Read Harmony Season 2 Page 9

  Suddenly a screech came from in front of the survivors.

  “Quickly, into the corn field.” Jack led everyone to the corn filed.

  A moment later a battalion of aliens went in the direction of the town. Fortunately aliens didn’t pay attention to the corn fields. Through the corn field survivors moved forward and before long they exited the corn field and entered inside the yard of a farm.

  Frequent cry of cows came from a farm house. Jack moved towards the sound of cows and found dozens of cows crying. There were no one to feed the cows and Jack could clearly see the bones sticking out of the cows. They hadn’t ate anything for a few days.

  “Poor creatures.” Johanna said.

  Johanna moved towards the cows and she quickly untied the rope which had restrained the cows.

  “Shh … Shh …. Go outside.” Johanna said to the cows. Cows slowly went outside through the doorway and they started grazing through the grass field nearby. Jack smiled at Johanna.

  “There will be cows like this all over the world.” Johanna said to Jack. Jack nodded.

  “Let’s look inside the house. There will be something to eat.” Jack said.

  Everyone nodded. They slowly entered inside the house and found two dead bodies. Smell of decaying flesh lingered in the air. Jack went inside the kitchen and took a glass full of water from the tap and he drank. Then he went outside.

  Before long everyone filled their belly with water and they quickly continued their journey. Jack frequently checked his tablet computer for directions to his base.

  A few moments later sun moved to its highest position.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 6 – Matthew

  2026 August 12, Boston

  Matthew thought about his family. Then he immediately pushed away that thought. Chances are his family is dead. But he don’t want to know that. He hopes that they are alive somewhere. He couldn’t hold back his pain if he knew that his family is dead.

  Now he have a mission. A mission with this soldiers. He and this soldiers are determined to kill all those aliens and he hope that one day there will be a good day worth living.

  “Do we have to go much farther to your base?” Matthew asked Jack.

  “No. It is near. About one more mile to go.” Jack said.

  Leading this hundreds of people in this apocalyptic world is very dangerous. Aliens could easily find them. So they have to reach the base faster before those aliens come back with a better plan.

  A few moments later Jack Green got a call from his base saying they have to reach the base faster. Whoever called Jack said about some aliens surrounding the base. Survivors increased their pace.

  They passed the agricultural land and entered into another city. Soon after they entered inside the city they heard chatting of people from the block of buildings in front of them. Jack gestured at everyone to be silent. Jack and a few men went near the corner of a building and peeked. Then Matthew saw it. There are dozens of aliens in humans form chatting one another. He know they are not humans because there is a big glass container full of a red liquid near the men. The liquid must be blood.

  They are discussing about moving the container to Gamorphia. And there is a portal to another dimension in the middle of the road.

  “What should we do?” Matthew asked.

  “We will kill them, of course.” Jack whispered.

  Jack and men quickly discarded their cover and stepped into the road.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Jack pulled the trigger as soon as the aliens set their eyes on Jack and his men.

  A moment later all the aliens went down. Jack quickly armed a grenade and attached it to the blood container. And Jack and his men ran away from the scene.


  The blood container exploded and blood pour out of the container to the road. Small puddles of blood formed there and there.

  A few moments later Jack and team continued their walk. Before long they exited the town and saw two cross roads. Jack led the survivors through the muddy path. They slowly moved through the road.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 7 – Donny

  2026 August 12, Unknown Location, Army Air Base

  A big white room. Soldiers are standing around a table. There is a big digital map laid on the table and the map showed a big black coloured ship hovering above stratosphere.

  “I say, we nuke them.” Donny said.

  “But we don’t have any bombs or missiles that are nuclear.” A tall man with black spectacles said.

  “How about that hydrogen bomb in our storage room?” Donny asked.

  “Oh, that. That thing is still on development. It has no timer or any remote controls.” The tall man grimaced.

  “But it works, right? I only need something that works, I don’t care whether it explodes or implodes. I want to kill those mother fuckers. They killed my whole family. I want revenge.” Donny said.

  “I can understand your concern but I can’t allow you to use that.” The tall man said.

  “Come on man, just give him a chance. What do we have to lose?” A man with whitish hair said.

  “Yeah. Donny could do this. If this is done, who knows what happens next? May be whole of their air power will deteriorate.” A younger soldier said.

  “All right.” The tall man said. “But, don’t blow us. Blow only that fucking mother ship.”

  “You will not regret this.” Donny said.

  “Okay, let’s load the missile in a jet.” The tall man said.

  They quickly walked towards the exit door. They entered into a corridor and moved along the dimly lighted corridor. Before long they reached the end of the corridor, and Donny and one other soldier entered inside a storage room nearby. The corridor’s end have two doors. One leads to the storage room.

  In the storage room Donny saw the hydrogen missile. It’s painted in black colour and dust wholly covered the surface. Quickly others also got inside. Everyone lifted the missile and placed it in a cart. Then they wheeled it outside the storage room. They quickly exited the corridor through the second exit door. They entered into a wide room and fighter jets rests in a neat manner in a row.

  “We had fuel for only five.” The tall man said. “Those five are the one I am talking about.” He pointed at five jets which are at the end of the row.

  Danny carted the missile towards the jet which is on the farthest corner. Before long they reached near the jet and then Donny opened a hatch under the jet and everyone loaded the missile chamber with the Hydrogen bomb.

  “So when will we do this?” A young soldier asked.

  “We will do this tomorrow. Meanwhile, we will check everything. We need to monitor their activity in the sky. And when the time is right, Donny can go.” The tall man said.

  Everyone nodded.

  Everyone’s face is now filled with a little excitement. They now have a chance to destroy the mother ship. They hope for the best and moved away from the room.

  On the way Donny took a quick glance at the jet he is going to fly tomorrow. And they all exited the room.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 8 – Sam

  2026 August 12, Chicago

  “I am sure. I saw movement inside.” A voice said.

  Sam slowly opened his eyes. Sunlight seeped in through the glass windows. He stood up from the couch and walked towards the window.

  “Well it looks like nobody is home.” Another voice said.

  Sam clearly heard the voices, but who will it be? Sam looked outside through the window but saw no one.

  “I am sure, believe me. It’s worth a check.” The first voice said.

  “Okay, man, let’s check inside. We don’t want to waste a blood bag however small it is.” A third voice said.

  A chill went through Sam’s legs with the mention of blood. The voices are coming from the back of the building. Sam went near the back window and peered outside. Suddenly he froze. Three men are outside on the fire escape ladder. They are definit
ely aliens. They are in the second level but soon they will reach third level to feed on Sam.

  Sam quickly held back his panic and ran towards the exit door.

  “I told you, someone is inside.” A voice said from behind Sam.

  The aliens are right outside the third level. Sam opened the exit door and entered into a hallway which is opened to the outside. He ran through the hallway towards the stairs. Sound of glass breaking came from the room Sam had just exited.

  Before long Sam climbed down the stairs and reached the road. Sam didn’t wait for anything. He ran through the road. Suddenly the aliens in the human form jumped to the road from the third level hallway. Sam took a quick glance at his rear and found the aliens gaining on him.

  It’s been too long since sun rose in the horizon. Damn. What the hell was he doing all this time? He slept too long. He could have anticipated something like this. If he detected them a little earlier, he could have easily hide inside a closet or something like that. Now look at what happened. The aliens are gaining on Sam. Soon they will catch him.

  “God, please.” Sam muttered.

  Suddenly he tripped up on a small stone on the road.

  “Ahh ...” Pain coursed through his left foot.

  Then the man things stopped near Sam. Sam breathed heavily and looked up at the man things.

  “Come here, you little bitch.” The tall alien lifted him from the ground by holding on his collar.

  “Please, don’t kill me.” Sam pleaded.

  “Oh ... We want only a little blood.” The tallest alien grinned.

  The man thing moved his head towards Sam’s neck. Sam closed his eyes and braced for pain.


  A gun shot echoed and the tallest man dropped dead. Sam fell down on to the ground. Alien blood is everywhere on Sam’s face.

  Sam quickly crawled through the ground by paddling with his hand. The remaining aliens screeched looking at there and there.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  The remaining aliens also went down. Sam stopped paddling when he met boots of a soldier.

  “Stand up kid.” The soldier said.

  Sam lifted up his face and looked at the soldier’s face. Relief washed over Sam. Sam somehow stood up.

  “Come on, let’s get you to a safe place.” The soldier said.

  Sam nodded.

  Soldier led Sam towards a group of soldiers who were hiding behind a wall. Soldiers smiled at Sam. For the first time in days, Sam felt safe.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 9 – Jack Green

  2026 August 13, Near Boston

  At the time they reached the base, Jack and team didn’t saw anyone inside the base. The base was eerily quiet and there was not even a dead body. And there are no signs of forced entry too. They spent the night inside the base and before long morning sun broke in the horizon.

  “Okay, we need to plan our next movement.” Jack said to the soldiers who are gathered around a table.

  There is a big map laid on the table and some of the soldiers are examining the map.

  “There are lot of weapons here. How about we kill them by one city at a time.” Jackson said.

  “Clearing one city at a time is a good idea, but if they come in large amount we wouldn’t stand a chance. We need to take out their air power first.” Jack said.

  “And how would we do that?” Jackson asked.

  “There are long range missiles in here. First we will kill any flying saucers that are roaming the sky.” Jack said.

  Everyone nodded.

  They continued their planning strategy and before long sun moved to its highest position. After the discussion Jack thought about Jan. Jan will be pretty safe in the New York base but a worry grew inside him. New York base is the safest place on Earth now. Jack need to reach there soon. They had planned many things. It is certain that there will be no time to waste in the coming days.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 10 – Lieutenant Jackson

  2026 August 13, Near Boston

  A sharp screech came from outside. Jackson and Matthew peered outside through the window. Then they saw it. A battalion of aliens have surrounded the base.

  “Shit, call everyone.” Jackson said to Matthew.

  Matthew quickly ran away from the scene. Suddenly aliens began to thrash on the front door. The steel door began to vibrate. Jackson trained his gun at the aliens through the window and he waited for Jack to come.

  A few minutes later Jack and all other soldiers and special operatives came near Jackson. Jack carefully looked outside.

  “Jason, you and a few others go to the roof and wait for my command.” Jack said to a tall special operative.

  Jason nodded and he and a few other soldiers moved towards the stairs. Jack and rest of the team trained their gun at the aliens outside through the windows.

  Jack looked up through the glass window on the roof towards Jason. Jason looked at Jack. Jack showed a thumps up and Jason nodded.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Gunshots fired from the roof.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Jack and team also pulled the trigger and bullets sprayed out through the windows. Aliens one by one went down. Jackson and Jack ran outside through the front door and examined things. Suddenly a blue stun ray came out of nowhere and hit Jack in his head. Jack fell down unconscious.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Jackson pulled the trigger and bullets sprayed in all directions. Quickly a special operative came outside and dragged Jack away from the scene. A moment later Matthew Aaron and few other soldiers came outside and started to shoot at the aliens. Aliens are coming from the nearby tree land.

  Before long the flow of aliens stopped and airbase and the surrounding filled with the smell of gunpowder.

  Suddenly, two flying saucers came from north direction and they started shooting stun rays at the survivors. The flying saucers hovered over the base. Quickly Jason and few others with him threw armed magnetic flash grenades at the flying saucers, and the grenades quickly got attached to the flying saucers and the grenades beeped.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  Grenades exploded and the flying saucers lost control and crash landed in the yard of the base. A moment later the side ramp of the crashed flying saucers opened and two aliens come outside with stun guns.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Jackson pulled the trigger and the newly emerged aliens went down. A moment later silence again hovered over the base and before long sun began to set in the horizon.

  * * * * *


  2026 August 13, Unknown Location, Earth

  They planned to start the mission in the morning but due to heightened alien activity in the sky, the launch of the mission extended. At evening all the aliens disappeared from the sky, although the mother ship is still in its initial position.

  Donny got inside the jet and waved at his fellow soldiers. They all waved back at Donny. Donny switched on the engines and before long he drove the jet outside the yard and a moment later the jet flew up. Donny masterfully manoeuvred the jet through the clouds and before long mother ship came into view.

  Suddenly flying saucers rained from the mother ship. And flying saucers began to shoot at Donny. Donny quickly flew up. Flying saucers followed. Donny steeply climbed, and a moment later he could see the outer space. Then Donny did a curved jump and he descended towards the mother ship. He passed the incoming flying saucers and descended at high velocity.

  At the moment he is near the mother ship he released the cargo and he manoeuvred the jet away from the mother ship.

  The hydrogen bomb fell at high velocity and it descended towards the mother ship.


  Donny looked at his rear and found two suns in the sky – one is going down and the other is rising. Suddenly the shock wave of the blast knocked out his jet. The jet began to rotate in the air, and then the jet began to descend at high velocity. Donny pressed the eject button, but all the controls got knocked ou

  “Ahh ...” Donny screamed.

  Suddenly he got ejected from the jet and he slowly descended.

  To be continued…

  Episode 10 - Black Hole


  2026 August 13, Near Boston

  Jack wasn’t out for much time. As soon as he is conscious he examined the surrounding of the base from the roof. As far as he needed to know, the flow of aliens have stopped.


  The ear breaking sound of an explosion came from somewhere nearby. Before long everybody is on the roof examining the surrounding to see what was that sound.

  Then Jack spotted it first. A big fireball is in the sky and something massive just exploded. The parts of that massive thing accelerated towards Earth. The parts are still on fire.

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  The parts of the massive thing scattered everywhere and they all fell on Earth creating a loud noise. Fortunately nothing fell near the base. Then the sky turned to super orange colour creating another sun. The effect of explosion in the sky lasted about an hour. Then everything settled down.

  “What do you think that was?” Johanna asked Jack.

  “It must had been a space ship. The question is whose was that?” Jack said. “It must have been a nuclear bomb.”

  “Do you think we are safe from radiation?” Johanna asked.

  “I don’t know. We have to wait and see.” Jack said.

  “Jack, look at the sky.” Jason shouted.

  Jack looked up and saw it. About hundreds of flying saucers are raining from the sky. Fortunately they are not coming towards the base. They are raining to the city of Boston.

  “Something is not right. They are not slowing down.” Jack said.

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  Flying saucers disappeared behind the tree land creating a series of loud noise.

  “What the hell just happened?” Jason asked.

  “They all crashed!” Jack said with his own surprise.

  “How is this possible?” Matthew asked.

  “Doesn’t matter. Their air power deteriorated. That massive thing which exploded earlier must have been their mother ship.” Jack said.