Read Harmony Season 2 Page 10

  “Wow.” Aaron couldn’t hold back his excitement. “That means we won. We actually won.”

  Jack smiled. “Those things may be still out there.”

  “I don’t care. Without air power they lost the battle. We can now hunt them down.” Aaron said.

  “Let’s wait and see. Whoever responsible for this will come here. They must have a plan for everything.” Jack said.

  Aaron nodded. Everyone stared at the night sky with excitement. They are finally saved.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 1 – Donny

  2026 August 13, Unknown Location

  Donny watched the flying saucers going down. His mouth widened at the scene. Donny and his fellow mates have been waiting for this opportunity for days. Night quickly consumed the day and Donny started his walk towards the base. He frequently checked his position in his tablet computer.

  The place he landed is near a town and before long he entered inside the town. Now he have to go one more mile to the base. Fortunately moon clearly showed the land before him. In the dim moonlight he passed many abandoned cars and desolated buildings. There is still that smell of decaying flesh in the air. He thought about staying inside a building, but none looked secure.

  Donny frequently covered his nose with his hand due to the pungent smell. Suddenly a series of footsteps came from behind him. Donny bolted into a run. The footsteps pursued Donny. Before long Donny exited the town and he stopped running for a moment. He took heavy breathes and then he started running again.

  For some time, the footsteps ceased then a moment later it came again. Whoever following Danny is right behind him. He became totally tired. And his legs began to hurt. He have to find some place to hide or they will catch him and do things only god knows what.

  Suddenly a man appeared in front of him. Donny quickly drew out his revolver from it holster. The man slowly approached Donny. Donny trained his gun at the man.

  “Stop there. Don’t you dare come any closer. I swear I will shoot you if you come any closer.” Donny shouted.

  Donny clearly saw the man’s grin in the moonlight. All of a sudden the man jumped towards Donny.


  Donny pulled the trigger. The man or man thing dropped dead. The bullet hit him in his head. Then the sound of footsteps from behind Donny got closer.

  Donny quickly ran away from the scene. A few moments later he entered into the muddy road which leads to the airbase. Donny ran and ran. And the night became too deep.

  A few moments later the form of airbase came into view. Suddenly someone jumped on top of him and he fell down. His gun got thrown away from his hand.

  “Ahh ...” Pain coursed through his head. His head hit on the ground hard.

  Donny tried to push the man thing away, but the human alien pinned him to the ground. A moment later more aliens came and they all restrained Donny using a rope. Then they dragged him away from the base.

  “Help …”

  Donny screamed at high pitch sound but no help came. The aliens led him far away from the base. At that moment all hope in him died.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 2 – Audrey

  2026 August 14, Near Boston

  Audrey stared at the destroyed flying saucers through the window. A moment later Jimmy and Charley came near her and they all sat down on the floor near the window and talked about their families.

  Audrey can’t wait to see her parents. Actually nobody can’t wait. But everyone is afraid that their parents might have been dead long ago. Lucy had said that there will be hundreds of survivors like them all over the world and their parents might be in one of those surviving groups, but there is a worry in Audrey that they are the last of the humans.

  A few moments later the Gamorphian children also came near Audrey. People of Gamorphia are excited to see Earth, but too bad they came at the wrong time.

  When sun moved to its highest position they all filled their belly with military MREs. MREs are not very digestible and also they are not very tasty, but they did the job well. There is a room full of MREs in this base.

  Jack said that they have to leave this base tomorrow. He is a good soldier and he know well how to protect these people. And Lieutenant Jackson is also good at doing his job. Johanna and Aaron can be often seen on the roof checking for any trouble. After the mother ship and the flying saucers went down everybody is very happy.

  Will this happiness last forever? That they have to wait and see.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 3 – Sam

  2026 August 14, Chicago

  After the flying saucers went down, Sam hardly saw any aliens. In the morning a pack of aliens in human form passed through the road near the building he and the soldiers were hiding. Aliens looked afraid of something and they were carting a big glass container full of blood. But none of the aliens reached their destination. Before they could exit the road near the block, soldiers dropped grenades and killed every one of them.

  Finally they also destroyed the blood container. Aliens didn’t put up much of a fight. And Sam is very happy about it. He want to kill them personally after what they had done to Lara but he is not old enough for much of a fight, but a soldier gave him a revolver and the soldier also gave him a few instructions on how to use the gun. Not all soldiers are happy about Sam having a gun.

  When the sun moved to its highest position soldiers went outside for a lookout mission and before long they returned, and with them came ten new people. According to the solders they were in the middle of the city when a pack of aliens came. Fortunately aliens didn’t shoot back and they all retreated whence they came as soon as they saw the soldiers. And on the way aliens dumped their prisoners and the soldiers saved them.

  Now everything is looking good. Sam stared at the settling sun in the horizon and thought about Lara. If she would have been alive, they would have talked and laughed. He misses those beautiful moments they shared each other during their time in that refugee camp.

  Will the aliens retreat back to their planet? But how would they go without their flying saucers. According to soldiers, all the portals they had seen were not working. Someone definitely is watching all this and whoever that is, is making things right.

  Sam can’t wait to see the new peaceful day which is in his imagination.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 4 – Jan

  2026 August 14, New York

  Today is very calm and soldiers spotted no flying saucers. Yesterday Jan personally saw the flying saucers crashing onto Earth. Whoever did that, they have done it well. Aliens will not recover easily from this and now soldiers are experiencing zero resistance from the aliens.

  In the morning, soldiers killed hundreds of aliens who were trying to sneak into their portal. But the real amazing thing is, their portals are all down for good. Reports are saying that this all started when a pilot named Donny blew up the mother ship using a hydrogen bomb.

  It’s is still exciting to know that such courageous soldiers are still in United States’ army.

  Now soldiers are planning something big. Jan thought about Jack for some time. It’s been long since she saw him and she is eager to hear his soothing voice.

  Jan paced to and fro along the narrow corridor thinking about Jack.

  “Jan, there is a call for you?” A soldier came and gave her a satellite phone.

  “Yes, this is Jan.” Jan said.

  “Jan, are you okay, honey?”

  “Jack, where are you? I have been waiting for you for days. Yes, I am alright.”

  “I am coming, baby, I am near New York. I will reach there tomorrow or day after tomorrow.”

  “Please come quick.”

  “How is my prince looking?”

  “Oh, he has been kicking a lot lately. Come fast, okay?”

  “I will. See you soon.” The call ended.

  Jan gave the phone to the Soldier and the soldier left the scene.

  A worry flew away from her. Jack is coming.

  “God, watch over Jack, will you?”

  * * * * *

  Chapter 5 – Jack Green

  2026 August 15, Near Boston

  Jack Green and the big band of survivors started their walk to New York in the early morning. Apart from the kids every one of the survivor is armed with an assault rifle. Jack and his team are armed to the teeth.

  The road is very quiet apart from the occasional chirping of the birds. And the road is devoid of aliens. They climbed a line of cars blocking the road and slowly moved forward. When they got hungry they ate the MREs that they took with them. When they got thirsty they drank mineral water.

  Also they looted a super market that was on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. The road to New York is very wide and both sides are filled with beautiful trees. They occasionally saw one or two buildings on the way.

  Since the road is mostly empty of abandoned vehicles, they thought about driving a vehicle to New York, but none of them know how to hot wire and the vehicles they found with keys were dead. The battery of the vehicles died quickly since it was too long since they are operated.

  Before long they exited Boston and entered into the road to New York. They were near a resort on the side of the road when a scream came from the resort. Jack and his team of special operatives broke inside the resort and found a pack of aliens feasting on a man. And there was a cage full of humans inside one room.

  Jack and his team killed all the aliens and saved the humans. The aliens actually didn’t put up much of a fight and they were very afraid. According to one survivor the aliens were planning to go to Gamorphia through the Bermuda Triangle once they reach New York harbour. The aliens were actually really pissed off at the destruction of their mother ship.

  The mother ship alone controlled all the flying saucers and the portals. Once the mother ship got destroyed the aliens were trapped in here.

  Survivors happily continued their journey to New York. Now the aliens don’t stand a chance against the humans, right?

  * * * * *

  Chapter 6 – Sam

  2026 August 15, Chicago

  Sam and the small band of survivors walked through the road. Since the aliens had retreated from the city, they thought about changing the building. The city is dead silent and the sky is devoid of flying saucers. They occasionally saw birds energetically flying in the sky.

  Even though they are away from an imminent anger, soldiers are extra alerted. As far as they know, all the inter-dimensional portals are down and the aliens must be on the run to find a way back to their planet.

  The aliens really abandoned the city. Where will they go if there are no way out from here? Sam will shoot them down with his revolver if he have a chance. And in fact the soldiers won’t hesitate to kill an alien no matter how pissed off they are.

  The aliens ended the world they knew. And now that old world is gone. Now in this new world survivors need to live with people they hardly knew. There are no more whole families. Each survivor lost their family wholly or partially.

  Now, this angry crowd will do anything to survive. Will there be anything left in the aliens’ arsenal? Jack ass aliens lost this battle, that’s certain.

  Before long Soldiers found a good looking building, and Sam and this small band of survivors made it their home. No aliens, no worries. Will this peace last forever?

  * * * * *

  Chapter 7 – Donny

  2026 August 15, Unknown Location

  It’s been too long since they dumped Donny in this prison. They occasionally came and picked men from the cells and the men never came back. Donny clearly know where to all these men are going from this prison. He waited for his chance to go out and end this life. No, he don’t have to end it, and he couldn’t end it, but they will do it.

  He was a good catholic and he was a church going person. He never killed a human even though he was in military. He thought why god now abandoned him. God was with him when a few days ago the aliens shot down his jet. Now where does he gone to?

  Is there actually a god, or is he just a theory? New thoughts about god began to pop up in his head.

  “This damn, humans. I want to kill all of them.” An alien in human form came near the cell and sat down on a chair.

  Aliens usually come inside the cell room and talk about their stories. Now what are they going to discuss?

  “There is an army man in here. Should we feast on him today?” Another aliens asked.

  “We will, but not yet.” First alien said.

  “Do you think they will do it?” A third alien came to the room and asked.

  “I bet they will. They never had a chance to use it before. I say use it. At least we could go home from this wretched planet.” The first alien said.

  “Will it hurt?” The second alien asked.

  “I don’t know. I never experienced it. In fact no one experienced it. They had been on research for far too long in this. I hope it will work right.” The first alien said.

  “What are they talking about?” Donny muttered.

  Aliens looked at Donny.

  “We are talking about your end. You think you army men can do whatever you want and we will not do anything?” The first alien asked.

  Donny said nothing.

  “They say that whoever destroyed our mother ship got ejected from that jet near the town we found this army man over there.” The third alien said.

  “Is that right?” The first alien asked. “Then I am gonna rip him apart.” The alien quickly got angry.

  Other aliens grinned.

  “Come here you piece of filth.” The first alien opened the cage and dragged Donny out of the cage.

  “Are you the one who blew up the ship?” The first alien asked.

  Donny swallowed a mouth full of saliva.

  “Yeah. I blew up the ship. And we will do it again and again, until all of you are dead.” Donny mustered the courage and said.

  Anyway he won’t be escaping from this place alive.

  “You, piece of shit.” The first alien sunk his teeth on Donny’s neck instantly.

  “Ahh …” Donny screamed.

  Suddenly the alien ripped apart a chunk of meat from Donny’s neck and it looked at Donny’s face with that chunk of meat still in its mouth. Blood oozed down from its mouth.

  Donny felt his world spinning around him and his world became blank.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 8 – Jan

  2026 August 15, New York

  Jan stared at the monitor.

  “So, they are escaping?” Jan asked.

  “It looks like they are.” A tall old man said.

  In the monitor a satellite image of a ship which had set sail from New York harbour is shown.

  “Where are they going to?” Jan asked.

  “Possibly to Gamorphia, but our men had pulverised that area.” The old man said.

  “But, they are escaping. What if they have some hidden weapons in Gamorphia?” Jan asked. “We need to kill them.”

  “One of our naval group is already out there looking for a way to attack. Those aliens are a lost cause. They will die no matter what.” The tall man said.

  Jan stared at the monitor.

  “We have to kill them all.” Jan muttered.

  Then she got out of the room and paced to and fro through the corridor. She has been doing this for a few days now. Just walking to and fro. It made her concentrate on things clearly.

  “Jack, come back fast, baby.”

  * * * * *

  Chapter 9 – Jack Green

  2026 August 15, Near New York

  Jack and team continued their journey. Before long night consumed the day and they all got inside a good looking building to stay for the night. The night was pretty good and again no sound of aliens or flying saucers. Everything looks good.

  Everyone slept peacefully. With the aliens gone everyone have become a little eased but they didn’t discarded their cover. Jason and a few others staye
d on guard until midnight and after that Jack woke up and stayed on guard.

  In the morning, after a light meal, they again continued their journey. Sky is pretty good and so far no resistances from the aliens. So far, so good.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 10 – Johanna

  2026 August 16, New York

  At midday they reached New York.

  “Do we have to go farther?” Johanna asked.

  “No. It’s near.” Jack said.

  Johanna looked at the sky for some time. Suddenly she caught something in her eye.

  “Jack, what is that thing in the sky?” Johanna asked.

  “What?” Jack asked.

  “There.” Johanna pointed out. There is something dark slowly approaching Earth.

  Then Jack also saw it.

  Everyone stared at the sky. Then everyone saw it. In fact it’s not a thing. There are hundreds may be thousands of black things raining from the sky.

  “Are they rocks?” Johanna asked.

  “No. They are pretty slow to be a rock.” Jack said.

  “Are they some kind of flying saucers?” Aaron asked.

  “Could be.” Jack said. “Let’s hide inside a building.”

  Survivors quickly got inside a good looking building and everyone went near the windows to look at the sky clearly. Jack, Johanna and few others went all the way to the top and they stood behind the glass roof and stared at the sky.

  A few hours passed then the black things came into view. They are pretty big and they hovered above the buildings. Johanna looked out through the window and saw a series of those black things in the sky. They are everywhere.

  “What are they came up with this time?” Johanna muttered.

  Then it happened. The black things’ middle portion become like a starry night sky and they began to suck everything. The glass roof didn’t put up much of a fight and next was Jason. He went straight through the black thing.

  “A black hole!” Johanna muttered before she also got sucked inside.

  * * * * *


  2026 August 16

  New York

  Jan was looking through the pictures on her tablet computer when all of a sudden the roof got sucked into a black thing in the sky.

  Jan held on to a metal rung attached to the wall. Her lower part of the body got attracted towards the black thing.