Read Halcyon Isle Peace No More Page 11


  It wasn’t long before Evan, William and the others were near the Cascade Mountains and where the golden pheasants were. There were more pine trees, and the pheasants usually lived in them. “You should stop and get off your horses.” said Lily “We do not need anything that would startle them.” the two got off their horses as Lowell and Blaez, keeping a safe distance, decided to stay behind and watch the horses and make sure everything remained safe. “We will walk from here.” she added “How much further?” William asked “Not far, just over this hill, then we should be able to see them.

  There just as Lily had said, over the hill, there they could see the Pheasants, stopping before going towards them so not to scare them. “Stay here.” Lily said as she slowly walked away from Evan and William and towards the birds. She stopped, spread out her wings so they could she her and stood there and waited. Evan and William were still standing back, watching all of this, “I hope this works.” said William, “I would hate for us to return with nothing.” “I know Lily well.” Evan replied, “I am sure she will be able to convince them.” After a short while, several of the golden pheasants started to walk up to Lily and allowed her to stroke their heads. William and Evan watched in silence as Lily continued with the pheasants. She started to communicate with them, using their bird language. “I wish I knew what they were saying.” said Evan, all the while the two amazed by what they were witnessing.

  Blaez and Lowell in elven form, walked up to where Evan and William were with their horses with them. “We had to see this for ourselves.” said Blaez “What is happening?” asked Lowell. “Lily seems to be talking to them, and they are talking back to her.” said William. The more they watched the more they noticed that even though the pheasants we not intellectual and able to speak as humans, they seemed to understand. Lily looked back at them and nodded for Evan and William to come over to where she is. As they walked to her, they were afraid that the pheasants would run or take off, this however wasn’t what happened.

  “This is truly incredible.” said Evan as he stooped down as one of them allowed him to pet his head. “These have to be the most beautiful birds I have ever seen.” added William these ones were obviously the males, the females stayed near their nest protecting their eggs. “Have you asked them for their feathers?” Evan asked Lily “Not yet, I wanted them to meet you first.” she answered. “Now, that they know who you are and that you mean them no harm is shall ask for you.” said Lily They both stood there as she talked to them some more.

  At first Evan and William were sure that the pheasant were not going to give up any of their feathers. They just stood there staring at them, almost as if they were checking them out. “Maybe we should go.” said William “Maybe there is something else we can find.” he added. “I believe you are right.” agreed Evan, as they both turned and walked away. Lily was still standing there amongst the pheasants, she tried one last time to convince them. Evan and William turned around just in time to see them fly off, then out of know where the pheasants flew back towards them, each of them dropping two feathers that landed close to their feet. They picked up the feathers, waving them in the air as to say thank you.

  “Now the only thing left is to find the offering for the Sylphs, milk, honey, and or silk.” said Evan. “Come back to Wingslet with me, we have silk and honey there.” Lily said back to them. “Yes we will thank you Lily.” William said. They walked back to where Lowell and Blaez were, got back on their horses and made their way back to Wingslet.

  Peter, Patrick and the others were trying to figure out exactly how they were going to get out to where the coral was, they had no type of water craft with them so the only way possible was to wade and swim out there. “I will go.” said Aeolus. “It is our quest, one of us will go.” said Patrick “Nonsense, I can swim much faster than you, also I can see better under the water and get passed the Buru.” replied Aeolus. The three went back and forth for a short while, “Fine then, as you may.” said Patrick, “We will be near.” added Peter. I will leave you my bow.” said Aeolus. “I do not want them harmed.” Ayla demanded. “You have our word, they will not be, only if it is needed.” Said Peter. She agreed understandingly. Aeolus took off any clothing and gear he was wearing that might restrict him and started into the boggy waters.

  Peter, Patrick, and Ayla looked on as Aeolus was slowly fading from sight. “Are there other things out there?” Patrick asked Ayla. “Yes there are but they shouldn’t be a problem, just some fish and other small water creatures.” she answered. “Look over there, the Buru are going into the water.” said Peter and he was right, they were entering the water. There must have been around four of them, but their size is way larger than a humans.

  Aeolus was making his way through the swampy waters with great ease, and it was not long until he could see the coral. He also sensed that he was not alone and was being followed and watched. He was now close enough to almost reach out and grab some coral, when two Buru approached him quickly. Aeolus however stood his ground, which made them become even more protective. Aeolus swam up to the top of the water to catch his breath and the Buru followed right after him.

  “I cannot see anything, can you Ayla?” asked Peter “Yes he is out there by where the coral is, he however is not alone.” she replied. “There are two Buru there watching him and they are very close.” “How is he going to get by them?” asked Patrick “he is our only hope, he has not failed us yet, I am sure he will find a way.” answered Peter. All they could do is wait and hope Aeolus was able to collect some of the coral. “We have another problem though.” said Peter, “We need to keep the coral wet so it stays alive.” “I agree, we cannot go and offer dead coral can we now.” “We do not have anything to keep it in.” Peter said back to him. “There has to be something, let us search inside our bags.” said Patrick

  Aeolus still out there with the Buru had somehow figured out how to communicate with them, making the Buru understand that he meant them no harm. After convincing them to allow him to collect the coral, he took a piece not too big or small, one that fit nicely in the palm of his hand. He thanked them and started swimming back to the others.

  “I can see him, he is coming” back said Ayla Peter and Patrick stopped searching for a moment and turned to watch as Aeolus was almost back to where they were. “Did you find anything to keep the coral in?” Patrick asked Peter. “Only thing I can suggest is wrapping it in a wet cloth, and getting back to the castle as fast as we can.” “I suppose that will have to do.” Patrick said, “What choice do we really have. “Right about now, none.” Peter replied back to him.

  Aeolus was now in sight again, and he was being followed by two Buru, after he was back on semi dry land, the Buru gave what appeared to be a nod and turned around, swimming back into the water. Aeolus went over to them and handed Patrick the coral, which was brightly colored with blues, purples, pinks, and green. “Here you are sire.” he said “Thank you Aeolus, you have proven yourself well.” Patrick said back to him. “Do we have an extra canteen or two?” asked Peter. “We should fill them up with water from here, that way it will hopefully help keep the coral alive when we get back to the castle.” They emptied a few canteens except for one and filled them up. Soaked the cloth for a moment, wrapped up the coral gently and started back towards the castle.

  It was now nightfall and the other party of Evan and the others had just made their way back to Wingslet. “Allow me to go and gather the honey and silk for you, wait here, I will only be a moment.” said Lily. “I hope that Peter and Patrick are having as much luck as we are.” said Evan “I am sure they are just fine.” answered William. “I suppose you are right.” said Evan and with that Lily came back over towards them. “Here is a container of honey, it is fairly fresh, only collected a few days ago, and a spool of silk that was wrapped earlier this morning.” she said. “You have been wonderful Lily.” Evan said to her. “If you need any
thing else you know where to find me.” Lily answered. Evan took the honey and silk and safely placed it into his bag.

  Lowell and Blaez now back in wolf form went up to Evan and William, “We will stay ahead of you, it is getting darker and we do not want that imp getting in your way again.” said Blaez. “You know, I forgot all about him, wonder what he wants.” asked William “I am not sure, but we can assure you this, whatever it is, he will not get in your way.” Lowell replied “Take our path closer to the castle.” Evan said to them. Lowell and Blaez started off as Evan and William got back on their horses and followed them.

  As they passed by Hansa's castle, Evan could see that something wasn't right, “Go to the castle.” He yelled out as he trotted his horse faster past Lowell and Blaez, leaving William in the dust. When William caught up to Evan, he asked, “What is it?” “I am not sure, something is not right, I need to see for myself.” “Fine then, but do you think we should ride in with a couple of wolves?” Lowell and Blaez were standing there listening, “No, I suppose not.” Evan answered, “Most people have never seen a Lythari. “We will go in elven form.” said Blaez “No reason to fret my friend, all will be well.” said Lowell, and with that they changed back and got on the horses with William and Evan and rode into Hansa's castle.

  When they arrived at the castle a few of Evan's stable boys were out in a nearby field exercising some of the horses. They came over and took Evan and Williams horses to get them food and water in the stables. “I will be back in a moment.” said Evan. “We will come find you if you aren't “replied William, then Evan went into the castle to find Aaron, his head knight and guard. “I have been here before.” said Lowell “To get Evan and send tell him to go to Cyan.” “That is very true, I suppose he forgot and was concerned for his castle.” William said “Yes I suppose, has been a rather long few days.” replied Lowell.

  Evan found Aaron in the knight’s chambers sharpening and polishing up his sword, “I am glad you are here.” said Aaron “I was getting ready to head to Cyan to see if you were there.” “What is it Aaron?” asked Evan. “You remember the letter that was sent before?” “Yes, is there more?” asked Evan. “Not exactly sir.” said Aaron as he took a piece of parchment out of his shirt and handed it to Evan. Opening it, Evan was quite confused. “What exactly is this?” he asked Aaron. Evan examined this more intently; on the parchment was a lock of hair, and some scraps of clothes. Along with a short note that said “Strands by strands, pieces by pieces, you will get until she ceases” “I have to take this to Patrick at once, I am positive it is about Rebecca.” said Evan “Does anyone else know?” “No I received this and have not shown anyone except for you.”

  Evan takes the parchment out to William and the others showing them what is going on. “We need to go now.” said William, all agreed and the stable boys brought them their horses and they rode to Cyan as quickly as they could.