Read Harmony Season 1 Page 1


  Season One

  A Serial Thriller

  Written By

  C.O. Amal

  Copyright © 2016 C.O. Amal

  Published By C.O. Amal on August 2016

  4th Edition

  All rights reserved

  ISBN 9781370577835

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this ebook and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favourite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names and characters are fictitious, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  To my father, mother and sister

  Table of Contents

  Episode 1 – Trapped

  Prologue – 1

  Chapter 1 – 2

  Chapter 2 – 3

  Chapter 3 – 4

  Chapter 4 – 5

  Chapter 5 – 6

  Chapter 6 – 7

  Chapter 7 – 8

  Chapter 8 – 9

  Chapter 9 – 10

  Chapter 10 – 11

  Epilogue – 12

  Episode 2 – The Desert

  Prologue – 13

  Chapter 1 – 14

  Chapter 2 – 15

  Chapter 3 – 16

  Chapter 4 – 17

  Chapter 5 – 18

  Chapter 6 – 19

  Chapter 7 – 20

  Chapter 8 – 21

  Chapter 9 – 22

  Chapter 10 – 23

  Epilogue – 24

  Episode 3 –The Mountains

  Prologue – 25

  Chapter 1 – 26

  Chapter 2 – 27

  Chapter 3 – 28

  Chapter 4 – 29

  Chapter 5 – 30

  Chapter 6 – 31

  Chapter 7 – 32

  Chapter 8 – 33

  Chapter 9 – 34

  Chapter 10 – 35

  Epilogue – 36

  Episode 4 – Encounter

  Prologue – 37

  Chapter 1 – 38

  Chapter 2 – 39

  Chapter 3 – 40

  Chapter 4 – 41

  Chapter 5 – 42

  Chapter 6 – 43

  Chapter 7 – 44

  Chapter 8 – 45

  Chapter 9 – 46

  Chapter 10 – 47

  Epilogue – 48

  Episode 5 – Getting Slaughtered

  Prologue – 49

  Chapter 1 – 50

  Chapter 2 – 51

  Chapter 3 – 52

  Chapter 4 – 53

  Chapter 5 – 54

  Chapter 6 – 55

  Chapter 7 – 56

  Chapter 8 – 57

  Chapter 9 – 58

  Chapter 10 – 59

  Epilogue – 60

  Author’s Note

  About the Author

  Also by this Author

  Episode 1 – Trapped


  2026 June 20, Atlantic Ocean

  The small fishing boat swayed in the water. A wind howled from a distance. On the deck two young man are trying very hard to haul the fishing net from the water. The head light of the boat is doing a great job keeping the night at bay.

  “One, two, pull. Again, pull.” A clean shaved man yelled.

  The rope is leaving a red mark on their hands. No matter how hard they tried the net is not coming out of the water.

  “Do you think the net is full of fishes?” The bearded man asked.

  “Of course. The net will be teaming with fishes.” The clean shaved man said. “If the motor worked we wouldn’t have to haul the net by our hands.”

  “Yeah, it totally sucks.” The bearded man said.

  “Boys, did you finished hauling the net?” An old man came out of the cabin and asked.

  “Thomas, we think the net is full of fishes, but we need your help.” Clean shaved man said.

  “Okay.” Thomas went near a corner and held one end of a rope. “Okay, boys, pull.”

  They pulled the net with all their might. The net hardly moved.

  “We should change the motor soon, Thomas.” Clean shaved man said.

  “We will, in the next week, of course, if we get enough money. Now haul the net.” Thomas said.

  The three of them hauled the net. Finally about half an hour later the net came out of the water and safely landed on the boat.

  “Yeah. Yeah. This is what I am talking about, baby.” Clean shaved man and bearded man yelled excitedly.

  Thomas smiled and went near the net and he spread out the corners. To his surprise the net carried lots and lots of fishes.

  “What did I told you about fishing in this area?” Clean shaved man asked.

  “Credit of course belongs to you, but this area is still off limits. We should be grateful that nothing bad had happened.” Thomas said.

  “I don’t see why they made this place off limits.” Clean shaved man said.

  “Everything is for a reason, Kevin.” Thomas said to the clean shaved man. “Okay, Kevin, you and Tim put all the fishes in the freezer while I turn the boat around.”

  “Okay.” Kevin said.

  “Guys, did you saw that.” Tim said pointing at the ocean water beyond in the misty region.

  “Saw what?” Kevin asked.

  “I think I saw some orange light out there.” Tim said.

  “What orange light? I am not seeing anything.” Thomas said. “Do what I told you to do.” Thomas left the scene to the cabin.

  Kevin looked at the ocean water for a moment then he went near the net and started to put the fishes in a small container for later throwing inside the freezer. Then he too saw an orange light in the corner of his eye.

  Kevin stood up and stared at the ocean. Then he saw it. A ball of fire is rolling out through the water towards the boat. Tim already have frozen. The fireball is coming at high velocity. Kevin quickly grabbed Tim’s hand and he hauled Tim to the cabin. Kevin shut the cabin door behind him just in time when the fireball collided with the boat.


  The boat swayed violently and a vibration passed through the boat’s walls. Boat then creaked.

  “What the hell was that?” Thomas yelled.

  Kevin and Tim froze, sitting on the floor. Words aren’t forming inside their mouth.

  Finally Kevin opened his mouth. “Big fireball, Mr Thomas! Fireball!”

  Thomas seemed to have not believed in what Kevin had said. He went near the door and opened the door a little and peeked outside. He saw nothing, but he did saw that the corner of his boat’s back is bended a little and some cracks had formed on the steel body.

  Thomas returned to the wheel and started the engines. He slowly put the boat in forward motion. Then he saw through the wind shield that a fireball is coming straight at the boat. Thomas tried to turn the boat, but before that, the fireball collided with the boat and Thomas got thrown away from his feet. Thomas somehow stood up and stared at the wind shield. There are cracks formed in the wind shield. Then he saw it.

  There are about four fireballs coming towards the boat from different directions.

  “Run for your lives, lads.” Thomas said and ran out of the cabin.

  Thomas then jumped into the
water. Kevin and Tim froze for a moment then they too ran out of the cabin and jumped into the water. The fireballs collided with the boat and the boat became engulfed in fire. Within minutes the boat sank in to the abyss.

  “What are we going to do now?” Kevin asked Thomas.

  Thomas opened his mouth to say something but before any words could escape his mouth a big fireball rolled out through the water and it went straight through Thomas’ and Tim’s head. They instantly disappeared in to the abyss.

  “No ...” Kevin screamed.

  Tears welled up in his eyes. A moment later rain starts to fall from the sky. Kevin tried his best to stay on top of the water. Then Kevin got hold of a wooden piece. Kevin held on to it tightly.

  A moment later the surrounding ocean water got lit by a blue light. Kevin looked at the origin of the blue light. It looks like it is coming from ocean depths. Suddenly Kevin began to flow towards the blue light. Something is attracting him towards the light. When he reached in the center of the light he just vanished in to thin air. Rain continuously fell from the sky and no sign of Kevin. A moment later the blue light died out leaving the ocean to the night.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 1 – Allen

  2026 June 29, Atlantic Ocean, Ship Harmony

  Ship Harmony slowly glided through the open ocean. In the night she moved like a firefly. There isn’t a place in Harmony which isn’t glowing.

  Allen sat in the bar bored. He know no one to talk to. Bar is full of people. People are dancing in the center and some of the people are chatting with others. Everyone is enjoying their time in the ship, but not Allen.

  “Give me a strong one.” Allen said to the blonde bartender.

  Bartender poured a drink into a glass smiling at Allen. Allen smiled back. She slide the glass of drink towards Allen.

  “Is this your first time in a ship?” Bartender asked.

  “Yes. How did you know?” Allen asked.

  “You see, I have this ability to read people’s mind.” Bartender looked at Allen seriously.

  “Are you kidding me?” Allen asked shocked.

  “Of course, I am joking.” Bartender broke in to a laugh. “You should have seen your face. Any way, you look like bored, aren’t you?”

  “You could really read my mind.” Allen said.

  Bartender laughed. “What’s your name?”

  Allen swallowed his drink in a single gulp. “I will tell you after you pour me one more.”

  “Okay, okay.” Bartender pour drink to Allen’s glass. “So your name?”

  “It’s Allen.” Allen said.

  “Is it first or last?” Bartender asked.

  “First, of course.” Allen said.

  “Well, Allen, I am Mena and you’re always welcome to my bar as long as you don’t drink too much.” Bartender said.

  “Mena is a nice name. Can I ask you for a dinner with me?” Allen asked.

  “Well I have to say no because I have to work all night in here. You know, it’s my only job.” Mena said.

  “Oh, I get it.” Allen said.

  Another customer came to the bar and Mena went to serve him. Allen shifted his gaze from Mena to the strippers who are doing all sort of gymnastic moves through the metal rod. People are dancing around the strippers. Some are saying comments to the strippers.

  A moment later Mena came near Allen.

  “Did you like the stripper dance?” Mena asked.

  Allen shifted his gaze to Mena. “Well, they don’t know a lot of moves.”

  “Now are you an expert in stripper club?” Mena asked.

  “Well you could say that. I am a computer programmer and all day what I see is codes doing a stripper dance around me.” Allen said.

  “I think I get it. You must be a nerd.” Mena said.

  “Well I kind of excel in my job.” Allen said.

  “You must be making a whole lot of cash.” Mena said.

  “You can guess the value of a good programmer.” Allen said.

  Mena smiled. Allen finished his drink and placed the money on the counter.

  “Thank you for the drink.” Allen said.

  “Are you leaving already? You just got here.” Mena asked.

  “Well, it’s a little loud in here. I am going to the upper level. I have heard that the view is fantastic.” Allen said.

  “Okay, stay safe and enjoy your time in the ship.” Mena said.

  Allen waved his hands and he slowly walked towards the exit door. Allen exited the bar and entered in to a corridor. Quickly the sound of music disappeared behind the door. Allen slowly moved forward. There are lot of people coming in the opposite way, to the bar. Allen smiled at them and moved on.

  Finally Allen reached the upper deck and he stood in a corner staring at the night sky. Sky is filled with stars. There aren’t lot of people in the upper deck and those who in are standing near the edges staring at the water below.

  Ship is moving steadily and the sight of the ship cutting through the water is marvellous. Allen thought about Mena. She is very pretty for her age and she actually deserve a better job than just a bartender. Allen can’t think of a girl he had seen before who is prettier than Mena.

  Allen stared at the everlasting sky and got lost in its beauty.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 2 – Johanna

  2026 June 29, Atlantic Ocean, Ship Harmony

  Johanna stood on the top level of the ship enjoying the night wind. She stared at the sky looking for a constellation. Shooting stars glided through the sky in a distance.

  Johanna straightened her long black hair and stared at the stars. There isn’t much people where Johanna is standing. Those who near Johanna are talking and enjoying their time in the ship.

  Johanna took her phone in her hands and pressed the power button. There are no new notifications on the status bar. Johanna cursed herself.

  “Not even a Facebook notification.” Johanna said herself.

  Johanna put back her phone in her coat’s pocket and continued looking at the stars. Stars have an amazing effect on Johanna in the cold night. When watching stars she felt not so lonely, since there are lot of stars looking at her.

  “Isn’t the sky amazing?” A woman with long black hair came near Johanna.

  Johanna turned towards the voice and looked at the woman.

  “Sofia? Indeed the sky is marvellous.” Johanna said surprised.

  Johanna tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “So what brings you in this ship? You’re not a fan of ships. Why didn’t you took a flight?”

  “Well, I took the ship for a change. Besides it’s been too long since I travelled by sea.” Sofia said. “I am kind of alone. Can I join you?”

  “What kind of question is that? Of course you can join. I am also sort of alone.” Johanna said. “So how did you became aware that I am aboard this ship?”

  “Well, I saw you when I am climbing aboard the ship. And my room is near yours.” Sofia said.

  “So, why now?” Johanna asked.

  “You know, my job requires a lot of brain work and I had a shit load of things to complete. So I was very busy in front of my laptop, but now I completed everything.” Sofia said.

  “I see. So how is kids? Is it two or three?” Johanna asked.

  “Actually two. And they are doing just fine.” Sofia said.

  “How old are they?” Johanna asked.

  “Andy is five and Lucy is ten.” Sofia said.

  “Nice names.” Johanna said smiling.

  “Thanks. My husband named them.” Sofia said smiling.

  “Are they going in the same school that we studied?” Johanna asked.

  “Yes.” Sofia said.

  “I guess they are with your husband.” Johanna said.

  “Yes and no. Andy is with my grandma.” Sofia said.

  “Oh, I see.” Johanna said.

  “So, do you have any kids?” Sofia asked.

  “Nope. I am not married.” Johanna said.

“No shit way! But you were with that Jake guy. We all thought you guys would be together.” Sofia said.

  “Well he turned out to be a jerk. So I dumped him. Now I am sort of in another relationship.” Johanna said.

  “What’s his name?” Sofia asked.

  “Billy.” Johanna said.

  “Nice name. So do you like him?” Sofia asked.

  “Yes, of course I like him. I actually can’t think of a day away from him. I am waiting for his move.” Johanna said.

  “So, is he in this ship?” Sofia asked.

  “No. He will come after two days.” Johanna said.

  “No wonder why you’re standing here alone.” Sofia said.

  In the sky clouds gathered for a storm. With each passing second wind got colder and colder. Johanna and Sofia wrapped their hands across their chest to get more heat.

  “It’s very cold.” Johanna said biting the air.

  “Come on inside. Your drinks are on me.” Sofia said.

  “Then lead the way, mam.” Johanna said smiling.

  Sofia smiled and she led Johanna inside the ship’s roof. Quickly the air got a little warmer. They slowly paced towards the bar.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 3 – Aaron

  2026 June 29, Atlantic Ocean, Ship Harmony

  Aaron sprinkled dusted salt into the soup he is making and mixed it well using a table spoon. He then took a spoon full of soup and put it in his mouth.

  “Yummy.” Aaron said himself.

  “Aaron, is it ready? I have so many people waiting for that soup. You need to hurry up.” A blonde waitress yelled from behind the counter.

  “It’s coming right up.” Aaron poured the soup inside a bowl and he placed the bowl on the counter.

  Blonde waitress took the bowl of soup in her hands. “I need six more of those Aaron.” Then she left to serve.

  “Coming right up.” Aaron said himself and he took six bowls from a nearby table and he poured soup in all of them and he placed them on the counter.

  “Jenny, will you look at my place. I am feeling cold and I need to smoke.” Aaron said to a young cook who is very busy cooking meat.

  “You’re feeling cold in the kitchen?” Jenny asked while her one hand stirred a red sauce and other hand shifted the face of the meat.

  “Yeah. Will you look out for me?” Aaron asked.

  “Well, five minutes at tops. Is that enough for you to smoke?” Jenny asked irritated.

  “You have got a deal. You’re a life saver, girl. I will cook dinner for you.” Aaron said.

  “Whatever. Just be quick.” Jenny reminded Aaron.

  Aaron quickly went outside and paced towards the upper level through the stairs on the back of the kitchen while lighting his tobacco roll. Aaron sucked in the smoke with a deep breath and released it through his nose. He finally reached the upper level and he watched the open ocean. He has been a cook for almost ten years now. He love his job and the money is good besides he gets to travel around the world. He has been in Harmony for five years now. Harmony is a middle level cruise ship and she is well known for her speed.