Read Harmony Season 2 Page 6

  The glassy water surface reflected sun’s rays at the survivors. Fishes energetically swam there and there. Survivors crouched down on the sandy bank and drank water as much as they could.

  “This water tastes like sugar.” Johanna said.

  “That’s because we hadn’t drank water for a day.” Allen said.

  Suddenly two flying saucers flew over them in low altitude. Then they disappeared in the horizon.

  “Did they saw us?” Allen asked.

  “I don’t think so. If they had seen us, they would have landed.” Danny said.

  A few moments later survivors stood up and continued their journey. They passed rocky terrain and moved further into the wasteland. A few minutes later they saw a muddy road in front of them. It is certain that someone once used this road for transportation.

  Survivors entered into the muddy road and moved forward. As time passed on, the size of mountains relatively increased. They are now almost near the mountains.

  Danny and team increased their speed and before long they reached the mountain valley. The valley is filled with brown coloured grass and surely this place didn’t get much rain in the past year. Before long sun began to set in the horizon and darkness crept forward. Survivors quickly walked towards a rocky place and they decides to spend the night there.

  Night quickly consumed the day and tonight there is not even a single light source in the sky. Everywhere is surrounded by a thick layer of darkness and nothing is visible. Before long survivors lie down on the ground and they fell asleep.

  * * *

  Danny woke up with a wet sensation on his cheek. He opened his eyes and found that a rain is coming in their way. Rain water began to shower over the survivors. The morning is still hours away but now everything is faintly visible. Danny could see the black clouds gathered in the sky. Suddenly a lightning bolt struck the ground nearby the survivors and the whole place got illuminated by a bright light. Then the ear breaking thunder came.

  Quickly all the survivors woke up and they all looked at the sky. A moment later the rain got stronger, drenching the survivors in rain water. Survivors have no other choice but to wait there for the morning sun to break in the horizon.

  Before long the sun rose in the horizon behind rain clouds, and the survivors started their journey.

  Survivors climbed a hill and then they climbed down and below the hill they are welcomed by dozens of houses. Rain slowly faded away and survivors pushed forward with excitement. There must be someone here. Johanna and Danny tightened their grip on their guns. They know well that whatever inside these houses can’t be anything good.

  Then they saw them. A dozens of men and women are standing nearby a well and are discussing something.

  “Help.” Before Johanna could warn her group, one of the survivor yelled at the men in front of them.

  Then the men and women turned towards Danny and team.

  “Help? What help do you need?” A tall man asked.

  The tall man did a crooked grin and Johanna realized the trouble they are now in.

  Johanna raised her rifle at the men and woman. Danny also raised his gun.

  “What are you doing?” One of the men with Danny asked.

  Johanna said nothing.

  Then Allen also raised his gun at the men before him.

  Suddenly the men and woman in front of Danny and team screeched then they all rushed at Danny and team.

  “What the hell?” One of the survivor with Danny asked.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Danny, Johanna and Allen didn’t hesitate. They pulled the trigger. Three approaching men went down. Suddenly Allen fell down. Johanna looked at Allen and saw his paralysed form. Johanna and Danny turned back and saw a dozens of aliens standing behind them with stun guns.

  Panic spread among the survivors and survivors ran in different directions. Danny also ran.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Johanna fired one more round before her paralysed form hit the ground. Suddenly an alien in the human form jumped on top of Danny and it sunk its teeth on Danny’s neck.

  “Ahh ...” Danny screamed.

  Danny felt his life draining away. A moment later his world became blank.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 2 – Aaron

  2026 August 8, Gamorphia, Unknown Grassland

  Aaron and team moved forward and a few minute later they saw a stream flowing through the middle of the grassland. They stopped nearby the stream and filled their belly with water. Then they continued their journey.

  On the way they saw a herd of deer grazing through the grass. Rabbits came out of their burrows and stared at the human travellers.

  Before long they reached near the forest near the tower and sun began to set in the horizon.

  Jackson led everyone deeper into the forest and they saw the foot of the tower before them. Aaron looked carefully and saw aliens strolling around the tower.

  “We will stay in this forest for now. We will strike first thing in the morning.” Jackson said.

  Everyone nodded. Before long the whole place got plunged into darkness, but the whole yard of the tower is clearly visible since there are lighted candles on the lamp posts in the yard. The whole place is filled with screeches and chatter of aliens.

  Jackson and Aaron occasionally saw vampire humans among the aliens.

  “So, those men are aliens?” Jackson asked.

  “Yeah. We have to be careful when killing them.” Aaron said.

  “Dually noted.” Jackson said.

  Then Aaron and Jackson saw two portal. No one is near the portals and they can’t tell which leads to Earth. Then they saw a picture of Earth near one of the portal. So that portal must be the portal which leads to Earth.

  Jackson and Aaron didn’t slept. They carefully examined everything. When the night became too deep, the aliens disappeared from the yard. And the whole place fell in silence.

  Aaron and Jackson waited and waited.

  * * *

  “Ahh ...” A scream came from the yard of the tower.

  “Ahh ...” Then another scream came.

  Aaron and team opened their eyes and looked at the yard and found two human vampires drinking blood from two men. Within moments the men’s skin became pale due to excessive loss of blood.

  “Let’s do this.” Jackson said.

  Aaron and the soldiers nodded. A few moments later Jackson and team trained their gun at the aliens in the yard and they moved forward.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 3 – Jimmy

  2026 August 8, Gamorphia, Unknown Location

  “I am thirsty.” Audrey complained.

  “Don’t worry. I will find a way out of here.” Lucy said.

  Lucy, Jimmy, Audrey and a few other survivors are in this cage for hours. They don’t know where others are.

  “Hey, we are thirsty. We need water.” Jimmy yelled.

  “I want to see my mom.” Audrey began to cry.

  Suddenly an alien in human form came near the cage with a bucket full of water. He placed the bucket just outside the cage and he also placed a steel glass near the cage. Then the alien left with a grin. Audrey quickly moved forward and fished the glass with her shaking hands and she took some water in the glass and drank.

  Audrey took a deep sigh of relief and she gave the glass to Jimmy. A few minutes later all the survivors extinguished their thirst. Now they have to extinguish their hunger. Based on the situation they are now in, they don’t think they ever gonna get something to eat. These aliens want their blood and they don’t care in what condition these humans are in. They only want them alive.

  “Is there any way we could escape from here?” Jimmy asked Lucy.

  “I told you guys, I am working on it.” Lucy is very angry. “Just let me think.”

  Jimmy sighed and sat down on the floor with his back on the metal rods of the cage wall.

  “I don’t think we ever gonna escape from here.” Jimmy said.

aren’t you seeing this?” Audrey asked.

  A few minutes later two aliens in human form came near the cage and they opened the cage’s door. One alien went inside the cage and caught two tall men.

  “Please don’t kill us.” The men pleaded.

  With each cry of the humans, the aliens’ mouth widened.

  The alien dragged the men out of the cage. Then the second alien closed the cage’s door. Lucy and Jimmy patiently stared at the men and the aliens.

  The aliens led the men to the yard and then it happened. Two other aliens in human form caught the men by their neck and they sunk their teeth on the men’s neck.

  “Ahh ... Ahh ...” The men screamed for a short duration and that was it. They are dead.

  The aliens dropped the limp bodies of the men and they stared at Jimmy and Lucy. A drop of blood oozed down from an alien’s lips.

  “Like that, they are gonna kill all of us.” Audrey began to cry.

  Lucy don’t know what to say. By the look of it she is puzzled and angry. Jimmy went beside Audrey and he patted on her shoulders.

  “Don’t worry, everything is going to be alright.” Jimmy said.

  Audrey nodded and she went near a corner and she sat down.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Suddenly gunfire came from outside.

  “What the hell was that?” Lucy asked.

  “That’s gun fire.” Jimmy said with joy. “Someone is here to save us.”

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  More gunfire came and then sharp screech of the aliens came. The whole tower exploded into screeches and growls and gunfire.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 4 – Lieutenant Jackson

  2026 August 8, Gamorphia, Unknown Tower

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Jackson and team fired in all directions. Bullets sprayed and aliens quickly went down. The place exploded into screeches and growls. Aliens jump out of the towers and they all rushed at Jackson and team.

  Jackson masterfully changed the magazines and pulled the trigger.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Aliens one by one dropped dead.

  “Stop! You’re gonna hit us too.” A man came forward with his hands up.

  Jackson and team stopped firing and looked at the man.

  “I am a human. They were going to kill me.” The man said.

  “Show me your teeth.” Aaron yelled.

  “What? I am one of you.” The man pleaded.

  “Then, show me your teeth.” Aaron demanded.

  Jackson and team stared at the man with guns still raised.

  The man began to shiver. “I am one of you ...”


  Aaron pulled the trigger and the man went down.

  “How do you know he is not clean?” Jackson asked.

  “One good friend once told me that, their teeth are super sharp.” Aaron said. “He clearly didn’t showed his teeth to us.”

  Suddenly a flying saucer hovered over the tower and it began to shot stun rays. Jackson and men quickly dodged and shot back.

  “Bullets aren’t getting through the hull.” Aaron said.

  Jackson quickly armed two magnetic flash grenades and he threw it towards the flying saucer. Flash grenades quickly got attached to the flying saucer and they beeped.

  Boom! Boom!

  The grenades exploded damaging the hull. The flying saucer quickly crash landed.

  “Yeah! That’s what I am talking about, man.” Aaron said with excitement.

  A few moments later a few stray aliens came. They all quickly went down. Two men stood guard and rest of the team and Jackson went inside the tower. They are welcomed by human prisoners.

  “Aaron? Matthew?” A kid yelled from a cage.

  “Jimmy?” Aaron went near the cage and patted the kid’s head through the gap in the cage wall. “You’re alive?”

  “You guys know each other?” A woman stood beside Jimmy and asked.

  “Aaron, this is Lucy. She is the reason we stayed alive this long.” Jimmy said.

  “Aaron?” A girl came near Jimmy and said.

  “Audrey, you too?” Aaron’s face filled with joy.

  Jackson quickly broke the lock using the butt of his gun and he opened the cage’s door.

  “Lieutenant, they were with me in the ship Harmony.” Aaron said.

  “I see.” Jackson said. “Come on, let’s check everywhere. There must be more prisoners.”

  Jackson and team quickly ran deep inside the tower. They found about fifty other prisoners in various levels. In the top level they found a computer like device which must have been used to communicate between the flying saucers. All the keys of the device are in a different language. Jackson crushed the device with the butt of his gun. He is really angry at the aliens and he wanted to get revenge so badly for what the aliens had done to earth.

  Actually every humans are angry at the aliens. Everyone want to crush this vampire race so badly.

  “Lieutenant, you need to see this.” Matthew came near Jackson and said.

  “What is it?” Jackson asked.

  “It is in the basement. You need to see it.” Matthew said.

  Jackson and Aaron rushed downstairs. Matthew quickly led them to the basement. On the basement Jackson saw it. There is a large glass container fixed in a corner and the container is filled with a red liquid, possibly blood.

  “Blow it.” Jackson commanded and he went outside.


  A grenade exploded from the basement.

  “We will wait for a day. May be more aliens will gather here soon. We need to kill all of them” Jackson said.

  Aaron and rest of the men nodded.

  The soldiers gave revolvers to Lucy and Lucy seemed to be happy about it. All the survivors hold up inside the tower and they waited and waited for more aliens to come back here.

  Before long sun began to set in the horizon and sound of night sets in.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 5 – Jack Green

  2026 August 9, Unknown Planet, Unknown location

  Jack Green and his team ran through New York City.

  “So, how much farther do we have to go?” One of Jack Green’s men asked.

  “About two more miles.” Jack said.

  They marched through the maze of abandoned cars and desolated buildings. Before long sun began to set in the horizon.

  “We will stay in that building for the night.” Jack said pointing at a small good looking building.

  Men nodded.

  Jack and team quickly got inside the building and the night slowly consumed the day. Jack sat on a chair near the window and peered outside. It’s very quiet and they occasionally heard the swoosh of the flying saucers.

  It’s certain that humans had lost the aerial battle. Soldiers were placed throughout the country, and so far, no words came from them. Before long Jack and his men fell asleep.

  * * *

  Jack woke by a sharp screech. Jack opened his eyes and peered outside through the window. Morning is near and darkness slowly faded away. Then he saw it. Two aliens armed with the stun guns are moving through the road. A moment later more aliens came. There are also some humans in chain with the aliens.

  Aliens are leading the humans to somewhere. To aliens the humans are like stray dogs. Jack counted the humans. There are at least ten humans.

  All the men quickly awoke and they walked towards the window.

  “We will follow these aliens. They must be going to a portal.” Jack said to his men.

  All soldiers nodded. Quickly everyone took their guns and they strapped their back pack on the shoulders. Jack and team slowly exited the building and looked everywhere. Then they saw the aliens going in the west direction.

  Jack and men made sure there is a good distance between them and the aliens, and they slowly moved forwards in the west direction. A few moments later the aliens looked back and Jack and team crouched down behind the abandoned cars. When aliens started to move, Jack and team als
o moved.

  Before long the aliens stopped in front of a big building and near the building between the mazes of abandoned cars rests a portal to another dimension.

  “Don’t let them get inside.” Jack said. “Split up and kill every one of them.”

  Men nodded and quickly they split up and sprinted in different direction towards the aliens.

  Aliens quickly detected Jack’s men’s movement. Aliens trained their gun and fired.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Jack and team pulled the trigger and bullets sprayed in different directions. Two aliens went down. Blue stun rays from the alien guns rushed at Jack’s men. Jack’s men hid behind abandoned cars and they fired back.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  A moment later people began to scream. Jack and men pushed forward and before long all the aliens went down. Jack quickly moved towards the hostages.

  “Are you guys alright?” Jack asked.

  Hostages nodded. One of Jack’s men quickly unlocked the hostages using the alien key that he found near a dead alien.

  “Stay away from here. And stay inside a building. Don’t ever come out, until this is all over." Jack commanded.

  The human hostages nodded and they ran away from the scene.

  “Okay team. This is it. We are going to Gamorphia. Double check the ammo on your guns.” Jack said to his men.

  Men quickly checked their gun and some changed the magazine. They didn’t waste time there. A few moments later Jack led everyone to the portal. Due to the high intensity of the blue light, they had to shut their eyes. A few moments later they exited the portal and they could no longer feel the portal walls.

  Jack slowly opened his eyes. To his surprise he found himself in the middle of a barren wasteland. Something is entirely wrong here. Jack quickly looked at the sky and got shocked. Sky is not pink and this place is unfamiliar. Then in the sky they saw huge planets with rings. It’s still day time but they can see stars in the sky. Sun’s rays barely warmed them.

  “We are not on Gamorphia.” Jack said.

  “What? Now what would we do?” One of Jack’s men asked.

  “Shit.” Jack muttered. “Come on, there must be an alien building somewhere here.”

  Jack and men looked in every direction. Far away in their north direction they saw trees. They quickly started their walk.

  Before long sun moved to its highest position, though sun’s rays wasn’t that hot. They reached the tree land when sun began to set in the horizon.