Read Harmony Season 2 Page 3

  “What should we do? We can’t go in that way.” Matthew said.

  “I really want a gun.” Aaron said.

  Suddenly a flying saucer flew through the sky over the building near which Aaron and Matthew are standing. Then more flying saucers came.

  “Come on, let’s hide in this building.” Aaron said.

  Matthew and Aaron quickly ran towards the front door. They got inside just in time. Soon after they are inside, a flying saucer landed on the street near that building.

  “Let’s go to the higher level.” Aaron said.

  Matthew nodded. They quickly ran towards the stairs and before long they started climbing the stairs. This building is an office building and there are papers littered on the floor everywhere. They were on fifth level when a soldier appeared in front of them.

  Soldier gestured at them to be silent. Aaron and Matthew fell in silence. Soldier then gestured at them to follow him. The soldier started climbing another stairs. Aaron and Matthew followed. Before long they entered into the tenth level and there stood dozens of soldiers.

  Aaron and Matthew breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Lieutenant, I found them downstairs.” The soldier who led Aaron and Matthew said to a tall soldier with a beard.

  Lieutenant looked at Aaron and Matthew and then he went near the window and glanced outside. Then he walked towards Aaron.

  “What are your names?” Lieutenant asked.

  “I am Aaron and this is Matthew.”

  “Where are you coming from?”

  “You won’t believe if we said that.” Matthew said.

  “Try me.”

  “Do you know about the ship Harmony?” Aaron asked.


  “We were in that ship when it disappeared.” Aaron said.

  All soldiers turned their face towards Matthew and Aaron with surprise.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 8 – Johanna

  2026 August 3, Los Angeles

  Johanna and team slept less. In the morning they started their journey from a small house they used for the night. They kept a moderate pace and before long they exited the town and entered into a desolated road.

  There are trees on both sides of the road and Johanna and team slowly moved forward. They occasionally saw one or two flying saucers in the sky. Fortunately none flew in low altitude. Apart from the occasional swoosh of the flying saucers, the neighbourhood is very silent.

  They reached the next town when sun moved to its highest position. Johanna quickly waked towards a store.

  “Where are you going?” Allen asked.

  “I need to eat something. I am hungry as hell.” Johanna said.

  “I am coming too.” Danny said.

  Allen nodded.

  They slowly entered inside the shop through the already opened door.

  After they filled their stomach they continued their journey.

  “What’s the point in walking? We don’t even know where we are going.” Allen asked.

  “We will stop when we find survivors. I need to find my relatives too.” Johanna said.

  “You think there are survivors. For all we know, they all could be in the alien prisons.” Allen said.

  “So, you don’t have any hope?” Johanna asked.

  “No. How can I hope for good things when we know the truth? There are still many UFOs flying in the sky, and now, not a single one of our fighter jets to be seen.” Allen said.

  Danny nodded.

  “Then what’s the point in living? If you don’t have any hope why are you living? You could end your life yourself or you could surrender yourself to the aliens.” Johanna said.

  Allen became silent.

  “There must be some survivors. I strongly believe in that.” Johanna said.

  They slowly continued their walk through the maze created by the vehicles. Every street is filled with vehicles. They frequently saw decaying dead bodies there and there. The smell of decaying flesh lingered in the air. Sun quickly began to go down casting long shadows on the ground. Then they saw it. Someone is watching them from high above a building through the curtain covered window.

  Johanna looked at Allen’s face with a ‘what did I told you?’ look.

  A moment later two faces appeared on the window. They are looking down from the third level. Johanna and team breathed a sigh of relief. The new people gestured at Johanna to move towards the front door. And Johanna and team obeyed. They stood in the front for some time. They looked in every direction and fortunately no aliens are on sight. A few moments later the front door opened and two women stood in the door way.

  “Get inside.” The tallest woman said.

  Johanna and team quickly got inside. They are welcomed by three other women and a few children.

  So there are survivors. Johanna smiled at the kids with excitement that cannot be hidden.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 9 – Lieutenant Jackson

  2026 August 4, Los Angeles

  Lieutenant Jackson looked out through the window. Below, on the street, aliens are disappearing into a portal. There is a big line of human prisoners in chain with the aliens.

  “We have to do something.” A corporal standing beside Jackson said.

  “Give, Aaron and Matthew a gun.” Jackson said to a corporal. “I have a plan.”

  The corporal nodded and disappeared from the scene.

  They have to do something about the aliens or hundreds of people on the streets will die. They have to save those human prisoners.

  A moment later Matthew and Aaron appeared before Jackson with their own gun. Aaron and Matthew are in excitement.

  “Thank you, Lieutenant, for these guns. Now are we going to kick some alien butt?” Aaron asked.

  “Yes we are.” Jackson said.

  * * *

  Soldiers and Aaron and Matthew slowly got outside the building. Some of the soldiers are still in the building with sniper rifles trained on the aliens. There are no flying saucers in the sky but there are many aliens in the street on the soldiers’ left side.

  Jackson slowly went near the corner and peeked at the scene. Aliens are concentrated on moving the humans through the portal.

  “Let’s end these bitches.” Jackson said.

  Soldiers nodded.

  Without thinking again Jackson stood up and marched towards the aliens. Aliens quickly detected Jackson and his team. Aliens drew out their stun gun out of its holster.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Jackson and team didn’t waited. Their guns roared. Human prisoners quickly crouched down.

  One after another, aliens quickly went down.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  The snipers also joined the fight. Before long all the aliens went down. Jackson quickly pulled the pin of a few grenades and he threw the armed grenades into the portal.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  Portal exploded into pieces. Soldiers jumped with excitement. Soldiers quickly removed the chain from the prisoners’ hands.

  “Everybody, go inside that building.” Jackson commanded.

  Everyone quickly ran inside the building. A few moments later soldiers also got inside the building.

  “Lieutenant, there may be human prisoners on the other side of the portal, on Gamorphia. We need to save them.” Aaron said.

  Jackson nodded. “We will save them. First we need to kill all the aliens around here.”

  Aaron nodded, and he and Matthew went near the window.

  Jackson quickly went near the table in the room and examined the map on top of the table. He marked a place on the map with red ink.

  “I am coming, you bitches.” Jackson said himself.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 10 – Allen

  2026 August 4, Los Angeles

  The night inside the small apartment building was pretty good. Allen paced towards the living room and in the living room he found Johanna and Danny talking with the women.

  “Allen, you’re awake?” Joh
anna said. “We were talking about the guns. They are saying that there is a big gun shop in the next block. I think it’s worth a shot.”

  “I am ready whenever you are.” Allen said.

  “We will go now. We were waiting for you.” Johanna said.

  “Okay.” Allen said.

  Johanna and Danny quickly stood up.

  “Okay, we will be back as soon as possible. We will look for some food too.” Johanna said to the women.

  The women nodded.

  Johanna quickly walked towards the front door. Danny and Allen followed Johanna. Before long Johanna and team got outside the apartment building and they started their walk towards the next block. Here there are many mega story buildings. Allen looked at the sky and found birds enjoying their time.

  They passed more crashed vehicles and they also saw decaying dead bodies. They had to cover their nose because of the pungent smell of the dead bodies.

  A few moments later, they saw the gun shop. It is directly in front of them on the other side of a road. Allen and team rushed forward.

  “So, did you ever used a gun before?” Allen asked Danny.

  “We don’t have guns. All we have is bow and arrow and usually one or two spears.” Danny said.

  “That means, we need to teach you how to use a gun.” Johanna said.

  Danny nodded.

  A few moments later they entered inside the gun shop through the already opened door. Allen and team immediately started to search for good guns. There are rows and rows of revolvers and assault rifles in the shelves.

  Johanna quickly took two revolvers and an assault rifle.

  “You know how to use that?” Allen asked Johanna.

  “Yeah. I was a fan of video games.” Johanna said.

  “Wow. Never thought that.” Allen said smiling.

  Allen also took revolvers and assault rifles. They then took loads of ammo. They even filled a small bag they found inside the shop with magazines.

  A few moments later Johanna gave instructions to Danny on how to use a revolver. Danny took three revolvers with him and he also took loads of magazines for the revolvers.

  “Where to next?” Allen asked Johanna.

  “We need to find something to eat.” Johanna said.

  Allen nodded. They immediately exited the gun shop and moved towards the mall.

  “Ahh ...” A sudden sharp scream came from the building in which the survivors are in.

  A worry grew inside Allen. Allen and team quickly ran towards the block from which they had left in the morning. Before long they reached there but found nothing. The scream had ended and quietness fell over the small town.

  “I will go and check what it is. You guys wait behind that building. If anything happens you can act.” Allen said.

  “No, we will stick together.” Johanna said.

  Danny nodded.

  “There could be aliens inside. We all don’t want to go in front of them. If anything happens to me you can save yourself or you can shoot down the aliens.” Allen said.

  “Okay. We will wait for your signal then.” Johanna said.

  Allen nodded. He quickly sprinted towards the apartment building. Before long he reached the front of the building. He slowly got inside. Allen cautiously walked towards the stairs. A moment later he started climbing the stairs. At the time he reached the second level, a sound of footsteps came from the third level. He slowly walked towards the stairs. He kept the gun trained at a distance.


  “Ahh ...” Allen screamed. A pain coursed through his head. Someone hit him in the back of his head.


  Again the hit came to his head. And this time Allen’s world went blank.

  * * * * *


  2026 August 4, Los Angeles

  Johanna and Danny waited behind the back of a building for Allen’s signal.

  “Ahh ...” Suddenly Allen’s scream came from the building.

  Panic and worry grew inside Johanna. They peered at the apartment building. A few moments later the front door of the apartment building opened and a battalion of Aliens came outside. They carried that ugly blue gun in their hand.

  Johanna carefully looked and found Allen on the shoulders of an alien. He is unconscious. All the women and kids are in a chain and they all walked in a line behind an alien. All the aliens are extra alerted and they are searching everywhere on the way. A flying saucer glided through the air in a very low altitude over the line of aliens and humans.

  “Damn it.” Johanna cursed herself.

  “Now what should we do?” Danny asked.

  “We have to save them.” Johanna said.

  “But how. There are too many of them. We wouldn’t stand a chance."

  “Come on, let’s first follow them.” Johanna looked at the aliens.

  Aliens had passed a block and they are slowly moving in the north direction. As soon as the aliens were out of sight Johanna cautiously ran towards the next block in the north direction. Danny reluctantly followed. A moment later Johanna saw the aliens. They are still going in the north direction through the maze of cars.

  Johanna sprinted and whenever she reached near the aliens she hid in the alleys. Danny closely followed Johanna. Before long the aliens stopped moving. Johanna then saw it. There is a portal in the middle of the road. A few moments later a few aliens led the humans into the portal and they quickly disappeared behind the portal walls.

  “Let’s kill these fuckers.” Johanna said.

  To be continued…

  Episode 7 - Among the Stars


  2026 August 4, Los Angeles

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Johanna’s assault rifle roared and all the aliens standing near the portal dropped to the ground.

  Johanna and Danny looked everywhere. Danny is shivering and his revolver rocked in his hands.

  “Don’t pull that trigger pointing at me, okay?” Johanna said.

  “Okay.” Danny’s teeth began to clatter.

  “Relax, buddy. These things are dead. So, are you with me in this?” Johanna placed her hand on top of Danny’s shoulder.

  “I am in.” Danny said.

  “Good. Then let’s go in there and bring back our friends.”

  Danny nodded.

  Suddenly the swoosh of a flying saucer came from the distant sky.

  “It’s coming in our way. Let’s do this.” Johanna ran into the portal. Danny followed.

  The portal’s light rays was very intense. Johanna and Danny had to close their eyes for several minutes. A few more minutes later they opened their eyes and found themselves on top of a cliff. There is a small muddy path that leads to somewhere, passing through the top of the cliff. The whole terrain is in brownish colour and there are no trees nearby.

  “Where the hell are we?” Johanna asked.

  “Look at the sky.” Danny said.

  Johanna looked at the sky and fear shook her in the core. They are not on Gamorphia. Johanna could see giant planets with rings in the sky. It is still day time. Johanna looked at the sun. Sun’s rays barely warmed her. And the sky is in light blue colour. There are lot of clouds there and there in the sky. If they were on Gamorphia, the sky would have been pinkish.

  “How are we supposed to find Allen in here?” Johanna looked at Danny.

  “Don’t look at me. It was your plan.”

  Suddenly a screech sound came from below the cliff. Johanna went near the edges of the cliff and looked below. There is a small house like building below and also there are two aliens outside.

  “Let’s start our mission.” Johanna said.


  Johanna and Danny quickly paced through the muddy road to the bottom of the cliff.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 1 – Lucy

  2026 August 4, Wolforia

  “Lucy? Lucy?” A male voice came from outside the bunker.

  Lucy clearly heard the calling from inside the bunke
r. Who will it be? Lucy walked outside the bunker and paced towards the living room of the house. Kevin and Gary were there. They are examining the things outside.

  “Who was it that called me?” Lucy asked.

  “We don’t know. Do you want me to go outside in this snow fall?” Gary asked.

  “It could be a bait. Nothing else.” Kevin said.

  “Bait for what?” Lucy asked.

  “For us. To lure us out.” Kevin said.

  “Lucy? Lucy?” The male voice again came. This time it was from very close.

  Due to the howling of wind it is very difficult to recognise whose voice it is.

  Lucy went near the window and peered outside. Kevin and Gary went to the upstairs for looking closely.

  “Lucy? Lucy?” The voice came from nearby.

  “Lucy, its Bane.” Gary ran downstairs and announced.

  “Where was he all this time?” Lucy asked.

  “He may be coming from their prison. He may have been managed to escape.” Kevin came near Lucy and said.

  “We have to be careful. May be those things will be outside watching his move.” Gary said.

  “Lucy? Lucy?” Gary came into view.

  Lucy clearly saw him through the window. There is something wrong with his leg. He is limping.

  “We need to help him.” Lucy said.

  “Okay. I will do it.” Kevin went near the door and opened it a little.

  “Bane? Here.” Kevin said in lower voice.

  Bane quickly turned towards Kevin. Bane’s mouth widened.

  “I have been calling all this time?” Bane said.

  “Quickly, get inside.” Kevin whispered.

  “Oh.” Bane slowly limped his way towards Kevin. A few moments later Bane got inside the house.

  “Where were you all this time?” Lucy asked.

  Bane’s face had reddened a little.

  “I was in their prison. I somehow managed to escape.” Bane said.

  “How many were in this prison?” Kevin asked.

  “Many. And Lucy, there were many human settlements like our Tunoria throughout the world.” Bane said.

  “What?” Lucy asked.

  “We will talk later. Let’s first get you inside.” Gary said.

  Lucy and Kevin moved towards the bunker in the front line and Gary and Bane came behind Lucy. Gary is helping Bane to walk.

  “Ahh ...” Suddenly Gary’s scream came.

  Lucy and Kevin turned towards Gary and Saw him lying on Bane’s lap. Bane had sunk his teeth in Gary’s neck.

  Lucy and Kevin froze for a moment. Bane sucked blood fast from Gary. Then Kevin acted fast. He took a chair from nearby and swung it towards Bane’s head. Suddenly Bane dropped Gary’s limp body and stood up. He caught the chair just in time. Blood oozed down through his lips.