Read Halcyon Isle Peace No More Page 5


  Dominick was indeed alive, he was in his secret lair, making the last preparation for the beginning of his revenge towards his son. No one had noticed that even before his final escape that he had been here many times before, and has been working on his revenge for quite some time now. During this time, he had become more evil, he had forces behind him that were guiding him and his anger.

  How is this possible? Halcyon and its people have a protection placed upon them from the elements themselves. Something, dark and evil has found its way in, and through Dominick, perhaps feeding on his pain and anger from the deaths of his daughter, and his wife Sarah. Many people have said that since then he was never the same man who was the most loving, caring person one could meet.

  Dominick would talk to a shadow creature, this creature never showed Dominick its true form and identity. It, however, was teaching and preparing him to return and take back his castle in Indigo, and become the only ruler of all of Halcyon. “You are ready.” the shadow said staying hidden against the walls, “I have no more to teach you, make your move tomorrow night when the moon is full and at its highest.” Dominick was pacing back and forth, “Is my army ready? I dare not go alone, I need a distraction.” He said with smug confidence while he stroked his beard. “You dare question me?” said the voice back with untamed anger, “They will be there, you have my word.”

  The day had finally come for Dominick to return to the kingdom and take back what was right fully his. There were rumors that Dominick was still alive, although this was never proven or unproven since his body was never found. Patrick and Rebecca were concerned for their daughter’s safety who were still quite young, and sent them away to live away from any harm. But there was one condition, the girls were to never know that they were not their real parents, in case something happened to them. The girls were sent away, Rebecca hated this but she also knew that her daughters would be safe there. "It won't be forever." Patrick said to her as she was crying into his chest, trying to be strong and not show her his pain. "It has barely been a day." she said sobbing, Patrick softly took her face, lifted up her head, looked into her eyes, then smiled as he wiped away her tears.

  Patrick and Rebecca had support not only from the people of their kingdom, but also from the kingdoms and people of the other kingdoms of Halcyon. Patrick’s fears of his father going down a dark path could not have been truer. Just how far that has gone, even Patrick could not have imagined.

  Dominick made his return to Indigo's castle during the night, he however did not walk in, nor could he have without being noticed. He had learned secret paths to not only Indigo but to all the countries within and around Halcyon, and even a few other places... He and his army entered the castle unannounced and the war had begun. The castle guards were at first overwhelmed by the sudden attack. "Where did they come from?" yelled the one "I don't know" said another as they kept fighting. Fireballs were going everywhere, walls were crashing apart, swords were drawn and mass ciaos had begun.

  There was one man, very tall and lanky, dressed in dark grey robes with his face covered by a hood. He walked right through the war zone and was not even scratched, the hooded figure very quickly but cautiously headed towards Patrick and Rebecca's bed room chamber. Stopped along the way by another group of guards. "Stop!" one yelled “You cannot go up there." Glancing back at them, he showed them enough of his face for them to see who he was, then in one motion waved his right arm, sending out a blast of smoke and fire, instantly destroying the guards as he made his way up the stairs. Jasper was nearby and had seen what had happened, he knew if he spoke this hooded figure might try and kills him as well, he followed closely and carefully instead. This however was not enough to trick Dominick who again waved his hand making Jasper drop to the ground instantly and was unable to speak or move, he was not dead only temporarily paralyzed.

  Patrick and Rebecca were in their chambers getting ready to go to sleep when the alarm rang. "Someone must be in or near the castle" said Patrick. "You stay here, I'll go see what is going on". "But" Rebecca started. "No you are safer here". "I will return as soon as I can". Patrick quickly got dressed, grabbed his sword and exited the room. Patrick went in the opposite direction as where Jasper was. Dominick standing just around the corner of the room, waiting for the right time to go and take Rebecca.

  Just down the hall there were a handful of guards. "What is the trouble?" Asked Patrick. “Someone has entered the castle and he brought an army" answered one of the guards. Patrick pointed to two of the guards, "you two come with me. And I want the rest of you to stay here and guard my wife". "You are not to leave here under any circumstance, only by my saying". "Yes your majesty we will keep her safe". Patrick and the two guards headed down the stairs to where there was fighting and bloodshed, and what Patrick only learned to be magic but has never seen. "Sire we will never beat this." said Lucas. "We just have to fight with all we have." Patrick answered, then he took a deep breath, yelled out to his men, "We fight, we die, for Indigo our loyalties lie!" All men who could hear him yelled out in response, "For Indigo!" As Patrick joined the battle within his own castle.

  Dominick who now could change his form to anyone or anything transformed into Patrick and headed towards the guards in front of where Rebecca was. "Go quickly" he said to the guards. "I'll stay here". The guards not knowing this wasn't Patrick ran off as fast as they could. When they were no longer in sight Dominick entered the room as Patrick. "My dear" cried Rebecca. "What is going on?" Going over to her he takes her hand and says "the castle is under attack. It's total mayhem out there" he answered. "Get dressed I am going to take you where you will be safe". Not thinking anything she follows her husband’s orders. As they left the room Rebecca asked where the guards are. He replied with I sent them to help now come quickly we have no time to waste." Dominick hoping not to come across his son.

  Jasper was beginning to regain feeling to his extremities, he still could not move or talk, he tried to reach his arm out and it fell hard to the floor like a lead weight. He was yelling at the top of his lungs, though he thought, the only sounds coming out were very faint murmurs. Jasper continued to lay there, there wasn’t much else he could do, he had never felt this helpless and alone for everyone else was downstairs either inside the castle or outside on the grounds battling against their attackers.

  The battle waged on, both sides were at an equal advantage, except for whatever magic was being used by Dominick's men. This however did not stop Patrick's men from fighting, they kept on killing everything in sight. Outside there were knights riding up and down the grounds, swinging their swords at everything that moved that did not belong there. Patrick had come across Jayson just outside the front stairs during this, “Have you seen Jasper?” Jayson yelled over the commotion, “No!” Patrick yelled back as they kept fighting this relentless army Dominick had brought with him. “I am sure he is fine, he's the best knight I have besides you.” Patrick stated. Just then one of the fireballs graced by Jayson, not hitting him but close enough to make him fall to the ground. Patrick while fighting off his attackers managed to help Jayson up and get him to safety. “Take him inside somewhere safe” Patrick told a few guards nearby. “I am fine, I am going to continue to fight until my last breath if need be.” Jayson demanded. Patrick knowing quite well that Jayson was not going to stop, “Then come with me we need to find Jasper and make sure my wife is safe.” Patrick added

  While inside there was more going on that met the eye, this would be the turning point and the end to halcyons many years of peace. Jayson and Patrick head upstairs, where they find jasper barely crawling down the corridor. “What happened to you?” asked Jayson to his son as he stooped besides him. “Don't worry about me, Patrick go now its Rebecca he has her.” “He, who?” Patrick asked Jasper, dreading what Jasper would say. “Dominick, your father, he did this to me.” Jasper said in a whisper, “Now go Sire!” he demanded to his king. Patrick ran towar
ds his room, when he got there the guards were gone and the door was open. It was too late, Rebecca was already taken out of the room, he ran back towards Jasper and Jayson, “She is gone.” he yelled as he swiftly passed by them. Jayson helped Jasper to his feet and they followed Patrick as he ran through the battle, only thinking of finding his wife.

  Dominick was almost out of the castle with Rebecca when she sees her husband. She is thinking how is this possible? He's here with me. At that moment the real Patrick yells out "Rebecca he's not me". She looks at both of them not sure who is the real one now. Patrick starts to run towards her and at that moment Dominick grabs her hand turns back into himself, and they both vanish. Patrick fell to his knees, screaming "Rebecca!" holding his face in his hands he was in dismay and not from the battle, rather from what he had just seen. Jasper was indeed correct, his father was alive, and he just took Rebecca and to where? He does not know, Patrick sat there in stunned amazement, starring at the exact place where Rebecca was before she vanished. Jayson and Jasper were kneeling there by his side, they also saw what had happened, "She will be found, I have one question though, was that your father I saw?" asked Jayson "I am afraid so, but it was not truly my father," Patrick responded. They helped Patrick to his feet, and as Dominick disappeared his army suddenly disappeared as if they never even existed. All that was left was the men both alive and dead, and considering the advantages that Dominick had their causalities could have been much worse.

  Patrick with Jayson and jasper went to Patrick's office, along the way Jayson asked his son, “What happened to you back there in the corridor?” “I do not know, all I remember is seeing this figure with a hood over his head going towards your room Sire, then the next moment I'm on the floor.” Jasper responded losing his balance for a second, regained his footing and continued, “I could not move or talk or anything, I was finally coming around when you two found me.” Jayson placed him hand upon Jaspers right shoulder as they made their way into the office, “You are fine now, take a seat and rest.”

  Dominick had taken Rebecca to caves of Adenna, no one would think to search for him here, not since the land was abandoned many years ago. This is where he has hidden out for all this time after his escape. "What do you want from me?" She asked in a very fierce tone. "You will never talk to me in that tone again." Dominick growled back at her, "My own son took away from me the one thing I truly loved, so now I am taking that away from him." "You will not get away with this, Rebecca added, Patrick will find me." "Silence!!" He shouted "Now eat" he said as he shoved a plate of food in front of her. "I'd rather starve to death than eat anything from you." Rebecca stated firmly, grabbing the dish and throwing it at the wall. “Then starve” said Dominick then walked out of the room locking the door behind him.

  Rebecca walked over to the small window, looked out falling to her knees sobbing uncontrollably. She collected herself and managed to make her way onto the make-shift bed, which basically was mattress on the floor with a couple blankets and pillows that didn’t seem to have been cleaned in ages. She sat there upon the bed leaned up against the wall staring out of the widow at the stars, knowing that she could not allow Dominick to see any fear, eventually crying herself to sleep.