Read Harmony Season 1 Page 11

  “Guys, do just as I told you.” Allen whispered.

  Everyone nodded at Allen.

  “Okay, here goes nothing.” Allen mumbled.

  “Hello guard, guard.” Allen called the guard sitting right outside the tower.

  No response came from the guard.

  “I need to piss.” Allen shouted. “Do you want me to piss in here? I am sure your superiors won’t like it.”

  The human things usually force them to piss in the morning. Allen just tested his fortune.

  “I am coming you, human prick.” The guard finally came near the cage. “Who wants to pee?”

  “That would be me.” Allen said.

  Guard quickly put the key in the keyhole and he opened the door. “Slowly step outside.”

  So his fortunes are bright after all.

  Allen slowly stepped outside the cage and stood behind the guard. When guard got busy in closing the door, Allen quickly caught the guard off guard and in a fluent movement he twisted the guard’s head. He made sure he put enough force to twist the neck because one wrong move will end everything.

  Without a sound the guard’s mutilated body fell on the floor. Allen quickly opened the cage’s door for others to get out. Everyone followed Allen. Allen quickly led them outside the room and they all stepped into a hallway. The hallway is empty and they saw the exit door in front of them.

  Allen went near the exit door and peeked outside. Outside on the yard there are two small platforms built by brick. And in the centre of each platform there is a glassy circular shaped thing erected from the brick floor. And what peculiar about these glassy things is that, in one platform human things are walking into the glassy thing and they are disappearing into thin air. There is a picture of Earth glowing in blue colour on a small wooden board near that platform.

  And there is lot of blue light escaping the glassy thing. Other glassy thing is also similar and there is also light coming out of it but there is no one near that glass thing. So Allen surmised that the glassy thing in which human things are entering must be a portal to Earth.

  They had found what they were looking for, but how can they enter into that portal. The human things are crowded near the portal.

  “Guys, I think I found a portal to Earth, but chances for getting inside one is slim.” Allen whispered to his friends.

  “Can we at least get out of here? I don’t want to die.” Lena said.

  Allen nodded and he looked at the forest on the side of the tower. Human things are not there and the only human things present in this tower are seemed to be near the portal. Suddenly footsteps came from the upper level of the tower. Survivors began to panic.

  “Everyone, quickly follow me.” Allen whispered.

  Allen quickly sprinted out of the tower and he ran towards the forest. Lena and other survivors followed Allen. Within minutes they reached inside the forest.

  Suddenly shouts came from the lower level of the tower. Human things must have discovered that the survivors are escaping.

  “Run.” Allen managed to say.

  * * * * *


  2026 July 29, Unknown Grassland

  The fifteen human survivors led by Allen ran through the forest in the dark. Forms of trees are faintly visible in the dim light. A moment later they exited the forest and entered in to the grasslands.

  Grassland is faintly visible. Shouts of human things can be heard in the background but the shouts are slowly ceasing.

  Allen and team didn’t stopped anywhere. They just ran and ran. Suddenly screeches came from their back and scream of some poor soul can also be heard but survivors didn’t tried to look back or slow down for a moment. Their lives are hanging on a small thread now.

  A moment later the screeches ceased. But survivors didn’t stopped running.

  In the faint light they can make out the silhouette of a forest in the distance. Allen can’t say how many are following him but he is sure that he lost at least one life.

  Allen and team ran under the starry sky towards the forest at full speed.

  To be continued…

  Episode 5 - Getting Slaughtered


  2026 July 29, Tunoria

  Jimmy, Audrey and Charley spent the night in the cave with Lucy. Lucy stayed awake all night, guarding the cave.

  A few hours later the sun rose in the horizon, illuminating the whole forest. Lucy quickly led Jimmy and team out of the cave and into the deeper forest. At the time they exited the forest, sun was in its highest position. And in front of them lay a grassland.

  The four of them ate apples to extinguish their hunger and after that they continued their journey.

  “Miss Lucy, where are you taking us?” Audrey asked.

  Jimmy and Charley was waiting for that answer.

  “To a safe place.” Lucy said.

  “Are there more of these alien things out there?” Jimmy asked.

  Lucy thought for a moment. “In fact most of these places are filled with them.”

  “Are there more like you out there?” Charley asked.

  “More like, me?” Lucy asked.

  “Yeah, humans?” Charley asked.

  “In my home there are five hundred of us. As far as I know, we are the last humans alive in this place.” Lucy said.

  “Can you take us back to our home?” Jimmy asked.

  “I don’t know. We don’t have a portal that takes you back to Earth.” Lucy said with sadness. “But I heard that those alien things have a portal.”

  “That means we are stuck here.” Audrey said.

  “Well, I don’t want to scare you, but the truth is, those vampire things might be going to Earth in large number. So, it doesn't matter whether you return back to Earth or you stayed here.” Lucy said.

  “Can’t we kill them all?” Audrey asked.

  “Killing them won’t be easy. They are usually fast.” Lucy said.

  “We have walked longer than we thought. Where exactly is your home.” Jimmy asked.

  “Oh, you will see it soon.” Lucy said.

  Lucy led them through the grassland and a moment later they reached a rocky place. Lucy led Jimmy and team through the rocks and they finally reached a big cave. They slowly walked inside the cave and Lucy stopped in front of a metal door.

  The colour of the metal door is same as that of the cave. And the door is in between some rocks. So those aliens won’t easily find it.

  “Those Aliens don’t come to places like these because of the hotness. So, you will be safe here.” Lucy knocked on the metal door in a special tune.

  Suddenly the door opened from inside and a man stood in the doorway pointing a crossbow at Lucy.

  Then he lowered the crossbow. “Lucy? Who are they?”

  “They are from Earth, like Kevin.” Lucy led Jimmy, Audrey and Charley inside the cavern. After peeking outside, the man closed the door and he dead bolted it.

  They then slowly walked through the tunnel.

  “Where are we?” Jimmy asked Lucy.

  “You’re inside the city of Tunoria.” Lucy said.

  They slowly walked deeper into the tunnel.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 1 – Allen

  2026 July 30, Unknown Grassland

  Allen and team ran all night. They spent a little time in the forest for the sun the rise again in the horizon. In the morning they walked back in to the grass land a little to look at their present situation.

  What they saw before them was fearful. There is a whole battalion of vampires on the grassland walking towards the forest in which Allen and team spent the night. They are searching all around the grassland.

  “What should we do?” Lena asked.

  “We have to run through the forest.” Allen said. “And we have to outrun them.”

  Everyone nodded.

  “But, we are really hungry.” Lena said.

  Everyone again nodded.

  “There must be something inside the forest tha
t we can eat, perhaps some fruits.” Allen said.

  Lena nodded.

  Before long they reached a dead village. They found ten houses in the village, but all were a wreck. They slowly moved through the village and found no sign of human life.

  “Those vampires must be the reason this village is in destruction.” Allen said.

  A moment later the village ended and forest started.

  Then they started running into the forest and they ran at full speed. There are birds chirping on the trees and monkeys running through the branches. Whole forest is happy but the humans aren’t. Then they saw an apple tree. A moment later they saw a whole bunch of apple trees. Lena and a few other survivors jumped with excitement.

  After the survivors filled their stomach with apples they collected a few more apples in their pockets. Allen wished for his back pack. The vampires took all he and the survivors had.

  Allen and team lost two survivors last night. There is only thirteen of them now. Thirteen against an army of vampires! Can they win against those monsters?

  “Now where do we find a portal to Earth?” Allen asked.

  “Don’t worry. I am sure we will come up with a plan.” Lena said.

  “Those things must be going to Earth. There may be thousands of them on Earth too and our government have no idea about them.” Allen said.

  “I am sure our government will soon find out.” Lena said.

  “How? They are stronger and faster and may be good at cleaning all their trails.” Allen said.

  “Ahh ...” Suddenly a scream came from their back.

  Allen and survivors looked back. One of the survivors is wrestling with a black panther.

  “Help me ...” The survivor cried.

  The Black Panther is doing all it can to bit the victim but the victim kept the panther’s mouth at bay using his hand.

  Allen quickly took a piece of fallen dry wood and rushed at the panther. Then he swung the wood at the panther’s head. A direct hit! Panther stumbled to a side and its grip on the victim loosened. Allen swung again and again until the panther stopped moving. Blood and brain matter splashed all over Allen’s shirt.

  After he made sure the panther will not rise again he helped the panther victim to his feet.

  “Are you okay?” Allen asked.

  “Yeah, thanks.” The man said.

  “Okay, everyone, keep moving forward and be alerted.” Allen said.

  Suddenly footsteps came from the forest entrance.

  “Run.” Allen shouted.

  Everyone bolted into a run. They ran through the forest bushes, through the narrow path.

  “Everyone, break away from the path.” Allen shouted.

  Survivors did what Allen had told them to do. They broke away from the muddy path into the jungle flora. Then they moved forward. They ran until they ran out of the oxygen in their lungs. A moment later everyone stopped at once and took deep breathes. Suddenly their pursuers’ footsteps got nearer. Everyone quickly hid behind jungle bushes and stared at the muddy path.

  Then they saw it. There are five of those human things running through the narrow path. They aren’t even stopping to take breathe. They almost are like robots. Fortunately the decision Allen took to deviate from their path ended well.

  “Where would we go now?” Lena whispered.

  “We will go in that direction.” Allen said pointing at the left side of the narrow path.

  Everyone nodded.

  They slowly walked deeper into the forest away from the narrow path. After some time, they reached the edges of the forest. The edge they are walking into is marked by brown coloured rocky terrain. Then they moved along the edges going forward. Before long they exited the forest and saw a grassland.

  “Where would we find a human settlement here?” Lena asked.

  “We will find it somewhere here, but our real goal is a portal to Earth. And there may be more of those portal throughout this planet.” Allen said.

  “But, the question is how are we going to claim one such portal? For all we know, humans in this place must be extinct. We may be the only humans alive.” Lena said.

  “You may be right. We need to find Johanna and Aaron.” Allen said.

  “They must have took the narrow path.” Lena said.

  “Then, we need to go towards it.” Allen said.

  “But, those things have gone in that way.” Lena said.

  “Then we need to arm ourselves and prepare for a war.” Allen said.

  “Are you insane? I am grateful that you helped us escape from that prison. And you saved us again by taking the decision to move away from that path but I am not into any war. I want to live.” Lena said.

  Allen chuckled. “You really think you can live a normal life here? We need to fight our way if we want to live peacefully. Now who will be with me to make weapons to defend ourselves?”

  Everyone nodded.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 2 – Johanna

  2026 July 30, Unknown forest

  Johanna, Aaron and Matthew started their walk early in the morning. Forest is very thick and most of the times they had to crawl through the vine covered areas. Before long they found the narrow path in the middle of the forest.

  Who made this narrow muddy path throughout this planet is a mystery. The path they had seen on the snow mountains stood against numerous snow falls and yet it didn’t got covered by snow. Surely this path must have a very large history to say, but Johanna is afraid that no one would be alive to say about it.

  A moment later they exited the forest and again in front of them lay a grassland but something is eerily wrong here. It’s pretty quiet and the place seemed to have dead!

  Then they found the reason for it. Not far from they are standing, there is a big building. The building seems to be entirely made out of metal because the whole walls shined in the sunlight. Then they saw the aliens!

  They surely are aliens because only aliens have elongated head and pointy ears. And who else walk around without clothes. They seemed to be right out of a Spielberg film. They are in fact similar to the creatures Johanna and team saw when they encountered the UFO. Fortunately the aliens haven’t set their eyes on Johanna and team yet.

  Johanna quickly took out a binocular from her back pack.

  “Where did you get that?” Aaron asked Johanna.

  “It was our captain’s. Thought he wouldn’t need it anymore.” Johanna said.

  Aaron smiled.

  Johanna looked through the scope. It seems that there are another two small buildings nearby the big building. And suddenly her eyes caught something else. Johanna changed the scope towards the small building on the right side of the big building. In front of that small building there are two glassy things erected from the ground.

  What peculiar about these glassy things is that they are round in shape and there are lot of blue light coming out of it. Then she saw it. In one glass thing a long line of humans or human things are coming out of it. It’s like they appeared out of nowhere. Then it struck her. It must be a portal connecting another dimension!

  She looked closely. The long line of humans or human things are in chain. And in the other portal aliens are walking into it with guns! They must be going into another dimension. What if they are going to Earth?

  “Guys, I think I found our portal.” Johanna said.

  Johanna handed the binocular to Matthew who after looking gave the binocular to Aaron.

  “That must be our way home.” Matthew said.

  “And what if those things on the chain are humans from Earth?” Aaron asked.

  Johanna thought for a moment.

  “We need to find if there is any relation with those aliens and vampires.” Johanna said.

  “I think, I found the relation.” Aaron said looking through the binocular.

  Aaron handed over the binocular to Johanna. Johanna accepted and looked at where Aaron had looked earlier. In front of her eyes, there is an alien who looks like b
iting a human’s or human thing’s neck. It must be sucking blood.

  “So those who are in chain must be humans from Earth.” Johanna said.

  “And the aliens might be our vampires.” Aaron said.

  “But, how did they get meat suits?” Matthew asked.

  “I don’t know. May be they have some technology. I bet that building is built by them and there must be loads of them inside.” Johanna said.

  “Time to hide, I guess.” Aaron said.

  “Hide or no hide, we need to free those humans.” Johanna said.

  “But, how?” Aaron asked.

  “We will wait until it is night. Then we will come up with a plan.” Johanna said.

  Matthew and Aaron nodded.

  “Then, meanwhile, let’s hide in that forest.” Johanna said.

  “Yeah, that’s a good idea.” Matthew said.

  They went back to the forest and they stayed away from the path. Inside some bushes they hid.

  A moment later sound of footsteps came from deep inside the forest. Johanna and team tuned their ears for more sound. Then they saw them. There are five of them and they are in a hurry and they looks definitely like human vampires. Johanna and team mustered courage. They in fact are tired of panicking.

  The vampires stopped just outside the forest and they looked around.

  “They haven’t come this way.” One of them said.

  “Then where on hell did they have gone to?” Another one said.

  “Let’s get back. Others may have found them.” Another one said.

  All the vampires nodded. Then they returned to the forest and they ran away.

  “Who do you think they have just talked about?” Aaron asked.

  “I am guessing they talked about our friends.” Johanna said.

  “Do you think they are alive?” Matthew’s face glistered with joy.

  “They may be. And they may be on the run.” Johanna said.

  “We really need to save those humans we saw and we need to kill all those monsters.” Aaron said.

  “But first we need to get back to Earth.” Johanna said.

  “Do you think there is Earth? What if they had conquered Earth?” Aaron asked.

  “Still, we need weapons. Guns will be great.” Johanna said smiling.

  “Yeah. That surely is a good idea, lead on.” Aaron said.

  The three of them waited inside the bushes for the sun to go down.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 3 – Kevin

  2026 July 30, Tunoria

  Kevin paced through a tunnel.