Read Harmony Season 1 Page 10

  Matthew woke up early in the morning. Sunlight seeped in through the windows. Birds chirped from the trees. The whole forest seemed to have awoken.

  “Johanna? Aaron?” Matthew shook Johanna and Aaron.

  Johanna and Aaron slowly opened their eyes.

  “Finally, morning.” Johanna said.

  Matthew began to pace around the house. The house is a total wreck. In kitchen there is a broken table and most of the plates and cups are broken. Floors are filled with a thick layer of dust and there are vines there and there on the ceiling.

  They finally exited the house they are in and they looked around. The view in front of them is much like that of the dead village they saw in the mountains.

  “How old do you think this is?” Johanna asked Matthew.

  “I can’t say. May be more than ten or twenty years.” Matthew said.

  There are ten houses in this village and each are neatly arranged in the form of a matrix. Yard is filled with grass and other small jungle flora. And to the mysterious side of these lands, there is a narrow muddy path going through the forest from the village.

  “We will follow this path.” Johanna said.

  Matthew and Aaron nodded.

  They slowly started their journey to nowhere in particular. They don’t know where this path leads to. They don’t know the destination would be a promising one. One thing they do know is that this path leads to a place and that place probably was a human settlement. Then Matthew thought again.

  “What if there are no humans in this place?” Matthew asked.

  “That is not possible. Where do you find an apocalyptic tale that doesn’t include a survivor?” Johanna asked.

  “What’s your point?” Matthew asked.

  “Well, Earth have billions of humans. So this place must had about millions. And there must be at least hundreds of survivors from all corners of the world, may be more.” Johanna said.

  “And also, what if these vampires are present only in a region? Tigers and deer live in a forest and tigers won’t kill all the deer at once. So, what if there are humans in another part of this place living away from the vampires? Also if vampires killed all the humans, how can they live here without human population?” Aaron said.

  “That’s correct. So, there must be human settlement here. All we have to do is, find them.” Johanna said.

  “But, how are we supposed to distinguish them from normal humans?” Matthew asked.

  “I don’t know. Only time can tell the answer. And most importantly our target is not humans.” Johanna reminded.

  “Of course, it is the portal that leads to Earth.” Aaron said.

  “Exactly.” Johanna said.

  “I can’t wait to get back to my home.” Matthew said.

  Johanna and Aaron smiled.

  They slowly walked through the muddy path. A cold breeze flowed through the forest without making a sound. They moved deeper into the forest. Suddenly a monkey appeared on a tree. Then Johanna saw it.

  “Fruits.” Johanna jumped with excitement.

  Aaron and Matthew looked at the trees. Trees are seemed to be apple trees. Apples fell from the trees in the breeze. The three of them collected freshly fallen apples in their bags.

  “It tastes amazing.” Johanna said after biting an apple.

  “Yeah, it is better than the squirrel meat.” Matthew said.

  They quickly filled their stomach with a few apples. After the feasting they sighed deeply.

  After a while they continued their little journey. They saw apple trees occasionally. And most of the trees had monkeys in them. Monkeys are very silent and there aren’t any considerable difference from the monkeys seen on Earth. After all there is in fact a sanctuary in this world.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 6 – Johanna

  2026 July 28, Unknown Town

  Johanna, Matthew and Aaron walked through the path for what felt like an eternity. In the horizon, sun slowly moved down. Evening is almost upon the land. They are still nowhere near a promising human settlement.

  A moment later they exited the forest and reached on top of a big hill. Below they saw a large array of buildings, big ones. Each building must be twenty or thirty story high. They climbed down the hill and walked towards the town.

  After some time they reached near the dark road that leads to the town. There is no board indicating the street name or the name of the town. This place seemed to be ancient. They slowly walked forward.

  In the horizon sun is about to set. Johanna and team increased their pace. A moment later they reached near the first building. The building is very big and the glass windows are all broken.

  “Should we spend the night in here?” Matthew asked.

  “No. We will keep moving until the night is upon us.” Johanna said.

  Aaron and Matthew nodded. They continued to move forward. It seems that there are no streets between buildings and all the buildings are on both sides of the street like a long array. There is not even a flex board anywhere. And also there are no vehicles. So these people may not have invented vehicles.

  The night starts to creep through the land when they were in the middle of the town.

  “We will stay in that one.” Johanna said pointing at a small building on the left side of the road.

  Aaron and Matthew nodded. The door was unlocked so they easily got inside. Inside there are papers all over the floor. Johanna crouched down and took one paper and red.

  “It seems that this is a small business building.” Johanna said.

  “We can sleep on the top level.” Matthew said.

  “Okay.” Johanna said.

  They slowly moved up through the stairway. There seemed to be no electric bulbs so these people haven’t invented electricity, yet they have built magnificent buildings. The building is three story high and Johanna and team quickly reached the top level. There is a long corridor from the staircase and there are rooms on both sides.

  Johanna picked a nearest room and they all got inside it. The window is broken and they can see that the night is upon them. In the sky stars aligned in different shapes. Johanna lit a candle and she fixed it on top of a table. The room is big enough for them to sleep and there is only a table and a chair inside the room.

  “Are you sure those things won’t see the light?” Matthew asked.

  “This window is in the back of the building. So no one on the road will see this light.” Johanna said.

  “Then, we can sleep now, right? I am really tired.” Aaron asked.

  “Yeah. I am going to lie down.” Johanna set her back pack in a corner and she lie down on the floor and spread her blanket on top of her.

  Others did the same. Within minutes sleep took over them.

  * * *

  Johanna felt some kind of weight on top of her. And there is a wet sensation on her neck. She slowly opened her eyes and found someone licking her neck. She tried to move her hands but they were pinned down by the person’s hands.

  Suddenly the person on top of her looked Johanna in the face. Then he opened his mouth showing white teeth. In the fading candle light Johanna could clearly see it. Johanna screamed at the top of her lungs. The man on top of her moved his mouth towards her neck to bite.


  Someone smashed the chair at the man’s head. The man thing fell down a few feet away from Johanna’s feet. Then he stood up and screeched showing the sharp teeth.

  “What the hell!” Aaron said.

  It was Aaron who swung the chair at the man thing. Matthew quickly woke up and stood up blocking the door way. The man thing rushed at Matthew screeching all the way. Before he could reach near Matthew, Aaron swung the chair at the man thing. Chair collided with the man thing’s head the he fell down.

  Johanna quickly took her knife from her back pack and she threw it to Matthew. Matthew caught it firmly between his hands. The man thing is trying to regain his feet. Matthew without wasting any time rushed at the man thing and held th
e man thing’s head by its hair using his left hand and he drove the knife inside the man thing’s neck using his right hand. The man thing wriggled and dropped dead on the floor. Blood pour out from the thing’s neck uncontrollably.

  “You, okay.” Matthew asked Johanna.

  “Yeah. He was licking my neck in preparation to suck out blood.” Johanna said.

  “That’s creepy.” Aaron said.

  They looked at the dead body of the vampire. His mouth is still open showing the white teeth.

  In the horizon sunlight started to seep in to all corners of the land.

  “Come on, let’s move out.” Johanna said.

  Matthew and Aaron nodded. They put the blankets in their bags and ate an apple, then they exited the building. In bright orange pink colour sun rose from the horizon. Johanna and team slowly moved through the dark road towards nowhere in particular.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 7 – Jimmy

  2026 July 28, Unknown Forest

  Jimmy, Audrey and Charley spent most of the day running through the forest. They ate apples that they got from the trees whole day. In the forest apple trees are abundant. In the evening they reached near the end of the forest and in front of them lay a wall of brown coloured mountains.

  The forest they were walking is actually on the left side of the grassland.

  “What should we do now?” Audrey asked.

  “We will walk along this boulders and who knows, we may find a way out.” Jimmy said.

  “Night is almost upon us. We need to reach a safe place fast.” Charley said.

  “We will.” Jimmy reassured.

  They walked along the forest line in search for a way out. When they got hungry they eat apples that they collected in their back packs.

  The night is almost upon them and darkness crept through the forest. Then they saw it. A cave! It was right inside the mountain wall.

  They got inside the cave and examined it.

  “We will stay here for tonight.” Jimmy said.

  “Okay. Can I light a candle now?” Audrey asked.

  “Yes. Go ahead.” Jimmy said.

  Within moments darkness covered the entire forest and the cave. Audrey finally found match box and candle inside her back pack and she lit one candle. She fixed the candle on top of a rock deep inside the cave. Cave quickly got lighten up by the candle light

  Jimmy, Audrey and Charley sat around the candle light. Suddenly a rain started outside. Thunderbolts hit the forest several times closely followed by the ear breaking thunder. A wind howled past the cave splashing rain water inside the cave.

  When the cold got stronger they took out their blankets from their back pack and they wrapped it around them.

  “I have never seen thunder bolts like this before.” Charley said.

  “Oh, I have seen this kind of storm several times.” Jimmy said.

  “So, any plan for tomorrow?” Audrey asked.

  “I don’t have any plans. We aren’t even anywhere to plan things. We are fortunate if we ran into some humans tomorrow. And I hope those aliens won’t come anywhere near us.” Jimmy said.

  “Oh, I am sure they are friendly.” A voice came from the entrance of the cave.

  Jimmy, Audrey and Charley shivered with panic. They turned towards the entrance of the cave and saw a tall man in rain coat standing there. His face is hairy and his beard covered his entire neck.

  “Don’t worry kids. I am just a wandering man looking for fresh blood.” The man smiled showing sharp stained teeth.

  Jimmy and team backed away from the man with fear.

  “Please, don’t harm us.” Jimmy pleaded.

  “Oh, I only need a little blood to extinguish my hunger.” The man said. “I have been wandering in this forest for two days now. Those nasty inhabitants are hiding under some rock. So, who wants to give this old man some blood?” The man again smiled.

  “Please, Mister.” Audrey began to cry.

  “Mom ...” Charley too began to cry.

  “Don’t worry. Everything will be alright.” The man slowly approached the kids.

  Suddenly the man dropped to the floor. An arrow protruded from his skull.

  Audrey screamed at high pitch sound.

  “Relax, kids.” A woman’s voice echoed.

  Audrey stopped screaming and looked at the entrance of the cave with fear. Jimmy and Charley also looked at the entrance with fear.

  A woman came through the cave entrance. She too is in rain coat and in her hand is a large Bow.

  The woman tuck away her hood. “Name is Lucy.” The woman said smiling.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 8 – Allen

  2026 July 29, Unknown Grassland, the Tower

  Allen woke up early in the morning with hunger. In fact everyone in the cage is hungry. It’s been two days since they had eaten anything. They haven’t even tasted water. Everyone is really tired. If the human things wanted hot blood they would have gave them food.

  Then a human thing came with just that. He placed a bucket of water and a steel glass outside the cage.

  “Drink, humans. You need to be healthy, so that I can taste your healthy blood.” The human thing smiled showing the white sharp teeth and then he left.

  Allen took a glass full of water through the gap between the metal rods and he drank. He sighed deeply and gave the glass to Lena. Within moments the survivors emptied the bucket.

  “I have a plan, guys.” Allen said.

  “What is it?” Lena asked.

  “I will tell you in the evening. We are going to escape in the night.” Allen assured.

  Everyone nodded. They can’t wait to get out of here.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 9 – Aaron

  2026 July 29, Unknown Town

  “Yesterday’s rain was very strong.” Aaron said.

  “Yeah.” Johanna said.

  Matthew nodded.

  It’s been hours since they have started walking from that small business building. There are puddles of rain water formed on the road there and there in the last night’s rain. Now the pink sky looks clearer and the sun can be seen at its highest position.

  Aaron and team passed buildings after buildings. All buildings are eerily empty and the ancient place is dead silent. There are small jungle flora growing on the sides of the road and in front of the buildings since there were nobody to clean the town for many years.

  Aaron took an apple from his back pack and started to eat. Johanna and Matthew did the same. After hours of journey they finally exited the town. Far away they could make out the form of a forest.

  Then they saw a big river flowing through the right side of the road they are walking. The glassy water is a stunning scenery. Aaron and team walked towards the sandy bank. After reaching the bank, within minutes they filled their stomach with water. A moment later they continued their journey through the river bank.

  If there are humans around here the best chance of seeing them is along the river bank because human civilizations are born around river banks.

  Then all of a sudden Aaron saw it in the sky.

  “Guys, look at the sky.” Aaron said surprised.

  Johanna and Matthew looked at the sky and they couldn’t believe what they are seeing. There is a big flying saucer moving through the sky in low altitude. It’s a little far from Aaron and team but they can clearly see it.

  “A UFO?” Johanna asked.

  “Looks like it. This place is keep getting better and better.” Matthew said.

  “Look, it’s coming in our direction. Let’s hide in that forest.” Aaron said.

  They quickly ran towards the forest they saw in front of them. At the time they reached the forest, the UFO flew low and searched the river using a blue light stream.

  “Are they searching for us?” Johanna asked.

  “How did they managed to see us from that distance?” Aaron asked.

  Suddenly the flying saucer landed on the river bank. Aaron and team coul
d clearly see it now. The UFO is perfectly circular and it looks bigger. Then a door opened from the lower side of the UFO and two creatures with elongated head and pointy ears came out of it. Aaron and team stared at the creatures. Panic began to stir inside them.

  “They must be aliens.” Aaron said.

  “Aliens and vampires. This place surely is creepy.” Johanna said.

  A moment later the aliens went near the road and they examined the surrounding. Then they returned to their ship. A moment later the space ship rose above the ground and with swoosh it flew away in to the distance.

  “Are they from here or from another planet?” Aaron asked.

  “Definitely not from around here.” Johanna said. “May be from one of the Spielberg films.”

  “Now, we need to be alerted. They could be anywhere.” Matthew said.

  Aaron and Johanna nodded. They slowly continued their walk. There is a narrow path visible on the ground which leads through the forest. Aaron and team followed that path. They saw birds chirping and chimpanzees running through the trees. They also found apple trees here. Johanna and Matthew again filled their back pack with apples.

  In the horizon sun began to set.

  “We need to find a place to stay for the night.” Johanna said.

  “Yeah. We will stick to that end of the forest.” Aaron said pointing towards a rocky place. “There may be a small cave.”

  “Okay.” Johanna and Matthew said in unison.

  They quickly walked towards the side of the forest where big boulders are piled up. Then they found just what they want, a small cave formed by three boulders.

  Johanna quickly climbed into the cave and tested a sitting position.

  “It’s perfect.” Johanna said.

  A moment later darkness began to creep through the land. Aaron and Matthew quickly got inside the cave and they cuddled on the floor.

  Johanna quickly started to light a candle.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Aaron said to Johanna. “Those things may see us easily.”

  “Okay.” Johanna put back the candle on her back pack. “Sleep tight.” Johanna closed her eyes.

  The entire forest and the small cave quickly plunged into darkness and sleep quickly took over the three survivors.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 10 – Allen

  2026 July 29, Unknown Grassland, the Tower

  The tower and its surroundings, except near the cage, got plunged in darkness. There are candles lightened on the yard.