Read Harmony Season 1 Page 5

  Everyone nodded in agreement.

  “And the next thing we need to talk about is the coming days.” Allen said. “We need to be prepared to move because it may happen very unexpectedly. Everyone, pack your necessary things and some canned goods on a small back pack. We will give canned goods from the freezer. If it is packed already we can all move towards the mountains very fast.”

  “What if there are predators out there. We don’t know anything about this place. I don’t want to die down here.” A young kid said.

  At least someone is making sense.

  “In that case we need to be armed and ready. We can take knifes from the kitchen.” Allen said.

  “How many kids we have here? Is it three or four?” Aaron asked.

  “Five.” A kid said.

  “Okay I want all the kids with adults. Kids are not allowed to wander away from us under no circumstances.” Aaron said.

  “Oh, please!” A kid mumbled.

  It looks like all the kids lack their parents and the interesting thing is that, they are happy for it. Only god can tell what will happen in the coming days.

  “And that’s all. Enjoy your time.” Allen said.

  Allen and Aaron went near Johanna who was watching them very closely from a corner.

  “That was an excellent speech.” Johanna said.

  “These people actually don’t have a clue about survival. May be we are the only ones that know a little about it. We need to keep everyone together and we should watch them closely. They could easily get lost here.” Allen said.

  “I love to play super girl.” Johanna said laughing.

  “Johanna, this is serious. For all we know, we might have to save ourselves. Nobody is going to come here to help us.” Allen said.

  Aaron nodded.

  “I am just joking. What is it that you want me to do?” Johanna asked.

  “I will tell you tomorrow after we develop a plan.” Allen said looking at Aaron. “Also we need to wait for Matthew and his team to get back here.”

  “I think, the three of us should plan this together.” Johanna said.

  Aaron nodded.

  “Okay, we will plan this together tonight.” Allen said.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 6 – Matthew

  2026 July 1, Unknown Desert

  Matthew and team waited hours in that aeroplane wreckage for the sun to move. Finally sun moved to its highest position indicating that it is noon.

  “I think we need to arm ourselves.” John said. “Those dogs may return.”

  “Okay. Look for anything useful.” Matthew said and he began to search for a weapon in the pile of crap metal.

  Finally the three of them got hold of long metal rods.

  “This might be enough.” Matthew said.

  John and James nodded.

  They slowly exited the wreckage and again got back to the desert. Sun is super-hot, almost burning the humans’ skin. A moment later they started towards the mountains which can be seen more clearly now.

  Moving in the loose sand is very difficult. Don’t have to say the temperature of the sand.

  On the way they stopped several times to drink water. Then they moved on. They were about half a kilometre away from the snow line when they heard the growl. It was very sharp almost piercing their ears. Matthew and team stopped and turned back. To their surprise there are about ten dog things all running towards them.

  Matthew and team bolted into a run. Dogs are howling all the way. The evening sun reduced its rays’ intensity a little.

  Suddenly a dog jumped on top of John. John fell down with the dog on his back. The dog bit on to John’s back pack and it shook its head and it threw John to a distance. Matthew and James stopped running and rushed towards John with their metal rods putting forward like a spear.

  James helped John to regain his footing. John finally stood up putting forward his metal rod at the dogs. All dogs stopped running and they slowly approached Matthew and team growling all the way. Matthew, James and John slowly moved backward.

  Dogs screeched and one of the dog jumped at Matthew, but he blocked the dog’s attack using his metal rod. The enormous thing almost threw Matthew backward. Matthew quickly somehow regained his footing.

  Matthew and team slowly walked backward and a moment later they passed the snowline. Dogs opened their mouth wide showing all the sharp teeth and they made an unholy growl. Matthew and team moved farther into the snow lands. And it looks like dogs had stopped moving. They are standing still outside the snowline in the desert land.

  Matthew and team stopped moving and stared at the dogs. They thought they were imagining that dogs have stopped but then reality struck. Actually dogs have stopped moving. Dogs howled sharply. Based on their scream dogs didn’t like even a bit in the humans entering inside the snow lands.

  “I think they don’t like the snow.” Matthew said.

  “Yeah, it looks that way.” John said.

  “Thank, god.” James said.

  Dogs made a sharp howl and then they all retreated back to the desert. Matthew, James and John sighed deeply. It is now that they are breathing clearly.

  In the distance, from the mountain tops, darkness crept forward. Sun is slowly disappearing behind the mountains. It seems that sky in this areas is fully covered with snow clouds. May be that’s why the mountains came to support snow even though they are near the scorching desert.

  “We need to find a shelter.” Matthew said.

  “Look at that rocky area. There may be a way for us to spend the night there.” James said.

  “Let’s check it out.” Matthew said.

  They slowly moved to a rocky place which is in the corner of a hill. These areas are filled with big rocks. There are some snow covered trees there and there. Ground is wholly covered in snow.

  Matthew and team stood at the entrance of a rocky cliff and stared at the narrow passage which leads to another part of the mountains. The cliff is right in between two mountains. Matthew, James and John slowly entered inside the cliff. Then they spotted a small cave on the right side of the cliff.

  The cave is formed by three rocks. One rock on top of two other rocks. The centre roof rock is almost planar.

  “This will be enough for us to spend the night.” Matthew said.

  “Yeah. I will look for some dry wood to burn, you guys make the place more comfortable.” John said.

  “Okay.” Matthew and James entered inside the cave and started their job of clearing the snow from the floor.

  John walked towards the trees to collect dry wood. A moment later John returned back to the cave with a bunch of dry wood. He made two more trips and both times he came back with more dry wood.

  Darkness slowly conquered the land. Matthew made a fire in the entrance of the cave with the match box they had taken from the ship. They cooked slices of meat in the fire and filled their stomach. After that they lie down on the floor beside the fire. Sleep slowly took over them.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 7 – Johanna

  2026 July 2, Unknown Desert, Ship Harmony

  Johanna sat down on a chair near a table. In front of her on the table there is fried chicken in a red plate. Allen and Aaron are sitting around the table in front of their own fried chicken.

  Allen is eating the chicken like he hadn’t ate anything for days. Allen took a chicken leg in his hand and he bit on the meaty part. His teeth ripped the cooked meat from the bones. Unlike Allen, Aaron is eating very slowly with a fork and knife. Johanna looked at Allen and Aaron and she start to eat her own fried chicken like Aaron is eating.

  A moment later suddenly the table in front of them disappeared and so is the plateful of chicken. Johanna, Aaron and Allen looked at each other’s faces confused. Three of them are struck by panic. They stood up and examined the room around them for how the table disappeared. Nobody spoke a single word.

  A moment later the walls of the rooms became replaced with darkness - a dark misty wall.
Johanna went near a wall and touched the wall but her hands went straight through the wall like there is no wall. Darkness surrounded her hand. She looked at Aaron and Allen. Suddenly a dark form appeared behind Allen and Aaron. The dark form slowly approached them. Johanna saw the dark form clearly.

  Johanna screamed to warn Allen and Aaron, but no sounds escaped her mouth. Before she could ran near Allen and Aaron, the dark form caught Allen and Aaron in their head. And the dark thing dragged Allen and Aaron through the floor and it moved behind the wall. Aaron and Allen are not doing anything to stop the dark thing. It’s like they had been paralysed.

  Fear shook Johanna in her core. No matter how hard she scream, no words are coming out of her mouth. Johanna touched her lips for finding out why the words aren’t escaping her mouth. There is nothing wrong with her lips, they are completely normal.

  A moment later the floor she is standing disappeared. She fell through the darkness at high velocity. It took her a long time to reach the ground. She fell hard. Pain shot up through her chest. When she opened her eyes and stood up she found herself in a place surrounded by darkness. Nothing is visible apart from her body. Her body is clearly illuminated by some light, but she is surrounded by a thick dark mist. Johanna moved through the darkness with fear but she reached nowhere. A moment later a dark thing appeared out of the darkness and it opened its mouth showing dark teeth.

  Johanna screamed at the top of her lungs and then she woke up in her bed panting.

  “Stupid nightmare!” Johanna said herself.

  * * *

  Johanna took a quick bath and after putting on a white shirt and blue jeans she went to the dining hall for breakfast. At the time she reached the dining room she found the room completely empty. She went inside the kitchen and found Aaron sitting in a chair drinking coffee.

  “Aaron, where is everybody? Am I late for the breakfast?” Johanna asked.

  “No, you’re not late for anything. Nobody is feeling well. I think they are all on the top deck watching the desert.” Aaron said.

  “What happened? Why is it everyone not feeling well?” Johanna asked.

  “Dreams! Nightmares!” Aaron said.

  “What?” Johanna asked confused.

  “Believe it or not, everyone is claiming that they all saw the same nightmare! And the thing is, they are losing their mind to this nightmare as soon as they close their eyes.” Aaron said.

  “Did you saw the same nightmare?” Johanna asked.

  “I did not saw anything. My slumber was peaceful.” Aaron said.

  “What is it peculiar about this nightmare?” Johanna asked.

  “Why? Did you saw any nightmare?” Aaron asked.

  “Yeah. I did had a crap nightmare about being trapped in a place surrounded by thick dark mist.” Johanna said.

  “That’s it. That’s the nightmare everyone is talking about. Did you felt anything weird if you close your eyes? Are you feeling tired?” Aaron asked.

  “Nope. I am feeling extremely well, apart from the sleepiness due to lack of coffee.” Johanna said.

  “That’s good to hear.” Aaron said.

  “Is Allen okay?” Johanna asked while pouring some coffee into a glass from a jug.

  “He is okay. Like me he did not saw any dreams or nightmares.” Aaron said.

  “Where is he?” Johanna asked after gulping a little coffee.

  “He is in the upper deck I guess.” Aaron said.

  “So, do you have anything for me that can be used to fill my stomach?” Johanna asked.

  “I have made soup. It is the one thing I am good at.” Aaron said. “You can find it in that big pot. Do you want me to get some?”

  “No, I will get it.” Johanna said.

  After the soup and coffee, Johanna and Aaron went to the upper deck. At the time they reached there most of the people were discussing about the nightmare. Some are staring at the sky and the distant desert.

  Johanna and Aaron found Allen who was also watching the pink sky for any sign of escape route from this place.

  Johanna and Aaron went near Allen smiling. Allen smiled back at them.

  “I guess you didn’t had any nightmares.” Allen said to Johanna.

  “I did saw a similar nightmare but I am feeling well.” Johanna said.

  “What questions me is that why everyone had the same nightmare and why me and Aaron didn’t saw it?” Allen asked.

  “I guess it is this shitty place. It’s trying to play tricks on us.” Johanna said.

  “I guess you’re right.” Allen said.

  The tree of them stared at the distant desert thinking about Matthew and team.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 8 – Allen

  2026 July 2, Unknown Desert, Ship Harmony

  Sun moved to its highest position in the sky.

  “It’s time for us to check on Matthew and his team. They must have reached the mountains yesterday.” Allen said to Johanna and Aaron.

  “Okay, I will announce this with everyone.” Aaron said.

  Aaron and Johanna moved together to the elevated platform in the upper deck. They all have been in upper deck for like an eternity now. They all are waiting for someone to get trapped in the triangle and arrive here.

  “Everyone, may I have your attention please?” Aaron asked.

  Everyone all at once turned towards Aaron.

  “As you know, Matthew haven’t returned yet. And we may need to search the surrounding of our ship for any living being.” Aaron said.

  “We need to search very quickly too. You can’t stay under the sun for too long.” Johanna said.

  Everyone nodded. Some of the people came forward for the new mission.

  “Where do you want to search first?” One of the men asked.

  “It will be lot easier if we split into groups and search around.” Aaron said. “Allen will lead you.”

  “Okay.” The men said in unison.

  A moment later Allen and ten of the men climbed down to the desert through the metal rungs attached outside the ship. Hot sand welcomed their leather boots. They immediately split into three groups and moved in three direction. Aaron and Johanna and rest of the survivors stayed in the ship watching Allen’s and his teams’ movements. Aaron is looking through a binocular that he took from Captain’s room.

  Allen and four of the men moved forward in the direction of the mountains. They haven’t gone much that’s when Aaron and Johanna screamed from the ship. Allen and team turned back and stared at the ship.

  “What are they screaming at?” Allen asked.

  “Come back ...” Aaron yelled from the ship and Allen heard it clearly.

  “Something is wrong. We need to return to the ship.” Allen said.

  That’s when they heard a howl. Allen turned towards the mountains and the sight stirred the bile inside his stomach. There are dogs or dog things running at them at full speed. These things are lot bigger than a regular dog. Dogs have already set their goal on the humans on the ground.

  “Run.” Allen yelled.

  Allen and team sprinted towards the ship. Running in the loose sand is very difficult. At the time they reached near the ship the group that went in the ship’s east direction had returned. They all are hurrying to climb the metal rungs. Allen climbed aboard the ship just in time when a scream broke out from behind him.

  Allen looked below. There are ten dog things and they have surrounded the two men who went in ship’s west direction. Allen quickly took empty metal cans of cola from a corner and threw at the dogs hoping they would let the men go. Upon the metal can hitting the dogs, dogs screeched sharply.

  One dog jumped on top of the tall man and it bit him in the head. His body wriggled then he ceased moving. The remaining man screamed at high pitch sound. But dogs showed no mercy. Another dog leapt on top of him pinning him to the ground. Then the dog bit him in the neck. Fresh blood sprayed out of his neck.

  Aaron and rest of the survivors made lot of noise to scare the dogs a
way but the dogs stood straight. A moment later all the dogs ripped apart the men’s body and took a fair share with them. Some of the women on board the ship cried out loud.

  Most women and men covered their mouth using their hand in horror. A moment later the dogs ran away into the distance with their share of flesh, leaving the blood drenched sand behind.

  Allen, Johanna and Aaron stared at the retreating dogs in horror.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 9 – Matthew

  2026 July 2, Unknown Desert, Ship Harmony

  Matthew, James and John spend half a day searching the mountains for anything good. In the extreme cold their faces reddened and bruises start to form. Then the noon came.

  “Okay guys. It’s time for us to return to the ship.” Matthew said.

  John and James nodded. They retraced their steps and entered into the scorching desert. Before moving on, Matthew stared at the mountains for some time. Then, a moment later, they are back on track.

  The noon sun is extremely hot and they had to drink water frequently to stop dehydration.

  They walked most of the time and rested a little. Fortunate for Matthew and team, there was no sign of the dog things. They tightened their grip on their metal rods.

  The evening came and they still isn’t anywhere near Harmony. In the distant horizon darkness crept through the land.

  The night air was very cold, and they moved faster in the night. There is no moon for light but the desert land can be seen faintly. Sky is filled with stars of different colour.

  “I swear, we reached mountains pretty much faster yesterday. Why am I feeling we are nowhere near our ship even after evening?” John asked.

  “I think it is this place. It is trying to trick us.” Matthew said.

  Then they saw the ship. Matthew took a deep sigh.

  Candle light can be seen in the upper deck where possibly survivors are gathering. Matthew and team ran rest of the way to the ship. Moments later they reached near the ship and they all panted heavily. Matthew led the way to the ship. They slowly climbed up through the metal rungs.

  People on the upper deck immediately saw Matthew, James and John.

  “Matthew?” A man asked.

  “Yeah. We are back.” Matthew said.

  A moment later the word spread through the ship like a wild fire.

  “So how did you survived those dogs?” Allen asked Matthew.