Read Halcyon Isle Peace No More Page 12


  Peter, Patrick, and Aeolus were at Cyan's castle for a while before Evan and the others had gotten there. Peter gave Anna the coral to keep safe along with the passion flower they had required before. They were sitting outside discussing what would need to be done to acquire the fire offering, as William and the others rode onto the grounds. “Look who decided to join us.” Peter said with a chuckle. “Go ahead, laugh now.” Evan joked back, “Was your trip successful?” asked Patrick, “Yes, very much so.” said William, “And yours?” he asked back. Evan took the golden pheasant feathers along with the silk and honey out of his bag and handed them to Patrick.

  Evan and William stood there motionless, neither one of them were sure how to present the message to Patrick. “What are you not telling us?” Patrick asked them. “It's, I, We” William tried to speak, not being able to get the words out, he nudged Evan, nodding his head. Evan knew what this meant, he took the piece of parchment out of his sack. “This was delivered to my castle last night, we went there on the way back.” Said Evan. “Aaron was holding it, and he was getting ready to come here.” Patrick stood up and reached for the paper. “Give it to me.” he demanded to Evan “I am, give me a chance.” replied Evan as he handed it over to Patrick. He instantly knew that the hair and dress scraps were Rebecca’s, “What is this supposed to mean?” he asked clenching the paper in his hand. “No matter, my father should know I do not scare easily, now we need to devise a plan to get to the fire element.” he added.

  “William, this is your land.” said Peter “What things live within the Cascade Mountains?” he continued. “I have not been there for quite a few years, last time I was, there wasn’t anything to fear.” answered William. “Only thing there are the drawphins, but they are rarely seen.” “Drawphins?” asked Evan, “I have never heard of them.” “How can we all live on the same island and not know about some of the creatures here?” asked Peter. “Apparently, for some reason or another we were never taught much is anything about some of the things here on Halcyon.” Patrick added. “Now back to these drawphins, what exactly are they William?” “I have never seen one, all I was told is they are a combination of hawk, dragon, and dolphin.” said William. “That’s an interestingly odd creature.” Peter said “Yes, indeed, are they friendly?” asked Evan. “Not sure what their alliance is, think we may find out soon though.” Replied William.

  “What do we need to get for the fire offering?” asked Evan. “I am not sure.” answered Patrick, “What is there in the mountains to the south. “Only chance we have is to go and see what there is.” “We will make sure we have enough men to go with us.” said Peter, “I have a feeling that this is going to be the most difficult task yet.” he added. “And do not forget, this is only the beginning, there is much more still ahead of us.” Said Patrick.

  Aeolus was curious as to where his son Rahju was, he had gone back to Lumeare to get more Lythari to help. “I will return tomorrow.” said Aeolus, “I thought Rahju would have returned by now.” Rahju had arrived back at the castle not moments before. “I am right here.” he said “Where are the others?” asked his father. “They are not here.” answered Rahju. Aeolus was getting quite angered by this information. “Excuse us.” he said, “I need to speak with my son” as he grabs him and takes him out in the garden to speak privately. Rahju, tried to explain to his father, before his outburst.

  “What do you mean no one is here?” “Are you trying to embarrass me?” Aeolus asked in a not so pleasant tone. “But father” started Rahju “But nothing, you have disgraced the Lythari and mostly me.” Aeolus went on, not caring what his son had to say. Rahju did something that he had never done before; he figured his father was already disappointed in him so what more could go wrong. “Look father!” said Rahju “If you would let me explain, you will know what I have done, I am quite capable you never have any trust in me though.” Aeolus was rather taken back by his son’s sudden outburst, he stood there having no words to reply with. “There are Lythari out in all parts of the island, Rahju started, “I felt it best not to bring them here, mostly for safety reason, they can blend in better out there and await our signals.” Aeolus, now feeling embarrassed, “I am sorry son, I should not have doubted you, you are right it is safer this way. He said, “I am proud of you son, let's go back in and tell the others.” They returned inside Aeolus explained everything, while apologizing for his outburst. “My son is smarter beyond his years.” said Aeolus. “Yes his father has taught him well” Peter replied, “Now I do not know about anyone else, but I am tired, I say we rest the night and get back on track in the morning.” he continued.

  Peter stayed up for a while longer, he sat out on the docks looking up at the stars in the night sky, and was thinking. Caught up in thought, Patrick came up behind him, tapping him on his head. Startled by this Peter jumped up and almost fell into the water. “You were always jumpy.” said Patrick. “Very funny, take it you cannot sleep either.” replied Peter, “I was thinking, we need to go back to Woodstream, something still isn’t sitting right with me.” he continued. “I must say I have to agree with you, I was coming to speak to you about it.” Patrick said “But we cannot tell Evan and William, at least not yet, and especially about Rotor.” Peter said. “Yes but how do we go there without them?” asked Patrick, “Tomorrow morning we tell them to go check on their families and kingdoms, we will go shortly after they leave.” Peter answered. The two friends left it at that and went to bed, both feeling guilty keeping this from William and Evan, they both realized it is for the best and will fill them in when the time came.

  Helena was telling the boys a story before they went to bed, just finishing as Peter came into their room. He walked over to the boys scooped them up, holding one under each arm, leaned them towards their mother, “Tell mommy goodnight.” said Peter, “Goodnight .” they said as they each kissed her cheek. Peter then carried then out of the room. “Good night boys.” Helena said to them. Peter took them to their room, tucked them in and returned to his chambers.

  A few days passed, Peter and Patrick wanted to go back to Woodstream and see Samuel, and to speak to Rotor once more. Not sure how to tell William and Evan that they would rather go alone, and in the same time not offending them as they did before. They were sitting around a table, “We need to speak to both of you.” said Patrice as he looked at William and evan. “We have talked about this and we are going to Woodstream.” said Peter “When are we leaving?” asked Evan “Patrick and I are going.” peter replied “Not by yourselves you are.” William stated firmly. Peter and Patrick glanced at each other, knowing they had no choice in the matter and agreed to William and Evan going with them. Of course now having to figure out how to see Rotor, they may have to ask if it ok for their friends to know his secret.

  The four kings gathered their belongings and set forth towards Woodstream. When they arrived there both peter and Patrick were dumfounded, looking around everywhere, looking for the tavern that was no longer there. Getting off of their horses they stood at the place where the tavern had once been, there was nothing there, not even a trace of a stone, or anything. Peter shook his head, and blinked his eyes, hoping maybe he was just tired and was not seeing this correctly. “So” said William with a pause, “Are you sure there was a tavern here?” Patrick was at this time walking around, “Yes we are sure, where it is now? Don’t ask.” replied Patrick. Was it even real they began to think, there was only one way to find out, Peter and Patrick had no other option but to go to Rotor and take William and Evan with them.

  “Follow us.” said Peter as he hopped back on his horse, “Where are you taking us now?” Evan asked “You will see.” replied Patrick. Then they went off to where Rotor was still standing alone amongst all the destruction. “Good to see you again Sires” said Rotor “Same to you” Peter replied, also not knowing if Evan and William could hear. “Who, who said that?” asked William “You hear that too?” E
van asked Peter and Patrick were having a chuckle at this. “You find this funny?' “Asked Evan “No we do not, said Peter trying not to laugh, “We have been here before, come on let us go inside.” Said Patrick “Inside?” questioned William now thinking his friends were losing their minds. “Salve mi amice.” Patrick said, the door appeared and they walked in, William and Evan still not sure what is exactly going on here.

  “Kings William and Evan allow me to introduce myself, I am Rotor Baum.” They both looked at Peter and Patrick, “Is the tree talking to us?” asked Evan “yes it, I mean he is.” “You both seem rather calm about this.” said William, “trust me we had the same reaction as you are now.” Peter said back. “Why haven’t you told us about this?” asked Evan “That is my fault, I asked them not to reveal me unless absolutely necessary, when I saw the four of you coming my way, I knew that something more is terribly wrong.” said Rotor. “Before you begin to tell me what has happened, there are two more rings in the cup on the shelf, give them to William and Evan. Peter got the rings and handed them to William and Evan, “Are there any more?” Peter asked “No just the four.” Rotor replied. They placed the rings on their fingers as Patrick explained to them what powers they possess. The four sat inside telling Rotor all that has happened since they were last there. “Do you know what had become of the tavern and Samuel?” Patrick asked Rotor, “No I am sorry, I do not, and it has just vanished as if it was never there at all.” “Thank you Rotor, we must be going” said Peter, “we have more to do” “vale mi amice.” he said and they headed out and back to Cyan.