Read Halcyon Isle Peace No More Page 14


  Rahju arrived at the castle with the people of Timber just before day break, Aaron was the first to see them coming, he noticed the people being led by a wolf, and approached them as they were walking towards the front gate. Rahju, seeing Aaron returned to his elven form. “What brings you here?” Aaron asked Rahju, “These are the people of Timber, something strange is happening there, we thought it best that they come here where they can be safe.” answered Rahju, he then continued the tell Aaron about what had happened from the time he and the others got to Timber, to the town being at one moment deserted, then the next the townsfolk were back again. “That is odd, then again odd seems to be the going thing here on Halcyon.” Aaron said “Please come this way.” He said to the people of Timber, “My men will take you inside where you will be safe.” “Thank you” said Bruce as he, his son, and the other followed into the castle. “I cannot stay, the others are waiting.” Rahju said “As you must, be safe, contact if you need to.” said Aaron. Rahju nodded, turned back into his lupine form and ran as swiftly as he could back to the others.

  Patrick was sitting alone on a small bench outside of the cottage, looking down at the ground and was deep in thought. Peter had come out and sat down next to him, but Patrick was so mesmerized by his own thoughts that he did not notice his friend sitting beside him. “Snap out of it.” Peter said as he shook Patrick out of his state of mind. Patrick half jumped out of it, slightly startled, when he snapped out he looked over at Peter, “I'm sorry, have you been there long?” He asked. “Only for a few minutes, you need to focus, you can’t let things bother you.” said Peter “I am focused.” Patrick said back “Just needed to think and I suppose I got a little lost in my head, this is all my fault, what is happening.” “You cannot control what your father does.” started Peter, “He is right.” said William as he and Evan joined them. “We are all here for you, things will be the same as they were before.” Added Evan “They are right, we have gotten this far.” said Peter

  Rahju was just returning as they were gearing up the horses to make the rest of their journey to the mountains. “They are at the castle and are safe now.” said Rahju “Thank you” said William, “Are you able to go with us?” asked Evan “I will be fine.” said Rahju. They all headed once again towards the mountains, with their Lythari friends keeping watch ahead of them and all around.

  Helena had taken a short trip to see how Rachel was doing, since she is due in a few months’ time, David, a guard had escorted her there. They were sitting outside on the patio enjoying the beautiful sunlit day, with enough of a breeze to keep things comfortable. They were talking about the latest events. “You look wonderful.” Helena said to Rachel, “Have you picked out any names yet?” Taking a sip of her tea, Rachel then rubs her stomach, “Yes, we have agreed on Jonathan Thomas for a boy and Olivia Grace for a girl.” Rachel replied. “What beautiful names.” said Helena. David had approached the two, “pardon me Ma'am, but it is getting late, we must be going.” “Very well, I shall be there in a few moments.” Helena answered. “I must be going.” she continued as she got up and gave her friend a hug goodbye, “Take care of yourself and that baby.” “Don't worry, they don't allow me to do much, getting rather boring.” said Rachel. “You may be complaining now, trust me you will want the rest back later.” Helena replied as Rachel walked her over to the carriage.

  Half way to the mountains Aeolus and the other Lythari start having a bad feeling. “Why have we stopped?” asked Evan “Something is not right, I am not sure what though.” Then out of nowhere came this small swarm of flying insects, “Take cover!” yelled Patrick, there was nowhere to go they were at the edge of the trees and entering an enormous field. All they could do was shield themselves as best as possible. The horses were starting to whinny and jump around, and as soon as it started it was over.

  “What were those things?” asked Peter “I am not sure, I believe they were just passing through and we were in their path.” said Rahju. They were getting closer to the mountains, as they walked they were coming closer into view. “What are we looking for when we get there?” asked Peter “I am not sure, something that is related to fire, there is a dormant volcano that sits within these mountains, maybe we will find something near there.” answered William.

  Back in Indigo, Jayson was outside speaking with his son, it, Jayson was now getting older and was not able to react as quickly as he used to, he was training his son jasper. “father, why are you teaching me?” “You have plenty of fight in you still.” asked Jasper “Yes son, I do, but I also need to be realistic, there are things going on now, and you my son need to be prepared to take over and lead is I or King Patrick is not available.” Jayson replied to his son. “You act as if something is going to happen to you.” replied Jasper. “No, I do not plan on going anywhere, you are old enough, time for you to learn everything I know.” Jayson answered. “What more can there possibly be to learn, I have been following and watching you since I was young.” asked Jasper “Watching and doing are two separate things” said Jayson

  All of a sudden the wind started to blow harder and the sky that was a typical star lit night began to swirl with an array of colors. Jayson and Jasper were heading inside when all this began, “What is going on here? I have never seen a sky like this.” said Jasper. “Get inside! Make sure everyone is safe, call out for the guards.” ordered his father. “We cannot be too careful, now go!” Jasper raised up his horn, and sounded it as he made his way through the castle. “What is going on?” asked one of the guards as Jasper passed by. “I am not sure, but after what has been happening, better to be ready, now assemble for battle.” jasper stated

  The winds and the sky persisted, blowing and swirling around the castle, not showing any sign of stopping. All the guardsmen were around the castle inside and out watching and waiting for something to happen. Then the winds and the swirling colors ended almost as quickly as they began. Jasper was now up in the highest tower along with his father. Both of them standing there with expressions of perplexity on their faces. “Aren't you going to call off the men?” Jasper asked his father “No, Not this time, I am going to allow you to make the call on what should be done.” replied Jayson. Jasper, who wanted to make his father proud, went to all the men around the castle, put them back on their regular watches, with extra men on each watch.

  Patrick and the others decided to make camp near the foot of the mountain alongside the Spinnel river, they would continue their quest in the morning. The horses were tied up to the trees and had food and water. Exhausted from their trek, they rolled out blankets and ate some of the rations they had brought. Aeolus and the other Lythari made a quick sweep of the area, making sure there was nothing there to interfere. Lowell and Rahju went in one direction, Aeolus and Blaez the other. three animal creatures were making their way to where Peter and the others were, immediately Aeolus and the other Lythari sensed this and came charging towards these other creatures , making a circle around the kings. “What is it?” asked Evan “There are other beasts here, they are not far away.” answered Lowell. “Blaez, Rahju, go!” exclaimed Aeolus, and with that away they went to chase them away. “I can see them now, I do not have a pleasant feeling about them.” said Lowell “You should go and help Blaez and Rahju.” said Patrick. “And leave you, no, we will stay here.” Aeolus demanded.

  Rahju and Blaez chased these wolf-like creatures far enough away into the forest, they were smaller than them, mangy and a shade of grey that was almost black. Blaez and Rahju were not backing down and neither were the other wolves, reaching a small clearing in the woods, the other wolves tried to encircle Blaez and Rahju, running around them at an alarmingly rapid pace. Rahju and Blaez watched as they stood their ground, both of them letting out an enormous howl, making the other wolves stop in their tracks. Standing there staring at one another for moments, the other wolves spread out wings, and took off into the night.
  Normally Lythari and other wolves get along, and have an understanding of each other. “I thought you and wolves got along.” said Patrick “Normally we do, but these were not any type of wolves we have encountered before.” Aeolus replied. “It is better to chase them away, although they may return.” he continued. “And Blaez and Rahju? Are they safe?” asked William “They will be fine” said Lowell “Look here they are returning already.” It was obviously going to be a sleepless night, what else was out there waiting for them, what other creatures was Dominick controlling? “What type of wolves were they?” Aeolus asked. “They were winged wolves” answered Rahju “Where did they come from, I have never seen or heard of such creatures, have you father?” He asked “Yes son I have heard of them, but never seen them before, and if they are near, it is said that evil is lurking close by.” Aeolus replied. “So what do we do?” asked William. Patrick was trying to keep himself focused, “We continue up the mountain tomorrow, and find the volcano.” Patrick said “We have come too far to turn back.” agreed Peter. “You are going to need more than us helping and guarding you.” said Aeolus, “Lowell go call for the Lythari have been in these parts of the woods.” continued Aeolus. “Now you four need your rest, you are safe, we will watch throughout the remainder of the night