Read Harmony Season 2 Page 5

  Jackson motioned at his soldiers to take out the aliens. Soldiers quickly trained their guns and pulled the trigger.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  All the aliens quickly went down. Suddenly a flying saucer came out of nowhere and started to shoot stun rays. A soldier quickly armed a magnetic flash grenade and he threw it towards the flying saucer. Grenade quickly got attached on the metal body of the flying saucer and it beeped.


  The grenade exploded and the flying saucer crash landed a little far away from the portal.

  “Let’s go inside the portal.” Jackson said.

  Matthew and other soldiers nodded.

  Everyone quickly ran inside the portal. The light coming out of the portal was very intense and they had to close their eyes. When they opened their eyes they found themselves in a grassland. Far away Matthew saw the aliens leading the humans through the grassland.

  “What should we do?” Matthew asked.

  “We will wait. And we will follow them. Shooting is too risk. We might hit our people.” Jackson said.

  Jackson gestured at everyone to crouch down. Everyone crouched down on the grass ground, and they watched the aliens, devising a plan.

  A few moments later the aliens disappeared from their view. Soldiers stood up and they all started their walk towards the direction the aliens had disappeared.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 8 – Lucy

  2026 August 6, Wolforian Mountains

  Sun slowly began to set and darkness began to engulf the land. A cold wind blew past the survivors and survivors wrapped their arms around their chest shivering.

  Fortunately night have not yet conquered the land fully, so survivors can see the landscape faintly.

  “Ahh ...” Suddenly an ear breaking scream came from their left.

  Lucy looked at their left and saw that an alien had sunk its teeth on a woman’s neck. Lucy didn’t thought twice. She released the arrow that she had hauled long time ago. The arrow glided through the air and struck on the alien’s neck.

  Lucy rushed towards the fallen woman but sadly the woman had lost her life a few moments ago.

  “Damn it.” Lucy muttered.

  Suddenly trees projecting up through the mountain wall shook and snow fell on top of the survivors like a strong rain. Then through the falling snow came three aliens. Aliens landed on top of three survivors and they sunk their teeth on the survivors’ neck on the spot. Panic spread through the survivors like a wildfire. They ran in different directions. Lucy and few men came forward and shot down the aliens.

  “Ahh ...” Then scream came from there and there.

  Aliens are picking up the survivors from there and there. Humans didn’t stand a chance against the inhuman speed of the aliens.

  Arrows showered on top of aliens from there and there. Five aliens dropped dead. Night almost set.

  “Raj, lead everyone to the tunnel. We can stay in there for the night. Also we can defend from there.” Lucy shouted.

  Raj and Lucy ran in different directions and they brought almost everyone to the tunnel. Loud bang noises came from the steel door of the tunnel which is on the other end of the tunnel. The aliens must have managed to break inside the bunker.

  Scream of stray survivors came from there and there. Lucy and few men stood in the mouth of the tunnel and they watched the loosing fight taking place from there and there. Night finally set and everything is plunged into darkness.

  Lucy is well aware that the aliens have zero visibility in the night. So they will not attempt an attack now. The screams finally faded away and quietness again loomed on the mountains. Cold wind occasionally blew inside the tunnel. Some people quickly fell asleep without them knowing. Sleep finally took over Lucy. Lucy slept by leaning onto the tunnel wall.

  * * *

  “Lucy?” Raj shook Lucy.

  Lucy opened her eyes, and found Raj standing beside her. She was sleeping by standing.

  “Did they came back?” Lucy asked.

  “No. For now we are safe.” Raj said.

  “How many did we lose?”


  “What?” Lucy is too shocked. “How did they managed to cut us down in the night?”

  Lucy went outside the tunnel and walked towards the edges of the hill.

  “Ahh ...” Suddenly Lucy cried. She crouched down and massaged her knee.

  “Are you alright?” Raj asked.

  “My knee hurts.” Lucy said.

  “You had been standing there whole night.” Raj said.

  Lucy looked at Wolforia. Below the hill, Wolforia silently stood. Lucy can see a wind whipping up snow from the roofs of the houses.

  Suddenly a flying saucer went over the village in low altitude.

  “Okay, everyone. We must move away from here. Come on, stand up and move if you want to live.” Lucy shouted.

  People quickly came out of the tunnel and they all slowly started to climb another hill. Before long a tree land can be seen below the hill. Everyone marched forward. A few moments later the swoosh of the flying saucers came from there and there. Aliens are searching everywhere. They will tear apart this mountain if they have to. They won’t waste an ounce of blood.

  A few moments later Lucy and the fellow survivors entered inside the tree land and moved farther away from the Wolforia village. Lucy looked at Jimmy and found him leading the small band of surviving children. Lucy smiled at Jimmy and Jimmy smiled back.

  Lucy wondered for how long she could see the smile of young children. Children are so young, so naive. Who will protect them if by any means she died all of a sudden? What happen if all the adults die all of a sudden?

  Survivors slowly moved through the tree land in search for a sanctuary. Will there be a sanctuary anywhere here?

  * * * * *

  Chapter 9 – Danny

  2026 August 7, Unknown Planet, Unknown Place

  Danny and team moved forward. They passed a wide grass land and entered inside a small forest. There is a muddy path that’s going directly through the forest, but Johanna insisted they must walk away from the muddy road.

  They haven’t exited the forest when the darkness consumed the land, but fortunately everything is dimly visible because of the two moons in the sky. Both moons are very big and the sky is filled with millions of stars.

  Danny haven’t seen a sky like this since time immemorial. The sky in Gamorphia isn’t like this. It wasn’t even beautiful like this. What he like about Gamorphian sky is the occasional meteor shower.

  A few moments later, a rocky place came in front of the survivors.

  “Okay. We will rest here.” Allen said.

  “Okay.” Johanna said.

  They gathered in a place surrounded by rocks. And they all cuddled into a sitting position. Danny took his third gun from his waist band and he gave it to Allen. Allen looked at Danny.

  “Take it. I have two others.” Danny said.

  Allen nodded and he traced his fingers along the metallic body of the gun.

  “I love revolvers.” Allen said.

  “I like it too. It kills those things instantly.” Danny said.

  Allen chuckled.

  “Guys. Keep your voices down a little. We don’t want them coming here.” Johanna whispered.

  Danny leaned back on the rocky wall and he slowly rested his head on the rock. He stared at the sky and wondered when all of this will be over. He was hiding for far too long. He want nothing but a peaceful life. In fact that’s what everybody wants now. Now nobody cares about money and luxury life. All the good things had lost and they are never gonna get it back.

  It is fortunate if they survive this whole apocalyptic crap thing. A few days ago humans of Earth never imagined about a vampire alien race. Gamorphian people had been suffering from them for years. Why did these intelligent aliens waited this long to take over Earth is still a mystery.

  For Earth this all started from that bloody Bermuda Triangle. For Gamorphians this
started years ago in the form of alien visitors. Nobody imagined the aliens who came to their world in a big ship were on thirst for blood. Without knowing sleep took over Danny.

  * * *

  Danny woke up with the sound of birds. He opened his eyes and found himself surrounded by small birds. Nobody else have awoken.

  “Johanna?” Danny shook Johanna.

  “Huh ... Is it morning?” Johanna asked.

  “Yeah.” Danny said.

  A few moments later everyone woke up and the birds flew away into the distant sky. They slowly stood up and started their walk. So far no alien buildings on sight. Before long they exited the forest and entered into a barren wasteland. Far away Danny could see mountains. These mountains are not like the Gamorphian Snow Mountains. These are brownish and very tall, although they have snow peaks.

  A few moments later a flying saucer glided through the sky with a swoosh in the direction of the mountains. Sun quickly moved to its highest position.

  Survivors slowly paced in the direction of the mountains. Hunger and thirst had already sets in them.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 10 – Matthew

  2026 August 7, Gamorphia, Unknown Grassland

  Sun slowly began to set in the horizon and darkness crept forward.

  “So, you’re saying you guys were here?” Jackson asked Matthew.

  “This place looks familiar and we were in a place like this before. If it is that place, I think I might know where to find those things.” Matthew said.

  “Good.” Jackson said.

  They walked further into the grassland. A few minutes later the whole place got plunged in darkness.

  “We can’t move in this darkness. Let’s us spend the night here.” Jackson said.

  Soldiers quickly crouched down on the grass and they all sat down.

  “So they won’t come at night, right?” Jackson asked Matthew.

  “No, they won’t.” Matthew said.

  “So, just how long were you in here?” Jackson asked.

  “About a month.” Matthew said.

  “Wow.” Jackson said.

  They spent most of the night talking each other and before long they fell asleep. They all woke up in the morning by the pleasant sound of birds. Matthew opened his eyes and found many variety of birds roaming the sky and nearby trees.

  Soldiers quickly started their walk. A few moments later they filled their belly with blue berries that they found nearby a forest. When they got thirsty they walked into the forest and drank water from the vines. Vines were very thick and they contained freshest of the waters.

  A few moments later they saw a tower far away nearby a forest.

  “I know this place.” Matthew said. “It indeed is that place. We might see aliens by that tower.”

  “Then let’s increase our pace.” Jackson said. “Boys, check your gun one more time.”

  The tower is very tall and the glass windows of the tower glimmered in the sunlight. Matthew and team slowly progressed towards the tower.

  * * * * *


  2026 August 7, Gamorphia, Unknown Mountains

  Survivors passed the tree land and they slowly moved forward. A few moments later they saw a barren wasteland below the hill. Lucy led the survivors towards the wasteland. There are no trees anywhere and already hunger began to set in everyone.

  Before long sun began to set in the horizon and darkness crept forward. Fortunately they didn’t ran into any aliens. And also they didn’t saw any flying saucers since morning.

  A few moments later they exited the mountain range and entered into a rocky terrain. Darkness slowly conquered the land one by one. Then survivors saw a cave between some large boulders.

  “Okay, everyone, we will spend the night in this cave.” Lucy announced.

  People nodded. They quickly cuddled into a sitting position on the cave floor. Lucy went deeper inside the cave and examined everything. The cave is very spacious and then Lucy saw some abandoned pots. Then the brightest idea came to her mind.

  Lucy looked inside her pants pockets for something. A moment later she found a match box inside her pocket.

  “Just what I want.” Lucy said herself.

  Lucy quickly took a pot and she went outside. With Raj’s help she brought some firewood from the mountains and she filled the pot with snow. Then she made a fire and placed the pot full of snow on the fire. A moment later the snow melted and water formed.

  Survivors drank the snow water and filled their belly, but their hunger is not extinguished. They need to find something to eat soon. Before long sleep took over everyone.

  * * *

  Lucy was the first to wake. She found everyone’s sleeping form there and there. She slowly stood up and went outside the cave and examined the sky and the surrounding.

  A few moments later everyone woke up and they began their journey to nowhere in particular. They hope that there will be a sanctuary somewhere around this place. The two hundred and twenty three survivors marched deep inside the barren wasteland. A wind whipping up dust blew towards them. Sun’s rays already began to get too hot.

  They occasionally saw one or two shrubs on the way. Shrubs were brownish in colour and the leaves were filled with dust. Then they saw brownish mountains far away.

  “I haven’t travelled this far before.” Raj said.

  “Me too.” Lucy said.

  Suddenly, a swoosh of a flying saucer came from their north. Survivors crouched down and waited for the flying saucer to go away. A moment later more flying saucers came. Then it happened. All the flying saucers landed on the ground around the survivors.

  “Damn it. What should we do?” Lucy asked.

  Raj said nothing.

  Panic began to crawl through everyone’s legs. A moment later aliens came out of the flying saucers. Aliens are armed with some sort of blue coloured thing.

  “What the hell is that thing in their hands.” Lucy asked.

  “That’s gun.” Jimmy said.

  “Gun?” Lucy is confused.

  Lucy and the men stood up and they hauled back their arrows in the bow. They trained their arrows at the aliens. Then they released the arrows. Two aliens went down. Suddenly aliens started to fire their guns. Blue coloured rays sprayed out of their guns and the shots hit several survivors and they went down. Lucy and the remaining men fired more arrows.

  Before long a blue ray came towards Lucy and it hit her on her head. Lucy’s world quickly went blank.

  * * *

  “Lucy? Lucy?” Jimmy shook Lucy.

  “Huh.” Lucy mumbled.

  A moment later Lucy opened her eyes and found herself inside a room surrounded by metal walls. Even the floor is metal.

  “Where are we?” Lucy asked.

  “We are inside a flying saucer.” Jimmy said.

  “What?” Lucy looked everywhere and saw a few men on the floor.

  A few moments later the flying saucer landed somewhere with a loud thud. The ramp quickly opened and in the doorway stood a battalion of aliens.

  Panic and worry grew inside Lucy. Lucy felt her world spinning around her.

  To be continued…

  Episode 8 – Massacre


  2026 August 8, New York

  A big white room. All sort of guns are placed on a big long table in the middle of the room. Beside the table stood twenty men. The men are standing around one end of the table and are examining a map.

  “There is a portal near this building. We are going to Gamorphia through it.” The leader of the men, Jack Green, said.

  Men nodded.

  “Okay, gear up and ready for the journey.” Jack said.

  Jack was an ordinary man who got trapped in the Bermuda triangle and he is the one who came back from that hellish triangle. He know well about the Gamorphian land even though he was there for only a few days. He was the enthusiastic explorer who for the first time unveiled the secret behind the Bermuda triangle.
br />   He was hardly a military man. But a few days’ training made him one of the best, it also earned him an entire team of special operatives. This twenty men team are the last hope for the humanity. Only they can find the heart of the alien horde, and only they could destroy them.

  Jack Green and the team are determined to put all those nasty vampire aliens on hell. They now have the newest technology which will reveal the aliens in human form to them. NASA had made sure that all their equipment are well designed.

  The men are wearing a tactical vest and they put many magazines for their M16 in the sockets around the vest. What’s more? They even took a bag full of ammo.

  Jack put some TNTs in his bag and he closed the bag. He threw the bag on his shoulders and he drew out his long knife from its sheath. Jack carefully examined the sharpness of the knife and he put it back in its sheath which is attached to his leg. During his time in Gamorphia, he killed a few aliens on the way, and all those kills were done by a knife. Jack wonders how lucky he was in those days. He was really lucky. Some god is surely looking at him from the heavens or he would have never survived those days.

  Jack took his M16 from the table and marched towards the exit door. All his men followed him. Jack opened the door and stepped into a corridor. On the far end of the corridor stood Jack’s wife, Jan.

  When Jack reached near Jan, Jan came towards him and she straightened his collar.

  “Please, come back safe. At least for the sake of our boy.” Jan said.

  “I will.” Jack kissed Jan on her lips and he moved towards the exit door.

  Jan stared at her leaving husband. Tears prickled in Jan’s eyes and Jan wiped away the tears using a kerchief.

  The twenty men team slowly marched outside.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 1 – Danny

  2026 August 8, Unknown Planet, Unknown Wasteland

  Danny and team walked and walked. Before long their legs got tired and thirst rose in its maximum level.

  “I can’t move without water.” Allen complained.

  “We have to move.” Johanna said.

  They have no choice but to move on. Fortunately sun’s rays are not very hot even though sun is in its maximum position. The mountains are not even close. They still have many distance to cover. Then they saw it. There is a narrow stream flowing though the wasteland in front of them. Danny and team ran towards the stream.