Read Halcyon Isle Peace No More Page 6


  "Gather the horses, and a handful of men, we ride to Cyan tonight." Patrick stated, "I am going to need the help of my good friend Peter, also, send riders to Hansa, and Sinopia, tell them to have the King and his best knights to meet us at Cyan's castle." "Sire you must rest looks like you have been wounded." said Jayson. Patrick looked down and he was bleeding from his chest, opened his shirt and looked at his wound. "I will be fine." he said, "I need to find my wife and the longer we wait, the chances of finding her alive grow smaller." Knowing not to argue, Jayson and Jasper went off rallying their men.

  Patrick along with Jayson and a handful of knights started quickly towards Cyan where all the rulers of each country were meeting to discuss a plan of action. Patrick pretty much knew what or who they need to call upon, which was not an easy task in itself. The only way they were going to fight this magic was of course with magic, and there was only one place to go and ask for this, he would have to venture to the Atoll islands. This was the home of the elementals, whose magic was beyond greatness, and were holding the powers of the people of Halcyon. This information about the Atoll was the last thing Patrick’s father had told him before his downward spiral into his madness had begun. Patrick only knew this was true for the fact that the other kings knew of the story as well and also had the amulets.

  Many years ago the Kings of Halcyon at that time agreed that there was no reason for them to have any type of magic and gave any powers to the Elementals to hold safe if they were ever needed. Getting them back however was going to be an extremely daunting task, and whomever was to need them had to prove that they are worthy of once again retaining such powers.

  Peter was waiting for Patrick to arrive, Patrick rode up with Jayson and Jasper, “Everyone else is inside, how are you holding up?" Asked Peter, seeing the worry and lack of sleep upon his friends face. "I am managing" replied Patrick. "But the faster we devise a plan the faster we can hopefully save Rebecca." They went inside to join the others who were already waiting in the throne room.

  Patrick walked into the room, as he made his way towards the others he made an announcement, “You all know as to why you are here, to my kingdom was attacked and Rebecca was taken. I do know who has done this, it was my father. He has fallen into some dark magic after he escaped from the palace, I feel this negative presence has been with my father since the death of my mother, although all of this time I have thought him to be dead." Peter standing alongside of his friend, continued, "We need every able body man from age sixteen and up from all your kingdoms to help." "But first" interrupted Patrick, I need to go to the Elements of Atoll Island." "I am going to need offerings for each one as well as for the spirits that guard them." he continued. "What do we need exactly, and where will we find them?" asked William, king of Sinopia. Evan, king of Hansa stated, "They are elemental, of the earth, air, water, and fire, we seek out what would make them appreciative." “Tonight we need to go and open the secrets of our great-grandfathers that will truly tell us what exactly is needed for our quest.” Added Peter.

  Patrick, heading for the door, looked back at the others, “Well, are you going to stay there or are you all coming?” peter walked over to his friend, “I think you need to rest, we will go tomorrow night.” said Peter to him. “Nonsense, do you think I will be able to sleep? Would you if it was your wife who was missing?” Patrick exclaimed back. “Very well, gather your horses, we ride to the mountains tonight.” Said Peter.

  They set out at once to the place where through word of mouth over the years the secret was safely hidden. A few of the knights went with them, some stayed behind and went back to Indigo. Patrick and Peter were riding next to each other in the front of the line, William and Evan, were in the back and talking, “I wish Patrick would have listened to Peter, he is much too tired for this ride.” said Evan. “I agree, but I also cannot argue the Patrick either, we will have to keep a close watch on him.” William answered as they rode on.

  The group was riding for a little over two hours now, Peter looked over at Patrick who looked like he was ready to fall off his horse. Peter galloped his horse ahead of everyone, then turned around and stopped yelling halt at the others. “Patrick went over to Peter, “why have we stopped?” he asked. “You my friend need to take a brief rest, here have a drink.” Peter said as he handed Patrick a canteen of water. “I am fine, why are you wasting time?” Patrick barked back. Peter ignored his friend’s intolerable attitude; he knew Patrick did not mean what he said.

  Evan and William go and join their friends, “Patrick, are you alright?” asked Evan. “Yes I am fine, I will be, now can we please ride on, we are going to run out of night fall.” Patrick then got back up upon his horse as did the others, “Time is wasting, we need to ride faster.” William knowing the land the best since the mountain were on the southern tip of his country, “Follow me, I know the quickest way there.” The group rode on through forests and fields and other terrains eventually making their way closer to the Cascade Mountains.

  When they got near to the place in the mountains, Peter, Patrick, Evan and William went the rest of the way alone, on foot for the horses would not be safe where they needed to walk. The others remained back near a small stream where they allowed the horses to drink and rest. Jasper was sitting along a pile of boulders with his father, looking troubled. Jayson rose and walked over to his son, “What bothers you?” Jayson asks. Jasper's face was expressionless, turns to his father and says, “How could King Patrick’s father go bad? I do not understand, I thought that all evil was banished from Halcyon many years ago.” Jayson had no real explanation for his son, he too was wondering the same, and was worried that this is only the beginning. Not wanting to alarm Jasper, but he wasn’t going to lie to him either, “I do not know, I have been thinking the same. There's not much we can do, just be supportive for Patrick and fight for what we know is right.” Jasper nodded at his father, then got up and walked closer down by the stream.

  “Are you sure we are going the right way?” asks Peter, “Well if we are not then we all have been told wrong.” answered William. Walking up the winding, jagged path, they finally find their way into the cave. Looking all around Evan finds where their ancestors secrets are, “Over here” he says. Patrick and the other join Evan at the back of the cave, they all stood and looked momentarily, then took the amulets off of their necks, open the hidden chamber, retrieved a small jewel encrusted golden box. Patrick placed the box into his bag, and they went back to where the knights were waiting for them, got back on their horses and headed back to Cyan.

  On the way back, they encountered something quite odd, as they headed out of the forest there was a mist around the edge right before the grasslands. At once all the horses halted on their own, “What is wrong with them?” asked Evan while he was trying to get his horse to go forward. “They won’t go” said Peter, he was now on the ground in front of his horse, pulling on the reigns. “I believe that this mist is scaring them.” Jayson says, “I am not sure why though, not like they never seen mist or fog before.” Just then the mist began to dissipate right before their eyes. They didn’t stay and question it any longer, got up upon their horses and rode to Peter's castle as fast as they could, get there in record time.

  When they returned they went straight into Peter’s private office, Jayson and the others tended to the horses, taking them to the stables. Patrick took the box from his bag and placed it on the table. The four of them already pretty much knew what needed to be done, for their grandfather's told their sons and so on until their fathers told them. Everything they were told was what was instructed on the parchment inside the box, only one more request to burn the parchment was in the box. “Do you think it wise to burn this?” asked William, “what if it is ever needed again?” “That's what it says and we should honor that.” Replied Peter, they all agreed even though they did not have a good feeling about doing so.

  “Peter and I will go
on this quest.” said Patrick. “Don't you want our help?” asked Evan. “We think it is better that you return to your castles and protect them.” answered Peter “My father has become someone or something I don’t even know anymore, there is no telling what he will do next.” said Patrick. “He may try to get to me more by harming others and I am afraid that may be your kingdoms as well.” he continued. “But what about your kingdom, and yours here Peter.” asked William. “We have taken every precaution.” said Peter “Our knights and guardsmen know their orders and if they need help they will come to you.”

  William, and Evan, would rather go with their friends, but agree to Patrick's wishes. “We can move more quickly with only the two of us.” said Patrick “We are here, we will send more guards to your castles.” said William. Peter and Patrick escorted the others back to their horses. “Be safe, my friends.” said William, then the two along with their guards headed of back to their own kingdoms.

  Peter and Patrick returned inside to prepare for what they needed to do next, which by no means was going to be easy. First they need to devise a plan as where they would find these items they seek, some of them will be simple and easy to find and get, while there are others that may be a true test of their skills and bravery. The first offerings they decide to acquire of those of the earth, things such as flowers, plants, anything related to nature. They will also have to seek pretty stones or trinkets to get offer the gnomes who protect the earth elemental, this will need to be done to seek the help of all the elementals for they each have their own spirit protectors.

  “I know the perfect place to get these offerings.” said Patrick, “There is a spring on the north side of Indigo, near the river.” “There are the Lythari who live within this region.” he continued. “They are good but can be chaotic also, we must approach them with caution” “We will get everything in order and leave at dusk.” said Peter, Patrick agreed to this as the two went to gather what they would need for their journey.

  Helena, Peter's wife was outside in the courtyard with their two sons, Daniel and Mitchell, the two boys were playing as Helena was enjoying a cup of tea. Peter and Patrick had gone out to the courtyard to get some air. “Peter, she started, when are you leaving?” “You know I'd rather have you stay here.” Helena was not worried though, she knew that he and Patrick have been friends for many years and if the tables were turned Patrick would be there for her husband as well. Peter went over to his wife, bent down and kissed her on her forehead. “I will be fine.” he said to her, then looking over at his sons and smiled. “The girls are safe?” she asked Patrick “Yes, they are, and well protected.” he answered. “Have you seen Anna?” Peter asked Helena, “She was inside, last I saw her she was near the kitchen.” Peter and Patrick went back inside to ask Anna to prepare what they would need.

  By this time it was mid afternoon, Nathan was preparing the evening meal along with extras that they could take as rations. Patrick had gone to the quarters in which he was staying, for it has been a long couple of days and he just wanted to be alone for a moment. Sitting there on the edge of the bed, he looked up and out the window which looked towards the garden and an old yet beautiful weeping willow tree. He could as clear as day see Rebecca in his eyes, took a deep breath and then made a vow to her. “I am coming for you, my sweet Rebecca.” he spoke as if she could hear him, maybe she could. “I will not stop and nothing is going to get in my way.” “Stay strong my love.” he whispered, placing a pillow in his arms, squeezing it tightly.

  Rebecca was alone in the room in which Dominick had taken her, she had no idea where she was, only that it looked much like a cave, and she could hear what sounded like a river with rapids that flowed nearby, here it was waves crashing into the shore. Dominick entered the room, smug as all and glanced a rather I am in charge here look towards her. “You think you're so smart.” she said, “How is taking me going to solve anything?” Dominick, not having time for her, walked over to Rebecca, took her face in his hands and raised it up, “You will not speak again unless I allow it!” he said in a voice that made her tremble, which Rebecca does not cower easily to no one. She looked him straight in the eye, and said, “Patrick will find me, and you will be sorry.” Releasing her Dominick waved his hand in anger, and then left Rachel alone again.

  It was now nightfall, the horses were being prepared for the long journey. Patrick was with Peter and Helena and their sons in the dining hall finishing supper and finishing making their plans. They would ride to Woodstream tonight which is on the northern part of Indigo, and stay there. It would be safer going into Woodstream during the day for the Lythari are elves, but they are elves who can transform into wolves. And the Lythari's eyesight which is extremely keen during the day is more so at night time.

  Daniel and Mitchell who were starting to fuss and run around the table, “Boys” their father said softly yet sternly, “Please sit back down.” The two stopped in their tracks and sat instantly. “Now are you two finished eating?” Peter continued. “Yes father” they answered back in unison. “Then how do we leave the table?” “May we please be excused.” they chimed together again. “Very well, yes, you may both be excused.” The two got up and of course started running around again as soon as they were out of the room.

  Patrick, who was watching all this, was missing his daughters greatly. But he also knew that they are safe and was more worried about finding Rebecca. Helena gets up from her seat and says, “I think I better go check on those two, boys will be boys you know.” and she exited the room in search of her sons. She found them down the hall in the throne room, they were playing king, she quietly peaked into the door and listened. Daniel was sitting upon his father’s throne barking out orders at Mitchell, who was standing there speechless, and motionless. And Daniel continued, “And as your king I will make sure the land is safe.” Helena then entered the room walked up and sat upon her throne. “Can I play too?” she asked “Sure” said Mitchell. “Who will you be mother?” asked Daniel. “I think I will be the Queen, and you two can play the little princes.” “Now, as your queen and mother I shall permit you ten more minutes of playtime then it's time for your baths and bed.” “Aww but mom.” said Daniel “The queens words are law.” she said. “Come on Daniel said Mitchell we might as well go now.” “Go say goodbye to your father first.” said Helena, “he's leaving on business tonight.

  The boys ran to their father still in the dining hall, gave him big hugs and went off to get their baths. Anna had just entered the room, “Sire all your and king Patrick’s things are packed up and ready to go.” “Thank you Anna” said Peter. “We will be ready shortly.” Helena entered the room went over to her husband and gave him a kiss then hugged him tightly, “Be safe my dear.” she whispered into his ear. “I will, I promise, we are not leaving yet though” he replied as he took her hand. Helena seeing Patrick then walked over to him and gave him a hug as well. “And you be safe also.” she said. “You will find Rebecca and bring her home, and your daughters will return also.” she said to him with a smile. “Thank you Helena.” Patrick smiled back at her. The two men sat talking for a little while longer as Helena got the boys bathed and ready for bed.

  Helena arrived back downstairs to say goodbye to Patrick and her husband. “How will I know that you are safe?” she asked. “I will be fine, although I do not know when we will return.” Peter responded “I will try to send you messages when and if I can.” “Do you think that is wise?” Patrick stated. “Maybe he is right.” Helena said, “We do not want any more complications” said Peter. Then he kissed his wife goodbye, the two got on upon their horses and started on the long journey through the night to Woodstream.

  Helena headed back inside after she could no longer see them or even hear the hoofs of their horses, she went into the dining hall where Anna was there waiting with some tea. “Don't you worry Ma'am” Anna said, “You know as well as I do that Peter and Patrick are the best f
ighters in the land.” “Yes, I know Anna you are right.” answered Helena. “Now drink your tea and get off to bed.” Anna said as she left the room. Helena finished her tea, and sat there looking out the window for a moment longer, went upstairs to see her sons sound asleep and went off to her chambers to try and get some rest.