Read Harmony Season 1 Page 2

  A cold wind howled past Aaron. There aren’t much people in this upper level mainly because of the cold wind. Aaron shivered and he rubbed his hands together watching the sky. It looks like sky has turned for a rain because rain clouds have gathered there and there. Even though sky is filled with rain clouds Aaron could see the moon faintly glowing behind a cloud.

  He have seen many beautiful scenery such as this before. This is the main reason he loves travelling by the ship.

  Aaron inhaled the smoke from the tobacco and released it through his nose and mouth. He love smoking in this cold weather although he has been diagnosed with cancer due to over smoking.

  It was last year that he was diagnosed with cancer. Last year he went to hospital with a chest pain, then it was found out that cancerous cells were growing in his lungs at an alarming rate. Doctors advised him not to smoke. After cutting out the cancerous cells he stayed in hospital for one month. Then as usual he began smoking.

  The chest pain again came but he is now switched to herbal medicines. With the invention of new herbal medicines doctors are promising that mild cancers will be cured within two or three years. Herbal medicines are very costly but Aaron have put all his faith in it.

  Aaron took out the roach from his mouth and he threw it in the water and then he glanced at his watch.

  “Oh, shit. Ten minutes passed.” Aaron said himself with worry.

  Aaron sprinted through the corridor towards the kitchen. Fortunate for him nothing bad happened.

  “Where were you, you dump ass? How can you expect me to serve your dish, your dish, to the clients along with serving my dish?” Jenny asked angrily.

  “It’s only five minutes, dear. I promise it will not happen again.” Aaron smiled at Jenny.

  Jenny quickly cooled down blushed. Aaron’s smile have a special effect on women. Whenever he smiles women blush around him. All the women want to eat him wholly, but Aaron is not into any girls except Jenny.

  Aaron ignited his stove and started to stir the soup. He dropped spices and special mystery ingredients to the soup and stirred fast.

  “Amber, how many more do I have to serve?” Aaron asked to the blonde waitress.

  “Now ten more.” Amber said while taking the dishes from the counter to serve.

  “What the?” Aaron muttered.

  It’s actually very hard being a cook but once you mastered the job there is nothing easy like this.

  Aaron took bowls from the shelf and poured soup in to them and he placed them on the counter.

  “Jenny ...” Aaron started.

  “Don’t ask me to look at your place again.” Jenny said enraged.

  “... Can you give me some spices? I am out of spices.” Aaron said.

  Jenny quickly threw a bottle of spice in Aaron’s direction. Aaron quickly caught the bottle somehow.

  “Careful, dear.” Aaron said.

  “You be careful.” Jenny said.

  “Whatever.” Aaron continued stirring his soup.

  In the kitchen light began to flicker.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 4 – Allen

  2026 June 29, Atlantic Ocean, Ship Harmony

  Allen stood on the upper level of the ship near the front looking at the splashing of water when the ship steadily moves. Even though it is middle of the night, light from the ship illuminated the ship’s surroundings.

  In the sky clouds gathered there and there for a storm. Cold wind howled from there and there. Allen could see the faintly glowing moon and some stars in the sky in between the clouds.


  A thunder bolt raced through the sky.

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  Thunder bolts start to hit ocean water there and there followed by the ear breaking thunder. Allen quickly ran under a small sheeted roof which is balanced on four metal rods. This kind of sheeted roof is present in four places on the top level. Allen watched the sky and to his surprise he saw thunder bolts crawling through the sky like a snake.

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  Thunder bolts continued to hit the water and water vapour rose from the spots where thunder bolts had hit.

  A moment later rain drops starts to fall from the skies. First it was just a few drops, showering. As time passes on, the rain got stronger and stronger. Most people on the upper level are under the small sheeted roof. It isn’t common cruise ships carrying this kind of small roofed structure, without walls, on the top deck. Harmony is in fact a special ship in every way.

  “Hey, man, is it usual this kind of thunder in this time of the year?” A young man with a blonde woman in his side asked.

  “I guess so. It is the rainy season. So you can expect a big storm.” Allen said.

  “This is our first time in a ship. We came aboard as soon as we finished our marriage ceremony.” The young man said.

  “Congratulations. And by the way this my first time in a ship too.” Allen said.

  “How was your time in the ship?” The blonde asked.

  “Not bad until of course this thunder and thunder bolts. I was terrified when I saw the thunder bolts hitting the water. Is it normal that thunder bolts hitting the water? I have seen thunder bolts crawling through the sky, but never like this.” Allen asked.

  “Oh, I have seen this numerous times. My house is near a lake and I have seen violent thunder bolts hitting the water and ground. It was said that if you got hit by the lightning really badly you could instantly turn into dust. The power of lightning is that immense” The young man said.

  “That’s an interesting fact. I will try to stay away from lightning then.” Allen smiled.

  The couple also smiled.

  “It was nice talking to you. We are going to the bar. You could join us if you want, your drinks are on me.” The young man said.

  “No, thanks for the offer. I was just there the past hour. It’s really loud in there, so I decides to come here for a change.” Allen said smiling.

  “Okay. See you.” The couple left the scene smiling.

  In fact the couple ran through the rain in their race to the bar.

  Allen became lonely again. He watched the thunder bolts crawling through the clouds in the brilliant pink and blue colour.

  Allen shivered and he wrapped his hands across his chest. A wind blew past Allen showering rain water in his face. Allen wiped away the water drops from his face using his hand.

  Allen watched the rain drops making a bang sound on the metallic sheeted roof. On the ocean there and there waves formed and they violently hit the ship but the big ship stood unaffected by the raging ocean.

  Allen stood in his position watching the rain for some time.

  Looks like the rain is not going to end any time soon. Allen yawned. Now he really needs a sleep. Allen looked around him for an exit door and he found it in a corner. Allen quickly sprinted towards the door. By the time he reached near the exit door he became fully drenched in rain water.

  Allen opened the exit door and entered in to a narrow corridor. He slowly walked through the corridor towards the bottom deck, to his room. A moment later light began to flicker.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 5 – Johanna

  2026 June 29, Atlantic Ocean, Ship Harmony

  “So, you literally dumped him?” Sofia asked after swallowing a mouth full of liquor.

  “Yeah. What else should I do when I saw him naked in bed, with another woman?” Johanna asked.

  “Well the Jake I know won’t do that.” Sofia said.

  “People would do all sort of shitty things when no one is looking at them.” Johanna said.

  “You have got a point there.” Sofia said.

  “Of course there is. So, how is your job?” Johanna asked.

  “Well, it is going smooth as far as I am concerned. The thing is, in this job, you have to work your brain very hard.” Sofia said.

  Johanna sipped in her drink and emptied the glass.

  “One more please.” Johanna said to the bartender.

  Bartender, a blonde woman, poured liquor to Johanna’s glass. Johanna took the glass of drink and slowly drank.

  “So, do you wish to marry any time soon? I mean do you even like the idea of marrying and having children?” Sofia asked.

  “I love children, but as I said before Billy is not into a relationship as far as I know. I hope he would make up his mind soon.” Johanna said.

  “Did you ask him about this?” Sofia asked.

  “Nope.” Johanna said.

  “Why? You said you can’t part with him even for a day. Then why don’t you propose him?” Sofia asked.

  “I am not going to propose him. They are the one who should make the first move.” Johanna said.

  “Well there is no strict rule for that. May be he is afraid to say it. I think you should make the first move.” Sofia said.

  “You think so?” Johanna asked.

  “Yeah. I mean you guys are very close. So, why not?” Sofia asked.

  “Okay, I will think about it.” Johanna said.

  “Do think.” Sofia said. “So, do you often travel by sea?” Sofia asked.

  “Yes. I love travelling by sea. Mainly because of the pleasant view. And you don’t have to fear about falling down or crashing.” Johanna said.

  “Ships sink, you know.” Sofia said.

  “Only if the ship is too old, I guess.” Johanna said.

  “Didn’t you saw the film Titanic? Ship need only an iceberg to sink.” Sofia said smiling.

  “Now you’re a fan of movie?” Johanna asked.

  “Well, I saw a couple of movies when I am bored, even though I am not a fan of movies.” Sofia said.

  “Well, good for you.” Johanna said.

  Sofia laughed. “You know what, I miss these kind of moments lot.”

  “What kind of?” Johanna asked.

  “This kind of. Our little talk and a little laugh. I really don’t remember when I had laughed like this before. Now my mind is really happy.” Sofia said.

  “Are you saying that you don’t have any friends where you’re working?” Johanna asked.

  “I do have one or two but they always will be working. We don’t get spare time to talk like we are doing now.” Sofia said.

  “That really sucks.” Johanna said.

  “Yeah.” Sofia said.

  “Oh, I forgot. Can you give me your phone number?” Johanna asked.

  “Yes of course.” Sofia said.

  Johanna took her phone from her coat’s pocket and she pressed the power button. The phone quickly came alive.

  “It’s six, seven, eight, nine, one, four, five, nine, four, and four.” Sofia said.

  Johanna quickly typed in the numbers and she saved it as one of her contacts.

  “I will call you in the night when you’re free.” Johanna said.

  “Okay. Do call me. I am already feeing lonely in my home.” Sofia said.

  “But, what about your husband and kids? They must be relieving you from pain.” Johanna said.

  “Of course they does, but you know how friendship is. I want to talk to others like you. That’s how I want to be happy.” Sofia said.

  Johanna smiled and then yawned.

  “It’s very loud in here and also I am feeling sleepy. I am going to bed. Are you coming with me?” Johanna emptied her glass and stood up.

  “No. You go ahead. I am staying here a little longer.” Sofia said.

  “Okay. Thanks for the drink and the talk.” Johanna smiled and slowly paced towards the door.

  “Stay safe.” Sofia said smiling.

  Johanna smiled and waved her hands then she left the bar.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 6 – Allen

  2026 June 29, Atlantic Ocean, Ship Harmony

  At the time Allen reached the third level, light again began to flicker.

  “What the hell!” Allen said himself.

  Allen moved through the corridor in the flickering light. Allen haven’t covered much distance when all of a sudden the light went out. Allen staggered in the darkness. He finally got a grip on the wall. He took his phone from his coat pocket and pressed the power button but nothing happened.

  “What the fuck. Battery is dead already?” Allen said himself.

  Allen traced his hand along the wall and moved forward. Suddenly he tripped over something. He fell face hitting the floor.

  “Fuck! What the hell was that?” Allen muttered.

  Allen somehow regained his footing and stood up. A pain shot up through his head. Allen quickly massaged his head where he hit the floor but the pain still coursed through his forehead and face. Moving in the darkness is very dangerous.

  “How on Earth did the ship lost power. I am gonna kill that captain if he don’t have a generator.” Allen muttered.

  Allen stood there for a long time waiting for the light to come back.

  “How long should I have to wait?” Allen mumbled

  A moment later Allen started to move forward with his hand tracing the wall.

  Then he saw a light coming from the far corner. Allen waited there for a moment. After about a minute a ship staff came with candle light.

  “Sir, are you okay?” Male staff asked when he saw Allen trying to move along the wall.

  “Yes. I am fine. What the fuck happened to the lights?” Allen asked.

  “We think, the lightning storm fried our batteries.” The staff said.

  “But, you have some backup generator or something like that, right?” Allen asked.

  “I don’t know about the details of the ship much. Technicians are currently working on the power lines. You don’t have to worry. It will all come back to normal in a few minutes. Do you need a candle?” The staff asked.

  “Yes, of course I need one.” Allen said.

  The staff gave Allen a candle and Allen lighted the candle using the staff’s candle.

  “Thanks.” Allen said.

  “With pleasure sir. Just doing my job. Anyway sorry for your inconvenience.” The staff said and he walked away in the direction Allen have just came.

  Allen slowly moved forward in the candle light. The corridor he is walking is very empty. Allen looked at his watch but sadly the watch needles aren’t moving and it had stopped at 11:30.

  “What the hell happened to you?” Allen said himself, knocking on the watch using his finger nail.

  Allen moved on to the second level through the stairs and at the far corner of this level Allen could see few people discussing about the power outage.

  “Hey man, where did you get a candle?” One of the men asked Allen.

  “One of the staff gave me.” Allen said.

  “Do you have any idea what happened to the electricity?” One of the men asked.

  “I don’t have a clue. The staff said lightning fried all the batteries.” Allen said.

  “Oh shit.” Allen heard someone say.

  “Is the storm that bad?” One of the men asked.

  “I saw the storm from the upper level. It’s pretty bad. Thunder bolts are hitting the water frequently.” Allen said.

  “Man, how about we go and watch it ourselves?” One of the men asked his companions.

  The group of men nodded.

  “Okay. Lightning is very bad. Don’t tell anybody I didn’t warn you.” Allen said.

  The group of men laughed. They looked pissed off.

  Allen smiled and slowly walked past the group of people and finally he reached his room on the bottom floor. Allen turned the knob and entered inside the room.

  He fixed the candle on the table and he immediately took off his wet dress. He then wiped away all the water in his body using a towel and then he wore a new set of clothes and went straight for the bed.

  “Ship usually won’t lose power like this. What the hell is happening?” Allen said himself. “May be ship doesn’t have any backup generators, it’s been too long since the light went off. Or did all the electric wirings had fried in the lightning?”

  Allen blew o
ut the candle light and closed his eyes. Sleep quickly took over him.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 7 – Johanna

  2026 June 29, Atlantic Ocean, Ship Harmony

  The power went out at the time Johanna reached her room. She stumbled in the darkness and somehow she mustered balance and stood up leaning along a wall. It looks like the entire ship had lost electricity.

  Johanna could hear people’s scream for light. A moment later she heard someone opening a door near Johanna’s room.

  “Hello, is there anyone there?” Johanna called out.

  “Yes. I am here.” A female voice echoed.

  “Do you know what the hell happened to the light?” Johanna asked.

  “If I knew I wouldn’t be outside.” The female voice said. “And also my phone is dead. I was chatting with my friend on Facebook. I swear it had full charge, but it just went dead as soon as the light went out.”

  That’s when Johanna thought about her phone. She took the phone from her coat’s pocket and pressed the power button but the screen remained blank.

  “I think my phone is also dead.” Johanna said.

  “What the hell!” Johanna heard the woman say.

  “Hey do you guys know what the fuck just happened to the electricity?” A male voice echoed.

  Johanna shifted her head towards the origin of the male voice but saw no one due to the darkness.

  “We don’t know.” Johanna said. “Is your phone working?”

  “My phone just died. So is my watch and laptop.” The man said.

  “What the fuck? Did all the electronic equipment just died?” Johanna asked.

  “Looks that way.” The man said.

  Suddenly a yellow light came from a corner. The light pushed back the darkness a bit. Johanna looked at the light with hope. A moment later a man came into view. He is wearing a black coat just like the ship’s staffs do. He must be a staff. In his hand is a lighted candle.

  “Hello, do you guys need a candle?” The staff asked.

  “Yes, we need.” Johanna and her neighbours said in unison.

  The staff came near Johanna. The candle light illuminated the whole corridor. Now Johanna could see the woman and the man clearly. The staff gave candles to Johanna and her neighbours. Johanna and the other two lighted their candles using the staff’s candle.