this was the only way to get Lucy to go. “There, doesn’t that feel better.” said Lucy “Yes I suppose, thank you Lucy, you may go, I'll be fine.” Sarah said back to Lucy, all the time lying, just so Lucy would leave and she could be left alone.

  From the window in her chambers Sarah could see the rose bushes where her daughter was buried. She would sit by the window and stare out, hoping for a miracle. Blaming herself for what had happened to Emily, getting worse every day and no matter what anybody tried, she was not going to come of it, at least not easily.

  Dominick was sitting out in the courtyard, trying to figure out how to get Sarah to snap out of her depression. He sat there talking to himself silently, but no matter what he thought of; he knew that nothing he would do would bring their daughter back. A lone tear fell from his eye, he wiped it away, took a deep breath and headed inside. Patrick was in the dining hall eating his supper with Lucy close by keeping an eye on him. Dominick sat down with his son. “Where is mommy?” Patrick asked, “I miss her, I am going to go see her.” He said as he got up and went towards her room. Dominick, thought about stopping him, he didn’t want Patrick seeing his mother in her depressed state, but then maybe seeing her son would make her feel better. Patrick was told that she was sick and they didn’t want him to catch it, so they kept him away from her.

  Patrick approached his parent’s room where he peeked his little head inside, “Mommy, can I come in?” he said to her. “Yes Patrick come sit by Mommy.” she answered patting the bed next to her, her voice sounding somewhat distant and weak. He went and sat next to her on the bed where she was laying, “Are you feeling better Mommy?” he asked her. Not wanting her son to sense anything, she answered, “I am feeling much better now that my little man is here.” She said putting on a semi fake smile. Patrick, laid his head upon his mother’s chest, “I love you Mommy.” he said “I love you to Patrick” she said then gave him a kiss on his forehead. The two of them laid there and eventually fell asleep.

  Some time passed after Patrick went to see his mother “Would you like me to check on him Sire?” asked Lucy. “If you don't mind.” he said “I have some things to do before bed, I will be in the throne room if you need me and thank you Lucy, you have been a great help.” “Only doing my job.” she said as she graciously nodded and went after Patrick. When Lucy got to the room she peeked her head in and saw that Patrick was sleeping there with his mother, she thought it best not to disturb them, went back downstairs and told Dominick and went off to finish her duties before going to bed herself. Jayson, the head knight, was in the kitchen, had heard that Patrick went up to see his mother, and went to the throne room where Dominick was. “Do you think it to be wise for Patrick to see his mother like this?” Jayson asked Dominick. Dominick got up from his seat and walked over to the window looking out at the night sky, “I am not sure what is wise anymore, I have tried everything to get her to come out of that room, short of picking her up and carrying her out.” Dominick replied. “I am hoping that maybe seeing her son, she will remember that there is still life to be lived.” “Very well Sire” said Jayson, “I am going to retire, goodnight Sir” he continued as he left the room. Dominick finished his work and went upstairs, he walked into the room and saw that Sarah was smiling in her sleep, with their son cuddled up next to her. He quietly changed for bed, took a blanket and slept on the divan, for he didn’t want to awaken them.

  A few more days have now passed, Dominick thought that Sarah was starting to come around and feel better, she was eating and drinking a little more, although she still would not leave the room. Days later despite Dominick pleas and trying to get his wife to come around, she lost her will to live. Dominick went looking for her, for she was not in their room, walked past the nursery and saw her laying there on the floor in front of the crib with Emily's blanket clenched in her hands. Patrick was now just coming out of his room, luckily Lucy was right down the hall way, and Dominick called to her. "Lucy come and see what Patrick needs." he said trying to keep him away from seeing his mother, he runs into the nursery, closes the door behind him, takes Sarah's lifeless body in his arms and begins to cry uncontrollably.

  Lucy, who had managed to deter Patrick into playing with his toys, goes into the nursery where Dominick was holding his wife tightly. She puts her hand on his shoulder, "I am so sorry Sire, I knew she was grief-stricken but I" Lucy started to say. Dominick looked up at her, his eyes bloodshot from tears, "It's ok Lucy, can you please just give me a moment." "Yes Sire" Lucy replied "I will go get someone to assist you here, and I will take Patrick for a walk or something." "Thank you Lucy, he said, "I do not want him seeing his mother right now, I will find a way to talk to him and tell him later." Lucy went back into Patrick's room helped him get dressed and they headed towards the garden for a walk, they ran into Jayson along the way, Lucy quietly summoned him over to her, they were just outside of the breakfast room. “Go inside and take your seat.” she said to Patrick “I will be there in a minute.” “I thought we are going outside.” said Patrick, “We are now go sit.” she said to him firmly. “Yes Ms. Lucy.” he answered and went and took a seat at the table.

  “What is it Lucy?” asked Jayson, he could see the hurt that showed in her eyes. “It is Sarah.” she replied. Jayson knew immediately by the look in her eyes of what had happened, “Does Patrick know?” he asked “No, Dominick said not to let on to him that anything is wrong, just go and call for Paul, I need to attend to Patrick, he seems to be getting restless.” “Very well.” said Jayson as he rushed away quickly. Lucy went in getting Patrick from the table, taking him outside for a walk in the garden.

  Jayson went to the knights chambers to have one of them call for the royal undertaker, who lived on the outskirts of the property in an old rundown looking cabin. When he arrived there, Lance and Lucas were sitting in the common room talking. "I need you to go to the undertaker, It's Sarah, she is no longer with us." The two of them stood up quickly. "Say it's not true." said Lance “I am afraid so." Jayson answered. "Now just go and hurry, I am going to go to be with Dominick, they are in the nursery." "Yes, right away." said Lucas as they headed off to the undertakers house.

  Jayson ran quickly up to the nursery where Dominick was still sitting on the floor, Sarah’s head lain upon his lap. He looked up at Jayson, “How did this happen? Why wasn't she guarded?” Dominick asked in a saddened disappointed tone. “Sire, I assure you she has been under close watch day and night.” Answered Jayson, “I will find out from the guards posted here last night, and early this morning.” “It’s fine, what is done is done, nothing will bring her back.” Said Dominick, trying to hold back any more tears.

  Along the way Lance and Lucas passed by Lucy and Patrick in the garden, they were walking near the r
ose bushes where Emily was just recently laid to rest. Patrick still has no idea of those happenings that are going on and that his mother was no longer with them. They nodded at Lucy and Patrick and kept on their way. Patrick who was very observant for his age and usually didn’t miss anything. "Why is everyone looking so sad, Lucy?" He asked. Lucy unsure as to what to say, decided it was best to just distract him, tapped him lightly on his arm and said, "tag, you're It." as she playfully ran behind the tree.

  Lance and Lucas reached Paul's cabin, “This place gives me the creeps.” said Lance “I must agree.” replied Lucas. Paul's cabin was very dismal, broken windows, the roof was falling apart and there were coffins that rested open upon the walls outside. Dominick had offered several times to build Paul a new house, Paul however always refused. Lance walked up to the door and knocked, “Who is there and what do you want?” Paul yelled out in a voice of someone who does not want to be bothered. “It is Sarah, please come quickly.” answered Lucas. Paul grabbed what he needed and they headed back to the castle.

  Not too long after the two went to fetch Paul, Lucas and Lance were coming back with him, Lucy knew that it wouldn’t be long until they would move Sarah’s body and had to keep Patrick from seeing her, at least for now. "Who's hungry?" asked Lucy. "Me, I am." said Patrick as he started to run towards the castle.

  Lucas and Lance arrived at the nursery with Paul where Jayson was trying to comfort Dominick who was still on the floor holding Sarah in his arms. "Sire you need to let go." said Jayson. "I will not!" Dominick exclaimed. "Take me and bury me with her." "Now Sire, Lance started, "We know you are hurting, but your son needs you to be strong." Still with tears in his eyes, gently let’s go of Sarah, stands up and steps aside. Paul stoops down next to Sarah while asking Lance and Lucas to set out the board and to help him put her on it. Not wanting her anywhere close to where Patrick might see her took her off to another part of the castle.

  Dominick, trying to collect himself, went back to his chambers and sat upon the bed. Jayson had escorted him there. "You can go now." Dominick said to Jayson. "Are you sure?" He asked back in concern. "Yes, I am sure." Dominick said sighing, "Just trying to figure how to tell this to Patrick." "Yes Sire, I will leave you be." Jayson said as he left the room. Jayson however did not go too far away for he was concerned for the king. Dominick dried his eyes and headed downstairs to find his son.

  Dominick found Patrick with Lucy in the dining hall, he summoned her over to him. "Thank you Lucy." he said to her. "No thanks needed Sire." she replied. "You may go now, I need to speak with my son." Then she left the room and went upon her daily duties. Dominick went and sat down next to Patrick who now was playing with his food. "Daddy, what's wrong?" Asked Patrick. Dominick not quite sure how to say this, put his son upon his lap and held him tight. "You know I love you, right Patrick." "And I love you too Daddy." Patrick said back, "Where's Mommy, I want to tell her I love her too." Dominick could not hold back any longer and his eyes started to fill up again. "Mommy is no longer with us Patrick." Patrick who was not a stranger to death even at the young age he was had no expression. “Is she with Emily?” asked Patrick with pure innocence. “Yes son, you could say that.” answered his father. "I want to see my Mommy, take me to her." He said. Dominick not sure if this was a good idea said, “I will take you to her soon, I promise." "Please Daddy, now." Dominick knowing how stubborn his son is, finally relented and took him to where his mother was.

  When Dominick and his son got to where Sarah was, Patrick ran to her, “Mommy wake up, I want to play a game with you.” Dominick placed his hands upon his son’s shoulders, the both of them crying, “She will not wake son.” His father said to him. Patrick wriggled away from his father, put his arms around Sarah, “I love you so much Mommy.” he said to her. “Come on Patrick, let's go downstairs.” Patrick not wanting to go followed his father out of the room.

  The horns were sounded to let the people of Indigo know that there was a death within the castle, that either the King or Queen was no more. Those who could hear the horns knew that in two days they would be laid to rest. Jayson had three of his men went separately to the other kingdoms to tell of the news of Sarah’s passing. Everyone in the castle moped around, having barely a word to say to each other, and just went upon their daily routines as well as they could.