Read Handy sandy Page 6

for me, there would be no film!" sandy "why don't you act more, wait you can't!' dinky eyes opened up. he was going to speak then walked off.?



  neki "sandy!" sandy looked away in madness and sadness. she walked away slowly. len "i can't believe this!" days went by. sandy made movie after movie. she made a video of her sleeping and jump roping. she sang. sandy "im sleeping in my bed, I'll turn you red in the head! this is all i do! that's right!" she opened up her phone. sandy "miss ceco, what position is my new movie?" ceco in a robotic voice said, number zero bitch! Sandy's eyes lit up. sandy "what you say!? you are just a robot!?"



  ceco laughed. ceco "and you are just a dumb unoriginal hack that makes boring ass movies!" sandy threw the phone at the wall. sandy " i won't stop!" neki and len entered her room. it had cameras, beer cans and papers everywhere. neki "hey snady are we feeling dandy?!" sandy threw a beer can at her. neki licked it. neki "just remember were here for you okay?" sandy "there for me? are you ever there for me? does it matter anymore?!"



  len "dont let this fame and material consume you, you always have that heart and soul okay?" sandy "sometimes even that is tainted, i can't take this anymore!" neki andlen walked out. dinky was standing there with an angry face. neki "go talk to her!" dinky "no! why should i? she doesn't care about me!" len "true care is more than you see, it's in these times of seemingly empathy that we realize the true love"?



  ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? chapter eight

  dinky walked in with caution. dinky said in a nervous and angry tone. dinky "hey sandy?" sandy remained motionless. either ready to kill him or fall to the floor at any moment. sandy sighed. dinky "we miss the old you, come back" sandy "old self? so you only like the old me? what about loving me always!" dinky eyes lit up. dinky yelled, it's hard to love you when. he stopped. sandys heart rushed with happiness and sadness. sandy said in a low shaky voice. sandy "you love me?"?



  dinky wanted to say it. he didn't know what to say. dinky "i." sandy looked down. sandy "i knew it. no one ever loved me! just like my family, they always left me in the cold. suddenly sandy was a young girl in a backyard. she was running around with a young boy. they giggled. sandy "so do you like me? the boy shrugged. he then hugged her. sandys eyes lit up with awe.?



  ?two shadowy figures appeared from the old white house door. it had classical windows and cut grass on the siies of it. ?in a dark voice,?one of them said, "what are you doing?! why aren't you being what we want you to be?! the other figure spoke in a light tone. voice "we don't love you anymore! go away! they closed the door. sandy began to cry. ?



  the boy held her. Boy "don't worry, you are great the way you are" sandy slowly looked up at him in wonder. tears filling up more than ever. "I'm never enough for anyone in this world! There no better and it's what i decide right?" sandy said as she cried. the boy nodded. sandy dinky looked down with emotion. dinky "i know the feeling, always going through life being judged not enough for biased societal standards of empty and arrogant safety.



  through the years i've learned that it isn't about them, it about you sandy" sandy slowly turned around and stared at him with a serious face. one that could mean death or love. sandy was about to burst. sandy cried out with passion. dinky walked up to her. dinky "i'll be your tear catcher! he caught her tears one by one. sandy began crying more. dinky "come on now!" she giggled and sobbed.?



  dinky hugged her. sandy 'sob, hiccup, i have a question for you. dinky "go for it" sandy "why do we dream? sometimes i have dreams of my family and lovers but its always different" dinky "me too. the answer is in the question, we dream because it is our real true hearts free. let's find out what happened to you okay?" sandy "hey, i can be like im skydiving. whoshh, crock crock!" dinky laughed. dinky "nice crow and wind noises"?



  she smiled with fire. dinky "are you wearing the scent of 3 am bad decisions?" sandy "maybe. are you godzillas other identity?" they both laughed. sandy and dinky "laughter noises" they laughed with sweet joy. the next day arrived. dinky moved over to where sandy was. dinky "morning dream girl" he noticed she wasn't there. dinky "sandy?" he got up and put on pants. he searched everywhere. dinky "sandy! i have big surprise for you!



  mr tonte is ready to get freaky" he saw a note next to the dressers lamp. he picked it up and read it lightly. dinky "so you knew this was coming, i left, i must do this for myself and you, you'll never know how much you meant to me and always will, have a great life my sweet dinky. xoxo" dinky slowly let it down as he stared into the white wall. he slowly shook in rage. he crumbled up the paper and threw it across the room.?



  he screamed as she threw the lamp. dinky "why?! whenever i get close, they always go!" he fell to his knee. dinky sob sob. "i miss you so much, come back sandy!" neki "hey len? len "is this good, bad or deadly?" neki umm, all!" len shook his head. neki "is being Asian or poor a disability?" len laughed in tears. len slowly stopped laughing. len "you aerious?" neki stood at him with fierce cursitoity. len "well yes and no, we say what is an ability and not, everything adn one's way is their ability. Asians are usually disabled from democracy, non-technological jobs and normal. being poor limits you from doing certain things like being a douche bag with lifeless materialistic things. ?



  its tricky because i can't just go, be poor!" neki giggled with youth. neki "got it. I figured that were all disabled enabled weird souls roaming around this place we call home. soon well find another one" len "indeed, this earth is the moon and sun too, awaiting it return" neki "what's your favorite garden?" len "bush gardens" they both laughed as they snorted milk out of their nose.?



  neki " why didn't you tell me you looked at a Asian poster huh? what about me? i wanted to see it too! she began to sob. len "how did you know that? i swear your woman has super powerful paranoid sense! its life. there's no way i can just not look at poster in front of me. want me to stop blinking and breating? neki "yes!" len sighed. neki "i guess it's time to go our own ways.?



  len eyes opened up. len "you kidding right?!" neki threw a paper at him. he picked it up. it said, no!" len "oh now you ae talking to me in words. how mature!" they both looked down. len "yea, sometimes the biggest separation leads to the biggest reunion. well see another again, i know it!" neki began to cry as she jumped into his arms. neki "dont forget my sexity kitty sex arts! me tahh!" len laughed. len "never! dont forget, zzzap young wizard magic poon tang arts!" neki "of course not!" len watched neki walked away. years went by. everyone moved on with their lives.?


  ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?chapter nine

  sandy was driving through a highway. a car passed slammed into the back of her car. sandy shook. sandy "ahh damn!" she got out of the car shaking. a guy came screaming. guy "what's wrong with you! you could've killed me!" ?sandy looked at him. sandy "dinky?" the guy looked at her with a angry face. man "what? his eyes began to open. man "sandy?" wow! he hugged her. dinky "I'm sorry! you okay?" sandy "i guess, im always okay in pain right?" they smiled.?



  dinky "so what are you up to?" sandy "well I'm a professional lifer, breather and sandy. beside that im just discovering life" dinky "ahh interesting, i'm a lawyer at lying ass associates" sandy said in a happy yet lifeless tone. "good for you!" a woman walked out of the car. she had long blonde hair and green eyes. she wore crystal earrings with a white blouse and silver high heels.?



/>   she spoke in a light tone as she walked to dinky. woman " you okay everyone!?" sadny "yes we are" dinky put his hand around the womens shoulder. dinky "this is my mother i mean girlfriend mikki. mikki this is sandy. mikki shook sandy's hand. mikki "nice to meet you" sandy said in a sarcastic voice. "you too' she whispered, "you little whore" mikki "what?" sandy "i just said, blue little floor" mikkis eyes squinted.?



  dinky was smiling but inside he felt something for sandy. he wanted to tell her but he knew he was with mikki. sandy wanted to hug him but it was too late. dinky "okay shall we go out to the restaurant, diabetes and control house?" sandy said in a joyful yet dead tone, sure!" they got in to the damaged cars. they drove with no tires a sparks flew from them. they drove into the restaurant. glass broke as people screamed.?



  sandy "i'll get a liquid of illusive fearful death please!" the waiters and waitress stood in shock and disbelief. A waiter ran to them. waiter "hey it's about the money right?" he had long black hair and brown eyes. he wore a goatee. waiter "follow me" they followed him as they passed abstract art paintings that hung over a blue rug of dragons to a blue table. Waiter " what shall i get you?" sandy "I'll get a fucking chicken of chaos and a glass of dreamy communism" the waiter looked at her oddly. he unconfidently said, "I'll see if we have that"?



  dinky "hmm, I'll get a heart attack burger and a wasteful greedy soda of choiceless choice profit for survival" mikki "i will get a douche salad and some societal corrupted sauce" the waiter fell onto a table. dinky shot up and ran to