Read Halcyon Isle Peace No More Page 3


  Word spread fast upon the land that it was indeed Sarah who was now gone. People traveled from all over Halcyon to pay their last respects to Indigo’s Queen. It was now two days later and Sarah's body was laid in the great hall, for all who wanted to pay their respects could go and see her. Still in death her beauty was stunning, her long chestnut hair was beautifully braided, her skin still soft and even glowing. She was adorned in a majestic gold and jewel spun dress. Her crown placed upon her head. If one did not know you would swear she was only merely resting. There were lines outside the castle that went on forever. The people of Halcyon brought gifts, anything from jewels and gems to a simple loaf of bread. The kings and queens from the other kingdoms were there giving Dominick their support. After what seemed like a lifetime. The people from Halcyon were finally gone and all who were left were the other royal families.

  Unfortunately, after Sarah's death things in Indigo were not the same anymore. Dominick, never remarried, and started to become bitterer, would barely speak to anyone and when he did it was in a short and sharp tone. Years started to pass by and in what seemed like a blink, little Patrick was now in his teen years. Dominick never got over the death of his wife and has been in a state of depression for many years, so much so that there were always guards close by watching him. He never tried to harm himself in any way, but one could tell that his demeanor has most definately changed. He didn’t even spend much time with his son anymore.

  Patrick went to his father one day as he was sitting in the garden where his mother was laid to rest next to Emily, "Father" he started "What has become of you? This is not the father I remember as a little boy." "He is gone now." Dominick answered. "His kingdom needs him, his people need him, his son needs him." Patrick said not really knowing what kind of a response he will get. "You act like your mother never existed, like you don't care." said Dominick. "That is untrue, father" Patrick said, "I do care, and I miss her greatly every day, I am concerned for you father, I do not like who you are becoming right now, and I know this person is not my father." Dominick who was getting annoyed, yelled at his son, "Just go! Leave me be!" Patrick knowing he overstepped walked away.

  Patrick very great diligence, turned around, and looked in his father’s direction, took a deep breath and let out at his father as he had never done before, “You cannot keep hiding behind all this anger, it will not bring mother or Emily back!” taking a brief pause then continuing, “I will not let you destroy yourself, but you will do as you may.” Patrick walked away before his father could respond, storming into the castle and to his room. Dominick bowed his head down in shame, he knew his son was right but he was unable to fight what was starting to destroy him, and in the years that had passed by, Dominick was being taken over by his anger and grief, he was no longer the loving, caring man he was once known to be.

  More time have since past, Patrick, Peter Sterling, as well as Evan, King Andrew's and Queen Margeret son from Hansa. And William, son of King Michael and queen Cassandra of Sinopia, were quite unseperatable and were the best of friends. Peter was the oldest, about three years older than Patrick who was the youngest of the four, William and Evan fell in between the two in age. Peter was about to marry Helena Whitmore, a daughter of a very prominent family of Halcyon. Their wedding would take place at Cyan’s castle in about a month. Evan and William were also courting two very lovely young ladies, and were hoping to make them their brides as well.

  “What is wrong with me?” asked Patrick “What do you mean?” asked Peter “Why is it that you three have beautiful lasses and I have no one.” Patrick replied, he was skimming rocks upon the water. “My parents are having an engagement party for myself and Marie in a couple weeks.” said William, “we were going to keep it simple and private, but I think Marie's cousin was going to come, her name is Rebecca I have met her once.” “That's wonderful and what will that mean for me?” asked Patrick “I will tell my parents that I want my three best friends to attend, I am sure it will be no trouble, and Peter and Evan, bring along your ladies as well.” The four who were gathered where the rivers met, they would meet here about three times a week during the noon hours. They agreed to Williams request and went back home to tell their parents of the upcoming event.

  Those two weeks flew by quickly, and as the day arrived Patrick was more nervous than he had ever been. He had spoken to Lucy about it and she was very supportive in him going. Patrick went to Cyan to meet with Peter who was escorting Helena to the affair. They headed out towards Sinopia's castle, Peter had to convince his parents that they did not need to come along which wasn’t easy at first. Patrick was feeling out of place and Helena was sensing this, “Don't you worry.” she said “You will see, all will be well when you meet Rebecca tonight.” “I am glad you are so positive about this, what if she turns her head at me?” Patrick responded “And what if she does the opposite.” Peter added. “I don’t know what I would do then either.” Patrick answered. “Just be your charming self.” said Helena. “Ask her to dance.” “Now you want me to dance? Have you ever seen me dance? I am doomed.” Patrick replied then turned his head and stared out of the carriage until they arrived at Sinopia's Palace.

  William was standing in the front entrance with Evan there along with him. Peter exited the carriage first then held out his hand to assist Helena. Patrick sat there for a moment longer, “Are you coming?” asked Peter “I suppose.” said Patrick then he too exited the carriage and they went and joined William and Evan on the steps. William extended his hand to Helena, “Lovely to see you Helena.” he said “Where is Marie?” she asked, “She is in the ballroom with Rebecca and Rachel.” Evan responded “Very well I will go join them” she said as she left the boys on the steps and went inside.

  William and his friends sat outside on the steps for a little while longer, his mother came to the door and announced, “William, it is time, I will take Marie you meet us at the doorway behind the throne room.” “Very well, mother, I will be there in a moment.” He said as he stared off into space. “You're not having second thoughts, are you?” asked Peter. “No I am fine, you all go inside with Helena and the other girls, I just need a moment.” William said to his friends.

  They went inside and walked over to where Helena and Rachel were standing talking with Rebecca. Patrick could not help but notice how beautiful she was, her long flaxen blonde hair flowed ever so gracefully, her eyes a bright aqua. Patrick was beginning to adorn a slight smile. Maybe this wasn’t a bad idea after all he thought to himself. “Patrick, I would like you to meet Rebecca.” said Helena, Patrick was still dumfounded by her beauty, for a moment forget everything about being a gentleman that Lucy had ever taught him. He quickly composed himself as she was slowly raising her hand; he took her hand softly in his, looked smilingly into her eyes as he lowered his head and kissed her hand respectively. “Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ms. Rebecca.” he said as he gently lowered her hand. “Pleasure is mine as well Patrick.” she replied back with a happy little giggle.

  Rebecca turned to Helena and Rachel, Patrick and the others had excused themselves for a moment and walked a few steps away from them. “I think someone is in love.” teased Evan “I am not.” Patrick said as he was starting to blush. The boys could hear the girls giggling, then the trumpets sounded and King Michael and his wife Cassandra entered into the room.

  The king and queen of Sinopia stood there for a moment and waited for silence and attention of all their guests. Michael then stepped forward, “I am pleased and honored that everyone was able to attend this special day, not only for our son, but to also share in our elation as well.” He stated, “Clearly you all have watched our son William as he has grown into the fine young man he is today,” Michael pauses for a brief moment, “It is my honor to announce to you my son, Prince William and Marie Westmoore. Soon to become wed and the following years, and to one day become king and queen of Sinopia.” Michael took Cassand
ra's hand as they turned towards the door from which William and Marie were standing awaiting their entrance.

  As they walked into the room there was the bustling sound of the guests, then as they passed by his parents and Maries they stopped, curtseying and bowing to them, continued down onto the floor as the minstrels began to play a waltz. William and Marie began to dance, the music was being drowned out by the applause, and the King and queen along with Marie's Parents Albert and Diana joined them on the dance floor.

  As the music kept playing, more and more couples entered the floor and began to dance. Peter and Evan also began to dance leaving Patrick standing there alone with Rebecca. Patrick with a shy confidence, turned to Rebecca and asked, “May I please have the pleasure of this dance?” He bowed towards her, she held out her hand and gave a slight curtsey, and they joined the others dancing on the floor.

  The rest of the evening went divinely, Patrick and Rebecca went outside to talk alone, they went and sat out on the docks. William and Marie had managed to sneak away from their party, finding Patrick and Rebecca, William gave Marie a nudge and a smile as he nodded towards his friend. They walked down the dock joining Patrick and Rebecca, “Glad to see you two are getting along well.” said Marie as she and William sat down with them. Patrick was grinning so widely from ear to ear, beginning the blush slightly. “Yes, we are very much so.” he responded. William jokingly shook Patrick on his shoulder, then leaned in whispering, ‘Guess you will be next my good friend” he said with a laugh.

  Peter, Evan, Helena and Rachel were still inside they were standing near the minstrels who kept on playing, “Has anyone seen Marie and William?” asked Helena as she scanned the room. “No and I haven’t seen Patrick or Rebecca either, now that you mention it.” Evan replied. The four of them were the looking all around the room, “Maybe they had gone outside.” said Rachel. Then they all headed out the doors to look for their friends.

  Patrick, William along with Marie and Rebecca were nearing the stairs as the other were going down them, “There you are.” said Peter. They all sat and talked for a while longer, but it started to get late and they needed to return home soon. Their carriages were brought to the gates, Rebecca was not leaving yet, she was staying with Marie and her family for the night. Patrick took her hand, “Will I see you again?” he asked her. “Yes I would rather like that.” she said back smiling at him. Peter and Helena were already in the carriage; Patrick leaned towards Rebecca giving her a simple yet soft kiss good night and got into the carriage.

  Marie and William were there as Rebecca could not stop smiling nor take her eyes away from the carriage as it slowly drove away. She walked over to the stairs sat down and was looking at the stars, she was in fact falling in love.

  Lucy was eagerly waiting for Patrick to arrive home, she was sitting on the veranda. He went over to her and told her about Rebecca, Lucy was very supportive and did everything she could to assure his happiness.

  Patrick and Rebecca saw much of each other, they attended both William and Marie’s and Evan and Rachel’s weddings. Soon after that, the two were falling in love and announced that they would be wed.