Read Harmony Season 2 Page 8

  “Ahh ...” An ear breaking scream came from the road.

  “No, Lara?” Sam muttered.

  He peered at the road through a window. Then he saw it. A man had lifted Lara from the ground and his mouth is on her neck.

  “No. This can’t be happening.” Sam muttered.

  Then the man thing dropped Lara’s limp body and he walked away into a distance.

  Tears uncontrollably oozed down through Sam’s cheek.

  “Oh, god, why are you keep doing this to me?” Sam asked himself.

  The neighbourhood again fell in silence.

  To be continued…

  Episode 9 - Mother Ship


  2026 August 11, Earth, Unknown Location

  Two fighter jets rushed through the morning sky. Five or more flying saucers are chasing the jets.

  “Donny, split up.” The man in the first jet commanded.

  “Okay.” Donny broke away from formation and he flew up.

  Flying saucers followed the first jet. Donny did a curved jump and now he is behind the flying saucers.

  “Go to hell, suckers.” Donny pressed the trigger.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  High calibre bullets sprayed from Donny’s jet. All bullets found their mark and the flying saucer in the rear of the formation of the flying saucers went down.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Suddenly a flying saucer came out of nowhere and starts to shoot. Donny masterfully dodged the attacks. Then it happened. A flying saucer shot down the first jet.

  “Nooo …” Donny said.

  Now all the flying saucers turned against Donny. Donny quickly flew up.

  “May day, may day, anybody copy?” Donny asked.

  “This is base. We copy you.”

  “Five or more flying saucers are on my tail. I need an escape route.”

  “Fly above normal altitude and come back to base. So far they won’t go up beyond the normal altitude.”

  “Copy that, base.”

  Donny increased his altitude and he flew over the outer layer of atmosphere for some time. Suddenly he saw something massive behind a cloud.

  “Collision in T minus ten seconds.” Jet’s automated voice said.

  “Oh, shit.” Donny muttered.

  Donny increased the altitude again and he fly over the massive thing. Then he saw it clearly. The massive thing is a ship. The mother ship!

  “May day, may day.” Danny said.

  “This is base, go on.”

  “Spotted the mother ship at my current location. I hope you have a lock on my position.”

  “We have got your location.”

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Suddenly a massive amount of flying saucers rained from the mother ship, all shooting at Donny. Donny passed the mother ship and rushed through the sky. He decreased altitude and then increased speed.

  Donny’s base is clearly depicted in a digital map in front of Donny.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Suddenly one of the shots hit Donny’s jet’s tail.

  “May day, may day, may day. I got hit, I got hit. Going down and ejecting.” Donny pressed the eject button and he ejected from the jet.

  Parachute opened and he steadily descended to the ground. The jet is on fire and it went down. Jet hit the ground quickly and fire engulfed the crash site.

  The flying saucers flew up and disappeared from the scene. A few moments later Donny hit the ground and he stared at the sky. The massive form of the mother ship can be clearly seen through the clouds.

  Donny took out a tablet computer from his pants pocket and he switched it on. Suddenly a map got displayed on the screen. Then he started his walk through the hilly region. Birds chirped from the trees and a herd of deer grazed through the nearby grass field. Sun is still in the horizon.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 1 – Johanna

  2026 August 11, Boston

  Johanna peered at the road from the top level of the building. She couldn’t believe that she is in Boston. The morning sky looks peaceful and so far they saw no flying saucers. Jack Green is insisting that they cannot stay here. According to him this place is a major alien controlled city and he believes that many of the aliens who are disguised as humans are living here.

  Johanna thought about Billy. Will he be alive? She doubt it, but she didn’t threw away her hope. Hope is the only thing she possess now. Without hope she would have been dead long ago.

  “So, when are we leaving?” Johanna asked Jack.

  Jack shifted his gaze from the road to Johanna. “We will leave after a few more minutes. I need to make sure there are no aliens here.”

  The city is dead silent apart from the occasional chirping of the birds. Johanna misses the sound of city. She thought about the city she knew. There were a rush of vehicles through the road and there were the ever present chit chat of people. Now everything had crumbled. She doubt they could drive a vehicle through this road. The road is mostly blocked by abandoned vehicles and no way they could move all this vehicles from the road.

  Johanna went near the couch and she sat down. She leaned on to the couch and she allowed her head to fall to a side. She stayed in that position for some time. She is really bored and they have nothing to do here. All they do is walk and eat. What’s the point in this? Surviving is a very boring thing.

  A moment later Allen sat down on the couch.

  “Are you okay?” Allen asked Johanna.

  “Yeah. I hate that we have nothing else to do.” Johanna said.

  “Don’t worry. Jack and his team are gonna kill every last one of them and we will have a day to spend it in a not so boring way.”

  “I wish, that day is today.”

  Suddenly a clattering sound came from deep inside the city. Allen stood up and went near the window to look what it is. Jack looked through his binocular but he saw nothing.

  “Okay, guys. We have to move now.” Jack said.

  Everyone quickly gathered around.

  “Where would we go?” Johanna asked.

  “Anywhere away from this place.” Jack said.

  Everyone nodded and they quickly picked up their belongings. Johanna had filled a small back pack with some snacks that she found inside a vending machine and she also took a few bottles of mineral water.

  Johanna threw the back pack on her shoulders. Jack and his special operatives led everyone outside and they slowly started their walk. In the sky black clouds gathered here and there for a rain.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 2 – Aaron

  2026 August 11, Boston

  Aaron stood beside Jackson and examined the road below. They had been holding up in this building since yesterday night and so far they saw no aliens apart from the occasional flying saucers.

  “Where would we go?” Aaron asked.

  “There is a military base somewhere around here. We need to get there and get more ammo. And there will be good food.” Jackson said.

  “I forgot the last time I ate a good food.” Aaron said.

  “Don’t worry, everything will be alright.” Jackson said.

  It hasn’t been long since the sun rose in the horizon.

  “Okay, guys. It’s time to move.” Jackson said.

  Everyone nodded.

  “We have to be careful. We are hundred and forty in number. If they found us it will be the end of it, unless we reach a military base. So are you ready?” Jackson asked.

  “Yes, sir.” Everyone said in unison.

  Aaron still can’t believe that most of the survivors are Gamorphian people. Aaron never thought he would see a live Gamorphian human.

  Jackson and the men with guns slowly led everyone outside and before long they started marching through the road.

  They hadn’t covered much distance from the building, in which they spent the night, when the first screech came. Aliens have found the survivors. Suddenly aliens poured out from nearby buildings. Some of the aliens jumped from top level of some buil

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Aaron, Jackson and team pulled the trigger and bullets sprayed in every direction.

  “Ahh ... Ahh ... Ahh ...” Cry of people came from different directions and the aliens are winning.

  Suddenly two flying saucers came out of nowhere and started to shoot stun rays at the men with the guns.

  Jackson quickly armed a magnetic flash grenade and threw it towards a flying saucer. The grenade quickly got attached to the flying saucer and it began to beep.


  The grenade exploded damaging the hull of the flying saucer. The damaged flying saucer quickly lost control and collided with the other flying saucer and both the flying saucers crashed on to a nearby building.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  Aaron changed the magazine and pulled the trigger. Suddenly a stun ray hit on his leg and he fell down. His leg quickly went numb.

  “Ahh ...” Pain coursed through Aaron’s body.

  Then he saw it. One by one the aliens shot down every one of the survivors. Jackson was the last to drop. Aaron couldn’t stand up, but he limped and somehow stood in one leg. His gun is not in his hand. It must had got thrown away from his hand when he fell down.

  An alien came near Aaron with a grin.

  “How is your leg, bitch?” The alien asked.

  Aaron quickly spite out saliva onto the alien’s face. Alien wiped away the saliva from its irregular face and grinned.

  “I will make sure that you will die slowly.” The alien said.

  Other aliens began to tie up the fallen survivors with rope and one alien is saying something on a small cell phone like device.

  The alien near Aaron drew out its gun and it pressed the gun’s mouth on Aaron’s forehead.

  “Time to sleep.” The alien said.

  Aaron closed his eyes.

  “God. Please don’t.” Aaron silently prayed.

  “Oh, are you praying little guy? Pray good, okay?” The alien grinned.


  A gun shot ringed in Aaron’s ear, but the expected pain didn’t came.

  Pop! Pop! Pop!

  More gunshots came and sound of bodies hitting the ground came from different direction.

  Aaron slowly opened his eyes and found all the aliens around him dead.

  “Aaron?” Aaron heard a familiar voice.

  “Johanna?” Aaron turned towards the call and found Johanna and Allen with a bunch of soldiers standing in front of him.

  Johanna came near Aaron and she hugged him tightly.

  “I thought you were dead.” Johanna said.

  “Well, I am not surprised.” Aaron said.

  “Jack, this man was with me in the ship Harmony.” Johanna said to a tall man with automatic assault rifle.

  “I see.” Jack said.

  A few moments later all the fallen survivors woke up and they all took a deep sigh of relief.

  In the sky sun moved to its highest position.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 3 – Sam

  2026 August 11, Chicago

  Sun rose in the horizon and the smell of decaying flesh lingered in the air. Sam didn’t slept and he sat in a chair near the window and stared at the road for the whole night.

  Sam slowly searched through the building for food. Finally he found a vending machine in a corner and he broke the glass layer of the vending machine using a metal hammer that he found in the storage room. Before long his hunger flew away.

  All the rooms in this little building contained dead bodies. All the dead bodies are slowly decaying. The need to find a good building increased in him.

  So far, he didn’t heard any sound of aliens since yesterday. So he decides to get out of the building. And he did got out of the building when sun moved to its highest position. He slowly cautiously moved through the maze of abandoned cars.

  A moment later he saw the dead body of Lara. Flies had surrounded her body. Sam quickly looked away and he wiped away the freshly arrived tears from his eyes.

  “I am sorry, Lara.” Sam slowly walked away.

  The city is dead silent and not a living soul to be seen. Sam looked at the sky and found birds. A few moments later he heard chatting of people from the block of building in front of him. Sam slowly walked towards the corner of a building and peeked at the origin of the sound.

  Then he saw them. These people in front of him are definitely not human but they look like regular people. Their lips are stained with blood. There are more than five of them. Suddenly one of the alien-human hybrid looked in Sam’s direction. Sam quickly sprinted away from the place and he entered inside a good looking building.

  When he looked outside he saw those human things looking everywhere.

  “I am sure I saw one here.” One of the human vampire said to others. Sam could clearly hear what they are saying.

  A moment later they moved away from the road. Sam took a deep sigh of relief. Then he looked at the building, in which he is in, closely. The building was an office building and there are stacks of paper on top of the table there and there.

  Before long sun began to set in the horizon casting long shadows on the road.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 4 – Donny

  2026 August 12, Earth, Unknown Location

  Donny spent the night under a tree, and in the morning he started his walk. His tablet computer beeped indicating that its charge is very low.

  “Damn. Please, don’t die on me.” Donny said.

  A thin layer of mist covered the small tree land and birds energetically chirped from the branches. A few minutes later, far below the hilly region he is in, he saw a town. Before this whole apocalyptic thing, seeing a town was a pleasant and exciting thing for a dropped pilot, but now the sight of town induced a fear inside him.

  For the past few days Donny had heard numerous stories about these aliens. The aliens are present throughout the world and they are mainly present in populated cities. Definitely there will be aliens inside this town, but there is no other way to get to the base.

  Reluctantly Donny climbed down the hill and passed green meadows. Before long he reached near the town. He stood on the boundary of the town near the board saying ‘Welcome’ and he stared at the sky for some time. So far he saw no flying saucers since yesterday. He hopes for the worst and entered inside the city limits.

  Immediately after entering the city he was welcomed by a maze of abandoned cars. Decaying bodies are there and there on the road and the smell of decaying flesh lingered in the air. He covered his nose using his hand and he moved forward.

  Suddenly sound of footsteps came from his back. Donny placed his right hand on the combat knife which is strapped on his thigh. Footsteps got nearer. Then a man came.

  “Hello, can I join you.” The man asked.

  Donny relaxed.

  “Where are you coming from?” Donny asked.

  “I am from the south. There are lot of aliens there. Never thought I would see a fellow human.” The man said.

  “I am heading to north. I was actually looking forward to seeing a fellow human.” Donny smiled.

  The man smiled. “I am Jacob.” The man put forward his right hand.

  “Donny.” Donny accepted the hand and shook.

  Donny tried to take back his hand but Jacob didn’t let go. He held Donny’s hand tightly and he stared at Donny’s eyes.

  “Ehh, you can let go of my hand now.” Donny said.

  “If I let go, how will I get some blood in this middle of nowhere. I am already thirsty.” Jacob grinned.

  Donny felt something weird about Jacob. Is he joking? Suddenly Jacob pulled Donny into a warm embrace. Then he opened his mouth and he moved his mouth to Donny’s neck and he licked Donny’s neck.

  Donny quickly pushed Jacob away.

  “What are you doing, man?” Donny asked.

  Then Jacob opened his mouth showing stained teeth and sharply screeched.

  “What the.” Donny quickly drew out his combat kn

  Suddenly Jacob leapt on top of Donny pinning him to the ground. The knife fell down from his hand.

  “Ahh ...” Donny tried to push Jacob away but he is very heavy.

  Donny finally pushed Jacob away and he fished the knife from the ground. Suddenly Jacob rushed at Donny. Donny quickly swung the knife slashing Jacob in the face.

  “Ahh ... You, bitch. Look what you have done to my face.” Jacob said in angry.

  A wide slash mark formed across his cheeks through the nose and blood prickled from the wound. Then Jacob rushed at Donny. Donny with a fluent movement drove the long knife deep inside Jacob’s belly.

  “Ahh ...” Jacob gurgled and blood pour out from his mouth.

  All the training during the selection to army was actually worth it.

  Jacob finally went down. Suddenly sound of many footsteps came from outside the town. Donny didn’t thought twice. He sprinted away from the scene and he moved deeper into the city. He hadn’t heard about human vampires before. There will be more of them out here. It’s better if he reach the base faster.

  A few moments later the sound of footsteps ceased and Donny stopped running and he took a deep sigh of relief.

  Then he started running again. Before long he exited the town and entered into a muddy road. According to the map base is directly at the end of this path. He ran and ran and few moments later the form of airbase came into view. He sighed and ran towards the airbase.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 5 – Jack Green

  2026 August 12, Boston

  Jack Green and the fellow survivors stayed in a good looking office building for the night. Night was peaceful and no aliens came. In the morning they started their walk again. The faster they reach the base the better it gets.

  It hasn’t been long since sun rose in the horizon and already sun’s rays are very hot. Jack and team increased their pace and they moved through the maze of abandoned cars. There is not a single building whose glass windows aren’t broken.

  Side walk is filled with glass shards, and before long survivors exited the city. Now both sides of the road is filled with trees, and there are no abandoned vehicles on the road. Still a quietness hovered over the place.

  A moment later, two flying saucers glided through the air, over the tress, in low altitude. Survivors hid behind tree canopy and the flying saucers quickly disappeared in the horizon. Survivors again continued their journey. A few moments later Survivors reached an agricultural land. Now both sides of the road is filled with corn plantation.