Read Half Brains, Sacred Water book 1 Page 18

  Chapter 15

  Heather sat by her father’s bedside waiting for him to awaken. His sleep was troubled with much groaning. Guards were posted outside the door and the secret passageway was secured. Heather could not help the tears that filled her eyes. Daniel seemed to take forever to clean and stow his equipment. She had lots of questions but was afraid to ask them for fear of the answers she may receive. When Daniel finally sat down next to her and put his arm around her she began to weep. Daniel just held her and let her cry. It was a full hour before her father awoke. Daniel noticed the changes in his breathing and said, “Your father awakens.”

  Heather’s father took a few minutes more to become oriented to the situation. He grasped Heather’s hands with his left hand. When she asked him how he felt he replied, “The terrible burning is gone but I am tired.”

  He soon drifted off to sleep again. Heather sat there holding his hand for some time before she asked Daniel, “If you removed his arm with the poison he should be okay now, shouldn’t he?”

  The slowness of Daniel’s reply answered her question. He answered, “Some of the poison had already traveled up his arm. I know not how much. I also know nothing of this poison frog. I’m afraid we will have to wait and see.”

  Heather did the only thing she could, she waited. Her father seemed to get weaker as the day wore on. His periods of consciousness were further apart and shorter. She ignored the comings and goings of Daniel. She had already lost her mother and had no intention of now losing her father. Unfortunately, she didn’t know what to do other than to sit by the bedside and wish him to live. She had never been one to pray by the God of the sacred water but she did now. Daniel would come in and check her father saying little. It was time for the evening meal and Daniel insisted that she take some time for her own nourishment. He assumed her watch.

  When she returned Daniel said, “There is hope. Your father’s pulse no longer weakens.”

  “You mean he will live?”

  “It is not certain. But there is hope.”

  Heather could appreciate no difference in the way her father looked but she trusted Daniel. His skin will still very pale and clammy. His breathing was shallow and irregular. He had not awakened for several hours. Daniel had Heather help him prop her father up into a near sitting position using the many pillows on the bed to support him. His breathing seemed a little easier in this position.

  There was a knock on the door and Betty entered. She brought in more blankets and sleeping pads. She told Heather, “I will keep watch with you but you must rest yourself.”

  Daniel took one of the blankets and draped it over Heather’s shoulders saying, “Betty is right. You should get some rest. I will watch with Betty.”

  Heather had the feeling that it was her will that her father live, which was keeping him alive. She dared not leave. Yet she was tired. She finally agreed to rest a little but only if they awoke her immediately if her father’s condition changed. She wasn’t going to let herself fall asleep; she would just rest her eyes for a few minutes. Betty began singing one of the simple lullabies of the little folk. It had a relaxing melody with simple repetitive words. Heather thought, “I have not even the ability to sing to my father in his time of need.”

  When Heather awoke it was dark except for one lamp in the corner of the room and the glow from the fireplace. It took her a bit to become oriented again. She sat up and heard Betty say, “Your father sleeps.”

  Heather had an anxious moment when she thought Betty meant that her father had died, but she could hear his breathing and realized he just continued to sleep. She listened to his breathing. It did seem stronger. Heather resumed her watch at the bedside. She asked Betty about the hour.

  Betty said, “The moon has gone. It will be morning soon.”

  “Betty you are a loyal friend and I thank you for your help. It is time for you to rest. But what of my husband?”

  Betty replied, “He kept bothering the King by checking things. I made him go to bed so the King could rest better.”

  The thought of a little half brain telling Daniel, the healer from the Forest, what to do made Heather smile. She said, “It is my watch now. You need to rest.”

  Betty didn’t object and Heather was left with her father. His brow was less clammy and he did seem to be breathing easier. There was hope. Heather’s thoughts rambled; to childhood times with her father, to the death of her mother, to when she first awoke and found Daniel holding her hand. Her anger had subsided and gradually her thoughts returned to the present. She began to ponder the question of why Alvin would have done the things he did. The identity of the stranger was even more puzzling. The morning light was just showing when Daniel quietly entered the room. He felt the King’s pulse and listened carefully to the breathing.

  Daniel said, “Your father grows a little stronger. We must hope the lungs do not fill with fluid and become infected. There is yet the chance your father will live.”

  “How can we help?”

  Daniel replied, “I watched my grandfather treat people with infectious paralysis by helping them move their chest. He thought it helped the fluid of life move better which allowed the body to defend itself.”

  “You mean it helped the blood flow?”

  “No, this fluid is different than the blood. It is a clear fluid and nobody knows where it comes from, but the ancient scrolls refer to it.”

  Heather asked, “How is the treatment done?”

  Daniel moved to the head of the bed and began lifting the King’s shoulders every time he breathed in. He would push down on the chest every time the King breathed out. He maintained the rhythm for several minutes. Heather thought that her father was definitely breathing deeper but a rattle could now be heard. Daniel said, “It seems the fluid has started to accumulate in his lungs. We should repeat the treatment every hour.”

  They were interrupted by a knock on the door. A palace guard entered and apologized for the intrusion. He said, “King Jason would have you come and examine the prisoner, Alvin.”

  Daniel asked, “What is the problem?”

  The guard replied, “I only know that he keeps screaming for his medicine. Our physicians are uncertain what to do.”

  Daniel left with the guard and was escorted to a tower at the back of the palace. As they approached he could hear a man screaming in anguish. The heavy door was opened by the two guards and Daniel began to ascend the steep stairway. At the top was another door. The guard had pieces of cloth stuffed into his ears to muffle the sounds of anguish from within. He opened the door for Daniel. When Daniel entered the room two of the palace physicians were trying to examine Alvin. He would sit quietly for only a few seconds before the scream of anguish demanding his medicine would come again. The scream was worse than that of a horse dying.

  The more senior physician stepped away from Alvin and approached Daniel saying, “He has been getting worse all night. It would appear he is suffering withdrawal from some drug. We have tried tincture of poppy to no avail. I was hoping you could help us.”

  Daniel asked, “Has he slept at all?”

  “No, and his agitation is getting much worse.”

  Daniel stepped forward to examine Alvin with mixed emotions. There sat the assassin who had attempted murder of his family and who had caused the deformities of so many babies. But there also sat a man in as much anguish has Daniel had ever seen. His eyes were swollen and red, and his whole body was twitchy. His face was a combination of impending doom and anxiousness. He seemed to plead both for help and death to escape the terror he was experiencing. Daniel’s exam revealed nothing wrong physically except for the twitchiness. Stimulating Alvin’s foot would cause the whole leg to twitch. Daniel said, “I agree. He is suffering from withdrawal from some drug. I’m afraid he’s about to develop seizures. We need to find the drug he was taking.”

  The senior physician replied, “We ask
ed him where the medicine was earlier when he was more cooperative. He just said the ambassador gave it to him. We don’t know who the ambassador was.”

  Daniel responded, “I would think that the stranger who attacked my wife and I would be this ambassador. Do you know what they did with the body?”

  “I’m sure the half brains have already disposed of it.”

  Daniel sat thinking as he watched Alvin twitch and deform his face in such awful expressions. He said, “My grandfather once told me about a medicine, from the ancient times, that was used to treat seizures and to help people sleep. Like all medicines too, much caused great harm. I would expect we are seeing that harm.”

  The senior physician asked, “What is the name of the medicine?”

  Daniel apologized saying, “I remember many things but names I can’t remember. Hopefully one of the priests, skilled in the ancient scrolls, can help us.”

  Daniel excused himself to check on Heather’s father. He could hear Alvin’s scream of anguish almost all of the way across the palace to where they were staying. Heather looked up and asked what was going on. Daniel told her of Alvin’s anguish. Heather said, “He has earned his suffering. But I would wish him to live so we can learn more about this stranger he called the ambassador.”

  Daniel said, “If his withdrawal becomes much more severe he will not survive. If we can find the medicine and give him just a little he would live.”

  Heather sent for Betty and the young priest who had accompanied them. When Betty arrived Heather asked her if any of the little people might know of the medicine Alvin was taking. Betty left to ask the staff about it. The young priest didn’t understand Heather’s request at first and she made Daniel explain it. After Daniel recounted his grandfather’s teaching the young priest began apologizing for his limited ability with the ancient scrolls. Daniel accepted his apology but pushed him to search for the information. The young priest looked up and entered his trancelike state. After several minutes he said, “There are many references to seizures. Mostly they talk about using ether to stop the seizure. There is a reference to something called a urate being used to prevent seizures but it does not say what the substance is.”

  Daniel said, “I just can’t remember what name my grandfather called the medicine. Do you think Jason’s library would have any information on this urate?”

  The young priest replied, “They have translated many of the ancient texts and reprinted them in their books. I will look but it will take time.”

  Daniel excused the young priest and asked him to report any information he found as soon as possible. Heather wanted to know what they would do next and Daniel said, “I would hold your hand and take you for a long walk in the Forest along a gentle stream.” He sighed and said, “While we wait we best look after your father.”

  The King had definitely stabilized. He still slept with a very weak pulse and shallow irregular breathing but he wasn’t getting worse. Daniel repeated his breathing treatment trying to keep the fluid from accumulating in the King’s lungs. After the treatment his breathing sounded worse with gurgling easily heard but his breaths were deeper. Heather asked, “When will my father improve?”

  Daniel replied, “Only the God of the sacred water knows. The body will heal itself in time. Our job is to keep him alive so the healing can occur. If we can prevent the fluid from building and the pneumonia from developing he will recover. That is a big if.”

  Heather accepted his cautious hope. She wanted more but at least he gave her some hope. She said, “I will do the next treatment. You need to eat; Jason sent us breakfast sometime ago.”

  Daniel had finished his breakfast and was teaching Heather how to perform the breathing treatment when Betty returned. Betty was excited and was speaking too rapidly for Daniel to follow. Heather saw the look of frustration on his face and held her hands up so that Betty would talk more slowly. Betty repeated, “The stranger had a secret room. The little ones called it the red room because all of the furniture was red. He was very mean to them and if they told anyone about the room he would torture them. They were all scared of him and he always wanted the young pretty ones. All of his food and other strange stuff was brought to him through a secret passage from the kitchen area. Everyone is glad he’s dead.”

  Daniel asked, “Why didn’t they tell us about this?”

  Betty looked somewhat embarrassed as she responded, “Nobody asked.”

  Heather said, “We must search this room.”

  Daniel said, “I will stay with your father while you search. I’m not sure what the medicine would look like but it will probably be a powder in a covered container.”

  Heather replied, “No, it would be better if you went. You are more apt to recognize the medicine. I will stay with my father.”

  Daniel left with Betty and had a guard take a message to King Jason regarding their finding of the secret room. Betty was explaining how her friend Ally helped her discover the secret room while they made their way into the lower levels of the palace. The kitchen area was built around a large central fire pit. Small rooms and passages radiated out from the central area. All of the storage areas were filled with food supplies. The air was somewhat smoky and the light rather dim. A single shaft of daylight penetrated through the outer wall giving some daylight. Betty began visiting with the little ones who were working. Daniel had to struggle to keep up with their dialogue because when amongst themselves their dialect seemed to change. One of the cook’s assistants agreed to show them the room. She led them to a small storage room and when she moved a panel a tunnel was visible. Betty was able to walk upright but Daniel had to stoop over to navigate the passage. They walked upwards for some time before they came to another door. The little one who had guided them refused to go in. Betty opened the door and stepped in. Daniel followed her. The room was well lit by large windows which looked out over the city. The drapes were all red and the furniture coverings were also a red cloth. The room was divided into three areas. There was the sleeping area, a general living area, and a work area filled with several instruments of alchemy.

  Daniel began his search in the work area. There were small boxes of different powders and vials of liquids. Each was identified with a strange writing. Some of the letters were recognizable but most were not. Daniel opened several of the boxes and recognized only a few of the ingredients. They were just too many choices. Daniel thought again about his grandfather’s description. If the medicine was used to help people sleep maybe it would be by the bedside. Next to the bed was a small table with a single drawer. When he opened the drawer he saw a small box decorated with gold. He carefully opened the box. It was half filled with a whitish powder. He smelled the powder but could recognize no odor. He was going to taste the powder but hesitated not knowing for sure it was the medicine and not some poison. Next to the box was a drawing which caught Daniel’s eye because he recognized the mountain which looked like a women’s breast.

  A shout from below interrupted Daniel’s thoughts. Someone was calling for him. He put the box of powder and the drawing in his pocket and entered the tunnel. He answered the call and descended the long passage. The guard was waiting for him at the bottom and said they needed him in the tower right away because something was wrong with Alvin. Daniel hurried after the guard. As they ascended the stairs of the tower he no longer heard Alvin’s scream of anguish. When the door was opened he was met by a sight worse than the screaming.

  The two physicians and one of the guards were trying to hold Alvin who was having a major seizure. It was far more violent than any seizure Daniel had seen before. Alvin was stretched out with his back arched and his head extended. He was shaking violently and banging his head against the stone floor. The physicians were trying to support his head but the violence of the shaking overcame their efforts. The sickening sound of Alvin’s skull striking the stone floor with a dull thump was mixed with t
he sound of gurgling from Alvin’s throat. Alvin’s eyes were bulging and bright red with no semblance of humanity to them. His tongue was partially protruded through his teeth and was dark purple where he had bit through it.

  Daniel asked, “Where is the ether?”

  The younger physician responded, “His violent contractions knocked the bottle over. We have sent for more.”

  Daniel said, “I may have found the medicine but we must break the seizure first.”

  The violent shaking was getting worse. Alvin’s entire body would contract with violent cataclysmic spasms. Daniel tried to pad and support Alvin’s head and neck but he was not much more successful than the others. Suddenly Alvin’s body went limp and the seizures stopped. Everyone relaxed until they noticed Alvin was no longer breathing. When they listened for a heartbeat it too was gone. A guard rushed into the room carrying another bottle of ether but stopped short when he saw everyone just staring at Alvin.

  The senior physicians said, “Leave the bottle and report to the King that Alvin has died.”

  Both guards left and the three physicians stood silently over Alvin’s body for several minutes without speaking. Their failure was obvious and the death they had witnessed was violent enough to overcome their developed capabilities of accepting death. Daniel finally covered Alvin with the blanket so that he no longer had to see the bulging eyes staring out from the lifeless head. The senior physician asked, “What is this medicine that could cause a man to die so horribly from withdrawal?”

  Daniel responded, “The ancient scrolls talk of a medicine called urate but I am uncertain if it is the same. If this ambassador had caused Alvin to become addicted he would have had complete control of Alvin. No human could withstand the withdrawal that Alvin went through.”

  Daniel described the red room for the other physicians who were equally interested in the alchemy equipment. They examined the box of powder but they too were unwilling to chance tasting the powder. Daniel closed the box and handed it the senior physician saying, “This needs to be tested. After having witnessed the death of Alvin, I doubt I would ever be able to use the medicine. Maybe in small amounts it would be safe.”

  When Daniel returned to the King’s quarters Heather asked, “Did the guard find you?”


  “Was it important?”

  “Alvin died.”

  “You didn’t find the medicine?”

  “I found the medicine.”

  “Daniel of Issip, if you found the medicine why did Alvin die?”

  “I was too late. He had a terrible seizure and died a horrible death. Let’s not talk about it now. I would check your father.”

  Daniel had Heather supporter father as he carefully listened to his chest and tapped on it checking for fluid. The breath sounds were fair with some rattle of mucus present but there was no fluid buildup in the lungs. Daniel repeated the treatment and again the rattling became worse for awhile. The King did groan while they were moving him and Daniel thought it was a good sign.

  Heather was not tolerating her limited activities and Daniel said, “I will stay and watch your father. I found this drawing with the medicine. I think it is a map of the icefield. Why don’t you take it to Jason?”

  Heather started to protest that she didn’t want to leave her father, but Daniel insisted she do what needed to be done. He was capable of watching her father. Heather felt guilty that her spirits rose when she left the room. She found Jason in the throne room and waited until he finished working with his counselors. He waved her forward and asked, “How is your father?”

  “He still sleeps, but he no longer worsens. Daniel has given me some hope.”

  Jason replied, “I pray to the God of the sacred water that he recovers. His attack while under my protection has been a horrible thing.”

  “You heard about Alvin’s death?”

  “Yes, I don’t think I could have wished such a death on anybody.”

  Heather handed him the drawing Daniel had given her. The writing was foreign but the drawing itself seemed to be a map. Jason studied the paper for some time before saying, “It would appear to be a map but it will take some time to decipher the writing. What do you think it means?”

  Heather responded, “I would expect the Red Ambassador has come from a land on the other side of the icefield.”

  Jason asked Heather if she could attend his next meeting which was with the security forces. Heather agreed and spent the next several hours listening first to a detailed summary of their progress in re-establishing a proper chain of command. Arthur was a little uncomfortable describing in detail their security status in front of Heather but Jason insisted. Arthur was obviously quite capable and the security status of the palace and the city as a whole was becoming quite acceptable. The meeting became much more interesting when they discussed the implications of the map. Arthur recognized the threat it represented and began planning a defense strategy. Heather suggested a meeting of all three countries be held when the seasons allowed.

  The meeting was interrupted by courier who was carrying an urgent message for the King. Jason allowed him to be admitted. The young soldier bowed before the throne and handed Jason a sealed message. Jason read the message and handed it to Arthur. He asked the messenger if he knew what the message said. The young soldier answered, “Not exactly, but I know it’s about Jason's disappearing.”

  Keeping a serious look on his face Jason asked, “And how did he disappeared?”

  The young soldier was now sweating profusely he said, “We found signs we think are from those of the Forest.”

  “How could they have gotten Jason out of the Summer Palace?”

  “It is said they turned themselves into a giant eagle and flew him off the cliff.”

  “Where have they taken him?”

  “We’re not sure, your Majesty. We were able to track them to a larger camp which we think was being led by the woman warrior with golden hair. They were headed towards the city.”

  Jason could not contain himself anymore he asked, “Do you pledge allegiance to the King before you?”

  The soldier knelt and said, “I, Timothy of Alesso, do pledge my allegiance to the King before me.”

  Jason said, “Stand and be recognized.”

  Jason nodded to Arthur who said, “You have just pledged allegiance to Jason, King of the Southern Kingdom. You will wait outside the doors for a return message to your commander.”

  The look of confusion on the soldier’s face was overwhelming. As he turned his eyes found Heather. There was no mistaking the woman warrior with the golden hair. She smiled and nodded her head. He returned the acknowledgment and left the room.

  Everyone did their best to control their laughter until the soldier had closed the doors behind him. Jason laughed until his side hurt and tears filled his eyes. He said to Heather, “Didn’t I tell you they wouldn’t even know I was gone?” “It must have been some eagle to have carried me off the cliff. We may need to rename Jeremy; Jeremy the Eagle.”

  They gradually returned to business and the discussion focused on the stranger and the red room. Arthur presented Jason with another book they had found in the room. Jason studied the writing for some time while everyone else waited. He said, “The writing is similar to the map. It reminds me a little of the ancient scrolls but the word usage seems much different. I think our scholars should be able to decipher this with time. This book seems to be a log of deliveries of something, but I can’t really understand what it is saying.”

  Heather asked, “Could it be a log of the sacred water shipments?”

  Jason agreed with her assessment but said he would forego any definite thoughts until his scholars had deciphered it. There was general agreement that the stranger referred to as, the Red Ambassador, had gained control of the kingdom by addicting Alvin to the medicine. Heather told them about the stranger frozen in the ice that Daniel had seen and how they
both wore capes with the running triangle pattern. Arthur’s worry about a hostile alien people seemed even more real. Jason was more interested in the possibility of other civilizations existing on their world. He discussed what little he knew of the period described in the ancient scrolls, as the time before. Their written history began with those of the Forest which led to the settlements of both the Southern and Northern Kingdoms. One of the scrolls implied that those of the Forest were forced there because of hard times. It was commonly assumed the earliest people had fled a natural disaster from the Northern Kingdom because of the mention of snow and ice. Jason pointed out that the snow and ice could have been a reference to the great icefield. This would imply their ancestors came from somewhere beyond the icefield. A land that probably was now home to the stranger known by Alvin as The Ambassador.

  Heather recalled the story Daniel had told her about the old priest of the Forest wanting him to search for a mountain that looked like the head of a fish. Jason was thoughtful for a few minutes before saying, “We need to search for this mountain. Our history is incomplete and facing the future would be easier with full knowledge of our past.”

  It was nearing time for the evening meal and Jason closed the meeting. He reminded Arthur to treat the young soldier well as he sent him back to the Summer Palace. He asked Heather if she would be joining them for dinner. Heather responded, “I would check on my father and if he has improved maybe we could join you for dinner.”

  As Heather returned to her father’s room her anxiety returned and she hurried her steps. She opened the door quietly and saw Daniel sitting by the bed apparently asleep but with his hand on her father’s pulse. She asked quietly, “How is he?”

  Daniel answered without opening his eyes, “His pulse grows stronger but his breathing is still troubled by the fluid. It is time for another breathing treatment.”

  As they work together to stretch her father’s shoulders and rib muscles Heather summarized the meeting for Daniel. He was a bit concerned about Jason’s recommendation for changing Jeremy’s name saying, “It would only encourage him to tell the story more often.”

  Daniel agreed with Jason’s assessment of the ambassador. He was able to add little to Heather’s understanding of the time before. As they were repositioning the King he began groaning and opened his eyes. It took him several moments to focus and he seemed just to ignore Heather’s urgent pleas to say something. When he did try to speak his voice was weak and garbled. Daniel was unable to make out what he said but Heather interpreted it for him, “He says he feels terrible and has trouble breathing.”

  Daniel tried to explain about the poison but the King had already fallen asleep again. Heather could hardly contain her excitement. Daniel tried to gently settle her down by saying, “His awakening is a good sign, but he is so weak that if a pneumonia develops he will not be able to recover.”

  Heather responded, “How do we prevent this pneumonia?”

  “We continue his breathing treatments and pray to the God of the sacred water that he does not develop the pneumonia.”

  Heather told Daniel of Jason’s invitation for dinner. Daniel refused the offer saying it would be better if he stayed and watched over her father. Heather wished not to go alone so she decided to keep watch with Daniel. Betty arrived shortly after and asked why they were not going to dinner. Heather explained Daniel’s desire to stay with her father. Betty began to raise a fuss about them needing to get out of this stuffy room and quickly shooed them both off to dinner saying it was her turn to watch over the King. They joined the dinner party just as it was beginning. People shifted making seats for them near the head of the table. It was a fairly somber meal until the party heard the King had awakened. Daniel tempered everyone’s enthusiasm by reminding them of the danger that pneumonia represented. The mood change was enough to begin the stories. When Jason finished his story of the courier from the Summer Palace and repeated his suggestion of changing Jeremy’s name everyone shouted in favor.

  Daniel arose with a somber expression on his face saying, “Sir, I would not recommended that we change Jeremy’s name.” When Jason asked why not, Daniel explained, “Sir, it would only encourage him and we would hear the story of his becoming an eagle even more often than we hear of his transformation into a bear.”

  Jason rose to the bait saying, “I understand your concern but what is this of Jeremy changing into a bear?”

  Daniel protested saying, “Sir, you should not be troubled hearing a story which has grown so much in the telling.”

  Everyone was now demanding to hear the story so Daniel turned up his hands and said, “I have tried to warn you but if you insist that the story being told; Jeremy.”

  Jeremy stood up and took a long drink from his beer before beginning. Daniel sat back down content to listen to his friend’s yarn. It was one of his favorite stories. Jeremy proceeded to tell of Daniel’s rescue complete with the growling and snarling of the bear. When the story was complete everyone rose and toasted both the rescuer and the rescued. The stories continued but Daniel felt the need to check on Heather’s father so they left early.

  When they arrived at the room Betty was sitting at the bedside holding the King’s wrist just as Daniel had. Daniel thanked her for taking the watch and said he would take over. The King was resting fairly comfortably but when they began the breathing treatment he woke up and groaned through much of the treatment. When they were finished and he had gathered his breath he complained, “I would sleep. Why do you bother me so?”

  Daniel began again explaining about the risk of fluid building up but the King had already fallen asleep. Daniel and Heather visited for some time while they shared the watch. Heather agreed the bear story got better with every telling. Daniel said, “Since we were little Jeremy has been the storyteller and I have been the one to set the stories up. A little preparation improves the story, don’t you think?”

  Heather laughed softly saying, “When you were done protesting even I wanted to hear the story again.”

  Betty returned later that evening to again take the watch. It was early morning when Betty woke them saying, “The King awakens.”

  Daniel and Heather dressed quickly and went to her father. He was awake but his voice was so soft you had to have your ear next to his mouth to understand what he was saying. Heather repeated it for Daniel, “I have never been so sick. I most certainly am dying. I would die at home.”

  Daniel protested that he wasn’t really dying; he was improving and the journey would be far too strenuous for him. Heather’s father said only, “I would go home.”

  They moved away from the bedside and Daniel again protested that it was impossible. The pass was closed by the winter snows and travel would be extremely treacherous until the spring thaw came. Heather responded, “A father’s wishes need to be honored. There may be a way.”

  When Daniel asked how she would make the snow and winter storms depart she said, “I would sail around the mountains.” Before Daniel could ask where she would get a ship, Heather said “Stay with my father. I need to speak to Jason about a prisoner.”

  Jason was eating his morning meal when Heather entered. He invited her to join him and she joined those of the court who were sharing the meal. She had trouble concentrating on the normal conversation of the court, but when Jason asked of her father her attention was again focused. She said, “He has awakened but remains very weak. He wishes to return home.”

  Jason, like Daniel, objected that travel would be all but impossible until the spring thaw. Heather acknowledged his concern but said, “I would speak to one in your prison about the possibility of sailing around the mountains.”

  Jason asked, “Would this be the smuggler referred to as Captain John?”

  “It would be.”

  Jason turned and spoke with one of the counselors. After a short discussion he said, “It would appear that it would be within the rule of our law
to release the prisoner to your custody but only if he were to complete his prison term under your supervision.”

  “I would accept responsibility for his supervision.”

  Jason turned again to the counselor and said, “Have this smuggler brought to the throne room before my midmorning security meeting.”

  Heather returned to her father’s quarters and told Daniel more of her plan. Daniel did not respond and the look of concern on his face was enough to slow Heather down. When she asked what the problem was, Daniel responded, “I would not wish you to make the journey without me.”

  “You have to come.”

  “If I return to your kingdom my life will be forfeited.”

  A look of surprise spread across Heather’s face to be replaced quickly by one of anger. She said, “I had forgotten about that ridiculous charge. I will need to work on a plan.”

  Daniels said, “I will go and check on the other wounded while you plan. I will return so you can attend your meeting with Jason.”

  Heather sat quietly by her father’s side. She’d already decided to move ahead, now she was working on the details. When her father woke again they visited about her plan. He agreed that travel by ship would be necessary. Heather asked his permission to assume responsibility for dealing with the church authorities regarding Daniel’s legal problems. Her father responded, “I may not survive. If I do live then I grant to you that authority. You must stay within the law.”

  When Daniel returned Heather left immediately for her meeting. Jason was finishing his first meeting when she arrived. When the meeting was completed he had her come forward and sit to his right. A prisoner was brought forward wearing chains about his wrist and ankles. The guards not so gently, had him kneel before Jason. Jason asked him, “Are you the one called Captain John?”

  “I am John Cook and was Captain of my ship.”

  “The record shows you were caught smuggling. Your ship was confiscated and you were sentenced to five years of strict confinement. I am willing to change your sentence if you would pledge your loyalty and services to another for the remaining period of your sentence.”

  Captain John looked up and recognized Heather. He asked, “Who would I be pledging to?”

  “To Heather of the Northern Palace, and her father, the King.”

  “For what services would I be pledging?”

  Heather spoke up saying, “Your service would be as a commander of the sea for the Northern Kingdom. Your first mission would be to return the King to his home safely.”

  “And my crew?”

  Jason replied, “Those of your crew willing to accept the same pledge will be allowed to join you.”

  Captain John was silent for about a minute before saying, “Princes, as always you negotiate a tough bargain. I accept your terms and pledge my loyalty and services for the next five years.”

  Jason nodded to the guards and they undid the shackles binding the captain. He rose to his feet and said to Jason, “Your Majesty, I appreciate my release but I expect that the Princess may yet make me wish for the safety of your prison. I would speak of my ship.”

  Arthur spoke up saying, “The records indicate your ship has been sold to other traders. I would suggest that another vessel may be available. A ship was recently completed by our shipbuilders. It is a most unusual design apparently of the Red Ambassador. It has not yet been tested fully. With the King’s permission we would grant you this vessel.”

  “I would see this vessel.”

  Jason concluded the discussion by saying, “The vessel will wait a few hours until we have concluded our work here.” He told the guards, “Prepare and clothe the northern commander of the sea as appropriate and escort him back in two hours.”

  Heather stayed for the Security Council and a discussion of the new sailing vessel ensued. The ship was built with relative secrecy and just recently reported to Arthur. The chief builder said King Alvin himself had sworn him to secrecy. Not until Alvin’s death was announced did he dare mention the ship. The Southern Kingdom was not normally a seagoing race and most of the trade was carried on ships from the Northern Kingdom. The wood for the ship and the masts was provided by traders from the North. Arthur was concerned that the ship was meant for military purposes, but could not conceive of the method of use. Heather disagreed with Arthur’s concern because ships had never been a significant factor in any previous warfare. The council moved on to a status report and Heather excused herself.

  When she returned to her father he seemed to be sleeping more peacefully. Daniel asked how the meeting had gone. Heather replied, “I have secured a ship and crew to take my father home. He has given me permission to work with the church authorities to rescind their judgment.”

  “They would do that?”

  “Not willingly. Jason says the charge of blasphemy only applies to statements against the old law. The old law only says the sacred water shall not be given to those who would not benefit. If what you say is true about the sacred water helping the babies of the half brains, your statement is consistent with the old law itself. Unfortunately, few of today’s priests have any knowledge of the old law and rely on modern translations.”

  “Can your law be changed like Jason has changed his, allowing the little ones who are pregnant to take the essence of the sacred water but not the sacred water itself?”

  “Most certainly.”

  “I will join you for this journey.”

  Heather looked up at her father who continued in his sleep. She said, “I would see this new type of ship and finish preparations.”

  Daniel replied, “I will see to your father.”

  Heather sent for Elrod who joined with her and Arthur outside the throne room. When Captain John arrived he was bathed and his hair and beard well trimmed. He was dressed in an officer’s uniform with the insignia of the Southern forces removed. Arthur commented, “Captain, you clean up well. Hopefully your uniform can be completed with the proper insignia of the North.”

  “The uniform can wait, I would see this vessel.”

  Arthur led them to the stable area where horses were waiting for them. Captain John complained that horses were much more difficult to control than a ship. They rode out of the city and down along the river for about two hours before coming to a separate village. Along the pier a ship was secured. Even from a distance the difference was obvious. It had lines that were certainly feminine, with the graceful curve extending forward. It had two large masts instead of the traditional one. It was somewhat larger than the normal ships of the North but more slender. As they walked aboard another difference became obvious; there were no rowing stations. They were met by the master shipbuilder. He was a quiet and unassuming sort who welcomed them aboard with hardly looking at them. It wasn’t until Captain John began asking specific questions about the construction techniques that the builder came to life. Soon they were crawling all over the bowels of the ship looking at the wood joinery and safety features of the ship. At the very bottom of the ship, the keel was formed with a mass of iron. The shipbuilder explained how the weight allowed the ship to move at right angles to the wind. The sails were also of a triangular shape which allowed the ship to be more mobile in directional changes.

  It became obvious to Heather and Arthur that the Captain’s questions would go on for some time. They went above and talked more of the possible uses for the ship. Arthur felt the ship was a threat because of the ability to transport an invading force. Heather disagreed because of her sea journey, “If the goal were to transport soldiers the ship would have large holds not the small separate ones of this ship.”

  Arthur had to concede her point but asked, “What would have sufficient value to justify the small holds?

  They both looked up at the same time saying, “The Sacred Water!”

  It was obvious now; the Red Ambassador had planned this whole tragedy to steal their Sacred Water. This led to the question of wher
e he was taking the Sacred Water. Heather reasoned that the land across the icefield was also somehow connected by the sea. Their conversation was interrupted by the return of Captain John. He said, “This ship is almost ready to sail. I will require three days to finish outfitting her.

  Heather asked what his opinion of the ship was. He replied, “She is well built and appears more seaworthy than our ships. If she sails across the winds as is said, our ships are obsolete.” They returned to the palace to begin preparations for the journey.