Read Harmony Season 2 Page 2

  After some time, Jimmy and Charley went outside the bunker to take a piss. Gary went with them as a precaution. Outside darkness slowly started to conquer the land. Fortunately no sign of aliens. Jimmy wondered when will everything turns alright.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 3 – Allen

  2026 August 2, Los Angeles

  Allen, Johanna and Danny spent the night in that building. Fortunately no one broke inside the building. They woke up early in the morning and looked outside through the window from the top level. Nothing unusual is outside apart from a few flying saucers occasionally flying through the blue sky.

  Today sky is very clear and no fighter jets to see. It looks like aliens had won the war in the sky. Now the naval war and ground war remains. Allen hope that military will soon find a way to distinguish those human aliens from normal humans.

  Allen and Johanna began to search through the building for any survivors but so far they found no one. Based on the look of the rooms, everyone must have left the building in a hurry. No dead bodies are in the building, so people must have fled to somewhere before the war began.

  Suddenly a sharp screech came from the floor Allen and Johanna were in. Johanna and Allen quickly crouched down on the floor behind a wall. A moment later Danny came running.

  “They broke inside the building.” Danny said panting.

  Danny was looking out for any unusual activity from the roof.

  “How many?” Johanna asked.

  “About ten.” Danny said.

  “That’s just great. We heard a sound from this floor, so brace yourself.” Allen said.

  Then Danny first saw it. “There.” Danny pointed at a cubicle on the far corner of the office room.

  Johanna and Allen peeked at the place Danny had pointed. Then they too saw. It’s an alien in alien form. It have a gun in its hand. Gun is blue in colour and there is a transparent cylindrical thing near the trigger.

  “It have a gun.” Allen said.

  “It must be that stun ray.” Johanna said. “Remember, they will not waste a drop of blood. So the gun is perfectly harmless.”

  “We need to take out that thing.” Allen said.

  “With what?” Danny asked.

  “We can snap its neck. I have done it before.” Allen said.

  “You killed an alien by snapping its neck?” Johanna asked.

  “Yeah. At that time I didn’t saw much of a choice. And the alien was in human form. Look at its long neck. If you guys somehow distract it, then I will do the job.” Allen said.

  “Okay.” Johanna quickly stood up discarding her cover.

  “Great. I didn’t even said the plan.” Allen whispered.

  The alien quickly saw her and it pointed its gun at Johanna. It slowly approached her from a corner. Johanna slowly backed away raising her hands.

  “Please, don’t kill me.” Johanna said.

  “No. How can I kill a beautiful young lady? But I would like to drink your blood when you have all your senses. That way the blood will be much hotter.” The alien said.

  “Please, I want to live. Spare me.” Johanna said.

  “Stop moving or I promise you, it will be slower.” The alien said.

  Johanna stopped moving, still raising her hand. Alien slowly passed the wall near which Allen and Danny are hiding. Alien didn’t even saw them. It slowly approached Johanna.

  Allen quickly silently stood up behind the alien. He slowly moved his hands to the alien’s head. Alien saw something coming from its corner of the eye but before it could react Allen held the alien’s head firmly between his palms and without wasting time he twisted and snapped its head. The sound of breaking of spine came from within the creature.

  Alien dropped dead on the floor.

  “That was a handy work you have done.” Johanna said with deep sigh.

  “Thanks.” Allen took the alien’s gun.

  “That was actually impressive.” Danny said lost in thoughts.

  Suddenly screeches came from the lower levels.

  “We need to get out of this building. We can’t take out every one of them using this technique. And I need a gun.” Allen said.

  “Which way should we go?” Johanna asked.

  “I don’t know. We will use the stairs and hope that there won’t be any of them.” Allen said

  “Okay, then move out.” Danny said.

  They slowly moved through the cubicles and finally reached the stairs.

  “How about using the fire escape route?” Johanna asked.

  “That’s a good idea. Then come this way.” Allen led them to a corner where a long stair is present.

  The fire escape route directly leads to the ground floor and there are exits to this route from all the floors.

  Allen and team slowly climbed down. They checked each exit on the way. Fortunately aliens are away from the fire escape route. And finally Allen and team reached the ground level. The fire escape route leads directly to the back of the building. As soon as they reached outside the building they started their journey through the dark road.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 4 – Matthew

  2026 August 2, Los Angeles

  Matthew ran through the dark road. Several blue coloured stun rays whistled past him. Behind him aliens are on pursuit. A moment later Matthew lost the aliens behind a building and he ran and ran.

  Suddenly an alien jumped on top of him from a building. Matthew lost his footing and fell down. The alien quickly stood up and approached Matthew. As soon as Matthew is back on his feet the alien came near him and slapped on his face. Matthew again fell down.

  Somehow Matthew stood up. The alien rushed at Matthew. Matthew dodged the attack and kicked at the back of the alien. Alien lost its footing and fell down. Matthew without wasting any time sprinted away.

  Suddenly sound of footsteps came from his back. Matthew glanced back and saw the alien pursuing him.

  “Let me go, you bitch.” Matthew shouted on the way.

  With one or two leaps the alien jumped on top of Matthew. Matthew fell down. From the ground he wrestled with the alien. Alien is on top of him and it is doing all it can to sunk its teeth in Matthew’s neck.

  Matthew violently kicked in the air. Unfortunately no kicks hit the alien.


  Someone smashed a metal rod on the alien’s head. Alien stumbled back and its hand on Matthew loosened. Matthew quickly stood up and looked at his rescuer. It was Aaron.

  “You okay, mate?” Aaron asked.

  “I am fine, but that thing will get back on its feet any moment.” Matthew said.

  Aaron quickly moved towards the alien and swung his metal rod at the creature.

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  Aaron swung again and again until brain matter and blood splashed out of its head. The alien wriggled on the ground. A moment later all movement of the alien ceased and its body went limp.

  Aaron breathed heavily and he dropped the metal rod.

  “That was easy.” Aaron said in between breathing.

  “Thanks for saving me. Where were you earlier?” Matthew asked panting.

  “Oh, I ran all day yesterday. And today the building I hid in got surrounded by those things. I barely escaped from them.” Aaron said.

  Suddenly blue rays came from their back but fortunately none hit them.

  “Run!” Aaron shouted.

  About ten of the aliens with guns are approaching them. Aaron and Matthew ran at their maximum speed. Aliens are continuously firing their gun.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  Alien guns roared.

  Then they saw a fast flowing river in a side.

  “Jump into the water.” Aaron yelled.

  They both quickly jumped into the water. The water current was too strong and it carried them at high speed through the water. Matthew gulped water one or two times but it looks like aliens had stopped pursuing them. They finally reached a rocky area. Matthew and Aaron quickly held onto a rock tightly.
  After several attempts to reach the bank they finally succeeded. They both panted heavily from the river bank. There is a small forest in their back side.

  “You think they are gone?” Matthew asked.

  “Yeah. I don’t think they will jump in to the water.” Aaron said.

  “So, what happened to those we saved from Gamorphia?” Matthew asked.

  “I saw several of them running inside a building, but most of them got captured by the aliens.” Aaron said.

  “What should we do next?” Matthew asked.

  “We should find a gun shop and I want to shot down all those bitches.” Aaron said gritting his teeth.

  “Do you know where we are?” Matthew asked.

  “We are in Los Angeles. I saw it on the board of a shop.” Aaron said.

  “I need to find my family. They are in New York.” Matthew said.

  “We are pretty much further from New York. They must be okay. We need to save ourselves first. After we make sure our safety we can go and look for your family.” Aaron said.

  “Okay, but the longer we wait the chances that they are alive will get slimmer.” Matthew said.

  “Don’t worry about them. Government must have done something. For example look at this city. Everyone here looks like had fled. Let’s first find a gun shop here. Are you familiar with this city?” Aaron asked.

  “No. I visited here only a couple of times.” Matthew said.

  “Then we need to check all the buildings in this city.” Aaron said.

  “Okay.” Matthew said.

  They both started to walk through the small forest.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 5 – Audrey

  2026 August 2, Wolforia

  Last night the sleep inside the bunker was pretty good. Even though outside temperature is very low, temperature inside the bunker is pretty good. People hardly need blankets. Fortunately no aliens approached the village. Gary, Lucy and Kevin are always watching the distant lands from the house.

  In the morning Audrey woke up refreshed and went beside Miss Lucy. She watched the morning sun through the window with Lucy. Sun’s rays hardly warmed the surroundings. In the kitchen two women are preparing food for everyone. The bunker is stocked with packed beans and spices, so, food doesn’t matter to the survivors.

  Whoever built this bunker planned many years ahead and stocked the food supplies. Audrey have only one problem with the food - she hates to eat same food every day. About an hour later the women in the kitchen announced that food is ready. Some men quickly supplied food in steel plates. There is a well nearby this house and thus there is no problem with the water.

  Audrey quickly finished the cooked beans and she washed the plate and placed the clean plate on top of a table. Then she went to a corner of the bunker and she sat down on the floor with her back on the wall. Jimmy, Charley and other kids quickly finished their food and they all sat around Audrey.

  “Audrey, it’s time to read the journal.” Charley said.

  All other kids nodded.

  “Okay.” Audrey took out the journal from her waist band of her skirt.

  Audrey began to flip through the pages and she stopped at the third entry.

  Audrey took a deep sigh and she slowly began to read out loud.

  2004 March 10 Wednesday

  I woke up in the morning with the sound of a machinery. I glanced outside through the window and saw a flying saucer hovering over a house. Then I saw three aliens walking through the street. They were heading to my house. They must have found out that I am inside. Then I heard the creaking of the front door.

  I didn’t wait for further sound. I quickly ran to the back door. I got outside just in time. The aliens started to dismantle everything in my house. I ran through the maze of houses and climbed a small hill. I hid behind a snow covered boulder and peeked at the scene. Aliens destroyed my house’s doors and they got outside.

  Aliens stood right outside on the backyard and they examined the situation. Fortunately they didn’t saw the footprints that I left in the snow. Then, just like that they walked away from my house. I waited and waited. And I waited until the flying saucer flew away from the village.

  Then I heard a high pitch scream of a woman. The scream was coming from behind a hill that is situated behind me. I slowly climbed that hill and looked everywhere. And I saw it. I couldn’t say who it was. An alien was sucking blood from the woman’s body through her neck.

  There was two other dead bodies lying near the woman and the alien. A moment later the alien dumped the woman and it walked away. I watched its movement clearly. A flying saucer had landed nearby and the alien was walking towards it.

  A few minutes later the flying saucer went up and it flew away. Then I heard some screeches and growls coming from the tower. I clearly saw the tower from the top of the hill. It looks like the aliens are holding up in that tower. I have to check that tower. And tonight I will go there.

  If I didn’t write anything on tomorrow’s entry, that means I am dead. I hope god will be watching over me.

  And that entry is over. Audrey hungrily flipped the page to see the next entry but sadly that was all. There are no more entries.

  “It’s over guys. He died.” Audrey said.

  “Oh, man, I was starting to like that guy.” Jimmy said.

  “Now we need to find another book.” A kid said.

  Audrey nodded.

  “No need for this journal anymore.” Audrey placed the journal on the floor and stood up.

  Before long sun moved to its highest position but again the sun hardly warmed the cold village.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 6 – Lucy

  2026 August 3, Unknown Mountains

  Early in the morning Lucy and Kevin started their walk towards tunnel 304. They slowly walked through the snow covered landscape. Before long they reached near the tents. A quietness loomed over the land and a chilling wind howled through the mountains.

  In the wind tree branches swayed, and sometimes the branches heaved and snapped due to the weight of the snow above it. From a distance a wolf howled. Lucy tightened her grip on her bow. Kevin is also carrying a bow.

  Before long the tower came into view. Lucy and Kevin crouched down on top of the hill and examined the situation. The ever present silence is still here and nothing moved near the tower. There is nothing notable near the tower.

  Then suddenly with a swoosh, a flying saucer glided through the sky over the tower. A moment later a number of flying saucers came and they all went in the same direction. They all are moving towards the desert. Something is definitely spooking them. A few moments later all the flying saucers disappeared in the horizon. Lucy took a deep sigh and stood up.

  They slowly climbed down the hill and took the path that leads to the tunnel 304. Before long they found the entry way to the tunnel 304. Entry way is a mess and the steel door had exploded into pieces and the pieces are laying there and there. The smell of explosives loomed in the atmosphere.

  “We need to check inside.” Lucy said.

  “Are you nuts? It must have collapsed or it may collapse when we are under it.” Kevin said.

  “We need to salvage what we can. The seeds might help us. And we need weapons.”

  Kevin reluctantly nodded.

  They slowly climbed down through the ladder and before long they reached the dark corridor. Everything is of course faintly visible. They slowly passed through the tunnel and before long they saw the blast door lying on the floor.

  “They have some serious explosives.” Lucy said.

  “Yeah. Sure they have. But I thought they would never kill a human by wasting blood.” Kevin said.

  “Remember, they didn’t hurt anyone with explosives. They just used it to enter inside.”

  Kevin nodded. A moment later they entered inside the city. Nothing bad happened to the houses and the tunnel walls had darkened due to the explosions.

  “Let’s check the cave near tunnel 2
08.” Kevin said.


  “It’s where they spotted this city in the first place. It’s worth a check.”

  “Okay. Lead the way then.”

  Kevin quickly walked in the front. They quickly paced through the city and before long they found tunnel 208. Here walls are completely black and the air smells explosives. They quickly reached the end of the tunnel and saw the blast door in pieces. They slowly cautiously entered inside the cave. Then they heard a sound of a flying saucer.

  Lucy and Kevin went outside the cave and then they saw it. On the grassland stood a battalion of aliens. All are in human meat suit. Flying saucers hovered over the grass land there and there.

  “Let’s get out of here, before they sees us.” Kevin said.


  They quickly silently went back inside the tunnel system. Before long they started their return journey. On the way they took some bottles of seeds from the storage room with them.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 7 – Aaron

  2026 August 3, Los Angeles

  Before long Matthew and Aaron exited the forest and entered into a city. Here things are looking good. There are no flying saucers in the sky and a silence hovered over the small city. Matthew and Aaron moved forward.

  “Where is everybody?” Aaron asked.

  “Maybe everyone had escaped.” Matthew said.

  “What if the aliens caught everybody?”

  “Let’s hope everyone have escaped. I really want to find my family.”

  “We will find everyone. I also have a family. They are in Boston.”

  There are vehicles blocking the streets and all the vehicles had crashed one another. Signal lights are out. So electricity must be out.

  Aaron and Matthew cautiously moved through the side walk. Then they saw the first body. It’s a woman and her skin are all pale. The aliens must have dried this place from humans. A few moments later they heard a screech from behind a building. Aaron tuned his ear for more sound. Then he heard it clearly. The sound is in fact coming from the street on their left direction.

  Aaron and Matthew slowly went near a building which is situated near the street. Then they peeked at the street on their left. Then they saw it. The aliens had caught many humans and the humans are in chain. Aaron looked carefully and saw a portal on the middle of the street.

  Aliens are everywhere and the aliens are leading the humans to the portal. That portal must be leading to Gamorphia.