Read Half Brains, Sacred Water book 1 Page 17

  Chapter 14

  The morning meal was no sooner finished when Daniel left to continue his care of the wounded. Heather took the opportunity to tell Jeremy about Daniel’s grief from the accidental death of the beggar. Jeremy responded, “When I took Daniel hunting and he shot his first deer, he suffered great anguish. He wanted to heal the deer not kill it. He knew how necessary it was to manage the deer herd and supply food to the villages but he couldn’t handle the killing of the animals.”

  Heather asked, “What did you do to help him recover?”

  “Nothing, Daniel was quieter than normal for a while. One day he told me that he would work on becoming a healer and he would leave the hunting to me. He seemed fine after that.”

  “Do you think there’s anything we can do to help him now?”

  Jeremy said, “I think we just need to let him stew in his melancholy for a bit. He’ll be okay.”

  Heather wasn’t sure what else she could do to help Daniel so she decided to follow Jeremy’s advice. She tried helping him with his healing but she did not handle the sight and smells of surgery. She returned to work with Jason on setting up his government and securing the palace.

  The war was at a standstill. Alvin was still missing. The northern army had retreated just beyond the reach of the city’s weapons. The commander of Alvin’s army had not yet reached his decision. Heather was impatient. She finally used the time to ask Jason about the church’s charge of blasphemy against Daniel. Jason listened to the story, and when Heather finished said, “In this kingdom blasphemy is a crime against the old law. During my exile I tried reading the old law and realized that our modern interpretation seems to differ from the actual law. I would suggest that you take time to learn the old law and base your defense on the actual law not on a modern interpretation.”

  Jason got up and led the way to the library. He searched through several volumes before finding the one that dealt with treatment of the half brains and the use of the sacred water. Heather tried reading the ancient texts but was frustrated by the word usage and the flowery script. She gave up when her head began to hurt from the strain. She decided to send for the young Priest who had accompanied them on their journey. With his memory and skill with the ancient scrolls he would be the one to make sense of the old law.

  The day drew to a close with no word from the Southern Commander. Arthur had secured most of the southern and eastern portions of the city. Alvin’s army controlled the northern and Western sections. The northern army was camped outside these walls ready to continue the attack. They discussed their options. Heather was unhappy with the wait and preferred early action to end the stalemate. Jason was content to use whatever time necessary to obtain a diplomatic solution. Arthur took the middle ground and they decided, based on his counsel, to wait until midday following. He, like Heather, was concerned that Alvin was planning some sort of counterattack.

  Jason said, “My cousin always liked playing in the tunnels of the Palace. I’m sure he had a secret escape route. I would suppose he has escaped to the countryside. We will find him eventually. For now I would like to establish the peace and return our kingdom to normal.”

  The evening meal was almost festive. Things were returning to normal. Jason had Daniel and Heather moved into one of the staterooms. It had been so long since either of them had slept in a soft bed with a warm fire that sleep was delayed but only for a short while. When they awoke in the morning the sky had cleared and they were greeted by a red glowing sunrise outside their window. Daniel touched Heather’s still short hair which was almost glowing in the morning light. He said, “Well, Heather of the northern Palace, what will the day bring? Peace or war?”

  “Daniel of Issip, I know not. I do know that my love for you grows by the day.”

  The morning meal was interrupted by a messenger who reported an envoy from Alvin’s Army was at the gate tunnel. Jason said, “Escort him to the throne room. I would hear his report there.”

  They finished their meal and proceeded to the throne room. Heather thought Jason looked like a King sitting on the throne with the Cape of this family across his shoulders. The envoy was brought forward and he bowed low before Jason. Jason said, “Stand and speak your message.”

  The envoy said, “Sir, I bring a message from our new commander, Steven of Alue. He sends news that our former commander was unable to change allegiance to a new King and chose death by his own sword. Our new commander wishes to accept your offer of service.”

  Jason replied, “Return to your commander, Steven of Alue, and report that the throne will accept his pledge of loyalty and service this afternoon, one-hour after midday. He may be accompanied by a guard of his choosing.”

  The envoy bowed low again and turned smartly about, retracing his steps. Guards escorted him from the throne room entrance back through the gate tunnel. Jason asked for opinions. Arthur said, “I know this Steven. He is a competent and honorable soldier.”

  Heather was concerned regarding the death of the former commander. Jason explained, “Our culture places a great emphasis on honor. A pledge of loyalty is not easily turned aside even if you do not agree with the policies of the one to whom you pledged your loyalty. He will be given a military funeral with full honors for he did choose the only course which was truly honorable.”

  Arrangements were made for the upcoming ceremony. Daniel was a bit overwhelmed by the planned ceremony and hid by returning to his work with the injured. He didn’t understand the protocols of court and preferred doing what he did best. When he stopped for a midday meal everyone seemed to have already dressed for the upcoming ceremony. Heather looked both beautiful and fearsome in her fighting cape. When Heather asked him if he was changing he replied, “I am of the Forest, what would you have me change into?”

  Heather smiled and said, “I was hoping that you would change into clothes without so much evidence of your work.”

  Daniel looked at his smock and realized that there were a lot of bloodstains present. He replied, “I would prefer to hide in my work, but if it is your wish that I attend this ceremony, I will.”

  “Daniel of Issip, you are a hero and have saved much death and destruction. Others wish to have you present to show their gratitude. It would be best if you attended.”

  “I will change.”

  When Daniel returned everyone had already assembled in the throne room. He entered the room and stood in the rear next to one of the pillars. Jason had seen him arrive and motioned for him to come forward. Daniel either did not see Jason’s gesture or refused to respond. Heather finally walked to the back of the throne room and asked Daniel to come forward. He said, “I would be more comfortable here.”

  Heather explained, “You must allow Jason to show his gratitude by giving you a position of honor.”

  “I see Jeremy and some other hunters to the side; can I not just join them?”

  “Daniel of Issip, you must trust me on this. It is important for the peace of our lands for you to accept this honor.”

  Without further complaint Daniel moved to the front. He stood at Heather side, who in turn stood next to the throne. Jason acknowledged Daniel but further conversation was interrupted by a trumpet announcing the arrival of Steven. The doors were opened and a middle-aged soldier dressed in formal uniform entered the space. He was followed by ten more junior officers all dressed in formal uniform. He proceeded to the step below the throne and bowed from the waist and said, “I am Steven of Alue. I have come to pledge my service and loyalty to you, King Jason, and the throne upon which you sit.”

  With that he withdrew his sword and extended it as he knelt on one knee before Jason. Jason accepted the sword and laying the flat of the sword on first his right shoulder and then the left Jason said, “I accept your pledge of loyalty. This pledge binds you to uphold the rule of the law and the throne as created by the law.”

  The ceremony was repeated for the junio
r officers as a group. A military conference was held immediately thereafter. Steven reported on the status of his troops. Arthur received his report and said, “It will be good to work with you in restoring the rule of law. Have your troops maintain their defense positions until we have completed peace negotiations with the northern army.”

  Everyone became quiet when Jason spoke saying, “I would have an envoy sent to the army of the North inviting them to a peace council.” He looked at Heather and continued, “I would be honored if you, Heather of the Northern Palace, would accept this position as my envoy.”

  Heather responded, “I have pledged my services as your personal guard. I will accept this new responsibility.”

  “You’re responsibility as my personal guard has been fulfilled now that peace is being restored and you are relieved of this duty. I will complete the terms of the invitation and would like it delivered after the first light tomorrow. I will provide horses for you and your guard.”

  Heather responded with a simple bow saying, “I will go by foot with some of mine from the Forest.”

  Steven and his officers were sent back to complete the transition from an army of Alvin to an army of the law and throne under Jason, their new King. Business was now centered on restoring the function of the government and the return to the rule of the law. Daniel was by now quite bored and took the first opportunity of asking Heather if it would be appropriate for him to return to his work. Heather said, “Our task here is completed. I will walk with you.”

  When they were out of the throne room Daniel asked, “Why was it important for us to be there?”

  Heather explained, “Our being there demonstrated an alliance between Jason and those of the Forest. This strengthened Jason’s position amongst his own people. It also gave him the opportunity of honoring us for our assistance. I know these court proceedings are a lot to do about little but it is how our governments function.”

  The evening meal was even more festive than the previous night. Stories were told of ancient tales and more recent happenings. When Jeremy rose to tell the story of the falling of the great trade bridge everyone was spellbound. Daniel listened with as much interest as everyone else. It was like watching the events from on high. He was able to understand more clearly what they had accomplished when he listened as if through the ears of those of the Southern Kingdom. When the story was completed the toast was raised not for the destruction of the bridge but for the story itself. Arthur then turned to Daniel and said, “Sir, with this knowledge you possess you may be the most powerful person in the whole world.”

  Daniel for a moment said nothing before replying, “I am simply a healer from the Forest. I did what was needed.”

  The stories went on as evening wore on. Daniel was obviously shaken by Arthur’s comment and seemed far away for the rest of the evening. Only in privacy did he discuss the matter further with Heather. He was not happy with the concept saying, “I have no desire for power. I would wish only that peace be returned.”

  Heather replied, “It is best for everyone that the power your knowledge represents is held by someone who doesn’t want it. Arthur has good military insight and what he says is true. Come, Daniel of Issip, the night is getting late and morning will be here soon enough.”

  When morning came Heather dressed in the leggings of the north and a sweater that those of the palace had found for her. When she added her fighting cape and boots of Forest design the mixture was complete. They shared breakfast with Jason. Heather sat with her back to an eastern window and the morning sun radiated off of hair. Daniel thought her beauty was more evident than ever and his thoughts were shared by everyone at the table. As the meal was finished a scroll was brought forth in an elaborately decorated box. Jason said, “Heather of the northern Palace, take this invitation to the King of the Northern Kingdom. Tell him it is our desire to restore peace and the rule of law to all lands.”

  Heather stood and received the box. She bowed to Jason saying, “I will deliver your invitation.”

  Heather left the room accompanied by a dozen of her hunters. She had insisted that Daniel accompany her despite his protest that he had work to do. They were preceded by an escort of Arthur’s troops. When they arrived at the Northern gate a sentry called out their presence and the massive gate was slowly opened with much grinding and creaking. Heather and her small honor guard left the other troops behind and walked through the gate and the access tunnel. The darkness of the tunnel was in sharp contrast to the bright light visible outside. As they entered the outdoors everyone took a deep breath. Heather realized how much freer she felt outdoors when Jeremy said, “I feel fully able to breath again. The city closed around me too much.”

  They proceeded on, not marching as a traditional honor guard, but with the loose structure of those of the Forest. There were in no hurry and matched their gait to Heather’s, which was now much faster than she had ever believed possible. The northern army had retreated to their defense position which was almost two hours away. When she arrived at the camp of the northern army, the sentries again announced her arrival. Their loose structure was in contrast to the formal entrance provided them by her father. Two columns of soldiers with pendants flying from their spears guided them to her father’s tent. Their arrival was announced with the sounding of a horn.

  Her father came out dressed in his polished military attire. Hugging him while he was dressed in leathers and armor was just not the same. He apologized for the formal attire by saying, “I was not sure if you would be the envoy. I had to be prepared for a standard formal state function.” He welcomed Daniel his new son-in-law warmly with a handshake and half hug.

  Heather and Daniel were brought into the King’s tent which was actually a large meeting tent combined with his personal quarters. A small fire had warmed the tent. The King excused himself and changed into more comfortable clothing. When he returned he was dressed in clothes more fitting for travel. They sat and were served tea with small biscuits. The King wished first to hear how they were doing and only after he assured himself that they were well, did he ask about the Peace Council. Heather handed him the box Jason had given her.

  The King opened the box and unrolled the official scroll within. The first portion was the customary official verbiage. The next portion was Jason’s request for the Peace Council. The third section concerned the specific points of negotiations. The King said, “Jason’s proposals seem acceptable but I must have my administrative assistant review them. Until they are done let me hear of your adventures.”

  Heather did most of the talking bringing her father up-to-date. The missing Alvin was a concern that they discussed. The King had Daniel explained in detail how he destroyed the palace gate. He, like Arthur, was much impressed with Daniel’s powder. When they had finished their part of the story, Daniel asked the King how he had been. He replied, “It would seem that most of the adventures have been yours. I have performed what was necessary as King and commander of our army. Now I wish for this business to be over and return to my home.”

  They were served the midday meal and talked about more personal things. It was late afternoon before the King’s assistant had prepared a response to Jason’s invitation. The King read it and signed his name to the bottom. The reply was carefully rolled and placed back into the box. As Heather and Daniel prepared to leave the King said, “I am looking forward to those times when we can be together as a family.”

  Heather reached up and gave her father a long hug saying, “I too wish this.”

  The King turned to Daniel and gave him a fatherly hug saying, “Take care of my daughter and enjoy life.”

  Daniel replied, “Sir, I do my best but caring for your daughter is a challenge. I too am looking forward to an end of these hard times. I wish you good health and a long life.”

  Daniel and Heather were met outside the tent by the remainder of their troop who had been entertained by
the King’s guards. They began their return trip as the sun settled in the west. Darkness was almost complete when they arrived back at the great gate of the southern walled city. The sentry had been watching for them and their arrival was announced with a lone horn. The gate creaked open and they entered the city. Jason’s troops were waiting and escorted them back to the palace. They went immediately to the throne room where they waited as Jason finished with his advisers. He called them forward and asked for their report.

  Heather said, “Your invitation was well received. My father’s advisers have made some suggestions for change. The biggest issue would seem to be provisioning the northern army for the remainder of the winter. The pass is now closed and the army cannot return until late spring.”

  Jason replied, “I had not considered the problem of winter provisions. I am sure we can help. Having the northern army around for a while gives us more time to locate and capture Alvin. Yes, I’m sure we can solve this issue. Now it is time to prepare for dinner.”

  As Daniel and Heather walked back to the room he said, “Seems like we do a lot of eating and not much work. The walk today felt wonderful.”

  “You mean, you didn’t mind spending the day with me?”

  Daniel swept her up in his arms and spun her around saying, “Heather of the Northern Palace, I treasure every moment I spend with you. But you remind me that I must check on the wounded before we eat. I’ll only be a few minutes.”

  Daniel’s few minutes turned into many minutes and they arrived late for dinner. As they sat down Jeremy said, “The newlyweds have finally arrived. It’s a good thing we waited not to eat, they must have had more important things to do than eat.”

  Heather said nothing and Daniel merely said, “My help was needed. I’m sorry we’re late.”

  There was plenty of food left for a good meal and soon Daniel and Heather were joining in the evening of storytelling. When it was Daniel’s turn to tell a story, Arthur wanted to hear of how he made the powder. Instead Daniel told of crossing the icefield. When he described how blue the ice crevice was, and how it reminded him of Heather’s eyes, Jeremy interrupted him saying, “Nice, maybe your lady will forgive you now for making her late to dinner.”

  After the laughter and settled down, Daniel continued his story. It was hard for those of the Southern Kingdom to imagine a world of ice. Daniel did his best to dramatize how he felt crossing the snow bridge. When he finished the story he was toasted and Jason asked, “Is this the world of ice they talk about in the old times?”

  Daniel answered with a shrug of the shoulders and upturned hands. The stories went on and the evening became late. Jeremy would have continued all night but Daniel was tired and he and Heather asked to be excused. As they walked back to their room Heather said, “I’m not angry that your work made us late.”

  Daniel squeezed her hand saying, “I know, but we must let Jeremy have some fun. And the color of the ice did remind me of your eyes.”

  It was two more days of negotiations before the invitation was finalized. The palace was a beehive of activity preparing for the formal Peace Council and the presence of the King from the Northern Kingdom. Daniel ignored as much of the official goings-on as he could. He had plenty of work with the wounded. Betty kept pestering him for fittings of some new clothes she was making him for the upcoming ceremonial dinner. Daniel knew his clothes were somewhat ragged but they were his. Betty and Ally worked to create formal attire in the fashion of the Forest. Heather thought he looked wonderful but Daniel felt somewhat uncomfortable wearing the fine clothes. Heather enjoyed wearing a combination of clothes from her homeland, the Southern Kingdom and the Forest. Her new attire was a blend of all three styles.

  The celebration was held in the throne room. Daniel and Heather were seated towards the head of the long table which filled the whole room. Daniel wasn’t sure why they were assigned their seats. Heather tried to explain how the seating was based on official rank but Daniel objected saying that those of the Forest had no ranking. Heather replied, “The ranking may be artificial but it gives structure to the function. And structure is important for the operation of our governments.”

  “I know your governments have lots of rules but why do we have to sit upfront?”

  “We’re being honored for the roles we played in bringing peace to our lands.”

  “I would rather sit in the back with Jeremy and be inconspicuous.”

  Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of a horn. Everyone rose while a crier announced the arrival of the Kings. They watched as Heather’s father and Jason entered the hall from opposite doorways. Both were dressed in regal finery. They met at the head of the table and bowed slightly to each other before turning towards the assembled. Jason opened the dinner by saying, “Tonight we celebrate the victory of peace and the return of normal to our lands.”

  Heather’s father said, “I celebrate with you this victory over the evil which had descended upon us all. I pledged to work with Jason, the rightful King of this kingdom, to return normal to all of our lands.”

  When the Kings sat down the entire assembly sat. Nobody touched the wine or bread in front of them until a horn sounded and the crier announced, “Make way for the beef!”

  Accompanied by musical fanfare the chef began a ceremonial parade of a roasted beef roast. He stopped before the Kings and sliced two pieces of the roast giving one to each of the Kings. Jason tasted his sample to prove it was safe before Heather’s father tasted his and nodded his approval to Jason. Jason accepted the approval announcing, “The beef is fit to eat.”

  A general cheer went up from those assembled and the meal was begun. Servers appeared and plates were filled. The wine glasses were never allowed to be empty. Conversation was difficult because of the general noise level created by everyone talking at once with the music playing in the background. After the multicourse meal had been eaten, Jason arose saying, “I would propose a toast to the King of the Northern Kingdom for his efforts and trust in returning our lands to a state of peace.”

  Everyone stood and toasted the King. While they were still standing Heather’s father rose too much cheering. He said, “A toast to Jason, the rightful King of your kingdom. May he rule long and well.”

  After the cheering had subsided Jason again raised his glass saying, “A toast to Heather of the Northern Palace, a beautiful warrior who has made peace possible.”

  Heather arose to much cheering. She raised her glass saying, “A toast to those of the Forest who sacrificed so much for peace.”

  The cheer went up again and everyone turned to Daniel. He said, “We of the Forest have only done what was necessary. I propose a toast to Betty and her friend Ally for they are the ones who have made the celebration possible.”

  Everyone turned to the end of the table where the two half brains sat by themselves at a small table placed at the end of the grand table. They meekly stood up and bowed. The cheer began with those of the Forest and was joined by everyone else. The toasting went on until Daniel was sure everyone in the entire kingdom had been toasted. He had started tipping his glass and just wetting his lips with each toast because his head was already swimming from the wine.

  Jason stood and said, “It is time for stories. I would ask Jeremy of the Forest to tell the tale of my rescue.” As attention was turned to Jeremy a delicious dessert was served. A brewed beverage was offered but most preferred to continue with the wine. Jeremy’s tale was interrupted frequently with laughter and applause. When he finished Jason stood and said, “When this tall skinny young man told me to climb out the window and trust myself to that thin rope I had no second thoughts. My imprisonment had taught me the true value of freedom and the rule of law. I pledged tonight to honor that memory by staying true to the rule of the law.”

  Everyone rose and cheered Jason.

  Heather’s father requested that they hear the story of the destruction of the gr
eat catapults. Heather rose saying, “It is a long story and without much interest.” When the protest from those assembled assured her they wanted to hear the story she said, “If you would hear the story it should be from one with some ability to speak. I would ask that Elrod, who we know as, the guard whose wife is named Martha, tell the story.”

  Elrod came from near the end of the table and began the tale. He was surprisingly concise as he described their journey. When he was talking of the storm Jason turned to Heather and said, “This reminds me, there is one in our prison who has asked to see you, he calls himself Captain John. He was arrested as a smuggler. Could he be the same man?”

  Heather replied, “It could be. I would meet with him.”

  Elrod did a good job of painting the general picture of their adventures without too much detail. It was a good tale, well told but without quite as much humor as the story told by Jeremy. When he finished he was given a cheer. He pointed to Heather and said, “She is the warrior. I merely tell the story.” People began pounding on the table until Heather took a bow.

  The stories continued; tales of ancient times as well as recent times. When the celebration was finally brought to a close the hour was late. Daniel and Heather retired to their room. Jeremy and others continued their stories in the dining hall. Daniel had to admit that he enjoyed himself despite all the rules for the celebration. Daniel’s head was swimming from the wine he had consumed. The warm bed felt good and both were soon asleep.

  Daniel awoke suddenly because of a nightmare he was having. He was again in the dark tunnel and the deaf man had come to him and was using his hands frantically trying to tell Daniel something. Daniel lay there with his eyes open trying to relax. He kept telling himself that it was only dream. As he lay their motionless he noticed some movement in the pale moonlight coming through the window. A shadow was moving towards Heather. At first he thought it was another dream. But dream or not, he needed to react. He called out, “Who are you?”

  The shadow turned towards Daniel. Daniel recognized the flash of a sword and rolled out of bed with the sword just missing his neck. Heather was instantly awake and she too rolled out of bed and grasped her sword. Before the intruder could raise his sword again, Heather had hers unsheathed. The intruder’s next attack was against Heather who was kneeling. She countered his blow and forced herself upright. The attacker lunged at her and she again deflected his thrust. Her counter thrust was deadly and pierced the intruder through the chest. As the intruder fell to the ground they heard a cry from down the hall. Heather exclaimed, “My father!”

  Heather’s nightgown flowed behind her and she ran through the hallway to her father’s room with her sword at the ready. She opened the door and entered crouched in the attack position. In the dim moonlight she saw a figure crouched down over another body. She asked, “Father, are you all right?”

  Her father replied, “This nave attacked me in my bed. I have disarmed him using my left arm.”

  Daniel asked, “Are you injured?”

  “He slashed my right arm but I don’t think it’s serious. Thank the sacred water he was no swordsman.”

  Guards had arrived and the lamps were lit. One of the guards immediately recognized the attacker as Alvin. While Heather took charge of the security issues, Daniel examined the wound on her father’s arm. It was relatively superficial but even under the lamplight it looked abnormal. He wrapped a strip of cloth around the King’s arm and twisted it tightly to form a tourniquet above the wound. As Daniel continued the exam he realized that Heather’s father had developed a severe weakness in that hand. It didn’t appear as the wound was deep enough to have damaged the nerves to the hand. He tightened the tourniquet more and asked the King how the wound felt.

  The King said, “I must admit it burns like a hot poker. And I seem to have lost feeling in my hand.”

  Daniel asked to see the sword Alvin had used. He examined the edge and tip of the sword. An oily residue was visible. Heather asked him what he was doing. Daniel replied, “I think there may be poison on the sword.”

  Heather picked up the sword and walked over to where Alvin was sitting with his hands tied behind his back. She brought the sword tip up to his chin and asked, “Is the sword poisoned?”

  The look of fear in the eyes of Alvin said that the sword was indeed poisoned. Heather used the sword tip to slice through the retaining cord on his cape. As he felt the nearness of the blade Heather repeated her question. This time he nodded in the affirmative. Daniel said, “We need to know what kind of poison and if there is an antidote.”

  When Alvin refused to offer anymore information, Heather gently sliced through his tunic with the sword exposing his skin. His face was now wild with fear and Heather asked him again about the poison.

  Alvin’s voice trembled with fear, “Don’t cut me. There are two poisons on the sword. One’s from the brown snake and the others from something called a dart frog. Now leave me alone.”

  Daniel placed his hand on Heather’s arm and wrapped her shoulders with a blanket saying, “I need to see the sword the other assassin had and could you bring me some clothes too.”

  Heather turned to the guards and said, “If he moves, even a little, thrust both of your spears through his heart.”

  As Heather was leaving the room Jason arrived with more guards. Daniel briefed Jason on what had happened and anguish was evident upon Jason’s being. When he asked what he could do to help Daniel said, “I need to have any of the court physicians with knowledge of poisons to come forth. I also need two live rabbits.”

  Jason looked at the guards who had accompanied him and they immediately left to fulfill Daniel’s orders. Jason looked at Alvin and just shook his head. He asked Daniel to repeat the names of the poisons and said something about a book. He left in a hurry.

  Heather returned dressed and with the sword. Daniel examined it before dressing himself and saw the same oily residue on the tip of the sword. When the live rabbits were brought forth he had them held, with their hind legs extended. He made a small cut with the sword through each rabbit’s skin. Both rabbits screamed against the pain. One rabbit he then treated with a tourniquet. Within minutes the rabbit without the tourniquet became listless and quit breathing. The rabbit with the tourniquet was obviously in pain but stayed otherwise active.

  Heather asked what the meaning of the rabbits was. Daniel explained that the poison needed to spread with the blood. When Jason returned he was carrying a small children’s book. He said, “Maybe this will help. It is a book I was given about animals when I was young. It talks about a dart frog that is very poisonous.”

  Daniel looked at the book but the writing had no meaning for him. He asked Jason what it said. Jason replied, “It is written in the old-fashioned style and I have trouble reading it myself. It says something about the poison from one frog being enough to kill twenty men. I remember how impressed I was as a child that this small frog could be so deadly.”

  When the physicians arrived they were able to provide little additional information other than suggesting multiple bleedings to remove the toxin. Daniel did not intuitively feel that would be possible. He released the tourniquet on the second rabbit and it became listless within a few minutes and also died. Heather wanted to know what that meant for her father. Daniel said, “I fear to remove the tourniquet.”

  “How long can the tourniquet remain?”

  Daniel replied, “I don’t know.”

  When Daniel re-examined the King’s arm the tissues around the cut he saw a blackness developing. He told the King, “Sir, your injury is serious. I think our only hope is to remove your arm and the poison it contains.”

  The King replied, “The burning seems to be spreading. I don’t want to lose my arm but I would live. Do what you must do.”

  Daniel applied the second tourniquet higher on the King’s arm and tightened it firmly. He ordered more light
s and a basin of sacred water. He told one of the King’s physicians to prepare some ether. He then left to get his surgical kit.

  Heather noticed that Jason had picked up one of the poisoned swords and was angling it toward his own neck. Heather went to him and gently removed the sword from his hands. Jason said, “I have failed to protect my quest. How can I rule a kingdom? If I was a man of honor I would have slit my own throat with this sword of poison. I am not fit to be a King.”

  Gently Heather said, “Jason, it is true you are not a warrior King. You will be a King of wisdom and of the law. Your people need you now. I and those of the Forest need you also. Be true to what you are.”

  When Daniel returned he had a charcoal pot set up for the cautery. As he finished preparing his instruments he had the ether administered. He said, “Give just enough ether that the pain still causes groaning but enough so that he moves not.”

  Daniel washed his instruments in the sacred water and also washed the King’s arm. He picked up his obsidian scalpel and began incising through the skin between the two tourniquets. There was no bleeding because of the tourniquet. When he had incised down to the big arteries and veins he used the silk threads to carefully tie them off before cutting through them. Heather avoided watching the operation but when she heard the noise of the saw cutting through the bone she had to leave the room.

  Heather went back to her room. Her assailant lay where he had fallen. She looked at him carefully for the first time. He was wearing a red cape with an unusual design. The cape seemed familiar but she could not recall where she had seen it before. She looked into the passage which was now exposed where the secret panel had been opened. The passage angled downwards but she chose not to explore further. Heather sat on one of the sitting benches and felt helpless. Her father may be dying. There was nothing she could do. She couldn’t even stay in the room where Daniel was operating.

  The morning light was coming into the room and Heather began absently picking up the contents of Daniel’s pack which he had dumped out in his hurry to get his instruments. When she picked up his travel diary she remembered where she had seen the cape design before. She opened the diary looking for the picture of the man frozen in the ice crevasse. She looked at the sketch closely and even with Daniel’s limited drawing ability it was obvious that the running triangle pattern of the cape was the same. She looked at the assassin closer and it was obvious that he was not of the Southern Kingdom. His hair was reddish in color and his face was dominated by a very thin pointed nose.

  Heather returned to her father’s room as Daniel finished sewing up the stub of her father’s right arm. When he finished dressing the wound Heather asked, “Will he live?”

  In a gentle voice Daniel replied, “Your father has good health and a strong will to live. If it is possible to survive he will.”