Read Harmony Season 1 Page 4

  “What is the real reason for the disappearances?” Johanna asked.

  “Well the government says there is a strong ocean current circulating through that region but the fact is, according to government there is no Bermuda triangle. Some say there is alien activity while some other says that there is a strong magnetic field. Actually nobody knows the real reason. If you search it on the internet you will get thousands of results. It’s very mysterious.” Allen said.

  “Well if it’s that big why government denies the existence of the triangle?” Johanna asked.

  “That’s because a number of ship’s safely passed through that region.” Aaron said.

  “Then why on Earth did we ended up in this place?” Johanna almost screamed.

  Allen gulped a mouthful of saliva. “I personally think that there is a portal to another dimension in Bermuda triangle and it may be active occasionally.”

  “Are you saying that we are on another world or may be on another planet?” Johanna asked.

  This time Aaron stared at Allen for his answer.

  “Well, didn’t you saw the sky here? It’s pink and those snowy mountains are near this scorching desert. Both of these sightings are not seen on Earth.” Allen said. “So I think we are on another planet.”

  “Oh, I want to go home.” Johanna began to cry like a child.

  “Oh for god’s sake, cut it out, Johanna. You gain nothing by crying. Besides you’re not alone. There are forty people in this ship.” Allen said.

  Aaron chuckled.

  “Did you forgot? About sixty people had vanished in to thin air.” Johanna said in between hiccups. “Do you have any theories for that?”

  Allen thought for a moment. “Actually I do have some theories for that.”

  “And what would that might be?” Johanna asked.

  “Firstly I think that all of those who are missing might have been outside their rooms. The portal must have thrown them outside the ship or it might have teleported them somewhere else.” Allen said.

  “I think my friend Sofia was in her room when she disappeared because I saw unfinished notes there.” Johanna said.

  “Well that’s where my second theory comes. I think that this portal might have behaved differently to those who were sleeping and those who weren’t.” Allen said.

  “Oh for god’s sake, that’s the best thing you could come up with? It’s a bullshit.” Johanna said.

  Aaron nodded.

  “Well it’s just a theory. I am open to other suggestions.” Allen said.

  Aaron went to a corner to analyse the room. Johanna stood there thinking for a best theory for the disappearances. Allen also stood there thinking.

  “Guys you need to see this.” Aaron said pointing at a glass table on the far corner.

  Allen and Johanna went near the table and looked. On top of the table is a compass and what peculiar about it is that its needle is rotating without pointing in any direction.

  “What the fuck!” Allen said.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 2 – Aaron

  2026 June 30, Unknown Desert, Ship Harmony

  Aaron, Johanna and Allen exited the captain’s room and stood before the remaining passengers of ship Harmony. Most of the people are walking to and fro without knowing what to do. Some of the people stared at the long desert for some life form.

  “People, may I have your attention please?” Aaron asked the people.

  Everyone immediately shifted their gaze to Aaron, Johanna and Allen.

  Aaron continued. “We have found clues about where we are.”

  Everyone all at once said “Where are we?”

  “We were searching captain’s room to find out where we are and we found this map there, on which captain marked all the places we had passed.” Aaron showed the map to everyone.

  “And based on the markings, yesterday at night we entered into ...” Allen said pausing.

  “Entered into where?” One of the men asked.

  “Well, we entered into the Bermuda triangle!” Johanna said.

  “Are we on some island inside Bermuda triangle?” A woman’s voice echoed.

  “Not like that. We think that Bermuda triangle is a portal to another dimension.” Allen said.

  Everyone’s jaw dropped with fear and surprise.

  “What do you mean by that? Are you saying that we are not on Earth?” One of the men asked.

  “Well, didn’t you watched the sky? Earth doesn’t have this kind of sky and what in the hell is that snow mountains doing near this scorching desert. Do you think this is present on Earth?” Aaron asked. “We are possibly in another dimension, or in another world.”

  “What about the people who had disappeared?” A woman asked.

  “We currently have no better suited theory for that, but in the coming days we may come up with a theory for that. May be they had teleported to some place outside the ship and they may come back to this ship at some point.” Aaron said.

  “Do you think our Government will send rescue?” One of the men asked.

  “We will wait one week for that. Then we need to move from here. We can’t stay in this desert forever. There may be a portal in this world which can take us back to Earth.” Aaron said.

  “Where do you propose we should go, after one week?” One of the woman asked.

  “We will go in the direction of the mountains. If there are any life forms down here, it will be in that direction.” Aaron said.

  Everyone nodded. Everyone have taken this seriously now. People stopped worrying and began to search the ship for other survivors, if any left.

  Aaron is the only cook left in the ship and others have vanished to somewhere. Aaron lighted a tobacco roll and started to smoke. Aaron smoke especially when he is afraid. He searched all the surrounding of kitchen and found no surviving fellow cooks. Aaron thought about Jenny. He was waiting to propose her. Aaron walked out of the kitchen to the upper level and from there he stared at the distant snow mountains. He hopes government would send rescue and they would end up here.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 3 – Johanna

  2026 June 30, Unknown Desert, Ship Harmony

  Johanna never felt panic like this before. If it isn’t for her job she never would have climbed aboard Harmony. She loves her job as chartered accountant and the money is good too.

  She couldn’t think of a day away from Billy. He will not stop looking for her no matter what. Billy worked hard on his transfer to Haiti so that he could see Johanna every day. Billy is a web designer for a respected company which have branches all over the world. In short Billy and Johanna made lot of money for their future use.

  Billy would have proposed Johanna if this crap hadn’t happened or like Sofia said Johanna would have proposed him, but now she got trapped in Bermuda triangle and she had teleported to another world with other thirty nine passengers.

  What might had happened to other sixty people is a mystery. There is not even a slight sign that indicate their presence. Captain also is missing. If captain is here he would have known what to do in a situation like this.

  Johanna slowly walked towards her room in the ship. On the way she got inside Sofia’s room. Sofia and Johanna were childhood friends. They grew up together in New York. Sofia was always the smartest and she won numerous prizes in sports, literature and on more other subjects. Of course, Johanna wasn’t the not so smartest person. She also won numerous prizes in sports but Sofia was first in everything like an all-around cricket player.

  Johanna stared at Sofia’s clothes which are all placed on the bed in a disorder. Johanna sat in Sofia’s bed and took one of Sofia’s dress in her hands. She suddenly felt envious. Sofia was always the smartest in picking beautiful dresses and most dresses were perfect fit for her. Johanna put back the dress on the bed and stood up. Sofia was in the middle of some work when she disappeared because there are unfinished notes on the note pad and the candle fully melted away since there were no one to blow out t
he candle light.

  Johanna looked everywhere in the room for any sign that indicate that Sofia is alive somewhere, but she found none. Johanna left Sofia’s room and paced to her room. After she reached her room she began to pack her essential things in a small back pack. You never know when you have to leave this place.

  Once she finished packing Johanna left the room with her back pack and she slowly paced towards the upper deck. At the time she reached the upper level most people were discussing about their future plans and the debate on whether government would send rescue went on in another place.

  By now everyone on Earth must have realized that the ship Harmony disappeared from the waters. They must be looking for Harmony but the question is would the search party get caught by the triangle end up here?

  Johanna hopes at least some people would end up here with a better plan to save Johanna and the rest of the survivors of Harmony.

  Johanna tried to think this is all a dream but the truth is, what she sees now is the very truth. Finally she told her mind that it’s very real. What will be waiting for the survivors in the land beyond the desert is still a mystery.

  In the horizon sun slowly starts to disappear behind the mountains and darkness crept forward. Johanna hope they have enough candles to ride out the night.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 4 – Matthew

  2026 July 1, Unknown Desert

  Matthew woke up in the morning with a plan. He walked towards the kitchen where Aaron is making coffee for everyone. At the time he reached the dining room most people were finished their breakfast and they were all going to the top level to enjoy the desert scenery.

  Matthew slowly walked inside the kitchen and spotted Aaron in a corner smoking.

  “Aaron, I have something to say to everyone.” Matthew said.

  Aaron looked in Matthew’s direction thinking something.

  “What’s your name again?” Aaron asked.

  “It’s Matthew.” Matthew said.

  “And you said you have something to say?” Aaron asked.

  “Yes. I think it’s time for some of us to check out the mountains.” Matthew said.

  “But, we are waiting for the rescuers to arrive.” Aaron said.

  “We are lucky if they got trapped in the triangle. We can’t wait for long. As you have said before there may be a portal back to Earth somewhere here. I am not telling you to go out there. I will go, but I need a few companions. Will you tell this to everyone?” Matthew asked.

  “Okay, come on. And did you drink your coffee?” Aaron asked when starting to exit the kitchen.

  “I can drink coffee later. First things first.” Matthew said.

  “Are you sure you want to hurry?” Aaron asked.

  “Yeah.” Matthew said.

  “Then, come on.” Aaron led Matthew outside the kitchen.

  Matthew and Aaron slowly walked towards the upper level where everyone will be watching the desert scenery. Matthew didn’t try to speak on the way. They climbed a staircase and finally reached the upper deck.

  The ship is actually leaning into a sand dune and most people are sitting on the inclined surface. People didn’t felt any strangeness even though they are sleeping and walking in an inclined surface.

  After reaching the upper deck Aaron stood in an elevated platform and attracted everyone’s attention.

  “Everyone, may I have your attention please?” Aaron asked.

  Everyone looked in Aaron’s and Matthew’s direction.

  “Matthew a fellow traveller here thinks that some us may want to check out the mountains. And he is ready to go out there any time from now on, but he need some companions. So is anybody ready to go with him?” Aaron asked.

  Immediately two hands raised from the crowd.

  “I will go.” Two of them said in unison.

  “Okay, what will be your names?” Aaron asked.

  “I am James.” The first one said.

  “I am John.” The second one said.

  “Okay. So Matthew, are you satisfied with your new companions?” Aaron asked Matthew.

  “Yes.” Matthew said.

  “Do you have anything to say?” Aaron asked looking at Matthew.

  Matthew first hesitated for a moment then he stood before the crowd.

  “We will go today. We don’t know when we will reach the mountains but I am guessing we will reach there in the night. I am thinking about just searching some places in the mountains. Then we will come back here so that we could all prepare for the journey ahead. One way or the other we need to go out there.” Matthew said.

  Everyone nodded.

  “So, John and James, pack essential things quickly. Also take food for one day.” Matthew said.

  Aaron took Matthew’s hand in his and shook. “Good luck friend.”

  “Well, I don’t believe in luck.” Matthew said.

  “Then in that case, all the best. May the god look out for you guys.” Aaron said.

  Matthew smiled. About half an hour later Matthew, John and James stood at the edge of the top level ready to go to the mountains.

  Matthew turned back and looked at the fellow survivors. Everyone nodded at Matthew and his team. Matthew nodded back and he turned towards the desert.

  Matthew and team slowly climbed down the ship through the metal rungs attached outside the ship like a ladder. A moment later their boots touched the soft sand and Matthew looked up and met rest of the survivor’s eyes.

  “Be careful Matthew. And all the best.” Allen said.

  Matthew and team waved their hands at the fellow survivors and then they started towards the mountains.

  Mountains may be one or two miles away but Matthew can clearly see it as snow covered peaks. Below the mountains Matthew could make out the form of a snow covered valley. They don’t know how come the mountain came to support snow near this scorching desert but soon they will find out.

  Matthew and team crested sand dunes after sand dunes. Still no sign of life. The sun’s rays are very hot almost burning the humans’ skins. Matthew and team covered their faces with additional clothing to save their head from dehydration. In a desert one always must fear is dehydration. Water will excessively loose from the body as sweat so one must always hydrate themselves or fatality will be the outcome.

  Matthew, John and James took five bottles of water bottles each from the ship and they drank water frequently to prevent dehydration. So far none of them spoke.

  Finally James opened his mouth. “Do you think there is a portal back to Earth?”

  “I don’t know but I hope there will be one.” Matthew said.

  They all crested another Sand dune and from the top of the sand dune they saw the remains of an aeroplane in the distance. Matthew and team walked towards the aeroplane.

  Suddenly a screech came from their right direction. Matthew and team froze. They looked at their right. It looks like some kind of dogs are running at them.

  A moment later dogs’ shapes became clearly visible. They are lot bigger than regular dogs and their mouths are opened wide showing teeth. There is a bunch of them. It is clear that what they want is human flesh.

  Without thinking twice Matthew and team sprinted towards the aeroplane. When they reached near the aeroplane the three of them climbed inside the wreckage through a small hole on the bottom of the plane and they looked at their pursuers.

  Dogs collide with the metal and stopped. They growled making the humans to close their ears using their hands.

  Dogs tried to claw their way through the metal but the rusted metal stood intact. Matthew and team panted. Then the dogs made an ear breaking screech and they ran away in to the distance.

  “What the hell are they?” James asked.

  “I don’t know but one thing is certain, they want to eat us!” Matthew said. “We will wait until noon. Then we will continue towards the mountains.”

  James and John nodded.

  Matthew looked at the mountains through a tiny hole in
the wreckage. They have to reach the mountains before night fall and should find shelter or those dogs will return for their meal.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 5 – Allen

  2026 July 1, Unknown Desert, Ship Harmony

  “Everyone, we need to talk about the food.” Allen said to everyone.

  Everyone shifted their gaze to Allen and Aaron.

  “I am the only cook remaining in this ship. And I can’t cook for everyone. The refrigerators are all down. So the food that are not preserved will go waste. We need to talk about this situation.” Aaron said.

  “Well, we can come in the kitchen and help you cook.” One of the men said.

  “That’s really good of you, but the thing we really want to talk about is the way we eat the food.” Allen said.

  “Are you saying that we should change the way we eat food like replacing the fork by hand.” One of the men said laughing.

  Allen chuckled.

  These idiots don’t have clue about how to survive.

  “Well not like that. We need to think about conserving the food. Remember, we don’t have an unlimited supply of food. So we need to eat food that should be cooked and the food that isn’t preserved, first. There aren’t lot of canned goods but they may last up to three weeks if we conserved very good. Also canned goods have a long shelf life. In order to stop wasting food no one should eat canned goods until a notice came.” Allen said.

  “But I want to eat the food I love.” A young man said.

  Most of the people nodded.

  These are complete morons.

  “Well, the thing is you’re still not believing that we are trapped in this place and nobody is going to come to help us ...” Aaron forced to cut short.

  “Well, what if the people searching for us get caught in that portal. They might help us, right?” One of the men asked.

  “You, idiots, even if they come they will become trapped in here. There may be a portal back to Earth somewhere here, but we need to find it and it won’t be that easy.” Allen said.

  “What our point is, if you want to survive, you need to preserve food like you have never done it before. We can eat canned goods after the food that should be cooked are expended because they may get bad over time since the refrigerators are down.” Aaron said.

  “We guess you understood we talked about?” Allen asked.