Read Halloween Special Page 1





  Copyright A D Stewart 2012


  To all my reader friends out there, thank you.

  Part 1

  October 17

  “I am not dressing up as Tarzan! I look retarded!” Kiros vowed while screwing his face up in resentment at the male laughter coming from outside the small, dressing room.

  Myaten parted the heavy curtains before stepping through. “Hey, where’s your chimpanzee, Kiros?” Myaten snorted and threw his head back while clutching his sides and hooting with obvious enjoyment at Kiros’s discomfort in wearing a loin cloth and a long, brown wig.

  “Stood right behind me,” Kiros stated matter of fact and stared hard at Myaten’s reflection in the full length mirror. “Laugh that off monkey boy.”

  Myaten took a deep breath and let go of his aching ribcage. “Oh come on. I’m teasing you. Damn you’re hard to pick with these days. What’s eating at you anyway?”

  “You,” he pointed at Myaten’s reflection and then his head, “and this ridiculous wig. Who would wear one of these? It’s making my scalp itch.”

  “Take it off then.” Myaten wiped the tears from his eyes and clamped his mouth shut before he said something else to aggravate the situation.

  “Do you guys need any help?”

  Both men frowned at the voice opposite the curtain. The overzealous shop assistant was more than keen to pick costumes that she obviously thought Kiros would look delicious in. And Myaten didn’t have to be a mind reader to know what she was up to. Every time she entered the dressing room, she stared at Kiros with Bambi eyes.

  An image of Kiros’s athletic frame, without loin cloth, made Myaten feel sorry for his friend.

  “Don’t come- I mean, no thank you.” Kiros added while reaching for his black, ripped jeans with a sense of urgency.

  “Okay. Let me know if you need anything else,” came the cheerful sing song offer of more than just picking out a costume.

  “Yeah, I doubt it.” Kiros ground his teeth while yanking the wig off his head and throwing it on the floor.

  “Why don’t you go as Casper this year?” Myaten concealed another grin as he picked up the hoody Kiros always wore to hide his facial scar.

  Kiros quickly donned his jeans and held his hands up for his hoody. “For the last time Myaten, I’m not going as a freaking ghost! It’s stupid and childish!”

  Myaten threw the white top and Kiros caught it before adding, “Besides, I was thinking I’d go as Riddick. He’s effing amazing!”

  Nodding in agreement, Myaten waited for Kiros to finish dressing and flung the dark curtain open. “I’d go as that myself, but I draw the line at shaving my head. Been there, done that one.”

  “Haven’t we all.” Kiros chimed in and left the changing rooms. Beckoning Myaten to follow him, Kiros immediately took a detour down the aisle opposite them. Leading them back into the land of make believe.

  Myaten groaned loudly as if in pain, “I thought we were done since you openly hate the jungle theme, Disney theme and just about every other theme?”

  “I have to pick something for Halloween. You know Siaak will take it personal if I don’t show up in a disguise.” Taking a step back, something caught his eye, from the rack above his head.

  “I could go as James Bond...” Myaten cocked one eyebrow while pretending to tie a fake bow under his chin before aiming his index finger and thumb at Kiros. He made the sound of a single shot with his pretend gun before blowing across the tip of his finger.

  “Your accent sucks! I do a better Brit then you ever have.” Shaking his head at the absurdness of their discussions, Kiros reached up and took the item off the rail. Smiling with glee, he flipped the hanger around and held the costume up for Myaten to judge. “What do you think of this one? It’s me, right?”

  Myaten exaggerated his examination of the black silk and Kiros’s muscular frame.

  “Hurry before my shadow turns up!” Kiros hissed. He was not amused.

  “Zorro, oh please. You don’t have the hair or the build for that. Since when did Zorro, the fox, have pecks and muscles the size of footballs?”

  “Antonio Banderas did it, why can’t I?” Kiros asked in a childish tone.

  Myaten smacked his forehead with one hand. “He’s Mexican for one,” Myaten counted one finger before adding another one. “Two, he’s got the accent and, and he’s Mexican!”

  “You said that already.” Kiros flipped the plastic covered outfit around to admire it some more. “You know I’ll pull this off with my whip and I can use a sword.” Kiros stabbed the air with the thrust of a fake sword.

  “Not in public you can’t and it might have escaped your attentions, but we’re in the year 2012, not 1919. Zorro is a fictional character and unless you plan to pull a few ladies, which we know you won’t, why bother? Go as Kung Fu Panda or a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.”

  Crushing the outfit against Myaten’s chest, Kiros winked slyly. “She’s coming. Quick. Buy this and meet me outside.” He waved and vanished from sight.

  “Sir, do you need a hand with that?”

  Myaten hung his head for a few seconds before turning to grace the young lady heading in his direction with a warm smile. “No thanks. I’ve got what I need.”

  He paid for the item and left the store feeling stupid. Standing in the parking lot, he searched for his sneaky, deserting, traitorous friend. He couldn’t see him anywhere and reached out to his mind.



  Where are you

  Shoe store - need boots

  I’ll be in the car – hurry up

  I can’t. The lady wants me to try on every pair of boots in the damn place!

  Myaten rolled his eyes and sighed. Okay I’m coming.

  Part 2

  October 31

  “Are you sure Kiros is coming?” Siaak asked for the third time in under fifteen minutes.

  “Yes!” Myaten answered with a hard edge to his voice. “How many times are you going to repeat yourself? He said he would be here. We… He picked out his costume two weeks ago.”

  “Leave him alone, Siaak. Myaten isn’t Kiros’s babysitter.” Melissa teased before kissing the air near his right and left cheek in greeting.

  “Feels like it.” Myaten graced the couple portraying an Egyptian King and Queen with annoyance. “Look, I need to be somewhere right now. Mingle with my guests and keep your eye out for Kiros. You won’t miss him.” Myaten managed to hide the amusement in his voice at Melissa’s enquiring look.

  He left them without a backward glance. Taking in a deep breath, he peered over the vast banquet hall used to celebrate every Halloween. This year his new assistant had tried to recreate what Myaten wanted. Not a bad job so far. All the slot machines that normally took up the entire space were now in various store rooms.

  Glancing at the ceiling where strobe lights pierce the semi, dark room in bright flashes of light, he quickly averted his sensitive eyes. Chilling screams, low, eerie groans and Vincent Price’s famous, evil laugh ran in a continuous loop between playlists given by guests’ weeks before.

  His staff enjoyed posing as zombies and served drinks and food while rubbing shoulders with his visitors. He expected everyone to have a good time, except, he felt something wasn’t right. Ignoring his spider senses as Kiros referred to his gut feeling, he told himself to relax.

  Leaving the banquet hall, he took note of some friends. Rachel stood next to the bar with Mark the vampire and Beth the gothic fairy.

  “Rachel, I’m so glad you could make it tonight.” He reached out, took her gloved hand in his and brushed a soft kiss along her fingers.<
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  “Are you kidding, I wouldn’t miss this for the world!” Rachel said with obvious excitement in her voice.

  “Good.” He let go of her hand and took in her loud outfit. “I thought you were joking,” he lightly rapt the pink helmet with his knuckles. “Honestly, a Power Ranger, Rachel,” he couldn’t keep the humor from his voice as he poked fun, “I feel sorry for any children you have.”

  “Oh don’t be rude!” Beth turned in a flourish of purple and black, glitter wings. “I think she looks cute.”

  “Yew vould,” Mark snapped back in a playful, mocking, vampire accent before baring his brilliant, fake, white fangs.

  Beth giggled and pointed at Myaten. “Look, he’s a vamp in training.”

  Before Mark could retaliate, Myaten pushed them apart. “Kids, play nice or I’ll have to separate you…” His mild threat ended mid sentence as he tried to figure out why there was a growing crowd by the entrance.

  “Excuse me guys.” Myaten slowed time without thinking about it. Giving him the ability to move around the bodies pressed tightly together. Once he was outside, time resumed.

  “Kiros, what the hell do you think you’re doing?”


  Ten Minutes earlier

  Areto inhaled and gagged. The hustle and bustle of city life combined with its polluted air made her home sick. If not for her fear of the humans, she wouldn’t be here.

  Clambering out of the yellow cab, Areto threw a fist full of money at the driver and slammed the heavy door shut with a shove of her hip. If she had to listen to the man’s singing any longer she would scream.

  Taking in the dazzling lights and sounds of the night life Myaten boasted was his domain, she couldn’t see anything alluring about any of it.

  Adding loud sirens to her ‘hate list’ she scooped the red suede bag up and threw it over one shoulder. Walking across the busy street, Areto didn’t pause once at the sound of blaring horns and screeching tires. Her long legged strut raised a few whistles and uncouth comments, all of which she ignored.

  However, the sound of a galloping horse caught and held her attention. Her head jerked to the right. Eyes narrowed as she flipped backward to land in an open leg crouch out of the animal’s path.

  Who could be so irresponsible to ride a horse through traffic? She thought about knocking the idiot from the black beast until she saw the angry, silver scar on the man’s face. Reaching out with her mind, she mentally shouted at him.

  Kiros, you baboon! What the hell are you doing?

  Areto, we thought you were dead!

  As you can see, I’m not. Where is Siaak? I have urgent business with him.

  Inside, I think. Myaten should be around too since he’s the host.

  No. Actually you’ll do.

  Gee- thanks.

  Can you get me inside without anyone noticing me?

  Not in that body.

  Cut the male crap! Can you throw me and inform another SandWalker to catch?

  Sure, but the casino is crammed pack, no way to hide an Amazon woman… Wait a minute. Areto, it’s Halloween, you can walk right inside. Nobody will take a second glance at your 6’2 body, other than to leer at you.

  You say the sweetest things Kiros. I do not intend to play dress up. Besides, I have no costume with me.

  You would look pretty wicked as Wonder Woman.

  I’ll take that as a compliment coming from a woman hater.

  Just go in. Siaak will be pleased to know you are alive and to introduce his mate.

  He knew she said something else, but he blocked her. What advice she wanted to impart on him he could deal without.


  Present Time

  Rearing the black stallion in imitation of the famous Zorro pose, Kiros held the mount upright for as long as he could. That should please everyone watching. Dismounting, he quickly pressed the reins into the horse trainer’s hand. An exchange of appreciation on his part put a big smile on the woman’s face as she led the animal away.

  Kiros took in the wave of people and wondered why he had accepted the invite tonight. Deep down he’d rather be at home watching the Sci-fi channel. Instead, he stood on the sidewalk brandishing his whip in a show that ended with shouts of bravo from the throng of people around him.

  “Kiros, what the hell do you think you’re doing? I told you not to use that in public!”

  Kiros caught Myaten storming toward him with a face like thunder. Waving a black, gloved hand, he flashed a toothy grin. “Hi Dad.”

  Myaten took hold of Kiros’s arm. “I’d leave if you want to keep from having every viable woman latching onto you. I swear! Why would you dress and act like that only to sneer at the opposite sex…”

  Kiros hated upsetting Myaten, but sometimes it was all the fun he had. “Tonight I can hide who I am, Myaten.”

  Myaten’s taunting stopped mid sentence. Searching the neon blue eyes surrounded in black silk, Myaten saw the hurt and pain etched within their depths. Regretting his outburst, Myaten looked away. “I’m sorry. Who am I to judge another person’s actions?” He glanced up to meet Kiros’s guarded stare before speaking softly. “Just be careful, I don’t want to see any one get hurt.”

  “That’s not going to happen. I’ll be fine.” Kiros stated in his usual cocky way.

  Myaten let his arm go and left him to entertain his guests outside. It’s not you I’m worried about. He took in the heady scent of desire as he entered the casino. He wondered sometimes how far over the edge Kiros really was. Revenge clouded his mind and filled his heart with a twisted hatred toward all women. Smiling with victory, he knew it was only a matter of time before Kiros would have to face his fears and allow his mate to heal him.

  Part 3

  Kiros wound the black whip around his waist and left the handle hanging over one shoulder. He heard Myaten’s parting jib and for once it rubbed him the wrong way. Only two people knew his reasons for hating women and Myaten was one of them. If anyone should cut him some slack, he thought it would be Myaten. And neither of them knew what it felt to be tortured by a demented lover.

  Being a powerful sorcerer gave him privileges that he seldom used. Uttering a few words of power, he drew glowing symbols in the air with the side of his thumb. A burst of hot air rushed over him and his body disintegrated. Each time he hoped to burn her scent from his skin and hair, no such luck.

  Abusing his flesh by fire did nothing to restore his normal rancor at the female he despised. And as his body reformed and his sense of smell returned, he knew trouble lurked nearby. Within two strides, Kiros faded from view and reappeared inside the casino.

  BloodSeekers, he shouted mentally and unwound the leather bull whip from his body. With a flick of his wrist, the thin cord made a loud crack as it slapped against the floor.

  A BloodSlave ran straight for him. Twirling the whip, the cord arched and whistled through the air before curling around the waist of a zombie-fied man, cutting him in half. This part he hated, but there was nothing he could do for the human now. With tainted blood running riot through his system, death was imminent. Using magic, Kiros disintegrated the remains and moved on, the scent of blood guiding his footsteps as he continued sending a warning to everyone that could hear him.

  Myaten! Get everybody out! Now! Kirara is here!

  You sure?

  I’ve lived with her scenting all these years. It’s her.

  I’m on my way!

  Back off! I can handle this on my own.

  Blanking Myaten, he ran swiftly into another dark room. Edging the wall, he scanned the immediate area around him. Full of slot machines and poker tables, he couldn’t see anything or anyone. The room itself rounded into a private gaming room used for celebrities. He tried the door, locked from the inside. Stepping back to launch himself forward, he heard a loud crash. Turning back, he noted a few chairs scattered, rocking on the floor. Then he saw what caused the noise.

  A young lady dressed as Lara Croft doubled over, hands holding her s
ide, blood pouring from a wound. Kiros ran toward her, eyes wildly searching. “Did she bite you?”

  The woman winced with pain and shook her head. “No. Got me with a weapon, knife, I think.”

  “Here, let me help you.” Kiros tore a strip off the bottom of his cape. “I’m going to tie this around your waist. Should stop the blood flow, you’ll need to see a doctor, tonight.” He pulled tight and she flinched. “Sorry if I hurt you.”

  “No, it’s fine. Thank you, Zorro.” She pressed her arm into her side. “I guess this is what I get for trying to help that woman back there.” Screwing her face up in pain, Kiros wished he’d come along sooner. By the bloodstain on her pale blue top, the cut was pretty deep.

  Kiros straightened to peer over his shoulder. “Do you know where she went?”

  “No,” she took a deep breath and continued, “To be honest, I got the hell out of dodge when I saw her fangs. But I’ll give her one thing, that’s one hell of a costume!”

  “It’s not a costume. She’s a vampire. Are you sure she didn’t bite or scratch you anywhere?” He stepped closer to inspect her chest and arms. “Do you mind if I touch you with my hand?”

  “Um, well to be honest, yeah, I do. Especially now― what’s with the vampire story?”

  He towered above her, hoping his height would intimidate her; he smiled inwardly at her bravado. Most women would’ve run screaming at the sight of Kirara, not offer to help her.

  “It’s not a story.” Opening his mouth, one, two, three sets of fangs extended and retracted before she could blink.

  “You’re a vampire too. Great, double jeopardy, this night gets better and better!”

  “You want to say that with less sarcasm? And no, I’m not a vampire. Now let me get you out of here.” He reached over to take her arm in his and she side stepped him.

  “It’s okay. I can find my own way out.” She tried to stand straight and grunted. “Damn! What did she cut me with?”

  “Sword, possibly a dagger, but I can’t tell if you won’t let me see.” He ignored her ‘yeah, all right’ look and cast a spell. The room lit up like a million candles. “Trust me. I’m not a vampire. I don’t drink blood, well I do, but it’s a long story.”

  Her eyebrows lifted higher making her brow crease up. “Which little lunatic forgot to take their medication tonight?”