Read Halcyon Isle Peace No More Page 15


  Day break came sooner than expected, the kings rested but did not sleep well, when they woke there were at least a handful more Lythari there. Patrick was extremely restless and needed some time to himself, “I am going for a walk.” he said “You think that is a good idea to go alone after last night, I will go with you.” said Peter “No! I need to go alone, no offense my friend.” Patrick semi snapped at him, “I am sorry, I only need a few moment, please respect that.” said Patrick “What, no, you will not go alone.” said Aeolus as he had overheard their conversation. “Yes, I must, I will be fine.” Patrick replied. “Fine you go, but I will be close behind, like it or not.” Aeolus said. Patrick knew he wasn’t going to win this and agreed to only allow Aeolus to trail behind him as long as he kept his distance.

  Patrick walked along the river until he came to a log that was sitting partially in the water, he jumped up upon the log, walking out to its edge, sat down and starred into the water. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and thought about his sweet Rebecca and his beautiful daughters. Focusing on what he needs to he could feel the anger starting to boil within him, however he was not letting this anger ruin him. He took another breath and opened his eyes, looking back into the water. Within the ripples he was seeing what appeared to be a woman standing behind him on the log, blinking his eyes a few times, then taking a piece of bark throwing it into the river, hoping that what or whoever he was seeing would disappear. The ripples slowly faded away and the woman was still there, hesitantly Patrick cautiously turned his head around, his eyes half closed.

  She began to speak as he was turning around “Patrick, my how you have grown.” “How do you know my name, who are you, what do you want from me?” he asked her. She was now sitting upon the log, “Patrick turn around the rest of the way and take a good look at me.” he turned the rest of the way around and reopened his eyes fully, and he could not believe what he was seeing, so much that he nearly fell into the water. “Mother?” he asked, his eyes so wide open they could have popped out of his head. “Yes son, it is me.” she said softly. He couldn't take his eyes off of her, she was as beautiful as he remembered her to be when he was a little boy. “Why are you here?” he asked “To protect my little boy, of course, although you are not so little anymore.” she said “There is something you need to know, something about Rebecca.” Before she could finish he blurted out “What, where is she? Is she still alive?” “Calm down, and yes she is very much alive, I have gone to her several times.” Sarah said “But, then why haven’t you come to me before this?” he asked “To protect you of course, your father has gone insanely mad and his powers grow more and more every day, I did not want to chance him following me, that is if he could sense my presence.” Patrick shook his head in understanding of what his mother was saying.

  “You are very close to finding her, she is in a cave within these mountains, I will lead the way.” she said “And what do I do when I see my father again?” “He is not your father anymore, you must destroy him, it’s the only way that there can once again be peace.” Sarah holds out her hand and magically crystal sphere of many colors appears in her hand, “Take this, keep it close, when you encounter your father, place it in your hands you will feel it become warm, when you cannot hold it any longer, you throw it at him, and run as quickly as you can.” “And where will you be mother?” he asked “I will be right there with you, I will lead you to Rebecca, and I will help bring her to you.” They talked for a little while longer, Sarah explained to her son what he needed to do. She looked at him and said, “Now go my son.” she said as she placed her arms around him, he could feel her just as he did when he was a child. “I love you Patrick.” she whispered into his ear, and as he was saying he loves her too she faded away.

  Patrick collected himself, walked off the log and back towards the others, Aeolus was near, and when Patrick approached him he asked, “Who were you talking to?” Aeolus asked “You could see her also?” Patrick asked back. “No, but I could clearly see you were talking to someone.” Aeolus said “It was my mother, she has returned to help, I will explain the rest when we get back to the others.” said Patrick “As you wish” Aeolus replied and they went back to where they had camped the night.

  Patrick and Aeolus went to where the others were, preparing the horses for the rest of the journey into the mountains. “Are you doing okay?” Peter asked Patrick, “Yes I am fine, actually I have never felt better.” Patrick said, he paused for a moment, taking the crystal from his pocket, raised it up and showed it to them. “Where do you find that?” asked William. “Not found, given to me.” Patrick answered “Given?” questioned Peter “By Who?” added Evan, “What is going on?” he continued. “If you all are done, allow me to tell you.” said Patrick, then he continued “It was my mother, she came to me down by the river.” “How can you be sure it was truly her?” asked Peter. “I just know, and she has been to see Rebecca, she is still alive, my father is keeping her somewhere in a caves within these mountains.” Patrick added “But they were searched when your father disappeared.” said William “No one reported any caves.” added Evan. “That’s because they are hidden, my mother knows where they are, she is going to guide us to them.” said Patrick, “But I must go inside and rescue Rebecca and face my father alone. It is the only way.”

  They set forth alongside the river to the base of the mountains, “Leave the horses here, we will go the rest of the way on foot.” said Patrick. Two of the Lythari stayed back with the horses as the others made their way up a small path and onto the mountains. “Patrick” said Peter, “I do not like you going into the cave alone.” “I must agree, let a few of us go in with you.” said Evan. “All will be fine, my mother said it to be best.” replied Patrick “Doesn’t that strike you as a tad strange? What if that really wasn't your mother?” asked Aeolus. “I have to believe, what other choice is there?” Patrick replied. Reluctantly they agreed to their friends wishes, “We will remain close, we can be there in a moment’s notice.” said Peter. “Now, which way do we go?” asked William

  Up the mountains they went, when they reached another path that connected to the one they were traveling upon. Patrick looks up both paths, his mother appears on the one they had been on, “This way.” he said, and they continued up the winding path. After a while they reached a small cliff, looking up, Patrick once again could see his mother, “We have to get up there, somehow, everyone look and see if you can find some kind of a path.” Patrick stated. They searched high and low, but to no avail there was no easy way to get up there.

  Patrick was beginning to think what if his friends were right, and this was a trap set by his father, “Mother, what now?” he whispered to himself. To the left of where he was standing there was an old oak tree, Sarah was sitting on one of the branches, “Over here, the tree, I see my mother there.” said Patrick “are you sure?” asked William “Yes, I think she is telling me to pull down on this branch.” Patrick replied, walked over to the tree, grabbed a hold of the branch as tightly as he could and pulled down with all his might.

  The branch moved downward with such ease that Patrick thought that he had broken it. As he did so, rocks began to fall from the cliff, what have I done he thought. After all the dust had cleared, there as clear as day in front of them was an opening. “This must lead into the caves, this is where I must go alone.” said Patrick “take my horn, you need us to come you call.” said Evan. Patrick took the horn, placed it over his shoulder, took a deep breath and inwards he went, still able to see his mother ahead of him.

  Peter and the others stood guard outside on the cliff, none of them knowing what to expect next, or if they would see their friend again. “I do not like this at all, something does not feel right.” said Aeolus “we are not alone.” The skies began to grow dark, Aeolus and the other Lythari changed into their lupine form. Circling above them were the flying wolves they had encountered before, there must be about
five of them.

  Patrick was making his way further into the cave, with each step it grew darker, so dark he could not even see his hand in front of his face, he could see his mother coming towards him, he held out his hand to her and she led him towards where Rebecca was. Still not fully sure what is going to happen, Patrick follows as his mother takes into a narrow walkway where there was just enough light shining through to allow him to see his way. “She is down there, at the end of the corridor.” Sarah said, “I have been to her, she knows you are coming, go quickly, I must leave you now.” “What? No, please stay. Where will you go?” Patrick asked his mother. “I am going to distract your father, I am surprised he hasn't sensed that you are here.” “Now hurry, there's no time to waste.” She said as she disappeared into the wall.

  Meanwhile outside, the other demon like wolves were still flying overhead, occasionally swooping down closer towards them. The rock walls began to move, and these rock creatures started to form and walk out of the cliffs. Blaez and Lowell and a few other Lythari, took their bows in hand and started shooting arrows towards the flying wolves. Other creatures started to surround them, it looked as there was no way to escape, except down, and that would make them meet their fate as well.

  Peter, Evan and William had their swords drawn, “Now we fight!” exclaimed Peter as he ran towards the creatures. “Wait!” yelled Evan “Look into the sky, what are those beasts?” The drawphins had come from the seas that are to the south of the mountain, and it appeared as if they were helping them. “That's unlike no dragon I have seen.” said Peter still fighting and slaying the other creatures along with his friends. Sarah made a brief appearance to them “Get into the cave, the drawphins are here to help.” she said What are Drawphins?” asked William as he Peter and Evan followed her. Aeolus and the Lythari in both elven and lupine form were holding back the beasts as best as they could, A few of them have been killed, and as Lowell was trying to attack one of the flying wolves he fell of the cliff and to his death.

  Dominick was standing in the crystal room, he knew Patrick was there and had freed Rebecca from her room. Sarah slowly appeared behind him and began to speak, “Why are you doing this, Dominick.” He quickly turned around, “I have my reasons” he said in a snarled tone. “Now if you will excuse me, I mustn't let them leave” and he vanished into the main chamber where Patrick and Rebecca were heading. Sarah went to her son to warn him, it was too late, there they stood, Patrick looking his father in the face,

  “You think you can beat me.” said Dominick “Go ahead and try, I could have ruined you more times than I can count.” “Then why didn't you?” asked Patrick “Here I am, let Rebecca go” Patrick replied, “You always were a coward, mother was the one with all the strength and courage, she still is even after her death.” Dominick then raised up his arms, Sarah tried to block his spell, Patrick gently pushed Rebecca out of the way, grabbed to crystal, took it in his hand, waiting for the right moment to throw towards his father.

  Peter and Blaez were now slowly making their way into the cave, they others remained at the entrance and watched to see what would happen. The drawphins were letting out sonar rays of what seemed to be steam or vapor, the flying wolves were shooting laser rays from their purple eyes.

  “Which way is it, this place is enormous.” asked Peter “This way, I can smell him” said Blaez. They finally reached to center of the cave, peaked around the corner and could see Patrick, with Rebecca and his father all standing there. “Shouldn't we do something?” asked Evan Peter had drawn his sword and was about to run towards Dominick.

  “You wish to destroy me with that little stone?” said Dominick cunningly, “I am going to try.” Patrick said and as he did he yelled “Run.” Rebecca ran as fast as she could as Patrick threw the stone, Dominick cast a spell upon it and with a bright flash, followed by an enormous cloud of smoke. And as the smoke cleared they were gone, Sarah mustered up enough strength to speak with them. “Can't you follow, where they went?” asked Peter “No, I cannot, I am sorry.” she said as the sorrow in her eyes grew bigger, “I have failed you, I have failed my son, I will be going now, there’s nothing else here for me to hold on to.” Sarah continued as she faded slowly away.

  Blaez turned into his lupine for and let out a few short howls, Aeolus heard him and said to the others, “We must go in there now.” They entered the cave and when they reached where Peter and Blaez were standing they could still see wisps of smoke. “Where are they? Where is Patrick and Rebecca?” asked William “They are gone? Peter answered “What do you mean gone? I don’t see any bodies here.” Evan replied “No, not dead, well I don't know, they are not here, Dominick and them have vanished, I do not know where to.” Peter answered. They all searched the caves high and low, with no luck of finding any signs of life, after a while they had given up, stood there bowing their heads in a moment of silence and headed back out the cave, down the mountain.

  “Hold on.” said William “Have we forgotten the task which brought us here in the first place.” Peter and the other stopped in their tracks, “You are right, Patrick was, is our friend, wherever he may be he would want us to continue on.” Peter said as he starting to head back towards the caves. “Where are you going?” asked Evan as he was trying to catch up to him. “Where? To find a mystic fire topaz of course.” “A what?” William asked looking at Peter quite dumbfounded. “A mystic fire topaz, am I not speaking correctly here?” Peter asked as to why they were questioning him. Evan turned and was almost face to face with his friend, “I have never heard of this stone, and by the look on everyone else’s faces neither have they.” Peter started to explain, “When I was younger, my father had a rather extensive collection of gems and other precious items, he and I would sit and look at them for hours.” Peter as he was telling his story was envisioning all this inside his head. “My father taught me many things about each stone, the fire topaz is a rather rare gem and are not easily found.” even stilled confused asks, “Why don’t we go back to Cyan and use your fathers?” “we cannot, it was buried with my father, but I am sure with all the gemstones here there has to be at least one.” “We are going to find Lowell and the other two who were slain and take them home” said Aeolus. “Very well, thank you friends and be safe.” Peter replied. “You as well, my father and I will come to Cyan as soon as we can.” Rahju added.

  William, Peter and Evan entered back into the cave and began their search for the stone, Aeolus and the other remaining Lythari went to find Lowell and the few others that were killed during the battle. After finding their fallen friends Aeolus, Rahju and Blaez turned to their lupine form, allowing the other Lythari to place them over their backs, then going into their lupine form as well, ran off and headed for home.

  After hours of searching Peter came across the Mystic fire topaz, it however was imbedded deep into the wall and he could not pull it out easily. “William, over there, hand me the pick near you.” Peter said as he was still trying to dig away at the dirt around the stone with his bare hands. William picked up the pick and walked over to Peter handing it to him. Evan had just entered the room where the other two were, “I am not having any luck, this place is quite eerie though, I found a room with these odd looking statues.” “None to worry, I will have this out in no time.” said Peter as he was picking away at the wall. “You found one?” asked Evan as he got closer to Peter. “Yes, I have” said Peter and with one final blow of the pick he was able to pull the two stone out with ease. “Now can we go home, we have much to prepare for next.” William said as he was heading towards the exit of the cave. Peter put the stone into his bag, he needed two hands in which to hold the stone. The three before exiting the cave looked back, they knew they couldn’t stop now, Patrick and Rebecca might still be alive, and with that they headed back to their horses and headed for home.

  Aeolus and the others finally reached Lumeare, Maia and Rayna were the first to greet them as t
hey walked in with Lowell and the other two that had fallen on their backs. Aeolus, Blaez and Rahju laid down so the others could take Lowell and the others off their backs. Nobody said a word, it was a rather solemn day upon the Lythari, they made preparations for the fallen to be sent to their other world where they would remain at peace.

  Peter and the others arrived at William's castle first, Marie was out walking in the garden when she saw them, “Where is Patrick?” she asked “ And Rebecca, didn’t you find her?” yes we did I will explain all to you in a moment. “We are going to leave, meet at Cyan in two days.” said Peter as he and Evan rode off in separate ways to their castles. Evan returned home to Rachel and told her all that had happened, William was also telling Marie the story.

  Peter arrived at his castle in Cyan, Helena was sitting under the gazebo with Anna as he trotted in. He hopped off his horse and walked over to her giving her the biggest hug he ever had. “Where are the others? And Patrick? I figured he'd come here with you?” William and Evan are home at their castles, they are safe.” “We found Rebecca, well Sarah showed us the way, she came to Patrick.” Peter started “Wait, isn’t Sarah dead?” Helena asked not trying to sound rude. “Yes and now, well,” Peter fell to his knees at the very spot he was standing, “What is it Peter? Speak to me.” said Helena as she sat in the dirt next to her husband. He looked at her explained what he had seen, that Patrick, Rebecca and Dominick just disappeared, “Are they dead?” asked Helena her eyes widened and filling up. “I don’t know, they were there and Patrick threw the stone, Dominick threw a spell at it and then, in a cloud of smoke all three of them had vanished.” Helena got up and helped Peter to his feet, “Go inside and get something to eat and rest.” she said. Peter did exactly that for he was much too tired to argue.

  Several weeks have passed since Patrick and Rebecca had disappeared in the cave along with Patrick's father Dominick, the countryside has been search up and down to no avail of finding any of them. Halcyon had returned to being quiet and serene, everything was as it was before except for the fact that Patrick and Rebecca could not be found. Peter, sitting on his throne just thinking of his friends, felt defeated. Helena walks by the room seeing her husband sitting there, looking lost and alone. She enters, walks to where he is, places her hand upon his face just under his chin and raises it up so he is now looking into her eyes. Peter takes a quick glance at her, closing his eyes in shame and trying tried to lower his head back down again. Helena was not going to have any of that, “You cannot sit here and blame yourself for what happened, would you want Patrick to do the same if it were you?” she said sternly yet lovingly, “Sitting here will not help anyone, now we are going to Hansa, for the celebration of Evan and Rachel's son Jonathan Thomas. All Peter could do was just sit there, he did manage to sneak in a smile, he rose up from his seat, kissed Helena on her cheek and went to get ready.

  Anna was getting Daniel and Mitchell ready, the boys headed downstairs with Anna not too far behind them. Helena was coming up the hall when her sons came charging down the stairs. “Halt you two.” their mother said, Daniel and Mitchell stopped at the bottom of the steps. “Look at how handsome you both look.” she said as she reached out to give them hugs. “Aww mother, must you?” said Daniel, “Do we have to go? What's so important about a baby anyways?” asked Mitchell flopping down on the steps, grumpily putting his chin on his fists. Daniel follows suit, “Yes, why mother?” Helena sat down next to her sons, “I will tell you why, Jonathan will be your friend, just like your father has his friends, and one day you all will rule Halcyon one day.” Anna got a little chuckle out of this, “I'll have David ready the horses and carriage.” said Anna as she walked down the corridor and out towards the stables.

  William was at his castle in Sinopia getting ready with his family, Daisy and Maxwell were dressed in matching colors, something their mother Marie liked to do when they went out. Daisy was getting tired of this, “Mommy why must you dress us alike?” said Daisy as she was shuffling her feet. Daisy and Maxwell are twins, their fifth birthday will be in three weeks. Marie picked her daughter up, “Because you look so adorable.” Marie answered placing Daisy back down. “Well I don’t want to look adorable, I want to look like me, you never let me pick my own clothes.” Maxwell was slightly more reserved than his sister, didn't really care, all he knows is he is going to a party, his friends Daniel and Mitchell will be there, and of course there is always cake.

  Marie thought for a moment, took Daisy's hand, “You are right, after all you are almost five, let's go upstairs and you pick out your dress.” William had joined the conversation, “I will take Maxwell outside, don’t take too long we have to leave soon.” Daisy was so happy she skipped all the way to her room. “You mean it mommy? I can pick out my own clothes?” Before her mother could answer Daisy was already taking off her dress and looking for another. There I her closet she sees a purple dress with pink and white flowers and ribbons, “I want to wear that one, can I mommy?” Marie went to the closet, took out the dress and helped her daughter get dressed. “Now come on before your father leaves without us.” Marie said, they went downstairs and out the carriage where William and Maxwell were waiting.

  In Hansa, Evan and Rachel were early waiting for their friends to arrive and see their new son, Jonathan was now a little over a week old, ten days to be exact, he has the most adorable chubby little cheeks, a headful of hair so blonde it almost looked white, and eyes of blue that matched the sky.

  Rachel and Evan were sitting in their chambers, she was finishing up nursing Jonathan when Mary knocked on the door. Evan went over and opened the door, “Everything okay Mary?” he asked “Yes, great, Marcus wants to know if he should begin to place out the snacks.” “tell him to wait a while longer, our guests should be arriving shorty.” said Evan “Very well” Mary said as she nodded and went back to help prepare for the party.

  Peter, William and their families rode up in their carriages at about the same time, Evan and Rachel's parents were already there and were sitting out talking in the court yard. Rachel’s mother, Ethel and Catherine, Evans mother were going on and on about how adorable their new grandson is, “He has Evans eyes.” said Catherine, “And Rachel’s nose and her hair was that color of blonde when she was born.” said Ethel.” Ethel's husband Lyman and Richard, Catherine’s husband just sat there, watching their wives as the went back in forth talking about little Jonathan, their eyes going back and forth, smiling every once in a while as their wives went on and on and on.

  Peter, William and their families were greeted by a couple stable hands who helped them from their carriages and took the horses to be fed and rest. They walked up the path towards Evan and Rachel's parents, Rachel was just coming outside with Jonathan. Helena and Marie went over to meet her, Helena held out her hands, “May I?” she asked, Rachel nodding her head in agreement gently handed her son to her friend. “He is beautiful.” said Marie as she was admiring him. Rachel smiled.

  William and Peter were sitting talking to the grandparents, “Will you look at those two, I hope they aren’t thinking of wanting more children.” Peter said jokingly but with seriousness. All there having a laugh, Evan then walked out and joined them.

  After the brief ceremony, the friends watched as their children played together in the nearby field, Peter looked over and had to chuckle, “What’s so humorous?” asked Marie. “Just looking at them so much reminds me of when I was younger, going to Indigo and playing with Patrick, and of course you two also Evan and William. There is our new generation of rulers of Halcyon.” Peter then lowered his head, “Helena placed her hand upon her husband’s knee, “Are you okay?” she asked, “No, I just realized that without Patrick and his family, we are not complete, Halcyon will never be the same.” No one had any words to suppress Peters grief, for they all were feeling the same, simultaneously, they are all bowed their heads, took each other’s hands as they sat there, and each of them qu
ietly, taking a moment of peace for their friends.

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